Redbat132: Finally! The moment you've all been waiting for! This is the major Spider story I was talking about all month! A little something Steelcode and I put together. And this connects with another story posting at the same time as this one. So, stay tuned and hope you all enjoy.

In the Royal Wakandan Kingdom, around night, Rose Hunter aka Star Spider was resting peacefully in her new home. Along with her new room. It's been a few days since she's stayed there. And so far, things have been fine.

Right now, Rose was having a dream where she was fighting against the Wrecking Crew with Scarlet by her side. To Rose, it was like the best dream ever.

"Come on, guys, get them!"

Rose rolled a little in her sleep. Her smile became bright as she dreamed of kicking one of the crew before going back to back with Scarlet.

"Ready to do this, Star Punk?" Scarlet questioned, unsheathing his stingers.

"Oh, you know the answer to that, Scar-Boy," Star remarked with an equal smirk, bringing out her own stingers.

As the fight continued in her dreams, Rose didn't feel or realize her body changed to a new different suit, before getting up and moving through the vast halls of the palace to the training room where she quickly activated a high-level training simulation. As she dreamed, her body took on the guards moving with speed and grace as she disarmed then destroyed each opponent.

"I'm gonna wreck every bone in your body, Wrecker!" Star responded, lunging at her opponent.

Meanwhile Hayden walked down the main hallway wearing only a pair of sweat pants. The humid night had woken him up, so he had gone to get a glass of milk from the kitchen. Rubbing the back of his neck and yawning, Hayden's ears perked to the sound of fighting from the training room.

"Whose training this late at night?" Hayden asked sleepily moving to the door. Pressing his hand to the keypad, he initiated a full-stop of the course so he could enter safely. After getting the green light, Hayden stepped in to find Rose in her pajamas standing in the middle of destroyed decoys. "What the...sis?"

In Rose's dream, Scarlet and Star defeated the Wrecking Crew.

"Looks like these Wrecking Weirdoes are down for the count," Star replied.

"Seems that way. S.H.I.E.L.D. can take it from here," Scarlet responded, smiling underneath his mask and grabbed Star's hands sweetly. "What do you say we go somewhere private?"

Smiling at that, Star used her other hand to have both her and Scarlet teleport out of the scene.

The sleeping Rose brought out her vibranium bracelet and escaped by teleporting out of the training room before Hayden could see she was still asleep.

"Sis?!" Hayden yelled in worry. "What the..." Turning on his heel, Hayden raced through the palace to Rose's room. Worry spreading through his body, as he knocked loudly on her door.

Rose grumbled, not wanting to wake up. She was right in the middle of the good part of her dream.

Star Spider was with Scarlet on top the Empire State Building where both their masks were off. Both looked at each other lovingly, leaning close to kiss.

"Sis, I swear, you better open this door, right now!" Hayden yelled.

Rose woke up to see she was kissing her pillow. Growling in anger, Rose got up and opened the door.

"Hayden! You better have a good explanation to why you're waking me up in the middle of the night," Rose grumbled, giving a death glare.

"What the heck were you doing in the training room?" Hayden asked back, his voice carrying worry. "You left when I called you. Are you hurt?"

Rose looked at Hayden, as if he's lost his mind.

"Did you knock your head or something? I was sleeping in my room until YOU woke me up!" Rose nearly shouted. "I was nowhere near the training room. And if you wake me up again like this, the only place you'll end up is the lion's den with your body paralyzed with my stingers hitting in places that shouldn't be said! IF NOT WORSE!"

After shouting, she slammed the door in front of Hayden's face.

Hayden stood in shock, before growling and moving to Shuri's lab. He had work to do.

Once morning came, Rose was sleeping peacefully in her room until she slowly started to wake up. The teen girl yawned and stretched before getting up from her bed.

"So glad I can enjoy an early Saturday morning," Rose replied with a small yawn, only to notice it was 10:30 in the morning. "…Or, um, late Saturday morning."

Ever since Rose got back from her recovery in Staybrook, discovered the truth behind her hard past, and handled a mad scientist named Dr. Moreau turning New York City into his evil animal-hybrid world, the female spider had been out of date and time when it comes to waking up. She believed that it had something to do with getting out of her imprisoned routine with her ex-father, Kraven. But Rose couldn't explain why most of the muscles in her body were aching slightly. She never overdid her workouts nor skipped them. Or the endless hunger problem she keeps getting a few times a day.

However, after what happened last night, Rose shrugged it off as Hayden just going crazy and annoying her.

Half an hour later, after cleaning up, Rose went for breakfast in the dining hall to find T'Challa and Shuri already there.

"Morning, Rose. You're a bit late. Everything all right?" Shuri asked in concern.

T'Challa looked up from his data pad in worry, as well.

"Yeah. I'm okay. But you might want to check on Hayden. He woke me up late at night and claimed he saw me at the training room," Rose responded. "I swear, I think he's trying to annoy me on purpose. Or his wolf side DNA is making him see things."

"More like you're lying and trying to save your own skin," Hayden yawned, as he entered the dining room. "Uncle, can I borrow your pad for a sec?"

T'Challa looked at Hayden curiously, but nodded before handing the pad over. Hayden brought out a data chip and slipped it into the data pad. Then, he put in a quick code which activated a holo-screen in front of everyone.

"This was from last night.," Hayden said.

The screen showed someone in a spider suit entering the training room at 12:06am and going through five stations of training till 3:30am, where the simulations stopped abruptly. The screen then showed the suit disappearing, revealing Rose. And finally, Hayden entered the room before Rose disappeared.

"What?" Rose responded in confusion, seriously lost here. "That can't be right. I don't even recall doing any of this! Hayden, are you sure you didn't mess with the feed?"

"Seriously?! You were sleep fighting and you think I messed with the feed?!"

"Well, you're the one with the chip. You'd do anything to keep me under your watch all the time," Rose remarked, folding her arms. "Was waking me up late at night while I was in the middle of a good dream I barely get since escaping Kraven not enough?"

"Seriously!? AAAAAHHHH, geez, you are impossible sometimes!" Hayden growled in annoyance, moving to fill his plate with breakfast.

T'Challa looked at the feed again. "Rose, I'd like you to see the doctor today. I'm not saying I agree with Hayden, but you have been different, lately, and through a lot of stress. So, I'd like to make sure you're all right."

"I agree. It might be best to relax for a couple of days until we figure this out," Shuri added.

Rose facepalmed in frustration. "Okay. If it will keep everyone from being worried over nothing, then I'll go through with this. Now, may I please eat in peace?"

"Please, enjoy. If there is a food you are curious about please ask." Shuri asked with a smile.

"Of course, Aunt Shuri," Rose responded, feeling her stomach growl. "I'll let you know what food I'm in the mood for. Probably might be sooner after breakfast."

"Alright. So, have you two made plans on what to do today?" Shuri asked.

"I was planning on showing the city and forests," Hayden said with a smile. "Since we only arrived two days ago, we wanted to rest before going out."

"I'm hoping to see a few animals around the area," Rose responded with a smile. "Maybe some cubs. I love seeing baby animals."

"Well, one of the panthers did just have a litter, recently," Shuri said with a smile.

"Which one?!" Hayden asked in excitement getting to his feet.

Shuri grinned. "It was Abebi."

"YAHOO!" Hayden said, jumping up and down. "How many? When?"

Rose held back a laugh, never seeing Hayden this excited before. "Okay. What's the story with Hayden and this specific panther?" she asked her aunt.

"When he first arrived, Hayden felt out of place. A female panther we had yet to name was the one person to cheer Hayden and make him feel at home. He named her Abebi. In the native language, it means 'one who wards off'. She became pregnant just before Hayden left for New York and was worried he would miss the cubs being born," Shuri explained. "She gave birth when you were flying here and I forgot to mention it. I'm sorry Hayden."

Hayden shook his head. "It's all right. As long as she and the cubs are good!"

"I can't wait to see them. Panther cubs start out having spots like cheetahs until they're gone when becoming older," Rose noted.

Hayden nodded. "Abebi is different, though. She has a single white spot under her chin. She loves it, if you scratch there. Where'd she nest, Aunt Shuri?"

"In the panther temple to the north," Shuri replied.

"Then, let's go check on them as soon as we can," Rose responded.

"Kay. How many cubs?" Hayden asked.

"I'm not spoiling it for you. Now, finish breakfast. Then, we can go shopping for outfits for Rose, before you go see the cubs," Shuri said, continuing her meal.

"I already finished," Rose said, showing her plate already licked clean.

Hayden stared in disbelief. "Uh, sis? There was a mountain on your"

"I don't know. Ever since our last battle with Moreau, I keep having this fast hunger," Rose answered, giggling a bit. "I was able to devour a Joe's Pizza original stuffed sausage, pepperoni, and meatball pizza, one time. The whole thing. In less than an hour."

What made it impossible to eat that specific pizza completely was that it was stuffed with another pizza inside. Making one slice into two. Not even Flash Thompson aka Agent Venom could pull it off.

Hayden raised an eyebrow at that. "Sheesh. And people say I eat a lot."

"You have a higher stamina, Hayden, so you must eat more to keep healthy. Perhaps that is what is happening with you, Rose. It is said that, if a body is in a poor environment, they will work to survive. Maybe now that you are free from that stress, your body is simply readjusting to the new less stressful environment," T'Challa said thoughtfully, as he got up and ruffled her hair.

"Yeah. That makes sense," Rose chuckled.

"Now, we'll be taking the car. So, meet me at the main gate in ten minutes," Shuri said, getting up with a smile.

"You got it, Shuri," Rose replied happily. "Also, may I have some more food, please?"

Shuri smiled. "Help yourself to what's left. Just don't be late. Can't have our new princess turning to skin and bones. Your grandfather would be stuffing you like a turkey, if he saw how thin you are."

Hayden's eyes turned steely, as he watched his uncle and aunt leave.

"Do I even want to know what she meant on that comment?" Rose questioned Hayden.

Hayden gave a small sincere smile. "Grandfather T'Chaka was the Black Panther, before Uncle. He was a kind and generous ruler. He loved kids…Or so I've been told. He hated to see one suffer...he adopted my father when he was orphan."

"Oh...I'm so sorry, Hayden," Rose responded in remorse. After hearing this, the spider heroine didn't feel so hungry anymore.

Hayden smiled. "It's all right. I didn't know him, so it's okay. Come on. I'm dying to see those cubs and, knowing Aunt Shuri, we are going to have a lot of bags to carry."

Hayden got up from the table and rushed for the door.

"Why do I get the feeling I'll be seeing Hayden in a whole new way?" Rose questioned herself, lightly shaking her head with a smile before following her older brother.

A few hours later, Rose gawked at the sight of Wakandan Capital. Everything was high tech and gleaming, it was almost like being on another planet. Looking out the window the heroine noticed some of the people walking along the sidewalks were wore different outfits, some modern and upgraded while others were brightly colored dresses native to Africa.

"See something you like sis?" Hayden asked with a smile.

"Lots of things are catching both my eyes here," Rose admitted, still amazed with all the new stuff in front of her.

Hayden looked over and pointed at something. "How about that? Want to try it on?"

Rose looked over to see a nice pendant with a Panther head charm in the center.

"Looks nice. But I already have a necklace from a different wolf friend," Rose admitted, showing her wolf head necklace under her shirt.

"Its a tradition to wear something with the panther on it. It shows our trust with them. You can get the pendant with a choker necklace it will rest just above the wolf. Make you look even more extraordinary than you already are." Hayden said with a wink as he picked up the necklace switching the chain before resting the pendant around Rose's neck.

"I guess...panthers are nice animals, but not exactly my favorite. However, for my new family, I'll try," Rose replied.

Hayden smiled. "Wolves are more my cup of tea, but no harm in having a second around. Faolan is my best friend."

"True," Rose shrugged. "So, where's this clothe store you and Shuri were talking about? "

"Just down the road. Hey, want to try a Wakandan treat?" Hayden asked, noticing a food stall down the walkway.

"Treat?" That perked the female spider's attention. "What kind of treat?"

Hayden moved up to a food stall and handed the vendor over some money before walking back to Rose with two large twisted pastries in his hand.

"These are Koeksister. Their fried dough infused in syrup and honey and stuffed with a thick custard." Hayden said handing one over to Rose before taking a bite of his.

Rose sniffed her Koeksister's sweetened scent, curious about this new food. She gently took a small bite that made her eyes lite up. Without warning Rose began chowing down her snack until it was gone.

"Wow! This is so yummy! Thanks, Hayden," Rose managed to say, licking her fingers that had some honey residue all over.

Hayden smiled before breaking his in half and handing the non-bitten part to her.

"Glad you enjoyed it; however, next time, savor it." Hayden chuckled, as be began to walk.

"Right. Sorry," Rose apologized, going slow in biting her pastry before following Hayden. "Don't know why I keep doing that."

"Are you constantly hungry? Or does it come all at once?" Hayden asked calmly.

"I never had this problem before. It's just been happening recently," Rose admitted, rubbing her stomach.

"Hmm...well, maybe the docs can figure it out. They are the best...oh, look. Aunt Shuri."

Rose looked over to see Shuri waiting for them at a store.

"Hey, Aunt Shuri. Is this where you wanted me to get new clothes?" Rose asked.

"Yes, it has both styles. Now, come on. Time for some girl time!" Shuri said with excitement.

"Of course. Let's go and make time in seeing the baby panthers," Rose announced.

Hayden chuckled. "I think I'm going to stick in the waiting room. You two have fun."

Hayden took a seat on the couch, taking a phone out of his back pocket.

Two women came out with big smiles. "Queen Shuri! It's so good to see you!"

"You too, Zuri and Makenna." Shuri said with a smile. "This is my new niece, Rose, and she is in need of a makeover."

Both women's eyes gleamed and their smiles grew larger.

"Hello," Rose responded, waving gently.

"Oh, you are truly lovely," Zuri said with a smile, as she ran her fingers through Rose's hair.

"And such fierce eyes." Makenna said with a smile. "So, Queen Shuri, are we doing the full meal deal?"

Shuri smiled. "Yes, it's definitely a girl's day."

"Not too long. I already have a brother waiting to see some new panther cubs later today," Rose reminded, rubbing her own braided hair uncomfortably.

"Don't worry. We work fast and we make you look gorgeous." Zuri said with a smile, before pulling Rose to a bath-like area and handing her both a towel and bathing suit. "You can change in there. We'll have your bath ready."

"Um, okay?" Rose responded, not sure how to feel about all of this. "Thanks?"

"No thanks needed. Now, off you go, off you go," Zuri said, giving Rose another shove.

Rose did her best not to blush in embarrassment. She's barely done anything like this. Taking a deep breath, Rose let the voice in her head calm herself down and change already.

Zuri looked up, after adding a pitcher to the nearly overflowing bath water.

"Good timing. The water is very warm. I've also added lavender, rose water and petals to it. Go ahead and relax. Shuri should be around, in a moment."

The tub was more like an in-ground spa. The water was tinged pink and red with bushels of lavender. It also looked like oranges floating in the water, along with the petals.

Rose soon got out with her cheeks barely flushing. She wasn't used to wearing bathing suits in public.

"Rose, is something wrong?" Shuri asked, coming out of the changing rooms.

"No, I'm okay, Shuri. You're sure it's just us in here? Nobody will come and see us in almost exposing swim suits?" Rose questioned, practically stiff while moving.

Shuri gave a soft smile. "The only ones who will see us are Zuri and Makeena. Hayden is outside reading. Now let's enjoy the bath."

Carefully stepping in, Shuri sighed as the water rose to the middle of her neck.

Rose remained skeptical in going with Shuri. Just before she could tell Shuri, the spider heroine felt her body warmth drop and suddenly felt cold. Goosebumps were showing all over her skin. Without thinking, Rose quickly went in the warm water and didn't feel cold anymore.

"Ohhh...This is actually nice," Rose admitted, feeling her body relax.

"Isn't it? Come. There are lounge-seats built in." Shuri said, taking a seat in the bath where the base of her head was resting against the rim of the bath.

"I didn't think this place had one of those," Rose admitted, following her aunt's lead.

"This is a very high-class place, and it's my personal sanctuary to unwind," Shuri explained.

Zuri and Makenna came in, a few minutes later. "Shuri, are you and Rose ready for shampooing?" Zuri asked.

"Shampooing? I usually just wash my own hair," Rose responded, feeling her hair that is still braided and high into a bun.

"Don't worry. We'll fix your hair, once we're done." Makenna said, coming to kneel behind her.

Shuri smiled, as she leaned into Zuri's lap. "Just lean back and relax, while they're shampooing and massaging your head."

Despite being skeptical, Rose sighed and leaned her head back.

Calmly and gently, Makenna undid Rose's hair until its wavy curls were released in its luxurious waves.

Warm scented water was then poured over her hair and scalp. Then, a rich cedar and honey scented shampoo was drizzled throughout her hair before Makenna ran her nimble fingers through it; rubbing with gentle pressure into Rose's scalp and richly lathering the shampoo in.

"Mmmm," Rose relaxed lazily, already feeling tired.

"Sleep, if you want to. Most people do," Makenna said sweetly.

"Okay..." Rose mumbled, already fast asleep.

Shuri smiled, as she watched Rose fall asleep. The two shop owners continued their ministrations before lightly rinsing their client's hair and running combs through it. Carefully, Makenna raised Rose from the water and settled her down on a massage table where, after lightly drying her off, lathered her hands with oil and massaged the muscles on Rose's back, legs, and arms while humming lightly.

Rose continued in her sleeping state, dreaming about Scarlet Spider again.

Finished with the massage, Makenna smiled before speaking softly. "Rose, time to wake up. I need to do your hair and makeup."

Rose turned her head, not wanting to wake up.

"Come on, little one, time to rise," Makenna said, rubbing Rose's shoulder.

The female spider slowly woke up, holding back a yawn.

"Okay, I'm up," Rose managed to say, rubbing her eyes. "Is it over?"

Makenna smiled. "Almost. I need you to change into a robe so that I can do your hair and face."

Rose become wide awake from that. "You can just do the hair. I'm not sure about my face," she replied, covering her right side with her hair to brush a little.

"Rose, I saw the scar. You're beautiful, no matter what. You are always beautiful," Makenna spoke earnestly.

"...Maybe you're right," Rose replied, getting her hand away from where her scar was. "I used to hide it in front of everyone whenever my ex-father had to take me somewhere fancy. Always trying to be his perfect daughter."

"Sounds like a man who didn't know about the true gem he had. Rose, you don't need to hide who you are anymore. Be yourself. Show who you are, both on the outside and inside. I can help with the outside, but you have to work on what's on the inside."

'She is not wrong. You no longer have to be afraid in being yourself,' the voice in Rose's head responded. 'Do not hold back what you longed for.'

"Yeah. I guess I shouldn't be holding back. Thanks, Makenna," Rose replied.

"Now, would you like me to trim your hair?" Makenna asked

"I actually like my hair nice and long the way it is," Rose responded.

"All right, but how about I pull it back from your face? Add some Wakanda flair to it," Makenna said with a smile.

"I suppose that works," Rose replied.

Makenna smiled. "Close your eyes. I want to surprise you."

"Okay...I trust you," Rose said, closing her eyes.

Carefully, Makenna combed and brushed her hair out before skillfully braiding, and adding colorful beads of blue, red and yellow in between the knots. Finally, she pulled them all back into one giant ponytail braid. With the hair done, she then took a light blue eyeshadow and was carefully sweeping it over Rose's eyes before adding a light mascara.

Makenna then added a peach lip gloss to Rose's lips before smiling. "All right. Now, I'm turning you around, and when I say three, open your eyes. One, two...Three."

Rose opened her eyes and was surprised with her new look displayed on the mirror. She had never seen herself like this before.

"That's... supposed to be me?" Rose questioned, both amazed and confused.

Makenna gave a soft smile, understanding Rose's confusion, as she rested her hands on the teen's shoulders.

"Yes, a fierce and strong woman with a noble heart. A woman with a fire in her eyes with a strong sense of justice. You are all this and so much more. Rose, you are now the new face of the royal family, but you are still yourself. No one can truly change you, just as an animal can never truly be tamed." Makenna said with a smile.

Rose stared until she slowly grinned back. "Thank you...This looks nice."

"I'm glad you like it. Now, go pick out your outfit. Anything you like," Makenna said, getting Rose up and motioning to what looked like a large closet.

Nodding her head, Rose stood up to check her options in clothes.

"You look gorgeous, my little niece," Shuri said with a smile.

"Thanks, Shuri," Rose responded, still browsing.

"So, see anything you like?" Shuri asked.

"There's so many options to choose from," Rose admitted.

She didn't expect that such a foreign place would have some modern outfits, as well. The future princess of Wakanda looked over the garments in fascination.

"First time choosing?" Shuri asked.

"First time in anything like this," Rose admitted, bringing out a tiger print pattern dress before putting it back on the rack. "Kraven would usually pick out my own clothes while I just train at the penthouse."

"Just pick what you like as your style. For instance, Hayden tends to dress comfortable while with a more western feel," Shuri explained, as she looked at a rack of dresses.

"He sounds like another wolf guy I know during my week of recovery," Rose remarked. "It feels so different yet nice to actually shop for myself. I'm enjoying this so much, Aunt Shuri,"

It didn't take long for Rose to set her eyes on a black jacket with some white fur around the neck.

'That looks nice on you,'

"Huh?" Rose turned her head, wondering who spoke while grabbing the jacket from the coat rack to try on. "Shuri, did you or the ladies who work here say this jacket looked nice on me?"

"I did not say anything, Rose. And I didn't hear Zuri nor Makenna. But it does look good on you," Shuri said with a caring smile about Rose's choice. "Is something wrong?"

"No, it probably was just me," Rose shrugged, taking the jacket off to give to her aunt. "The jacket fits perfectly. Keep it around for me to wear until we find the rest."

"Not a problem. Oh, that shirt there would look well with this jacket." Shuri said, pointing to a blue shirt with a white spider on it. "It's based off the story of Anansi the spider."

"That's actually not bad," Rose admitted.

As she looked closer, she found that the sleeves were decorated in white webbing designs.

"Rose what do you think of this?" Shuri asked, holding up a one piece red and black body suit with the emblem on the panther on the thighs.

"Whoa...I love it. Both of the options you have given me," Rose smiled, then spotting a white snow leopard printed shirt. "How about that?"

"Now, that is you. Why not wear it today?" Shuri asked, as she picked up some tight fighting leather pants and a purple tank top.

"Sure. But I prefer wearing jeans to go with this. Oh, like these," Rose responded, picking up blue jeans with some glitter on the sides. She then spotted some below knee-length black boots with silver heels. "And those boots."

"Sounds good. Go ahead and change while I put these on." Shuri said, moving to the changing room.

"You got it, Shuri," Rose responded, not wasting time to grab the clothes and boots of her choosing before going in the changing room.

About fifteen minutes later, Hayden felt a tap on his shoulder. Looking up, he found Rose and Shuri smiling down at him.

"So, what do you think nephew?" Shuri asked, doing a couple poses.

Hayden looked at Rose remaining quiet.

Rose didn't do much poses. Just brushing back her new hair style while wearing a sparkly black jacket with some white fur around the neck, a white snow leopard printed shirt, blue jeans with some glitter on the sides, and below knee-length black boots with silver heels. She even had the panther choker and wolf necklace on.

"You both look like a couple of tough customers," Hayden said with a smile. "I like it"

"Thanks, Hayden," Rose replied with a relieved smile. "Ready to see some panther cubs?"

"Definitely! Who knows? Maybe we'll find a companion for you," Hayden said with a smile.

"Yeah, probably," Rose shrugged.

'Already got that covered,' the unknown voice Rose heard earlier again replied.

The female spider turned her head again, wondering who keeps doing that.

"Sis, you okay?" Hayden asked waiting by the door.

Rose shook it off and went to her brother. "I'm good. Just hearing things."

Hayden raised an eyebrow questioningly, but left it be to head out the door.