Community: The Quest for more Seasons

Episode 701: Introduction to Post-Finality

Jeff - Study Room ''F''

''Alright, we're in agreement. From now on, Greendale will officially recognize the difference between salmonella and Somalia and we'll add the distinction into the bylaws. Furthermore, Greendale will ensure that the majority of our vending machines will now once more use the US-dollar as official currency as opposed to the North Korean 'won'.''

Frankie huffed in slight annoyance as she closed her binder with a little bit more force than necessary, no doubt a direct result of her ongoing efforts in questioning the Dean's mental state for what had to be the fifth time this week alone. She whispered something incomprehensible to herself ere she merely sighed in defeat, lowering her head once in silent shame.

Jeff had to giggle slightly at that, a monicker that quickly managed to catch Frankie's ire.

''Right, let's wrap this up, people. I'm sure that Jeff over here can't wait to return to the riveting levels of mental stimulation that is his Chinese knock-off version of Doodle Jump. If there isn't anything else I'd declare this meeting adjourned.'' Frankie stated in her usual matter-of-factly manner.

''Duh. Everyone laughed when I told you that the Chinese government is selling everyone's data to the Big Man but who's laughing now, huh?'' Britta added in her usual ''gotcha'' voice before the rest of the group coughed audibly.

''Firstly, nobody is laughing if you're speaking, Britta. Secondly ... didn't you spend the entirety of the last break on social media?''

Jeff replied deadpan before he tilted his head slightly at her, a thin smile creeping over his lips. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms in front of the chest before his eyes tilted back to the others. One by one, they all stood up and made their way to exit - except for Jeff himself.

It became something akin to a personal ritual of sorts. Every time one of their meetings came to an end, Jeff would sit there for a couple of minutes in complete silence, letting his mind wander to wherever it wanted. It was an unusual sight at first. The normally so outspoken Jeff Winger sitting by himself at an empty table, not ushering even a single word to anyone or that crossed his path. Britta once asked him if everything was alright, his confusing actions conjuring up amble worry within her. And although he was flattered by his long time friend's worry, it was an uphill battle to ensure her that everything was alright with him.

It was. It truly was. Everything was alright with him. All he did was to take a short break from everything that happened around him. A revitalizing boost of energy before he had to teach his next class or grade some papers.

And thus, just like many days and weeks before, his eyes sprung from one empty seat to the next.

He looked at the one seat placed right next to his own. He could somewhat appreciate the irony that the seat used to be empty for his first couple of years at Greendale, even if he had to roll his eyes at the symbolic imagery. Now, however, it wasn't empty. The Dean has claimed this one for himself, no doubt overjoyed at the opportunity to be seated next to Jeff. And he was happy to have him at his side.

Yes, during those first years he was more annoyed with Pelton than anything else. Somehow, the man's inability to administrate the school threw him into one chaotic situation to the next. Back then, Jeff believed that those acts only hampered his progress and that they stood in his way to get his degree. And although that might be true, he ignored the other side of it for far too long: it was through Craig that he bonded with the rest of the original study group. And now that the Dean actually managed to become more competent thanks to Frankie and the others Jeff honestly couldn't imagine his daily life without him anymore.

His eyes marched on, their target set on the seat next to Pelton's. And just like that, his smile turned into a wholesome grin as he thought about Annie.

It was almost absurd to think about how much she had changed his life over the years. She used to be that young driven thing that always managed to bring them back to the task at hand, no matter how much Jeff resisted her efforts at first. But through her he grew into the man that he now was - and he couldn't be more thankful for it. She taught him so many things ranging from discipline to emotional stability. But the greatest gift she has ever given him besides her actual presence was that it was her that managed to teach him to let go of things. Insecurities. People. Friends. He was equipped to handle those situations now and Jeff doubted that he would've ever learned otherwise if it wasn't for her. She saved him in more ways she could even imagine.

He sighed deeply as he looked on, his eyes placed on the next seat - to be more precise, Shirley and Elroy's now-vacant seat.

When it came to the marvel that was Shirley, one scene in particular always played in his head: the aftermath of their hot-air balloon adventure. And yes, given the gas leak situation they unknowingly faced during that year, some of his memories might be a little bit foggy. However, he will always visibly remember that time Shirley thought that they wouldn't think her to be a good mother because of that one time she forgot her kids in a store. And although he could understand from where she was coming from, it didn't change the fact that Shirley didn't just have three kids - she had so many more. During their first couple of years, she has become a mother figure to everyone in the original study group. To hear her saying something like that pained him, he had to admit.

And then there was Elroy, technological genius stuck in a past of his own making.

To say that he could see the similarities between them would have been an understatement. Elroy was always on his guard, no matter whether he spoke to him during one of their meetings or when they ran into each other on campus. And yet, through the combined efforts of Annie, Abed, and Britta, he slowly opened up to the rest of the group, even if it took slightly longer for him to warm up to Jeff personally. Though he never admitted to it outright, he was humbled to see the same growth that has happened to him in the years before happening to Elroy. But Jeff liked to think that Elroy knew.

And that led him right to the Hot Seat, as he liked to call it. Pierce. Hickey. Frankie.

Pierce, the source of countless of his problems and nightmares. A man who rarely managed to overshadow his wickedness and vile deeds with kindness. Jeff couldn't defend Pierce, even if he would've really liked for it to be a possibility. Pierce played with the other members of the original study group like they were pieces on some sort of racist chessboard. How often has he lied to them, toying with their most inner fears to prove some sort of twisted point? Yet Jeff was no fool. On the one hand, he knew that he wasn't that different, back during their first year at Greendale. And he had to admit that Pierce really did have his moments - even if they fell short to all of the lies that followed. On the other hand, Jeff might not have been able to defend his actions - but he couldn't blame all of the fault at him either. Above all else, Jeff knew what the absence of a father figure could do to someone that needed to be shown the way in life for them. At this, the self-made scar placed on his lower body started to itch. Pierce was a victim, just like Jeff was. Forgotten by those that were supposed to care for them. And although it didn't absolve him from his behavior, Jeff could understand the reasoning behind it. Now, after all those years and the lessons that followed, he only wished that he could tell him that in person.

Which lead him to Hickey, his former colleague turned - well, Jeff didn't really know to be honest. Something with corpses and funerals? He really shouldn't have been surprised that Hickey's current occupation was a mystery to him. What wasn't a mystery when it came to Hickey? And yet, Jeff knew that he didn't have to know everything about everyone to appreciate things. He had to admit, it was he who showed him how life as a teacher worked - even if his intentions were better than the execution. And he made up for that tenfold. Hickey never really cared to deny that he wasn't perfect, a lesson Jeff too had to learn. He could respect that about him. And even if he didn't, that man helped to save Greendale from Subway and its insidious agents. That made him more than alright in Jeff's books. Not to mention that both Annie and Abed latter told him stories about the times he helped them. Hickey was alright, all considered. Especially for someone that spent more than a decade at Greendale.

Last but not least: Frankie. The valiant defender of Greendale's last crumbles of sanity and stability.

To think that they once actively tried to sabotage her career at Greendale spoke volumes. There she was, a woman that had the actual skill and competence to save this school from itself and they rebelled against her like some hormone-driven teenagers. It made Jeff feel ashamed of himself, truth be told. But he needed that shame to realize that she was exactly who they needed when they needed her. If their first reaction to someone as stable as Frankie was to openly defy her authority they needed more help than they could've even begun to imagine. And in time, she has proven herself to be a valuable friend to everyone present, including him. Nobody was perfect, not even Frankie. Yet she would be the last person to deny that. Frankie's social awkwardness might have put them on the wrong foot at firstand yet, Frankie grew more in one year than some in half a decade - only for the single reason that all things considered, Frankie was a normal most of the time stable adult woman that was utterly skilled in her field. And for that, Jeff would never stop to be thankful.

He sighed as he looked on.

The next seat belonged to two persons that couldn't be more different from each other - and yet managed to both claim a part of his heart (even if he would rather die than admit the latter part).

Troy Barnes had his issues when he first arrived at Greendale. Who didn't? He was hunted by outdated thoughts of ideal masculine behavior paired with unreasonable expectations brought to him by his environment. And yet, the day Troy left for his journey, Jeff saw a young man that eclipsed himself in every conceivable measure. An emotionally well-rounded grownup that had a clear goal in front of him. And that put him above anyone else back then. During their first year, Troy often asked Jeff for advice about everything that came to his mind. Now, if they were to see each other again, it was more than ensured that it would be Jeff that would the questions. And although he'd never understand the countless weird references that sprang to life between him and Abed, he would never stop to respect his friend.

Kevin. Chang. Who even knew at this point?

Jeff chuckled slightly at that. How could any sane creature begin to describe chaos incarnate? He guessed that he should count himself blessed that there weren't any completely sane people at Greendale, he mused.

Chang did a lot of unspeakable things. Things that would put even Pierce to shame, if he was to compare both of their deeds with each other. And yet, there was a certain difference that put Pierce and Chang on two different levels: consistency. Pierce was volatile, switching from the rare good spirit to vile behavior within a moment's notice. Chang's ''growth'', for lack of a better word, was linear. He was bad, then he became worse - only for him to switch directions, steadily trying to do his best to help the committee in any way he could. Certainly, they all knew that sometimes his ideas did more harm than good. But his heart was in the right place - or whatever Chang had instead of a heart. Jeff never thought that he would find something to loyalty within the man and yet, he did. Greendale had a way to unravel the best about people. Not to mention that it was Chang that handed all of them the flyer for Greendale, back in that dusty mall.

That left only the two seats to his right.

One of the first things Jeff said to Abed was that he was a shaman, a spiritual master that could create joy and purpose out of thin air. It was a barefaced lie, back then. Jeff has never before been happier in his life for one of his lies to become the actual truth. Abed had the uncanny ability to weave any story into reality he could think of. And although Jeff didn't understand every second word that jumped out of Abed's mouth, he soon learned that he didn't have to. In a strange way that Jeff could only describe as mystical, Abed somehow knew which buttons he had to push to bring them closer together. He had to admit that he was annoyed at that at first. Usually, it was Jeff that manipulated people, the smiling puppeteer that pulled other people's strings to gain something he needed out of it. Yet Abed pulled them closer together without gaining much in the process himself. He was the glue that held them together, a role he certainly appreciated. Jeff owed him. He owed him a lot.

And finally, there was the woman who started it all. Britta Perry: the sole reason for the original study group to even exist in the first place. Jeff honestly still couldn't believe it. All of that chaos, all of the tears and laughs and the collective joy and misery - they all started because Jeff wanted to get in her pants. The rest was history. Now, after everything was said and done, Britta has achieved something nobody else managed to in Jeff's life. She became a constant. From day one to the present, she was with him at every step, enduring the chaos of Greendale together as the years passed by. And no matter whether they were lovers, friends, or something in between, Jeff couldn't even begin to put it in words how much he valued her.

Thus, Jeffrey Winger stat there in complete silence, letting his unfiltered mind wander to the memories that made him him. The good and the bad, the hilarious and the sad. All cobblestones on the pathway to his maturity, laid by those around him. He - ...

''Mr. Winger, there is an ... an emergency in the Dean's office!''

Are you kidding me?

''Garret, I swear to god. If this is another ploy to get me to sue someone for some yet undiscovered version of gout, I will have your head for this!'' he almost screamed through clenched teeth.

Garret, tranched in untold layers of sweat and personal hysteria, rested his hands on his knees as he desperately ringed for breath.

''No, I mean ... I mean it! He just lost it. It's like one of Leonard's war flashbacks!''

That's bad.

''For the love of ... fine, I'll deal with it.''

The Dean - Dean's Office

Humming along to the soothing sound of Daybreak, Dean Graig Pelton lifted one of his newly acquired dresses into the air, throwing it around in a 360 degrees radius before marching over to his closet with a colorful swagger in his steps. Frankie would be proud, he thought. Greg bought all of his pretty new clothes with his own actual money and not through the school's account. And although her threat to ''call Bill Gates and tell him to delete Excel forever'' played a part in that, he was still overjoyed that he didn't give in at the last second.

Smiling like a little schoolgirl during a Paris sommer, the Dean swiftly opened up his closet and put his dress into the cupboard labeled ''Dresses to win Drag Race in''. And there he thought that that labeling machine he bought back all those years ago would go to waste. Organization was the foundation for every Dean to be dean-tastic, after all!

Suddenly, a familiar beeping sound broke through the serene tunes of the music. It was the email notification he used for past and current members of staff: the sound of a car crashing into a cement wall. He found it oddly motivating, truth be told.

''If this is another North Korea situation, I will be pretty mad!'' he quipped to nobody in particular as he made his way over to his desk.

Well, well, well. Look who came crawling back to me!

It was Hickey, Greendale's former criminology professor turned ...

I honestly don't know. Something with corpses? Charming, really. Playing dress-up and all that.

''Finally. I trained for the 'I will forgive Hickey for leaving us' speech ever since. Let's how he - ... wait, what?''

His tender heart almost stopped in its track as he quickly scanned the content of his e-mail.

TO: TheDeanster, Pelton

FROM: Hickey, Buzz

SUBJECT: Ain't that walking corpse one of yours?


so funny story. I was enjoying my launch break when I turned on the TV to catch the latest game. Consider me surprised that the game was interrupted by one of your former students creating havoc down in the city, at least according to the news. Didn't he die or something like that? I never really know with your people. You're weird. I send you the news report attached to this e-mail. I'd deal with that ASAP, the dead are supposed to stay dead. Believe you me.

PS: No, my son is still not single. Please stop asking, it's getting weird.

- Buzz

With nothing else to lose, Graig clicked on the link Hickey send him, hoping that it wouldn't be as bad as he initially thought. As always though, it soon turned out that it was ten times worse than initially believed.

Oh. My. Gaga.

He honestly didn't know how to react to that. And although he didn't wish to pull an Abed, there was nothing else he could really think of. And thus, he took a deep breath and began to scream as if his life depended on it.

A(bed's) N(otes):

For the sake of the ''human touch'' as we in the business call it, I've decided to add additional commentary by those involved in the movie. Even if no one really knew on what sort of journey we'd soon find each other in, I thought it to be more than prudent. Both for the sake of the movie and in remembrance of those who didn't make it so far. I hope I made them proud. You made us proud.

Thanks to Greendale's IT lady for giving me the secret recordings of both the Dean's Office and the study room. Sorry again for mistaking you for Frankie.

Frankie: Greendale would once more officially acknowledge the sovereignty of both Somalia and North Korea. Furthermore, Greendale refuses to comment on any 'secret' recording devices put around the campus.

Britta: This comment was removed in accordance with the wishes of my bosses. Here in the business, we greatly appreciate the great people of China and bow before both of their wisdom and their financial affinity!

The Dean: Look at me, I was such a silly goose back then! 'Excel', pff. I know it's all about that 'Snapchat' now! Modern tools for a modern dean! #Toocoolforschool

Hickey: After all that time, all of you are still weird.