*Warning* This is a Fanmade Story created by Levelgap; the characters, events, places and other images might be inaccurate or outright false and if you don't like those, kindly turn back and look for other professionally made stories.

Disclaimers : Worm is owned by Wildbow. Battle Cats is owned by PONOS. I don't own anything.

Chapter 1 : Weirdest Power

Fuck! What am I doing!?

"Get back here, bitch!"

I force myself to run faster, even when I felt my knees becoming tired.

I don't want to look back. I'll just continue running and find somewhere to hide.

How did it come to this!?

I was just strolling the streets on Boardwalk at daylight. Its dangerous to go outside at night and Boardwalk was much safer than the other parts of this city.

It's been several days since I woke up in the hospital. I just got released three days ago. I was feeling bored just staying at home and not doing anything at all. They said I need to rest at home just to be sure and well, I might have like not going to school for awhile.

Still, I can't do anything at home so it took awhile but I became fed up. I don't want to spend my time staying inside my house.

So I forcefully told my dad that I will be going out and take some fresh air out there. Changing some routines of mine instead of just staying cooped up in my room.

That was yesterday. Nothing really weird happened at that time.

Then today, I was just taking a stroll in this streets and just taking the sights everywhere when I saw that.

A man was carrying his groceries or something. It was not weird at all. Every people does that occassionally. I also saw some Cat Food in his plastic bag. He might have a pet cat or it might be for his friend or something.

To point out, nothing is strange about him at all. He is just some plain guy wearing some casual clothes. He doesn't do anything suspicious at all. Even carrying those Cat Food inside those plastic bags are also pretty normal.

So what's the problem then?

Apparently, the problem is myself.

I don't know what came to me but when I look at those Cat Food, my body moves on its own.

With a speed that surprised myself, I snatch it at him and ran the hell away from there, taking with me the grocery bags with those Cat Foods.

... Shit! I am stealing something and I felt somewhat accomplished at having done that!

What have I done!? Why did I do this!?

Even though I know it was wrong, I still felt that I should have these Cat Food. These Cans of Cat Food. It's like I can't leave it alone without taking it at all.

The Cat Food are mine!

And then I was being chased by that same man whom I just stolen. Of course he will chase me!

Cat Foods are not the only thing inside this plastic bag, there are also some other neccessities and more food that are not Cat Food.

... Shit, just when did I became manic with Cat Food!? I thought I was normal?

"Dammit, just stop!"

I heard him yell at me again and I felt he was getting near at me.

Why am I even running? I should just stop and then give this back to him before apologizing.

But the Cat Food! I don't know why but I can't bare giving this Cat Food to him. It's mine now!

Oh shit...

"Damn finally, I catch up to you!"

I met a dead end. Why did I turn on an alleyway. I should have just run straight on the main street.

... Fuck, why am I even stealing things anyway!?

I turn around and look at him. He was glaring at me while getting closer at me.

I took a step back while feeling nervous.

This is it. Because of my stupidity, I will get in jail and my dad will look at me in disappointment and the Cat Food will be taken.

"Okay girl, just give it back to me and we won't get rough" The man said as he tried gesturing for me to give his grocery bag back.

I should just give this back to him... nooo!


I clutched the bag and hug it while stepping back... ugh, I hit the wall.

The man's face grew ugly as he charges at me.

"Damn crazy girl!"

Ah no! The Cat Food!

I curled up in myself and hugged the bag tighter while closing my eyes.

Then I heard a gasp before some footsteps getting farther at me.

Growing curious, I slowly raise my head and saw... a weird spherical furry thing.

That weird spherical furry thing was white. It have four small legs that was somehow cute.

... What?

"Holy shit, your a Cape!"

I look beyond the white furry thing and saw the man gaping at me with a shocked expression.

When I did that, the man raised his hands and said "Okay miss, I don't want trouble so just... take my groceries or whatever while I leave here unscratch"

He was saying that while takinga step back.

The white furry thing moves towards him and the man took more steps behind him. He was becoming pale while his sight kept changing between me and that white thing.

This white thing... no, this Cat was mine?

... Wait, how did I know this white thing is a Cat... no, not a cat. It's a Battle Cat!

It was called Cat. The Cat. The very basic cat.

Now that I think about it, when I woke up in the hospital, I saw something like a list inside my mind. I thought it was just my imagination so I ignored and then I forgot about it.

Now those list resurfaced in my mind and I saw the Cat was there, on the very first row. Besides it's image is its cost.

It cost... 50 dollars?

Wait... Isn't that the amount I am carrying before I go out of my house?

"Ahh! Help me!"

I was taken out of my thoughts when I heard the guy screaming while he ran away.

Oh right, he was still there... ugh...

The Cat was planning to chase him... I should stop it.

"Uhmm... please don't go after him"

After I said that, the Cat stopped before he turns towards me.

Now that I see his face... he looks like a cat.

A cartoonized cat to be specific.

The Cat walks towards before making a proud expression?

Okay... first I was surprisingly crazy for Cat Food. Then I release the Cat using my cash...

Oh right...

I look at my wallet and saw that my 50 dollars was indeed gone.

I need cash to call Battle Cats. I am also crazy for Cat Food.

Oh god, what is happening with me!?

Maybe I should go back home... but what about this Cat?

It was just looking at me... no, it was looking at the Cat Food I was hugging with my body.

"Hey boss, can I have a Cat Food?"

... It talked.

The weird thing called Cat just talked.

Ugh... this is getting weirder and weirder...

Strangely, I felt it was alright to just give it a Cat Food. So I gave him one of the can of Cat Food.

Surprisingly, he managed to open it with his weird circular paws and ate it's contents using it's paws.

While this is happening, I heard the sound of sirens in the distance. Those sirens are moving closer to this place.

I just realized. I freaking steal in broad daylight, with many people seeing me in person. A lot of people saw my face. I think I also felt someone taking a picture of me while I am running.

Then there is that guy. He knew I made this Cat. He will surely tell it to the PRT and I will be taken to jail. Dad will be disappointed with me and there will be no Cat Food to take anymore...

Why am I so fixated on the Cat Food!?

"Boss, shall I destroy those enemies?"

And my Cat just told me he wants to fight the police.

Aaaaahhhh! No way, I must run!

"We must run away now! Let's hide somewhere!"

"Okay boss"

With that, I ran away along with the weird white thing. Surprisingly, he can keep up with me.

... Ugh, I can't go back home now. A lot of people saw my face. My dad would surely know it sooner.

What would he say when he learned that his daughter just stole from a civilian. And she was also a Cape.

This is impossible... I can't really come back after thinking about the consequences...

While running, I passed by the Market and my eyes just glanced at that something...

That something was a Cat Food.

My eyes are glued at that part. I can't pay attention to my surroundings while I am seeing that.

Crap, if I go out of the alleyways and go that way where many people are walking around, I will truly become a known face. Everyone will know a Cape just tried and stole all those Cans of Cat Food on that store.

But... those Cat Foods are MINE!

"Let's take it. We will take those Cat Food"

When I said that and look at the Cat, I saw it's eyes glinting.

Right... it seems like even my powers are also crazy on Cat Food.

There is no turning back now. I can't really stop myself when I saw those.

I don't know at this time, but this will be my first step to conquering the whole world.

**End of Chapter**

Money : 0$

Active Units :

Cat x1


Hello, Levelgap is here again.

So there is a lockdown so I got a lot of time writing offline.

Most of what I written there are dropped halfway because I became dissatisfied with it.

In fact, all of my ideas are dropped so now there are a lot of unpublished stories in my folder.

Anyway, I am new to the Battle Cats. Just playing it for a month and then I got this idea.

What if Taylor have the power to summon Battle Cats and all of the other units? (Because really, some characters there are definitely NOT cats)

So yeah, this story was born.

Taylor's power is to summon all the units that you can have on the Battle Cats. Their cost will be converted into US Dollars. Not Cents. She also doesn't have a limit of what she can summon. She can summon all of them if she have enough money.

There are some negative effects on her with this power. One of it being very obsess for Cat Food. The other is being inattentive.

I want it to be a comedy but well... my experience of writing a story tells me that I can't pull it off.. I'll try to make this funny...

Why did I write this story? Simple, I just want to add something to the pitifully short list of Battle Cat fanfics in this site.

Review if you like, helpful comments are welcome and thanks for reading this!