
Chapter 10 "Where I belong"

A/N: Well, here it is the last chapter of Loser ever! But don't worry there's a sequel. It's called 'Loser: A Year Later' because I could not think of a better title. Please, please, please suggest better titles in your review, because I hate this one. Thanks. And a huge mega thank you to everyone who has reviewed this whole story.

wAnNaBpIpEr: Here it is, you spot. The biggest thank you of all time to you because your mls story inspired me to write this one, with out you, there would be no 'Loser'. Thanks!

CharmingTess: Thank you so much for reviewing every chapter, you are the BEST!

Rorybabe: Thanks for loving all my stories and encouraging me to write more.

Kangaroo: Hey sugar lover, thanks for just being you. I love your reviews and e-mails

Charmed Fanatic: A thousand thanks you's for all your kind words for all my stories, Loser is the first story I ever posted on the internet and all of your praise for it gave me the confidence to post my many others.

A/N: Thanks again to everyone. Here we go:

            "Bye Prue" I said, hugging her. We were at the airport, she was about to get on her plane to go to New York for college. "Bye Piper" Prue answered hugging me tighter. I never thought it'd see the day, but Prue is actually crying harder than me. "Are you sure you have to leave so soon?" Phoebe asks looking up at her. "Yeah, I know the summer's just started, but I want to get an apartment and find a job before school starts" Prue replied, bending down to hug Phoebe too. "Bye Pheebs" she said, and then turned to Grams, "Bye" she said hugging her too. "I'm going to miss you" I tell Prue sincerely. I can't believe how much I'm going to miss her, even though we've never been especially close, she's been there my whole life. "I'm going to miss you too" Prue answers "But you should be happy, you get your own room now" I smile knowing Prue is trying to brighten the mood. "Yeah, that's true" I reply, thinking of Prue's old room that Phoebe and I just finished moving all my stuff into this morning. Prue's old room, it sounds so weird to hear, and think of me living in there instead of her.

            All four of us look up as Prue's flight is called and it's announced that they can board the plane. "I'd better go" Prue says, sounding both excited and hesitant. "Call when you get to New York" Grams tells her, "And then call us again when you get to the hotel" Prue rolls her eyes "Grams, I will! I promise, I'll be calling every second. I'll be fine, don't worry, I can take care of myself" Grams smiles "I know Prudence" she replies.

            "Where's Aaron?" I ask suddenly realizing that her boyfriend should be there to see her off as well. "I broke up with him" Prue replies, surprising me. "But what about what your friends are going to think?" I ask. Prue shrugs "Let them think what they will. New York is a fresh start for me. I didn't want any long distance relationships tying me down" Prue replies and I smile; she's finally starting discover who she is as a person too. "I know we never got along that well but I'm really proud of you" Prue tells me "I didn't give you enough credit most of the time, but quitting cheerleading took a lot of guts and you did it. I wouldn't have been able to, and, well, I really admire that you could." My mouth drops open as I stare at Prue, she's never said anything like that to me before and it means the world to me. "Oh, Prue" I say hugging her again.

            They call Prue's flight number again and she reluctantly walks away waving as she steps on to the plane. Phoebe, Grams and I watch the plane take off. It's hard to believe Prue is going to live in New York. And now I'm the big sister at home, and finally an upperclassman at school. School got out for the summer last week and now I'm going to be a junior next year and Phoebe will be a freshmen.

            Everything's changing so much, I think looking around the manor once we get home. The house is quiet, Phoebe is at her friend Lindsay's house and Grams went to Aunt Gail's. So it's just me alone, once again. Bree is at her grandparent's house in Texas for two weeks and now with Prue in New York I don't have anyone to hang out with. But its okay, the thought that would normally depress me actually comforts be, because it also means I have obligations to no one, I can do whatever I want. I could get a job or tan by the pool everyday, or shop or the thousands of other possibilities that summer brings. I can make new friends and sort of start over now that I'm going to be a junior. I could do nothing and everything, but right now I think I'm just going to sit here enjoying the peace and quiet of the house, content in my thoughts, because I know I'm right where I belong, just being me.

A/N: Please review, I know it was corny, but it's the end, it had to be a little sappy. I'll start on the sequel soon, once I can find a good name for it (hint, hint) so please think and try to come up with something that's better than just 'Loser: A Year Later'. Thanks! :-D