,,It is over isnt it?" Asked Astrid with a hopefull but a little unsure voice. Hiccup hesitated with his answer.

The logical part of him told him that there was no way Viggo could survive a fall into an Volcano but a little part of him feared. Feared that Viggo had somehow survived. He tried to ignore those thoughts and think positive.

He turned to Astrid and said reasurring:,,Yea I think hes gone, Its over."Astrid smiled reliefed and hugged him tieghtly.

Hiccup was suprised but he understood. The last two days had been very stressfull not to mention that Astrid was held hostage on her own dragon.

Astrid remembered him of that moment when she said:,,

Thanks for saving me and Im sorry we lost the dragoneye." Hiccup replied softly:,,I would never hesitate to save you and you know what Im kinda glad the dragoneye is gone."It felt weird to say that because he had used and admired the dragoneye for months because of the dragonknowledge it possed.

Astrid apperantly found that weird too because she departet from him and said sarcaticly

,, Who are you and what have you done with Hiccupp?"

Hiccup knew that it was pretty weird that he a person that loved to study dragons suddenly was happy to despent knowlegde about them but after Ruffnut died he had realised that loosing dragonknowlegde wasnt as worse as loosing a friend, When Astrid had been held hostage by Viggo he decided he could despent all dragon knowledge in the world for the safety of his friends.

Astrids look had changed from amusement to seriousness as if she could read his thoughts.

Hiccup finally answered:,,I decided that you are more important to me than dragonknowlegde." Hiccup felt his face turnig red and he quickly said:,, I... I mean I just didnt want to loose another friend and the dragoneye has started this whole thing and I didnt want it to fall in Viggos hands and.." He was interruped when Astrid put a finger on his lips.,,Hiccup Its okay I get and you know I would also sacrifice everything to protect the people I love." She looked down when she said the word love.

,, Hey are you two done with flirting or should we give you a few more minutes?"Snotlouts amused voice and Astrid realised how close they stood to eachother and quickly jumped a few feet apart.

Snotlout and Fishlegs landed in front them.,, We werent flirting Snotlout!, We just talked!" said Astrid sounding very laughed and said:,, Sure Hiccstrid." Is the egde secured?" asked Hiccup who felt very eager to change the answered:,, Yes the Dragonhunters flet right after Ryker was killed and the shellfire didnt cause too much damage."

Hiccup was reliefed after weeks grief and two days of stressful battle everything seemed to go suddenly looked worried and added:,, Unfortunatly we didnt find Viggo." Snotlout growled:,, I knew we should have killed him at his Base!" Hiccup understood his anger and he still felt a little guilty about stopping snotlout from strangeling Viggo after the had helped him out of that pit but in that moment finding answers was more important for him than revenge even if it was for Ruffnut. He said:,, No Snotlout if we killed him we would have never known how to beat the shellfire and we would all be dead."Snotlout rolled his eyes and replied:,, You dont know that but I know that Im not going to let the man that is responsible for Ruffs death escape again." Astrid lay a hand on his shoulder and said calming:,,Dont waste your time its over Viggo is dead."

Snotlout and Fishlegs looked at each other in shock and suprise.,, What do you mean?" Asked Fishlegs concerned. Astrid and Hiccup looked at each other for a short moment and nodded.

Hiccup told them everything from Viggo threatening Astrid to Viggo falling in the volcano. After he was finished Fishlegs sighed reliefed and even Snotlout smiled and said:,, I just hope the Hunters learned their lesson." Hiccup was glad that his friends were happy because the had been sad for so long. Snotlout asked nervously:,, So what do we do now? I mean now that the Dragoneye is gone for good what reason do we have to stay on the edge?"

Hiccup had known that this question would come up soon but he still wasnt ready to answer it. Of course he waned to explore Dragons but after all that happened he did not want to continue like nothing said what he was thinking.,, I think we should go to Berk for a while to suport Tuffnut he needs us now and its not like the dragons and islands are going anywere." Astrid nodded in agreement and said:,, We promised him that we would get through this together and I want to keep that promise."

All eyes turned to Hiccup. They waited for his opinion because he was their leader and were he went they went.

Hiccup finally answered:,, you are right guys I think we all need some rest and time to process Ruffs death thats more important than exploring right now." He saw on the reliefed faces that the riders had hoped for this answer. In the week after Ruffs death they had started to process their guilt and their grief but they never had enough time to really accept it because they had been so focused on avenging her.

Astrid said with a sad look in her eyes:,, We can stay here another night to rest from the battle and fly to Berk in the morning." Hiccup nooded he knew that it would be hard for them to leave the edge. They had spend months together at this island having fun and getting closer to each other it was hard to believe that it was now over.

Hiccup had an idea for a last happy memorie they would have off the egde.

He smiled at his friends and said:,, Lets do a last flight around the egde to make sure everything is save before we leave." ,, Yeah thats a great idea." agreed Fishlegs joyfuly

Astrid said with amusemend: good what are we waiting for." and took off with Stormfly. Snotlout followed her laughing and screaming his battle cry Fishlegs followed behind them. Hiccup waited a moment to injoy watching his friends it made him so happy that after a week of mourning they were finally laughing again. It made his fears that this was not over melt away. He didnt wanted to think about that. He wanted to think that he and his friends could be happy sat on Toothless and rushed through the air after his friends and in that moment he thought: It is over.

Everything was still after the riders had taken off to the air it was a very peacfull evening and it almost seemed like the goods wanted to show the riders that they coul rest now and that the fighting was over.

But then out of nowere the giant volcano exploded.

It was like Odin had send the riders a warning.

A warnig that said: Its not over yet, there are more battles to come.

But they were gone.

Authors Notes: Hey I hope you liked this ending! I really enjoyed writing this story and Im looking forward to write more!