Hordak looked at the veil of stars above him as he walked on the balcony in the castle of Brightmoon. It was hard to believe that it had been only a few months since the battle against Horde Prime and the rebellion. The rebellion won and, with great shock, allowed him to stay on Etheria. He didn't know what to make of it at the time. He felt more out of place with the rebellion since they found out what he really is, but Entrapta and Bow helped him become more accustomed to social events.

"Entrapta…" He whispered. His thoughts were temporarily broken when he heard a crash and whirring noise. It was Emily, Entrapta's robot. She would go crazy at these parties. Imp was no doubt tagging along since they're so close. He laughed when he heard Scorpia yelling at them to stop. Scorpia was a good friend to him and Entrapta. She went to great lengths to save Entrapta from Beast Island by getting Adora and helping the rebellion. She even didn't belittle him when he was recovering from his weakened state and helped him get back on his feet when he tried walking again. Due to her closeness with Catra, he tries not to be harsh on the cat fighter. It was his own fault for his negligence of his own men.

He remembered when Entrapta, along with Bow, found him in a lab. He didn't recognize either of them. Entrapta tried to get him to remember the times they had together. Bow kept telling her not to do this, but Entrapta wouldn't give up on him. She couldn't help him before so she could try to help him now. He was about to sound the alarm when Bow used his trick arrows on him. As he struggled and thrashed, Entrapta looked over him with sadness in her eyes. "Don't you remember how we first met? I snuck into your lab because I was so intrigued by what you were working on. You found me and yelled at me to get out, but I wasn't afraid. You had such fascinating ideas that went beyond Etheria but you always hide your real self from me."

"Gah! I don't know what you talking about!" Hordak snapped. He growled. He had his defects kicking in. His body screaming in pure agony. He laid his head down, exhausted. His eyes began to droop.

Entrapta gave him one sad glance and went to help Bow. They were going through monitor after monitor. Breaking down the codes. Hordak laughed when they were at the last monitor that led to Horde Prime's weapon mega system. They were trying to find out the password for the last one and couldn't figure it out. "You really think you could take on Horde Prime? He's a superior being in the entire galaxy he will destroy you and your backwater world!"

Bow and Entrapta turned around to look at him. Bow glared hard, almost ready for anything to be thrown at him. Entrapta found herself filled with tears. She walked over and smacked him in the face. "Why are you going back to serving that no-good, narcissistic, empty-headed dingbat who left you to die on the front lines! You are so much better than him Hordak! I know you are!"

"Stop calling me that! My designation is to serve Horde Prime. You and the others will fail! Failure is what you will have. Perfection will finally be his!"

Entrapta eyes lit up. "Perfection? That's it!" She ran over to the computer. She began typing the word 'Perfection' on the screen. It dinged, indicating that it was the right password. "Yes! It makes sense now! Anyone with that high deposition and seeing no value in flaws would be bound to have a password like that." She laughed her nasal laugh and jumped with joy. She hugged Hordak. When she did, Hordak didn't show any resistance.

This touch… He thought. I felt something like this before. His mind began to wonder. Images foggy in his head. Sounds that were from somewhere but he couldn't recall. Then, he recalled seeing a kind girl who held him with her hair. She creates gear that keeps him stable. Her speech of imperfection slowly becomes loud and clear in his mind. He looked up at her, tears brimming his eyes. An ache in his heart. Before the words could come, a group of Horde Prime clones came running into the room.

Bow tried to fight them off with his arrows but was soon overpowered. Entrapta was violently grabbed by the hair. She was dragged along the ground until she was next to Bow. Suddenly, the princess of Dryl was injected with poison and then zapped by one of the clones' staff. She screamed as they all laughed at her. Bow struggled against their grip, kicking and flailing while doing so.

Hordak stared at them in horror. How could they do this to her? Why would his brothers do this? Suddenly, more memories came flooding back. His time with Entrapta. Double Trouble reveals that Catra lied to him about Entrapta's "betrayal". Then, his punishment from Horde Prime. Rage surged throughout his body. He growled. Red teeth baring out. He roared. "Get away from Entrapta!" He broke free from the ropes and attacked his brothers. Tearing at them long enough for Bow to break free and grab his weapon. He snatched Entrapta who was weak but alive. Once they defeated the clones, Bow and Hordak (now holding Entrapta bridal style) were running down the hallway.

"I never thought I would say this," Bow yelled while shooting a few arrows. "But thanks!"

"It's Entrapta you should thank," Hordak corrected. "She never gave up on me."

After the defeat of Horde Prime, they located She-ra and had to flee the ship. Hordak passed out while holding Entrapta. The two were immediately brought to medical attention. She-ra used her healing powers to stabilize them. However, they still had to recover. They rested in Brightmoon for weeks. When Hordak came round, he and Entrapta talked. Hordak apologized for not being suspicious of Catra's lies while Entrapta apologized for not trying to get back to him. The two embraced and cried that day.

Now, Hordak was beginning to enjoy his time on Etheria and the princesses as well. "Hey!" Entrapta came running out to be at his side. "Thought I find you here." She looked up. "I've heard so many stories about stars, but I never saw this many!" She smiled. "It's so beautiful out." She felt her hand wrapped tenderly around his. She looked up. His smile made her heart leap with joy.

"Yes," He said. His red eyes focused on her magenta eyes. "It is." He tilted her head upward and gave her a gentle kiss bringing love to a perfect night.