This was the day. The day that he would see him again.

Stanley couldn't believe it. His thoughts were on the thing that had consumed them for the past thirty years. The portal.

The portal. The portal.

He'd be seeing Stanford again, a thought that he had wanted to think for three decades.
Stanley had once made a speech he had been sure he'd tell his brother, but as the years had gone on and on he'd lost it. He literally didn't know what he'd say to his brother.
Hello? Welcome back? I love you? Any of those would work, but would Stan be able to remember any of them? Stanford deserved to return to happy faces, and Stanley had had every intention of telling Dipper and Mabel about what was going to happen. But of course, the literal US Government had to interfere.

But it would be worth it, when he saw his brother again.

Thank Paul Bunyan for the gravity anomalies, without them Stanford would have returned to an Stanley-less room.

Stan ran, he ran back to the house, not caring that he was ruining his suit, again. He puffed heavily, even with all the adventures over the summer running was still something difficult for him. He heard the timer on his watch call out that he only had five minutes...

The house was surrounded, but Stan didn't care. He distracted them with a rock, he threw his face/rock thing, and they chased it like a cat chasing light.

He rushed into the house, and was stunned to find that Soos hadn't kept the vending machine safe, it was wide open, and Stan had a sinking feeling that he knew who was down there. If Dipper found out, if Dipper found out without proper context he'd... He'd never trust Stan again, or worse, he'd press the button.

He ran down the oh-so familiar hallway, and rushed past the picture of Dipper and Mabel, and the second and third Journal. Just in time to see Dipper, holding his hand over the glowing button.

"Don't press that button!" he called out, and he felt like his voice was coming from somewhere far away. He felt a sting of pain when the three other occupants in the room all turned to stare at him. Dipper in silent determination, Mabel in sad hope, and Soos with confused resilience.

The portal was so close, so close to bringing Ford back, Stan couldn't let Dipper push the button, but he couldn't hurt any of them. Stan would never let anything happen to Sherman's grandkids.

The gravity anomaly, the second to last one, thrust Stan into the air, and everything else as well. Mabel scrambled to the button, holding onto its shaft, and there was tears in her eyes.

Dipper called for her to press it. But Stan begged her, literally begged her not to. To trust him. And for the rest of eternity he thanked her for doing just that.

The light burned everything, left him feeling warm and cold at the same time.

And then he was there. From the destroyed spin of the portal, Stanford was there.

Ford reached down, and picked up the very first journal he had ever made. The last journal he had ever seen.

"Who..." Dipper said, getting to his feet slowly and rubbing his head, "Who is that?"

Stan, rubbing his own head and fighting the urge to cry, "The author of the journals..." He let a tear gather in his eye. "My brother."

Ford took off his full face mask, and then Stan fought another urge.

The urge to scream.

Every inch of Stanford's face was covered in tiny scars.

At least, tiny for him. For a normal person they'd be considered huge, especially on the area that they were covering. But the rest of Stanford's body put his face's scars to shame. It was hard to compete with a chunk of your torso that was completely missing, or a huge blaster burn on your right shoulder.

Stanley's eyes were huge, staring at the various cuts on Ford's face, and then he saw his ear. Or rather, lack of it.

"Stanford!" he called out, "What happened to you?"

Oh, that's right, Ford was supposed to be upset. Stanley had just unleashed Bill upon this world, or might as well have. Whatever events occurred before the inevitable Weirdmageddon would just be the calm before the storm.

"This was an incredibly risky move, restarting the portal." Ford said firmly. "Do you know what you could have brought into this world?"

"Ford?" Stan said, his eyes still wide, and his voice filled with disbelief, "You only have one ear."

"With which I can still hear your apology." Ford snapped, "And I can assure you, I am waiting for it." Stanley didn't move, and the brothers just stared at each other. Stanley just scanned his brother's face, "Where were you?" he whispered, and Ford huffed, "That is besides the point Stanley. Do you know-"

"Hi, Mabel here."

Ford glanced over, and saw a little girl, she looked to be about ten or eleven, and she was wearing a pink sweater with a golden key stitched into the center of it. She looked oddly familiar, but Stanford could say that about around a billion different things. The girl was holding up her hand and continued, "What on earth is going on?"

"Stanley, you brought children here?" Ford cried, nearly yelling, and reaching up at once with his hand to cover the hole on the left side of his head, he didn't really feel like letting a small child see it. "Have you lost your mind you knuckle head!"

"I-" A small voice called out, and Ford looked over and saw a boy, in an orange t-shirt and blue sleeveless vest. "I don't believe... You- You're the Author of the Journals!"

Ford sighed, this was going to be a bumpy ride.

"Basically," Ford said, pulling his sleeves up to show off his various scars as his side of the thirty year story was allowed to unfold, "Everything in the multiverse is out to eat you. I lost the ear to a Stellar Cat."

Mabel's eyes flashed happily for a moment, then she seemed to realize what Ford had said, and nodded. "And the nose?" she asked, pointing at the longest scar on his face, stretching from the left side of his forehead to the right of his chin.

"Intergalactic ninjas." He said bluntly, and the not-rodent man pumped his fist. "Knew they were real." He mumbled, and seemed to blush with regret, but it was hard to tell.

Stanley breathed in deeply, "We still have those government agents..." he said, looking desperately at Ford. Ford sighed, and reached behind his back to pull out a gun. It was as long as his arm and twice as thick. "Relax Stanley," Ford said nonchalantly as he snapped a cartridge in place and began to walk out of the giant room, "They're only human."

"Our great uncle is the coolest guy ever." Dipper said bluntly and Soos and Mabel simply nodded as they watched his black coat disappear, while Stanley ran after his brother.

"Killing is illegal in this dimension!" Stan's voice echoed, sounding slightly terrified.

"Illegal, shmillegal." Ford's own voice followed sounding more distant. "Who cares!"

This was turning out to be an even crazier summer than before.

Hello my peeps. It's a-me, BrilliantLight... again...

I know I'm not a good enough writer to give you guys the feels that that episode should give, so I just suggest re-watching it, at least, that's what I do.

Let me tell you the story of this fic... I once read a Harry Potter fic where every chapter would revolve around Voldemort returning to a different kind of Harry, and I figured... Why not? I definitely don't have anything better to do... Nope! Nothing at all!

I'll probably update this like, whenever I get an idea that I like. This was the first one that came to mind, as it doesn't really need much explantation.

If you liked this let me know, and feel free to leave prompts and stuff.

Love you all,
