Author note:

Hello, everyone. A small thought came up and I decided to write it down.

English is not my first language, so be easy on me. Thank you all for your support. All feedback are appreciated.

Have a nice day.

We are on our way back. See you in a bit.

Tani's phone vibrated with an incoming message from Junior. She sent a reply and quickly completed her remaining report. She signed, slip the report into a file folder and dropped it on the stack of reports she supposed to hand over to Danny. She looked up and caught Lou and Adam in conversation in Lou's room. She jogged to Lou's room, held the glass door open, and leaned on the door frame.

"Hey, Junior messaged, said they are on their way back."

"Good," Lou nodded followed by Adam. "We just have to get the update from Danny and then all of us can go back home early."

Tani raised her eyebrow. "Go back home? Do you remember what day is today?"

"Hey guys, what did I miss?" Quinn chirped in her usual tone as she joined in the conversation.

Adam with a small smile lingering in his lips, gestured his eyes to the couch, silently asking Quinn to join him.

Taking Adam's silent hint, Quinn walked in sat beside Adam on the couch, and Tani continued where she had left.

"Come on, you know what day is today."

"Trust me, I know," Lou nodded before he continued. "That's what I think it is better to give him some space."

"It's Danny's birthday." Tani gave a half shrug. "We can't leave him alone."

"I didn't say leave him alone, I said give him some space." Lou inhaled before he resumed. "Look today, it's gonna remind him more of Steve."

"So, we are not going to celebrate?" Quinn asked.

"Actually, that was the question I was asking before Tani walked in." Adam held his hand up, adding his point in.

All three looked at Lou silently asking his permission to host a party to celebrate Danny's birthday.

Lou huffed. "Come on, I'm not the bad guy here."

"So you want to celebrate as well?" Quinn confirmed.

Lou nodded. "Of course." But then he pressed his lips together. "I just…man, it's complicated."

"Look, I know." Tani smiled sadly. "He's missing Steve and of all days, today he definitely will be. We all know how Steve celebrate Danny's birthday. Just because Steve is not here this year, it doesn't mean we can't continue the tradition. Come on, Steve would want us to do this for Danny and trust me, Danny would rather be with us than sit alone at home."

"I agree." Adam chipped in.

"I support Tani's points." Quinn nodded.

Lou looked around for a while before he made up his mind. "Let's do this."

"Yes!" All echoed their joy.


"That's it for today, guys." Danny rounded up the meeting after sharing the updates from the Governor. "Have the rest of the day off." Danny looked up and saw all pairs of eyes were on him. "What?"

"Really?" Lou shrugged. "You thought you could get away from us ... today?"

Danny sighed. He knew it was stupid to expect his team to leave him alone on his birthday. Not that he didn't want to celebrate with them, he just didn't want to be reminded of the celebration he had last year. The one he celebrated with Steve.

Steve had gone for months now and Danny was thankful that he kept in touch but there was no message or anything from Steve today which made the day more grimmer than usual.

Danny turned to face his team. "Look I know…" He started but stopped by a delivery man at the main glass door.

"I'm sorry. I have a package for Detective Danny Williams."

Danny pointed to himself. "That would be me."

The delivery man walked in and carefully placed the package on the corner of the smart table and took a small envelope and hand it over to Danny. Later, after taking Danny's signature in the receipt, he excused himself out.

"You gonna open that?" Lou asked, pointing towards the package.

Danny pulled the ribbons and opened the box. His whole face instantly lit up the moment he peeked inside the box. There was a cake with a 'Happy Birthday Danno' wording on it.

"Aww." Tani squeaked. They all could guess the sender.

Forgetting everyone around him, Danny's focus shifted to the envelope. He torn it open and a small SD card fell on the table.

"We can leave you alone if you want," Adam asked, thinking perhaps Danny would prefer to be alone at the moment.

"No, you guys can stay." Danny smiled as passed the card to Junior who proceed to check on the content. All the other in the room exchanged glances and smiled when they saw the instant change in Danny's mood.

Danny stood hopping from one foot to the other like a little girl and he was not ashamed a bit. He was deliriously happy to be exact, any minute his brother would appear on the screen.

Junior clicked on a video and all eyes were glued to the screen.

A white background appeared and a few seconds later, Steve come into view and sat crossed-legged on the floor with the usual grin on his face. Danny took a moment to look at his best friend. Steve looked relaxed, happy and that made Danny happy.

"Hey, Danny." Steve smiled. "If the others are around you right now, then hey guys." Steve waved, sending his regards to the others before he held up his hand. "Wait, you really thought I forget your birthday, didn't you?"

Danny chuckled. "Almost." He replied to the video recording.

Steve rolled his eyes before he continued. "Well as you can see the cake which I have personally ordered for you, I didn't. You're my Danno, you know that right?"

Danny nodded with a smile on his face but then pretend to grumble "I didn't hear a birthday song from you yet."

"You're unbelievable, you know that?" Steve leaned closer. "You are asking for a birthday song, aren't you?"

The others were marveled at how Steve and Danny were able to connect with just a video recording. They continued to witness the great friendship in silence.

"Well, lucky for your buddy, I have some special guests here that like to sing you the birthday song. You ready?" He asked Danny before he gestured his hand to whoever behind the camera. The screen was readjusted and suddenly almost ten to fifteen Asian looking kids filled the screen. A small cute little girl with pigtails bounced in and sat on Steve's lap. Steve smiled, pinching her cheek playfully before he looked up back and winked to the screen. "She knows she is my favorite."

He turned and looked around at the kids. "We are going to sing Danno his happy birthday song, okay?"

A moment later all the kids began to sing, on and off the tune with some giggling in between but it was absolutely heartwarming. Danny stood there completely taken back, filled with nothing but pure blissfulness. The kids finished their singing and clapped their hands. The others in the room with Danny who was singing together with the kids clapped their hands as well.

"Thank you so much," Steve said to the kids. "Give Danno a kiss before you guys go." All the kids gave Danny, well, some sort of flying kiss before they disappeared from the screen leaving Steve alone again.

"Happy Birthday, Danno." Steve chirped.

"You still didn't sing," Danny mumbled.

"You want me to sing, Danny?" Steve asked before he nodded. "Remember, you asked for it." Steve gave a lopsided grin before the screen went black.

The smile on Danny's face was reduced. "What happened?". Junior was about to check when they heard an echo of an amplifier speaker outside of the Palace.

"What the.," Lou mumbled just in time when Steve's voice echoed through the speaker.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to my dear Danno, happy birthday to you."

Danny dropped his head to his chest.

Tani ran to the nearby window and squealed when she saw Steve on the road just across the Palace. "Danny," she turned to him. "He's here."

Danny's breathing stutter in his lungs for one moment before it went out. Next thing he knew he was going down the stairs, two at a time. He jogged his way out of the Palace and his legs stopped when he saw Steve with his usual grin, standing with open arms just a few inches from him.

"How do you like the song?" Steve smirked.

Danny shook his head, mumbled 'you're crazy' under his breath before he closed the distances, and hugged Steve tightly. It finally felt right to be in his brother's arms again.

"So you found what you were looking for?" Danny asked when he finally pulled away but still held Steve at his arms length.

"Maybe, maybe not." Steve shrugged.

"What that supposed to mean, you either get it or you don't get it?"

"You know what Danny? You give me one minute and I will tell you all about it."

"One minute? For you, I got my whole life buddy."

Tell me what you think.

Thank you for your time and support.