Disclaimer: I don't own the Tudors/Game of thrones or any of its characters. Nor do I make any profit off of this.

Title: Henry, I kissed a girl

Rated: M

Warnings: Fem Slash F/F

Pairings: Katherine of Aragon/Anne Boleyn, Mary Tudor/Francis Bryan, Margaret Tudor/Jaime Lannister, Henry VIII/ Anne Boleyn (one-sided), Henry VIII/Jane Seymour.

Summary: This is a re-write of an old story I started back in 2013? I think lol. Here is the premise, What happens when Henry is not the one that Anne is interested in?

You think you know a story…but you only know how it ends to get to the heart of the story…you have to go back to the beginning~ Tudors Intro

Kimbolton Castle, 1536

To whom it may concern:

I lay here in my bed in contemplation of my life. Let me start off by introducing myself. I am Katherine of Aragon; I am Queen of England, and the youngest daughter of Ferdinand of Spain, and Isabella of Castile, who are legends throughout all of England.

One of the things that my mother had always told me as a child and I in turn told this to my own daughter, Mary, is to stay true to your-self. Which is why I am writing you, or rather my maid of honor and dear friend, Elizabeth, is writing for me, who is at my side, because I'm too weak to do it myself.

The hour of my death approaches quickly. I don't fear death; I know that God will protect me. The only thing that I'm sad about is leaving my loved ones behind.

Honestly, I don't know where to start; there is so much to say and so little time to which to say it. Knowing Henry, who I no longer call husband, he has not been a husband to me in years, and he no longer deserved the title.

The only good thing that came from this union was my Mary.

My precious girl, who has been cruelly kept from me, Henry in his infinite wisdom thought we should be separated. He didn't want me turning Mary against him. Not realizing that he was doing that himself.

So where do I begin?

Should start all those years ago? When I first came to England, I remember being on the death trap they call a boat, which lingers on my mind to this day. I remember digging my nails into Lina's hand as the boat rocked and sway violently.

I was mere child at the time, but at the time I thought I was a grown woman.

Oh, how foolish I was. I was so caught up in my own daydreams of meeting my future husband, my handsome Prince, and one day being Queen of England.

How could I have predicted that Arthur would die and I would end up marrying his younger brother?

Only years later, to lose so many children, and later to be discarded by a man who vowed that he would breathe his last breath before letting me go.

Well time is short and Henry is fickle.

Knowing my husband, if he knew that I was writing this letter, revealing the true start of affairs, he would move heaven and earth to get this letter and burn it.

He has already proven that he will go to great lengths to conceal the truth.

This is why I am writing two letters, I will have Elizabeth hide this one, and I will give the false one to Henry. I have put things in the false letter that will feed Henry's ego, and at the same time take him off the scent of the true state of affairs.

Like how sorry I am, and how I should have been a better wife to him, and how I failed in our marriage by not providing him with a son.

It takes all my will power and strength not to burn this letter. I'm filled with sorrow knowing that my name will always be associated with it. But it is important that it goes to Henry, ultimately it will protect those that I love.

I will do anything for those that I love, if that means being seen as the discarded, pathetic excuse of a wife? Then so be it.

This letter, my true letter, will be given to my lover, the love of my life, and she in turn will give this to Mary when the time comes.

Mary will finally learn the truth, and not the lies her father has fed her.

I know that my daughter will not understand at first, and no doubt see this as a betrayal against Henry.

I hope one day that my own daughter's heart will soften and she will come to understand why I did this. I hope one day she comes to forgive me and Anne.

I want her to experience the same love and happiness I'm experiencing right now.

I have been taught all my life to do what is expected of me. I have broken free of these chains, and I want the same for my daughter.

I would have been in the same chains had Anne not come into my life. Oddly enough, it all started with a kiss.