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The Jump

This suite was a million times better than the practical prison-cell they'd gotten back in Russia. At least here, people made an effort to change the sheets and provide actual room service. It was a true wonder on top of all that, that the place didn't smell like dog piss.

There was a lick of sea salt, however, and the distant mutterings of the water beating against the shores was therapeutically calming. In other words: everything here was the exact opposite of Motel-Shitstain-Galore.

The Fallen was grateful for that.

And even though Dischtill hadn't said anything, he had a feeling the hacker was in similar straights.

It was sort of too bad that Dischtill was hard to read whenever something complicated happened to him. The Fallen could wonder at it. It was easy to tell when he was amused or pissed off, but impossible to detect when his opinion of you swung on its heels.

Maybe that went for all human beings.

He couldn't definitively say. Normally he shared rooms with things that looked, sounded and smelled nothing like them, or went at it alone and isolated.

He was glad Dischtill was here. Something about being alone with such a view in front of himself felt wrong.

"I did want in travel to Turkey when was younger." Dischtill said quietly, his fingers giving off little angelic chimes as they tapped on the mug of coffee in his hand. "Was too poor and limited to ever do it rightly, bro. My father and such used to be saying, that being born to place we are, meant that we are static. So now unmoving and bolted to proverb floor. For most of life I believe him."

"There's always a way out." The Fallen sighed, his arms folded on the white railing of the suite's balcony. It was quite a task to get his eyes to scan over the mound of buildings covering the peninsular link that the city of Sinop was encrusted over. The Black Sea sprawled endlessly around it in an almost bowl-shaped extension, and beautiful, white sandy beaches crawled along the merger between water and wooded land like a line of millipedes. "Was there anywhere else?"

Dischtill scratched at his chin and sipped his coffee. The robe over his body fluttered from the coastal winds, and the cries of distant gulls drew his gaze as he thought.

"It was mostly Turkey and English place."

"You mean England?"

"Tak, you know what I am mean and niceness, dude, the place where people have teeth like mule and get drunk on tea leaves. Not as bad as Scotland with their sheep ass, but still bad." Dischtill rolled a wrist. The Fallen laughed at him. "…Not bad in sense thought that I was not willed to go. I spent many hour fiddling with pages in books and similar covering England history. It was fascinating."

The Fallen glanced at him when the hacker formed the word perfectly. Even Disch' seemed to be smiling a bit brighter in light of what he no doubt saw as a development.

"That was long before job offer." Dischtill hummed, meeting the Fallen's gaze with a very stern look. "I had being held onto such dreams long into life. Long past marriage. All of that was taken away in Israel. All of it. It is not of concern anymore, not even greatness worth of chat, dude."

"For some people, talking about their problems works wonders, and for some it doesn't." The Fallen shrugged. "I'm the receiver button on these things, Disch', ask for more, don't expect it to just happen. That's just out of respect. Because I… well, I know how that feels."

"I might disagree." Dischtill took another sip. He cupped his fingers over his eyes to blot out the uninhibited sun as he watched a fat gull soar over the hotel. "By way: is it ready to come out?"

The Fallen smirked and pushed away from the railing.

"Just give me a second." He swept the billowing, azure curtains sealing in the suite aside and stepped through the lattice doors. "And for the last time: she. Not it."

The Fallen jogged down a small altar of polished wood steps and crossed the colored-tiles forming the mural center of the suite. It was ringed with blue and deep red, and centered with diamond-shaped tiles that were orange, yellow and white. The whole thing reminded him of ancient architecture and a showerroom all at the same time.

The twin queen-size beds on either end of the suite were still unmade, and the lounge portion of the room was still host to a large, silvery platter on the mahogany table that was piled with scraps from the sumptuous breakfast that had basically come as 'part of the package' –with everything else.

He admitted, other cultures had branded enough of a coding in him that the choice of food had initially put him off. Meat soups, curiously fragrant sucuk, and the tangy spices on the eggs had sure been a trip. But cuisine was a liberty of variation that he greatly enjoyed as a sometimes literal fruit of his labor.

After the other night, he needed something to look forward to. And being in the No58 Suites Hotel had certainly hit that spot on the head.

No thanks to Dischtill.

He took one look at the Google previews and had refused in light of his own eventual choice.

Seeing as the Fallen would never trust his hacker with hotel-hunting ever again as long as he lived, the complaint was swiftly rebuked. Low and behold, the grumpy techie had come to really like it here.

He swept another curtain aside, and glanced at the pile of compacted plates lying in the corner of the lavish suite's bathroom.

His suit.

It was always strange to look at it not being on his body.

But that wasn't what he was here for.


He glanced at the double sinks and stepped over, picking up a familiar Android phone off the counter. He clicked his tongue at the little messenger window on the screen.


"Hello yourself. C'mon, stop hiding in here, I want to show you something." He looked at the far end of the bathroom and angled his chin at a dark, deep recess overtaking where the tubs were. "I can see you back there."

Two yellow, beady eyes materialized in the shadows, and began to shift in time with quiet, yet heavy footfalls that got closer and closer to him.

She parted from the darkness like a strip of liquid black from a sea of tar. Mal0 blended with the shade almost perfectly, her voluptuous, inhuman form piqued by silvery outlines from the glare outside the lavatory.

"There you are."

Mal0 cocked her skull and her ear flicked.

"HERE I AM." –Droned the automatic voice from the phone. Her tail started to slowly swish. "FALLEN COME BACK FOR MAL-O. MAL-O HAPPY. FALLEN TALK WITH MAL-O. FALLEN PLAY THE TRINKETS WITH MAL-O."

"We can do all of those things, but first, come outside for a minute." The Fallen held out his hand and nodded for the balcony on the other side of the suite. "C'mon, Mal0, don't look like that, it'll only be for a little bit, then we can spend our time however you want."

Mal0 looked apprehensively at the daylight glaring through the otherwise shaded suite. Her tail went rigid, flicked, and she then she started fiddling with her paws.

"What do you say? I promise, you'll be even more happy you did."

"MAL-O…." The auto-assistant cut off, and the humanoid wolfess stared at her own feet. When he thought for a second that she was frozen, she startled him by perking back up and spreading her paws open, as if she wanted to play paddie-cake. Mal0 cocked her skull cutely. "TRINKETS."

"We'll get to that, just give me your hand- Imeanpaw, and we'll-"




He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Alright, follow me."

Mal0 silently trailed him as he walked back out into the suite. He glanced back at her, and noted how her steps were almost awkward in their placement, like she was unused to physical movement.

The seven-foot-tall wolfess darted her gaze all over the room, and had been doing so since she had rematerialized out of the phone last night when they had arrived. She hadn't slept, and claimed that it was unneeded when Dischtill and he had gotten breakfast.

But other than developing a fascination with the décor…

The suite had a small table set up along the massive lattice windows making the room's western wall. There was a prepared chess set that had been erected.

Mal0 had become fascinated with the game, and had learned it shockingly quickly, defeating him several times in a few arranged matches. She had taken to calling the game and the activity of playing it 'trinkets'.

"You know you're just going to beat me again." He said as he yanked out one of the chairs, grunting as he sat. "My back still hurts. Can you believe that? After all those regens…"

"MAL-O DOESN'T KNOW WITH CERTAINTY THAT SHE WILL BEAT FALLEN AT TRINKETS." The wolfess produced a quiet huffing sound as she stood by the side of the comically small table which only came up to her massive, lower hip. "MAL-O JUST HAS DISPROPORTIONATELY HIGH CHANCE SHE WILL BEAT FALLEN."

"Pfft, aren't you sweet… I didn't think you would turn out to be the tactical genius of tabletops, so I'm a little caught off my guard."

"FALLEN~…" Mal0 gave a little cooing sound, and he grunted when she craned a big arm over and ruffled the hair on top of his head, her sharp claws poking and scratching. "SO CUTE."

"If you say so." He gestured to one of the futons in the lounge section. "Well, go on, you don't need my permission to use those muscles of yours."

Mal0 crooned and started trudging into the center of the suite, her tail limbering back and forth in time with the roll of her furry hips. The Fallen couldn't stop himself from ogling.

If he hadn't been so exhausted the last two nights, he probably would've made a jump at the very obvious tension that had been boiling around the wolfess since Belarus. Mal0 had of course kept any physical contact purely innocent, hair-ruffles, pokes, nudges, a paw on the shoulder. A few times she'd held his hand, but mostly, Mal0 would simply stare at him.

Evidently, long periods of loneliness had destroyed whatever primordial amoebas of emotional bandwidth she had possessed. Even the act of brushing her fingers against his sent very obvious jolts of anxiety through her body.

Her fine, fine, bodacious, jiggly… inhuman… soft… body.

The Fallen scrunched his eyes shut tightly and focused on the readied chessboard under his chin.


He was losing it a bit.

Something about killing people always set off the need. He figured it was his own method of blowing off steam from the constant stress weighing down his eyelids and torturing his mind. But really, most of this was because he was running on fumes.

He hadn't had sex in almost a month now, and the abstinence was starting to mess with him. Isotope's hollow threat during the battle had also reminded him of a significant avenue he had so readily abandoned.

Speaking in terms of bluntness: he just missed the Furies.

Hell, he missed Leha. It had been so long, that he was beginning to forget what she fucking looked like. The anxiety had become so crippling when he had heard about her journey to the night planet of Shargos, that he had done his best to channel her out of his head.

But it was hard to forget a female like that.

Leha had been…

…well, indescribable, really.

And before Nimbus had gone apeshit, his time on the islands had been really relieving too. He'd go so far as to say it gave him cause to live while he lived, instead of just living to live.

If that made sense.


-He jumped in surprise when Mal0 reappeared on the other side of the little table, butting aside the tiny chair there and placing one of the lounge futons in its place.

She hadn't even tried the small game chairs when they had first started playing.

Her ass was so big that it would probably swallow the chair.

Even so, when she slowly melded down onto the futon (making sure to swish her big, bushy tail out of the way) the furniture creaked and crackled under her immense weight. Now, Mal0 wasn't fat or chubby…

There was just so much wolf to go around.

Lots and lots of wolf.

It was hard to concentrate on anything else.

He liked wolves…


"Wha-'?" He glanced down at the phone in his lap, and then looked at her. "-Oh, right, yes."

Placing the Android beside the chessboard, the Fallen sighed and slapped his hands together as he began to scan his pieces.

His set was black, Mal0's was a creamy colored tan. She was transfixed on her Queen as she waited for him to make his first move. She pinched it between two talons and rocked it lightly back and forth, like it was a miniature lever protruding from the tabletop.

When she noticed him looking at her, she quickly let go of the piece, evidently embarrassed by her fiddling. It fell off the board and clattered off her lap and onto the floor. She produced a minute, canine yip, and quickly ducked under the table to snatch it back up.

He smiled as he moved his bishop.

She really was just a normal person.

Despite the fur.

And the skull.

And the whole jumping into phones shindig.

"Fallen? Where is being cyber-boob-wolf?" –Dischtill called from the balcony outside.

The Fallen grunted.

He'd forgotten about Disch'.

"Mal0 wants me to play chess again." He shouted back, earning a curious once-over from the subject in question as she put her Queen back.


"Again, yes, that's… what I just said. He'll be fine. He could use the quiet anyhow." He mumbled, pinching the bridge of his nose. "It's your turn."

Mal0 gave an eager hum, and scooted forwards on the futon, her paw wiggling as she hovered over her little wooden army indecisively of her tactical response.

He stood up at one point and fixed himself a cup of coffee. When he came back, she craned to look at him past her mane as he rounded the futon.

"Did you win the war yet?" He chuckled.

"FALLEN'S TURN." Her tail wagged.

"My turn? But you didn-" When the Fallen sat down, he blinked when he noticed that she indeed had moved.

A pawn.

All she did was move a pawn up.

He furrowed his brow and looked at her.

"You took long enough for me to grow a beard just to move a pawn?" He gawked. "If that's what you want, I guess…"

Mal0 clicked her fangs, a little giggling sound crawling up from inside her mouth. She swept her head over, much like a woman casting her hair aside would do, and brushed away straying lochs of her voluminous mane with her paw.


"Funny looking, I concur." He tapped his chin as he surveyed his pieces. "…Hey, while we have some time."

Mal0 crooned and leaned forwards, her attention eerily locking onto him completely.

Jeez', she really loved talking. Years of isolation, he supposed, would cause such a thing.

"I've been meaning to talk to you about what happened." He moved a pawn. "With you and my suit."

Mal0 flinched and her tail stopped wagging. As he reclined to give her eye contact, he found himself surprised when she gripped the edge of the table and gave a little shake of her skull.

"MAL-O HAS ALREADY APOLOGIZED TO POINT OF EXHAUST." –Her speech quality tended to either degrade or become unparalleled when she was stressed. It was an odd up or down reaction he had noted. "MAL-O WANTS TO TALK WITH FALLEN ABOUT SOMETHING ELSE."

"I understand, but this is important." He interlocked his fingers in his lap. "It has to do with your potential future, Mal0."

She was mid-move of a knight when she paused, her yellow eyes locking onto him.

"FUTURE?" She sat back in the futon, forgetting the game for a moment. "MAL-O FUTURE?"

"Yes. Now that you're safe from the Foundation and the Converters, you have a choice to make." He explained. "What do you want to do? You have so many choices available to you."


"Sure. You can hop into the electric grid, take a tour of the world. Hide in someone's cell phone and send them nudes of their sister, I don't know. It's all up to you. I won't stop you if you choose to lea-"


He jumped when the phone buzzed on the table, and the auto-voice blared at a higher than normal volume.

Mal0 sheepishly dropped an adopted expression of what he took as panic, and sat back again, playing with her Queen. Her face was devoid of emotion no matter her body language, he observed.

But then again, how much brow-raising or scrunching or grinning like an ass could you do with bone making up your head?


There was something.

Her jaw twitched.

She covered it up by quickly moving her bishop and executing his knight. He grumbled and tossed it on the side of the table, where it no doubt marked a soon to be deads pile filled with all his pieces.


"Nobody would know you were there. It might be good for you." He blinked at himself.

What he was doing?

Trying to send away the wolf-poon? What the fuck was wrong with him?

"It's called being a gentleman, and giving the fair lady freedom of will, sir!" Conscience held up a cup of coffee in salute from where he sat in the other futon in the lounge. "Don't mind me, I'm just grabbin' some joe'."

The Fallen sneered and chucked his empty cup across the suite. It hit the back of the futon and rolled loudly onto the tiled floor.

Mal0 went rigid and looked at him silently, her ears piqued and twitching.

"U-Uhm-" He stammered. "-t-there was a- uh… a bug on the sofa. Yeah."

Mal0 slowly craned her neck over, looked at the futon, and then turned back to him. If she had eyelids, she'd probably offer him a confused blink.


"How long were you being held inside that container?" He put his dead pawn in the pile.


"So if you don't want to travel the world, what do you want to do? I hate to admit it, but your options are sort of, well… limited. I mean, you can't exactly go out and get a part-time at Starbucks." He gestured to her. "Ha, right?"

She cocked her skull, the humor lost on her. He coughed and waved it away.

"And here I thought you found me funny." He teased.

"FALLEN IS FUNNY. FALLEN MAKE MAL-O HAPPY." Ironically, she was saying this right as she plowed through his last bishop. "MAL-O WANT TO GO WITH FALLEN."

He dropped his smile as he put the bishop in the pile, gazing at her with a stern expression. He waited until she made eye-contact with him, and her tail stopped wagging.


"I hope you realize the seriousness of what you're saying." He said calmly. "Not that I'm trying to attack you, but just understand what it is we're speaking of. Do you remember the portal? When we saved Dischtill?"


"-I have been heard that~! Digital Macintosh fart with fur~!" –Echoed from the balcony outside. "Do not be pissing me off! I find way to send you Trojan that turn fingers into penises or something!"

Mal0 cocked her skull and looked at the curtains obscuring the balcony from her view. She lifted a paw and gave a little wave of her talons.

Outside, the faint BZZT~! –noise of an electric pulse whipped out, followed by the feminine shriek of Dischtill.

"Jesus of Christ- what did cyber-demon-wolf do to my ass -?!"

Mal0 made a series of wheezing sounds that he eventually realized was laughter. She turned her attention back to him.


"If you step through that box with me, you may never see this world again." He outright told her. "I have a job, Mal0. I'm what people call a Portaljumper, I explore the greater Multiverse. I can't speak for the future, but it is entirely possible that time constraints and more important goals will see to me never revisiting this iteration of Earth again. It's a possibility every time I jump out. It could always be the last time."


"Not lightly, of course, but…" He drummed his fingers after moving a doomed tower. "I've explained to Dischtill before. He knows, and we've had the exact same discussion you and me are having. You have to decide, Mal0, if that's what you wish to do. If you come with me, you'll become part of my retinue, which means you'll essentially be a Portaljumper like me."

"…FALLEN NOT LIVE ON EARTH?" She was overwhelmed, he could tell. Probably half the information was bouncing off her skull, literally. "FALLEN SAYING TO MAL-O THAT THERE ARE OTHER EARTHS?"

"Many other Earths." He clarified. "And if you come with me, I'll give you technology and teach you skills that will give you the ability to see all of these things without difficulty or danger. But that's only if you choose to take that step. It's… a lot to ask of someone. Most people I meet I don't even consider offering it to. But I'd be willing to extend that offer to you. It's important what I mentioned before, because if we go through with this, you can never, ever tamper with my equipment like that again. Inside or outside a combat situation. You could potentially endanger the lives of many other people, not just those of you and me. Do you understand?"


"Alright, good. I don't want to fight with you, Mal0, but I have to put it out there in light of-"


"…Fuck a duck." He flicked his Queen over. "Big surprise there."

Mal0 hummed at him and then huffed, scanning around the big lattice windows beside the table. The sun was barely seeable through the plaster-like panes, and cast the suite in a dim, cyan glaze to mesh with the bright beams cutting in through the balcony curtains. Mal0 seemed to be drinking her environment in. He patiently folded his arms and waited.


"Hmm." He nodded, before a small smile crept onto his face. "What about Disch'? You ever think he might take you in as a roommate."

Mal0 made a snorting sound and jolted back like she'd sneezed.

"NOOOOOOOO….~" She groaned, making him laugh. "…MAL-O WANTS TIME." She set about quietly resetting the board, minus the knight he'd chucked at himself (literally) earlier. "MAL-O NEVER LEAVE SPARKIES FOR SO LONG BEFORE. MAL-O NEVER WALK ON GROUND FOR SO LONG BEFORE WITHOUT FEAR AND HATE. I'VE NEVER HAD A CHANCE TO DECIDE ANYTHING FOR MYSELF."

"So… take your time." He trailed encouragingly. "Think about it. That little rescue op we pulled added another day or two to my Portalbox's recharge period, so we have time."


"Well, enjoy it, because no matter your decision, you're gonna' be getting a lot of it." He stood up from his chair. "Now how about that thing I wanted to show you?"

When Dischtill waddled in through the curtains, a hand patting around his backside through the robe, he almost jumped out of his skin when Mal0 approached behind the Fallen.

"I am not thinking I am ever getting used to that." Dischtill grumbled, eyes sweeping up the colossal wolfess' form from her foot-paws to the skull head. His gaze rested briefly on her chest before he cringed and waddled around the two of them faster. "Do not be thinking you are seeing the last of Dischtill, evil computer monstrosity and wrongness…"

Mal0 looked to the Fallen for answers, but he only shrugged and opened the curtains. She flinched and stepped back from the blaring sunlight outside.

"You're not seriously afraid of the sun are you?" He smiled.


"Who gives a rat's ass about other people? It'll just be for a minute, so come on out he-" The Fallen paused when he saw Mal0 curl in on herself and retract from the light. Her gaze was lowered to his feet, and she wouldn't move. He sighed and stepped back inside, putting himself in front of her. "Listen, you don't have to be afraid of anything."

"MAL-O IS NOT AFRAID." She told him, her chin bobbing in one of her infrequent jabs of authority. It vanished a moment later when she huffed, and started picking at something in her arm-fur. "MAL-O IS NOT AFRAID IN THAT WAY."

"I wouldn't think you were, you came out and zapped those SCPs." He said. "I'll be right next to you. Just step through the curtains and do it, you won't regret it."

She huffed again, her gaze trailing to back inside the suite.

When he knew he could, the Fallen jumped forwards and swept the curtains out of the way with a silken whoosh. Mal0 crooned in fright and almost fell on her rump when the blinding sunlight cascaded over her contrastingly dark body.

After a minute, she lowered her arms and shivered from the baking, natural warmth tingling her underneath her fur. Her eyes seemed to get just a bit bigger, and her mandible slouched.

The Fallen took up one of her paws and walked her out through the lattice doors, leading her along in her drunken, disoriented state.

"Take a look." He uttered.

"BLUE." –She quickly said. "BLUE."

Mal0 teetered as she swung her gaze everywhere around the balcony. The cloudless blue sky, the water, the little city built on the peninsular spine. Her claws scraped on the guardrail as she settled on the nearest, biggest thing to prevent herself from collapsing.

"See? What'd I tell you?" The Fallen smugly sat back next to her and crossed his arms. "It's a nice view, right? It better be, this place cost almost as much as a bloody house."

"You still have not been telling where you got money from." –Dischtill called from the suite's washroom.

The Fallen cringed and tapped his foot, avoiding Mal0's stare when her eyes slowly melded back onto him.

"T-That isn't important." He grinned sheepishly, nodding for the city. "But, forgetting that… This place is called Sinop. It's pretty, huh?"

"PRETTY." Mal0 hummed, her tail brushing his leg as it wagged. "AIR IS NICE. MAL-O LIKE THE AIR."

"You've never had a chance to walk around during the day, just… just to walk around?"

She looked at him balefully for a second, and then returned to her sightseeing. When a gust of salty coast-wind blew over the balcony, she raised her snout and arched her back as she leaned forwards on the guardrail, sighing when it blew her mane about like liquid black fire.

"This is better than being inside that box." He nodded. "I'm glad I could get you out of there. You deserve better."

He grunted when one of her big arms slipped around his waist and spun him to face the horizon with her. She pressed him against her side and huffed, paw-pads tapping contentedly on his right forearm.

She's toasty.

He couldn't help but put his face in her fur, marveling at how quickly it warmed up in the sun. She was still unbelievably soft. There was paunch fat covering an iron-chorded network of muscle that ran beneath her plushness stealthily. Being almost two heads taller than him, he had to look up at her to meet her gaze.

Mal0 was looking down at him in a doting fashion, and her bushy tail swept over to cup his backside and legs.

"FALLEN." –Came from the phone in his grasp. "HEART EYES EMOJI."


"You know, at some point we have to go back and get everything."

"I am knowing this and presently not caring and now."

"But, uh… your truck is there too."

"You thinking I have not left it longer in worser places, dude? Thing is unjust junker and rust getter. It is going nowhere, bro, nowhere."

The Fallen let it go with an amused snicker.

"Well, other than that, how's the skin?" He asked.

"Like nothing and that of course happened." Dischtill lazily waved his arm, and took another bite out of the pastry in his hand, the wrapper crackling. "Ahnd I ahm mot wahntin tu be fink ohf dis rite nohw." –He muffled.

The Fallen let that one go too.

He couldn't blame Dischtill for being pretty stoic about it. The regen-injections had gotten rid of the burns that had riddled his skin and had saved him from the results of smoke inhalation. But none of that took away the memory of how such suffering felt. It was that that kept causing the hacker to turn to narcotics whenever his depression spiked too heavily. The Fallen could basically un-addict him whenever needed, but somehow, Dischtill kept ending up back under the needle.

It had stopped making him angry past the initial episodes awhile ago.

Still, it stung to watch the man degrade like he did.

Mal0 had mentioned Dischtill's screams during the last of the inferno, but the Fallen had chosen not to pursue any details from the man himself. All he knew was that Dischtill had seen things inside that safety vault, and it made his eyes look just a bit darker.

Currently, the Fallen and his hacker were sitting at a table under a canopy spread that showed a view of the harbor outside and opened up to the street on the other end. They'd gotten some things at a few vendors and had taken a rest, earning glances from some of the other nearby pedestrians.

He supposed they thought he was European, like Dischtill, an uncommon sight, relatively speaking.

He didn't give a shit.

If someone had an issue, he had his gear all packed away in his trusty Nano-box hidden under the hoodie he was wearing.

"All of that work." Dischtill's words got his attention back. The hacker was shaking his head slowly as he chewed, watching some docked ships in the harbor aisle. "All years of prepping-ness and gathering. All my equipment. They took it from me. Those miserable sons of bitches took it from me."

"Hey," The Fallen reached over and touched Dischtill's arm when anger started to rise in his voice. A car behind them beeped and the crowded street seemed to move a bit faster when Disch's train of thought was broken. "you were able to save the laptop. We still have the drone, you have your flash drives. Nothing essential was destroyed entirely. You'll recover, and soon, because I'm going to help you get all of it."

"And what about my stocks?" Dischtill gestured to the pastry. "All my rations and supply. Foundation burn it."

"You're seriously going to cry over some toilet paper?" The Fallen chuckled.

"Maybe…" Dischtill pouted. "…it took while to get so much toilet paper and food, man. And what about you, bro? All of your foreign currencies go up in smoke with my paper!"

"I keep enough in my Nano-box to get by until I can go on more ops." The Fallen tapped his hip. "Honestly, Disch', I'm more wounded in a sentimental way than in anything else, and you should be too. You survived, because of your quick thinking, and you protected the most important pieces of your rig."

"But how did Foundation being finding me? Always I do away with Trojans and tracking programs, and always do slip out without hitch! How do they do this?"

"How indeed." The Portaljumper nodded slowly, drumming his fingers on the little table between them. "And, how'd they get those suits?"

"Must be new weapons program." Dischtill impossibly waved that off too, earning a glance from his companion. "What? How can be surprised, dude? Foundation has accessness to best shit on planet."

"Yeah well," The Fallen grunted. "those suits aren't from this planet."

"…What are you saying at this?" Dischtill met his gaze.

"It's complicated. In other news, I was meaning to talk with you about the recent developments, forced relocation and whatnot."


"Me and Mal0 already had the discussion, and she's making her decision too. Now, I know I've asked this of you before, Disch', but I'm only asking again because of all this."

"Tak, I can be respect that fully, dude." Dischtill grinned. "This answer still at no however. Ya ne peredumav. I have other hiding places."

"I think my point to you would be: you don't have to have hiding places." The Fallen leaned over the table. "Dischtill, c'mon, maybe it's time to consider something greater than just being my local guide."

"…Hardships tell me my own self and limit many time." Dischtill tossed his wrapper away. "I can look at thing in front of me, man, and see when and not it will work for me or be bust. That rippy-tearing reality shit you have? It is not for Dischtill. It goes beyond my limit. I cannot do so, bro."

The Portaljumper sighed and sat back in his chair.

"The offer's not going away." He assured quietly. Dischtill smiled.

"I am knowing, and perhaps like some day in future, mind might switch flick and niceness. But not now. I am man of current lifestyle. I have survived through worse."

"Me too." The Fallen nodded. "Me too."

"So what is being next?"

"I don't know, are any of those hideouts of yours in Turkey?"

"Eh…" Dischtill shrugged. "…one is semi closeness to place here."

"Great, so where is it?"


"You cheated, and I know it."



Mal0 huffed laughter and started to reset the chessboard.

Night had descended over the city, and by extension the suite. Despite a close call earlier with a nosy room service attendant, the evening had been relaxing as day number two in Sinop passed them by.

Dischtill wasn't here. He'd gone to the hotel's eatery by himself, wishing to not be disturbed. The Fallen didn't know if that gesture was directed at him, or Dischtill himself. Something told him it was a little of both.

Mal0 had been very pleased with the idea of spending her time alone with the Fallen, and had summarily taken up several hours going back and forth from mundane subjects of discussion and trinkets. She beat him in every single match they played.

"TRINKETS." Mal0 said almost lovingly when she finished setting up both sides of the board. She leaned back in the futon and looked at him expressionlessly over the table. "MAL-O LIKE TRINKETS. THERAPEUTIC."

"Isn't it now." He chuckled. "Some might be concerned at those who take joy from others suffering."


"Call it what you wish, madame, but all I know is that I'm dangling in the breeze like a corpse hanging from a tree, and you're dancing on the grave they've dug for me. It's pretty much rolled that way every time we've played." He joked. "This is more like practice for you. I'm a burlap dummy getting the daylights punched out of it, except it's done with chess pieces."

The wolfess laughed enough that she gave off a dry wheeze. She picked at her mane and cocked her skull at him in one of her usual head gestures.


"Better than good."

She was more comfortable and moved around less stiffly when it was nighttime. Now that the suite was dimmed with only the lamps near the beds on, Mal0's robotic footsteps from earlier this afternoon were replaced with almost feral bounds and quick jitters. Her tail swished around constantly, and she was always touching him, kneading his shoulders, brushing her tail over his legs, leaning into his flank…

She was lively.


Her gaze was penetrating. Nothing ever moved on her actual face, and so he had mostly been relying on body language to tell how she felt in any given moment.

When Mal0 focused on something, her attention was eerily complete. He didn't want to hurt her feelings by telling her, but she could be kind of creepy, especially when she was on the other end of the room, in the dark, just staring at him, or Dischtill. Luckily, the latter had been sleeping like a baby the last two nights and so had been spared such a fright.

"For fun?" He parroted. "Well, I dunno'. Usually, I'm either on a job or enjoying whatever pastimes are in the area I'm currently at. It's a mixed bag."


"Who am I going to text? I'm a Portaljumper, there isn't good reception in the Void, you know." He chuckled. The Android buzzed and when he picked out the phone, he saw he had a new message.

"FALLEN TEXT MAL-O." The wolfess hummed in tune with the phone's auto voice. She shifted a bit on the futon and continued staring at him. "MAL-O SEND NUUUUDES."

The Fallen swallowed when he saw the photograph of Mal0 groping one of her furry breasts, even going so far as to pinch the black nipple.

When he looked back up at her, he jumped when he saw that she had actually moved in a short time, soundlessly, and was now standing beside the table, peering down at him with that eternally blank stare.


… Well, what the fuck did he say to that?

"I-I see M-Mal0."

"FALLEN SEE MAL-O. MAL-O WANT FALLEN TO SEE." She paused, her paw twitching. She eventually slowly reached out to him, opening her fingers and clenching his wrist. "MAL-O WANT FALLEN TO TOUCH."

"Oh, there's some permission-" He squawked awkwardly. The wolfess lifted his free hand up, and his heart rate spiked when she smushed his palm into the impossibly soft, warm, pliant mound of her boob. The Fallen cringed when he felt a certain blade of power tighten the confines of his sweatpants.

Mal0, in turn, crooned at the contact and pressed his hand with more force, making him squeeze her as she rubbed her thighs together. The huge wolf creature sighed through her fangs. Her eyes glowed a bit brighter and glued themselves to his torso.


"N-Nobody who has rockin' tits like you is naïve about what they do to people." He blinked, flexing his fingers. Mal0 huffed and arched her back, her tail swinging around her leg and dusting over his knees. "Call me mad for asking, but, uh… I can't imagine there are many dude Mal0s running around, so, how…?"

"PORNHUB." Mal0 cocked her skull. "ONLINE EROTIC FICTION."

"I thought only lifeless neckbeards wrote that shit."

"MAL-O LIKES LIFELESS NECKBEARDS THEN." The wolf startled him when she grasped his hand, and yanked him onto his feet all in one motion. He fell forwards, inadvertently throwing his arms around her huge hips to steady himself.

He looked up at the gigantic wolfess, quivering as all kinds of hormones started to pop like colorful mortar cannons inside his head.

"MAL-O LIKES FALLEN." Her paws slid down his shoulders, his arms, and settled on his sides. She leaned down, and before he knew it, a load of furry boobage that faintly smelt of fresh-clean-rug-smell was shoved in his face. "MAL-O TRUSTS FALLEN."

"…Just so that we're on the same page," He sputtered between her tits, blowing her collar-tuft off his lips. "you are asking me for sex, right?"

Mal0 didn't respond in any other way except tilting her skull a little.

She grabbed his hands and pressed them into her waist, giving a minute gasp as she did so.

"TOUCH." She ordered.

It was quite experimental for him, but he persisted as she wished. He was used to scales, and back scutes, and horns and spinal fins, and he knew how to navigate all of those things, and, most importantly, how to manipulate a body possessing those parts in the best way to please a female.

His fingers brushed through her silky fur, up her back, before he settled his palms and clenched two handfuls of the billowing, femininely-cascading fur falling down her spine. Mal0's breathing- which was normally a low, consistent wheeze –was now louder, and hitched occasionally as he felt her up.

Mal0 growled lowly in her black throat and nudged her hips into his gut. He hugged around her waist, and sunk his fingers in a clawed grip into the plush masses of her backside. Mal0 crooned quietly, her body suddenly heating up even more, as if he had just flicked some sort of switch. The Fallen gripped the base of her tail and gave it a little yank, feeling pleased with himself when he felt her shiver and a little squeak came out from her skull's fangs.

He gave her a kiss on the summit of her abdomen, and pecked at the space between her breasts. Mal0 seemed to enjoy the sensation, but she was turning out to be quite a difficult read in comparison to prior partners he'd had.

Her face never changed, and there were no expressions, suggestions or complaints.

Though, she wasn't growling at him (angrily at least, otherwise she was a freaking motorboat) –and she was happily taking all the methods of attention he showered her with. So he had to be doing something right.


Huge furry arms slipped under his pits, and before the Fallen knew it, he was being hoisted into the air weightlessly.

Mal0's glowing eyes hungrily burned into him as she slowly turned around and started trotting across the suite with him in her arms, like he was a household cat off to be sentenced to chronic snuggles from the family's teenage daughter.

I can't complain if I happen to get carried off and into the dark by someone like her.

She delicately placed him on the foot of the large bed that he had used on the other side of the suite. He crawled backward, suddenly feeling small as the huge wolfess stalked closer, and one of her tree-trunk thighs lifted to place a knee on the bed.

The whole frame creaked, and he gulped.

Oh boy.

"Maybe you should have your suit's greaves on for this one, old bean!"

The Fallen gave a brief glare over Mal0's hip at Conscience sitting in the lounge area with a smug grin on his face.

His attention was centered back on the skull-faced wolf female as she crawled onto the bed, and hung over him, her breath heavy and coming out of her as a series of loud huffs. The frame groaned and he could've sworn he heard wood giving off that dreadful crackle-like noise it made when it was under extreme duress.

Ohhhhh boy….

Mal0's breasts hung heavily from her as she finished transitioning off the floor. She stared hungrily down at the comparatively small human trapped underneath her.

So much WOLF… Wolf, everywhere.

He glanced back at the lattice windows on the other side of the room. Her phone was still on the table, and he realized that she couldn't actually speak to him without it.

When he went to say something, Mal0 crooned and set about shutting him up.

Maybe they could've tried to figure something out that was like a kiss, seeing as she didn't have lips. That would've been… weird, seeing as she had a skull for a face, but it probably would've been nice, just to test the waters…

Instead, Mal0 had other plans.

She smushed him.

Everything went black, literally. His hearing became muffled, his air was restricted, and his sight was stolen from him. Some people would've panicked…

The Fallen quickly found himself locked behind the gates of euphoria.

He liked his mates big.

His groan came out only as a muffled little noise through the great hill of Mal0-ness. His arms snaked out and switched constantly from rubbing all over Mal0's arched back, to gripping her ass, and squeezing her entrapping boobs that currently kept his face in a pillowy vice of doom.

The wolfess was pleased with the setup. She craned her neck back and cooed as she laid her legs over his and smothered him under her curvaceous girth. Her tail wagged incessantly. The erection he'd been sporting underneath his sweats had evolved into an enraged pylon of unsatisfied desire. It threatened to stab clean through the pants as it pressed into Mal0's tummy, manifested as a gray bulge. She crooned in fascination, working the twitching mound between her furry butt-cheeks in a series of circular and gyrating grinds. His sounds of ecstasy were dulled when she squeezed her bust around his head, and locked her thighs on either side of his hips.

When she finally lifted her torso off of him, it was with reluctance. He gasped for air the moment her boobs flopped down his chest and rose with her as she sat over his lap.

Expressionless, the supernatural wolfess tilted her head and flicked an ear at him.

'Is that good for you?' –she practically asked.

He nodded needily and gripped her thunderous thighs, clawing into the rolls of plush fat concealing the powerful musculature underneath.

For a creature meant to inhabit electronics and interact with victims from afar, she was certainly built with the idea of kicking someone's ass in mind…

Mal0 peered down at his ragingly tented sweatpants, sitting up and allowing him to shimmy them down from his hips. The moment his eager organ sprang out from the prison of his underwear, her gaze fixed on the creamy rod, and every strand of fur on her body bristled.

She looked so…


Utterly. She leaned down, paws hovering over the peculiar blade pointing up at her between her thighs, but never actually making contact.

The Fallen didn't even bother taking his shirt off in his mad drive to feel something he hadn't felt in such a long, desperate time. He peaked past his own junk and saw what he was craving.

Her lips. The ones she actually fucking had.

Mal0's vaginal entrance was odd. It was a strange blend between a familiar, humanoid shape, with the roughly triangular tinge of a canine's. It was drooling, dampening the already dark, thin coat of fur covering around the labia's edges.

As he looked, Mal0 reached down and stuck a claw into the top of her trench, her eyes still fixed on his cock. A shudder wracked the wolf's body and she huffed, working her pad around in a circular motion as a pearl of nectar winked out and dripped onto his balls.

When she didn't escalate anything, and just kept rubbing one off, he grunted, realizing that it was up to him to get the ball rolling, and scooted down a bit to reorient his own aim, so to speak.

Mal0 stopped what she was doing, and peered at him curiously as he finished moving about and readjusting. He gripped his twitching length, and- giving her a warning glance –he brushed the engorged crown against her lips.

That gave off something that he could read.

Mal0 quaked, and the glowing orbs of her eyes flickered inside her skull, mimicking the motions of someone's lids fluttering.

Her toothy mouth hung ajar, and a wheeze hissed out through her fangs. He cringed a bit.


So her breath wasn't the nicest smelling thing about her.

He was way too exposed to this shit for that to matter though.

With variety came tolerance.

He slowly sank his missile between the sopping wet gates of her canid cunt. Mal0 crooned and cast her head back, heaving at the suite's ceiling.

She sat back suddenly, almost breaking Little Fallen in half as she drove him completely inside. The Fallen grunted and she wheezed, her jaws opening completely. Mal0 bathed in the first moments of it, arching her back, clawing and yanking at her breasts, maybe even forgetting that there was an actual human being trapped underneath her.

The Fallen didn't care. There was no complaint to be had here. All that mattered was that there was a huge-ass wolf chick with tits bigger than basketballs and he was sticking his dick in her.

I was right. EVERY part of her is soft. It feels like I'm fucking velvet.

The Fallen groaned and sank back into the sheets, his hips jerking upwards, and jamming him inside Mal0 down to the base of his spire. Wolf-nectar squished loudly and translucent streams of her ran down and collected in their laps.

He got another jump in, before Mal0 made a shrill, high-pitched and very loud whine. His world vanished into a matte of black fur again as she collapsed forwards, and began to use him.

Mal0 lifted her huge hips up, and then brought them crashing down in a catastrophic, earth-shattering manner. The bedframe screamed and the feet dragged roughly on the dais carpet. He grunted from the impact, but soldiered through.

He knew Mal0 was far from done with him.

Again, she raised her sumptuous rear into the air, her furry cheeks and thighs wobbling under their weight, before slamming down. Flesh clapped, her taco squelched and the whole room seemed to rattle.

Mal0 was beside herself with this new sensation. To his initial horror, something long, black and sinewy began to materialize out of Mal0's jaws and slither down her chin.

He realized it was her tongue.

It looked like a giant leach, forked at the end and disturbingly prehensile. It dripped spittle as it hung from her face. She squeezed her breasts over his head and started pounding the poor Fallen into the mattress.

The room sounded like an artillery barrage was going down.


Mal0 was mostly silent through the exchange, but occasional little canine noises crept out from her mouth. A tiny whimper, a little bark, an aroused growl. She had clearly been created with her own physical appearance in mind. If he wasn't being ravaged, he might've wondered more about her origins in the moment.

His hips went numb after a few more colossal impacts into his lap. Every time she came down, her furry backside flopped, and his courageous, frontier-seeking cock punched deeply into her curiously upwards-facing tunnel. The anatomy always felt different, from species to species, but he had yet to come across any where the pipework was so unfamiliar that normalcies weren't applicable.

Mal0 was on the fence of such a thing.

But she wasn't on the other side enough for him not to let her fuck her own daylights out with his sword.

A few more thundering slams and he felt pressure rising in his groin. His body experienced a tugging sensation, like a vortex had formed in his crotch and was demanding tribute from every system inside him to deliver a fearsome projection.

He clawed Mal0's ass and forced her down now, ramming his hips upwards to meet her every time she pivoted. Her furry mounds slapped wetly each time they connected, and now reams of her moisture were creating a sizeable stain under them. Their laps glistened, and the sheets of the bed ripped when she clawed the mattress on either side of his head, each thrust yanking down the hook her claws had gotten with each jolt.

Wood snapped, and neither of them even noticed when their worlds experienced a small jolt from the legs of the bed snapping free and plunging the whole frame onto the ground. The suite rumbled, and Mal0 crooned.

He felt compelled to say something.

Was it really a risk?

Probably not.

It never was with any of the dragons for obvious reasons…

Still, she might've wanted to have known.

Evidently, she did already when he went to open his mouth. Mal0 shut him up by jamming a nipple into his mouth and actually reaching up to close his jaw for him. He sucked and teethed the areola a bit. He felt her insides flex and wiggle from the increased stimulation.

It took all of that though just to make her tired. Her slams into his lap eventually slowed to a halt, and with one last landing, she clapped her buttocks home and crooned loudly at the ceiling. Moisture cascaded down and soaked him, and her tunnel's ring flexed back and forth over and over again as she ejaculated. Her body attempted to milk him through a series of muscular reactions that she didn't even possess power over.

The Fallen grit his teeth to stifle himself from being too loud (even though by this point, it didn't matter). Mal0 smothered him and began to slowly, purposefully gyrate her hips, squashing his cock in and out of her with a pattern of morose squelches. The wrecked frame eeked out a tortured shriek with each jolt. She mercilessly pursued her attempts to even the scales. After all, she had cummed and he hadn't.

Mal0 clenched her leg muscles, and gave her backside a little more work, slapping the meaty orbs back there in a recurring bounce that slipped him in and out at too fast a rate for him to endure.

With a pained and embarrassing noise, the Fallen clawed her ass and forced her down, jamming himself so deeply into her parlor that his balls threatened to vanish inside too. His organ twitched a few times, and then ropes of semen started pumping out and painting her insides. Pulses upon pulses of Portaljumper cum blasted as far as possible inside the wolf, and started pooling around their linkage.

Mal0 sighed happily and wiggled her hips until the blasts of jizz started to taper off in frequency and volume. The Fallen shriveled up like a prune underneath her as everything he had poured out of him. He grunted when a last ream of cum shot out, and acted as the final little straw that completely overflooded her insides.

All at once, Mal0 whined as her labia bulged and a small tsunami of combined fluid ran out of her cunt, like syrup would out of an uncorked bottle. They were both soaked, in sweat and ejaculate.

The Fallen had his eyes closed and was riding down the glow's high, finally experiencing the sensations he had been craving for a long while now.

The aftermath of a good breeding. A pleased, inhuman partner warming him and giving him return affections. His sword of truth jammed to the hilt in glorious poon.

Life was good in that moment.

A little nudge and blast of air in his face broke the immersion for him. When he opened an eye tiredly, he saw Mal0 had leaned down and was touching his face with the tip of her boney snout. Her black tongue lazed out and dragged across his lips so she could taste him. Apparently, the salty tang of human sweat was to her liking. The wolfess craned her head over and buried her muzzle into his neck, lapping up the great reserve of perspiration that had bundled down there.

The Fallen sighed and relaxed under the mountain of wolf pinning him to the now ruined bed. He flexed his legs to regain feeling as Mal0 growled a little and started lapping on the other side of his neck. A tremble ran down her spine as he started to deflate inside of her, and a summery splash of cum kicked out of her snatch and over his lap. He reached up to run his fingers through her mane. When he got daring, he scratched behind one of her ears, smiling when Mal0 didn't take offense to the gesture, but instead raised her head and pushed into his fingers, panting a little as she marinated in the attention.

It was kind of hard to believe this was the same creature he had been texting through that stupid phone for so long.

Certainly though, wiping out an army or two was worth this sort of plunder.

Mal0 nipped at his chin. She made a circular loop with her paw-fingers, holding it up so he could see.

What the hell did that mean?

"…wait a min…" He groaned exhaustively, groaning as he fought with his muscles and sat up underneath her.

Mal0 leaned back and seated herself over his lap, still making the same O.K-like symbol, and pointing at their groins.

"…uhhhh…. Does that mean, I dunno', the sex was just okay?" He blinked. "Because, I don't know about you, but I think that was way more than just okay."

Mal0 huffed with annoyance.

The phone on the other side of the suite distantly echoed something out, but he was too far away to understand it.

"I'm sorry girlie, I don't know what you mean."

Mal0 growled and slid him out of her, making him grunt. She held up his softening member in her paw, and then simulated that same symbol over the crown with her other one.

When he just furrowed his brow, she pinched two sides of an invisible object, and mimicked working it down the whole length.

It dawned on him, and he gave a surprised blink.

"…Do you mean a condom?"

Mal0 crooned in approval and gave a little nod. She laid a paw on his chest and tilted her head.

"You think I should've worn one?"

She shook her head.


"Do you want me to wear one now?"

She growled eagerly and ran her paws up and down his chest, nodding.

"Does that mean… you want to go again?" He asked, almost fearfully.

Mal0 made a raunchy noise and licked her fangs. He gulped.


Navigating the streets at night was a bit of a hassle. There was sketchiness aplenty. Down one turn, a trio of men followed the Fallen down a sideroad and wouldn't break tail when he purposefully made a few detours.

They scurried off with terrified shrieks when he stepped around a corner in full plate and pointed the Doomblaster in one's face.

Even so, he sneered as he Nano-boxed his rig.

The trademarks of areas in the economic shitter. That was universal no matter what realm one went to.

The door's bell jingled as he stepped inside the convenience store and gave a brief smile at the clerk. The older lady looked like death itself, and didn't even blink at him before returning to playing a crossword in some stupid little book on the ratty counter.

It took some browsing through the shelves, and a few translations through the scans on his command-uplink gauntlet that he snuck on behind an aisle, but he eventually found what he wanted.

"Well, isn't this a curious sight! Out on the town, on R-and-R, but only out here because you're pursuing the lady friend's cravings! Jeez', it's like she's preggers already. You work fast."

The Fallen almost dropped the box when his own voice blared out right next to him.

Conscience grinned and rocked on his heels beside him in the aisle. The Fallen frowned and tried his best not to pay attention as he walked around another man browsing the opposite side.

"I'm only kidding, man, lighten up. But really, this is a swell little shindig. I wouldn't recommend plans for long term settlement or nothing, but it's better than kicking the shit out of the Kremlin." Conscience harassed, following closely behind as he ducked through the cramped, dirty-smelling store and bustled for the counter. "It is interesting, what happened in all of this. Isotope's certainly gotten his claws deep inside the army, and it looks like the Foundation's gone and done a little jumping of their own, huh?"

"They could never manage that on their own," The Fallen quietly mumbled. "someone set up a deal. And no, I don't like it."

"You shouldn't. I wouldn't like it if someone bought a BB gun for a guy who said he wanted to shoot my eye out." Conscience hummed. "Jesus, it stinks in here. Don't these people know what cleaners are?"

"They're poor. Leave them alone."

"Poorly mannered, poorly lookin' too." Conscience chuffed as the Fallen reached the counter and dropped the box of condoms and some lira. The clerk clucked in amusement and quirked an eye at him before swiping the money. "Bah, see that? She knows what's going down. It's always the old ladies in the corner. They all used to be bed-freaky when they actually had blood flow in their faces and their eyes weren't covered up with crows feet. That reminds me, did we remember to skim through the translation software?"

"Iyi geceler." The Fallen gave a little grin and turned for the door with his box. "Yes, we did."

"Oh good, I was concerned for a moment that some hack in a cop car would come screaming over, and we'd just be able to flap our lips like a goat. You remember the times that's happened?" Conscience slipped through the door even though he purposefully tried to slam it in his face.

How could he be nimbler than himself?

Damned insanity.

"I guess if there was any doubt before, you can say that's out the window."

"About what?" The Fallen mumbled, more focused on scanning his eyes over all the indecipherable text on the box.

At least he could tell what it was by the photo on the front.

"About Mal0 going with you through the portal. I'd say the wolfy smex-nugget's got her mind pretty set after a fuck like that. And, she's already sending you out like a good male who has no dominance in the relationship to fetch her shit." Conscience laughed. "I'm surprised she didn't want to come out with you. Actually, I'm surprised you just didn't steal those."

"That's not right to do that."

"But you're the Portaljumper."


"Good. I'm just making sure you still have me around, y'know, your Conscience. Are you at least going to fly back?"

"No." The Fallen shook his head when Conscience gave him a look. "What? I want to feel normal for a little while, shut up."

"This coming from the guy who's literally on his way back to a hotel room he bought with war-money, to go have kinky sex with a seven-foot-tall anthropomorphic wolf who has the Grim Reaper's schnozz." Conscience elbowed him. "Yeahyeah sir, normal. You keep telling yourself that."

"Why do you have to make me so miserable?" The Fallen sighed.

"It's not to make you miserable, it's to remind you that there's a lot of different views that you have, that you don't need to judge yourself so harshly over." Conscience explained. "Anyway, that's enough of the touchy-feely soap crap. So your plan now is to get Dischtill set up somewhere new and then hightail it?"

"It seemed reasonable ten minutes ago, and still seems reasonable now, so, yes." The Fallen grunted. "It's not my responsibility past getting him his stuff back. He's made his choice and that's fine."

"So then why do you sound so upset about it?"

"I'm not upset, just- god damn it, Conscience, shut the fuck up and go away." He shooed him. "I can do whatever I want, and I don't need even Dischtill to keep living like that."

"You technically don't need Mal0 either."

"…I disagree."

"Part of you does. The other doesn't. Funny how that works, huh?"


Somehow, Mal0's ass was even bigger when she bent over. Claiming it was a duel of endurance in and of itself. They wound up going through a quarter of the box that way because he just couldn't last long enough with such a view.

Mal0 voiced no complaint, however.

Not that she really could without the phone, seeing as he had forgotten to bring it over again on account of flash-stripping the moment he'd come back from the store to have Mal0 jump him.

But he felt that things were to her liking.

He'd even gotten her to be a little less quiet. Luckily, the suite was big enough that none of the other hotel goers (for what few there were) were disturbed by the constant thundering and orgasmic wolf-noises.

"-Y-Yep- I-I'm about to- to-" The Fallen lost his sentence in the midst of a feral grunt. He hooked Mal0's bubbly, furry backside in his hands and jammed into her one last time, the wolfess crooning in bliss as she felt the condom expanding inside of her, tipping itself with a translucent, orange bubble. "-holy fuck."

Mal0 had to pry her teeth and fangs out of the footboard for the bed. She moved her tail aside, panting as she watched him slide out.

She apparently had a fetish for the things above all else. He'd tried various forms of foreplay, even attempting to go down on her, but she hadn't taken to any of it with much excitement.

But every time he stuck a new rubber over himself, it was as if she hadn't even fucked with him the prior time. She'd juice herself back up almost instantly and would be ready for another go. It had been almost two hours. He was starting to stink because of how sweaty he was.

Eh. Sacrifices.

Mal0 rolled over onto the floor, her shapely belly heaving as her used vagina winked at him from between her trunk-thick thighs. He started working on sliding the condom off as he sat on one of her legs.

"I think it was a whole lot different when we were just texting, huh?" He mused, laughing when she plucked the inflated rubber from him and used her talon-like claws with deft precision to tie a knot and secure the grossly jostling bubble of white inside. "Wasn't that the last one?"

Mal0 deposited it with the rest of the pile that had been slowly growing on the floor by one of the bed's shattered feet. When he said that, she picked up the box and made to dump it. Her ears folded back when nothing but air came out. She gave a little whine.

"Mm. Bummer. I should've packed a double…"

She growled and bopped him across the back with her tail.

"You're right: triple. …Say, uh… about the bed."

Mal0 tiredly craned over her shoulder to peer at the utterly ruined furniture. The sheets were shredded and stained everywhere, the frame was on the floor, the feet had scattered around the ground, and the head and footboards looked like the scratching posts of a pack of Tasmanian Devils.

"That's going to put a serious dent in my bill."

Mal0 looked at him and gave a little puff of what he assumed to be a scoff.

"I guess I don't really have a money problem anyway, yes." He looked at the Nano-box that was sitting on the nightstand by the bed's flank. Miraculously, it hadn't toppled over in all the messing around. "…Anyway, uh… I know you don't exactly have a lot of chances to be with someone, and I know you've had a really rough time out here."

Mal0 focused entirely on him as she calmed her pants.

"But I hope I was able to make you feel a bit better." He said, giving her a smile.

There was a pause, before the wolfess crooned and held open her big, furry arms. He tiredly got down and laid across her belly, burying his face in her chest fluff as she encased him with a content rumble.

"This might not be the time to ask, but I have to know," The Fallen muffled in her fur. "what we talked about earlier today. I-… I hope you came to a decision."

She sighed over his hair, and her tongue lapped at his ear. When he raised his head, Mal0 leaned closer, squeezing him just a bit tighter to her body as a low, utterance of breath ghosted from between her fangs.

His eyes went wide when he realized that this noise had context.

"…yes." –Croaked a weak, raspy voice.

Before he could say anything, Mal0 cast her head back with a sing-song hum and squished his face in her tits. She stretched like a stiff dog on the ground and wiggled about until she found a more comfortable angle.

"MAL-O TIRED NOW. SLEEPY MAL-OOOOO…" –Droned the phone nearby.

"Yeah, I hear you, lemme' just take a shower and you can-"

She growled in displeasure and pinned him to her when he tried to rise. He blinked guiltily and settled back down. Her growling ceased and she licked his hair again.

"-or not."


-Both he and Mal0 jolted when the front door to the suite burst open in a rattling clap of wood.

Stumbling through, obviously inebriated, Dischtill trudged like the living dead into the center of the suite, smacking his chops as he collapsed on the futon in the lounge sprawl, and adjusted about with a sigh.

When he opened an eye, the hacker's gaze immediately widened when he saw what was on the other side of the room.

The Fallen and Mal0 both had their heads raised like a pair of startled meerkats, the latter's ears had even perked and were upright like daggers.

Dischtill's face twitched, and all was silent.

"…B-Back so soon, Disch'?" The Fallen asked nervously.

"I AM BLINNNDDDDDD~!" –Dischtill screamed, knocking the futon over and rolling across the floor with a shattering of glass and clutter of loosed items.

The Fallen winced.

Then, he soon realized that the little huffs he was hearing beside him was Mal0 laughing.


"Psst, hey, are you gonna' eat those?"

"Be taking baggie and kindly screwing away, bro."

"Huh." The Fallen plucked the bag of peanuts from Disch's cupholder and gave a mock look of hurt. "What's got your ass in a knot today?"

"I am not even speaking to you now and so much." Dischtill buried his head inside the newspaper he was reading, and even gave it a complimentary flick. "You have permanently scarred me and I will never be forgive of your trash and likeness."

"I think you're exaggerating." The Fallen popped a de-shelled nut and chewed quietly. "The only one of us who left that room really in the shit was the bed. What do you think the staff will say when they find it?"

"Probably what I am say to myself now, except it will be about wallet and vengeance." The seats creaked and a slight whoosh overtook the space. Dischtill groaned in agony and clutched his newspaper tighter. "Chert, this is not being helping my vertigo!"

"It's just turbulence, sir, calm your tits."

"Do not ever mention tits in front of me again." Dischtill snapped the paper and sneered at it. "Maybe this is not helping because I cannot read Turkish."

"You seemed pretty focused on it to me."

"I will focus on anything to not have to remember you and cyber-wolf."

The lights flickered, and a few people murmured. The Android in the Fallen's pants pocket buzzed, and when he took it out, a message from Mal0 read:



MALO WeNt iNSide AviOniCS

Come bck to the phne b 4 you crash the plane –he texted back.

She responded with a frownie face.

He sent her an eggplant and shoved the phone back in his pocket.

The speakers at the head of the cabin dinged, and the captain's static-laced, muffled voice crawled out through the ceiling panels, probably with a little notice of them landing soon and to secure seatbelts.

"We could've flown for free, you know." He quipped.

"Last time you carry me, I throw up on six roof underneath us in row." Dischtill growled. "It was sick, bro, like fucking mudslide from aerial battleness. Never again."

The Fallen slid his belt over his lap and clicked the lock.

"Did they are say we land or some shit?" Disch' put down the paper. "Oh, chert, finally."

It was just a hunch, but then again, that was reinforced by the ground slowly getting closer outside the cabin window.

They couldn't take the crew's word for it.

Neither of them spoke Egyptian Arabic anyway.


"I think we just narrowly dodged an entourage of cops bagging our asses." The Fallen whispered. "Did you see how that entrance fellow was eyeing us? He definitely thought our passports were fake."

"Or maybe he was just in rightly so a faggot and thought I was beautiful." Dischtill rolled his eyes.

"Pfft, I could dig up some inbred dredge from the Everglades desperate for a hole in general and that fucker wouldn't touch you with a ten-foot pole, my ugly friend."

"Son of bitch! I throw you under cab!"

The driver probably got sick of them by the time they paid him and stepped out onto the sidewalk. Immediately, the onrush of ambiance from shuffling crowds and the mazes of vehicles slowly navigating through them assaulted their ears.

Dischtill adjusted the straw hat he'd purchased from a vendor and hiked the duffle over his shoulder, his gaze falling in appraisal onto a large, several-story structure nearby.

"Ugh, I thought I got away from this heat already." The Fallen wiped his forehead and ripped off his hoodie. "So is that the place, or are we walking?"

"That is place." Dischtill sighed, waving him forward. "Help me carry all this shit up stairs, my shoulder and bone stuff cannot take more punish."

When Dischtill unlocked the door at the tenth floor, it creaked and dust fell off the arch as the two of them shuffled inside a wide studio space. There was a single, fat window, overlooking the expansive sea of buildings below. The walls were gray and unpainted, and the space generally spoke of the tinge of disuse more than anything else. At least there wasn't mold everywhere like in the halls outside.

"You're lucky I do all the fighting, or else I'd be dead, and you'd be out of a lifter." The Fallen heaved, slamming the last pair of duffles onto the floor. "-Oh, wait, I shouldn't have thrown those, should I have?"

"No, you should not have." Dischtill sighed in defeat, waddling over to the window and crossing his arms as he took in the panorama. "But, if I am certain, since it is your hryvnia into that tech…"

"Yeah, you break it, you buy it, and I already bought it." The Fallen took out the Android from his pocket and gave it a little tap. "Alright, you can come out now."

In a flash of light, Mal0's imposing, seven-foot form appeared in the center of the studio. She crooned from the heat and glanced around at the bare walls and the little light fixtures in the ceiling.


"Hell, she's right, Disch', this place sucks." The Fallen pocketed the phone and glanced around. "It's dark, dusty, and I think there are more roaches in here than structural bricks. You sure I don't need to have a talk with your source?"

"No. It is good reminder of old home and niceness, dude. I am used to lifestyle as much as Ukraine style." Dischtill shook his head, watching the crowds of people on the street below. "Though I can be admitting: house in Israel was nicer and less sandy."

"It isn't too much of a shift for you? I mean, you felt the fallout from the Arab Union when you were there."

"I have no more loyalty to Israel than Foundation." Dischtill shrugged. "It is of no more importance to speak of anyhow and that, bro."

"This'll be different than the bunker." The Fallen stood by his side and held his shoulder. "No more stockpiling supplies, a whole lot more prying eyes…. Dischtill, think about this, because I have no problem taking you anywhere, if you decide to change your mind."

"SHOCKED EMOJI FACE. -THIS- PUNCTUATION, IS TINKER MAN'S NEW HOME?" Malo huffed behind them, trotting and putting herself behind the Fallen. "MAL-O THINK TINKER MAN SHOULD GTFO."

"Can taking so much credit coming from evil cyber-wolf, tak." Dischtill glanced at her awkwardly. "Considerations taken. I am still fucking staying, and if you be having problem with that, bro, you can twirl on finger."

Mal0 stuck out her black tongue and gave him a long, wet raspberry, before brushing the Fallen's legs with her tail and wandering off to look at the empty studio more.

"It'll be interesting when I have to come and see you from now on." The Fallen chuckled. "Might require quite a bit more stealth. But then again, I don't know, these folks might not find what looks like a missile flying around all that unusual. You sure you won't get too many suspicious looks?"

"It is Cairo." Dischtill scoffed. "All stupid foreigners in Egypt be in Cairo. People see me and scratch ass at, like last fifty tourist. I will being fine."

"SOOOOO MANY SPARKIES." Mal0 dragged out a computer tower from one of the duffle bags and held it in her paws.

"No! Do not be touching brand new computers, evil-cyber-boob-wolf who blinds me with nudeness! Put that down-! Ty bozhevil'na durna sobaka-! I am in new hideout for twenty second and things already as bad as inferno before!"

The Fallen laughed.

And so began the trials.

The first order of business was placing everything.

Dischtill was a very specific man to begin with, but he was totally anal when it came to the layout of his workspace. The efforts were trying, to say the least.

"No! Towers go over there, bro, by hookup station and in corner to left, dude!"

"What difference does it make?! They both face the same direction!" The Fallen howled.


Dischtill shrieked girlishly when Mal0 waddled out from around the corner, completely covered in computer wires that she'd wrapped almost in a cocoon around most of her furry body.

"I can't believe you still use this thing, the model number is horrific and the brand is worse." The Fallen examined the partially burnt Toshiba laptop sitting in the pile with the rest of the auxiliary processors. "You didn't want a new one of these too?"

"It being sentimental value." Dischtill shook his head. "Had that crummy computer since Israel. Not getting rid of it for anything no."

"Mm, well that's a pretty good reason if any." The Fallen dusted his hands off and sighed, looking around the new maze of tables that he and Mal0 had acquired from a storage room down the hall outside, and all the computers and wire stations and screens they decorated the tops with. "To think, you got blown up and came out of it with shinier toys."

"Mmhm." Dischtill flipped through an old rollidex and set it on a desk. "Hardware that is good enough to break mainframe of United States Military. Calling Dischtill blessed."

"I would."

Some screens flickered and sparks kicked out of a keyboard nearby.

"Mal0." The Fallen shook his head.

In a flash of light, the large wolfess appeared, sending several papers that Disch' had organized fluttering about to the floor. The hacker sighed in defeat.


"They are not being for you, they are me. After entire life got burn to crisp and whatnot." Dischtill grunted. "Instead of watch, how about lift something?"

"She helped me get all the tables and stuff, remember." The Fallen smirked.

"MAL-O BORED." She picked at something in her tail and sauntered around one of the tables, leaning into the Fallen's flank and pushing the tip of her snout into his hair. "TRINKETS."

"Aw, I'm sorry girlie, I didn't get a chessboard." He patted her arm when her ears drooped. "I'll buy you a decorative one with really expensive pieces soon."

Mal0 crooned and nuzzled his neck.

"There is indeed something to look out and forwards too." Dischtill chuckled. "Getting crazy Portal-jumper and dog out of new home and on ways. Eager to see. Eager indeed…"

Time flew…

Cairo didn't look too bad in the dark. It was a mesh of lights expanding for miles. The building was tall enough that from the roof, the view was possible.

The Fallen was disappointed at first when Dischtill spent precious time just sightseeing. Sure, they'd had plenty of hours while he helped the hacker set up his new machines, and yes, they'd had fun when Mal0 jumped into his pcs and played Rick-Roll videos every time Dischtill tried to boot something up, but now that the time had come…

"It looks pretty at night." The Fallen called over, waiting for the nanites to reform over his chest, and soon his cuirass finished materializing across his body. He glanced over at Mal0, whose gaze was locked on something in her paws as she fiddled with and examined it. "What do you say, Disch'?"

"Tak, it is… being very nice." The hacker bowed his head from where he was standing on the other side of the roof, the wind blowing the hoodie he had on and whipping at his growing hair. He was starting to grow a beard. The Fallen hadn't even noticed this whole time. Dischtill glanced over his shoulder. "Are you set or something?"

"Yes, I am set." The Fallen tiredly smiled, cradling his helmet and tophat by his hip as he stepped over to the hacker and stood behind him. There was silence for a moment. "…I, uh… I packed all the currencies, so you won't have to worry about storing all of it anymore with this new avenue you're taking."

"That is very good." Dischtill monotonously said.

The Fallen drummed his fingers on his helmet and looked back at Mal0.

The wolfess was watching the two of them in her usual expressionless manner, yellow eyes glowing in the dark, her tail swishing lightly with the breeze up here. She cocked her skull when she noted him staring, and the Fallen smiled at her before returning to his hacker and guide.

"…You know, I still don't have a problem with a complete overhaul, Disch'."

"There is of no need to stall inevitable." Dischtill slowly turned to face him, smiling. "And you are backing and wear horrid hat. God save me."

"Please, you know you love my stylin' headwear." The Fallen chuckled. "It might be some time before the truck reaches you, but it's fully funded, and if it goes any differently than what we were promised, I'll give them a visit and say howdy. So don't worry, alright?"

"Transitions always take long and make man bleed, but turn out to fit puzzle piece in end." Dischtill stepped a bit closer, and shifted on his heels. "…Just be of tell me something, dude."


"When you have be saying rightly if or when time comes again… which do you of truly be meaning?"

"When." He half-lied. "Always when."

Dischtill nodded and scratched at his chin stubble. The dim ambient noise of Cairo mumbled all around them, and some car horns went off distantly. Mal0 crooned and stepped closer herself, her glowing eyes fixed on Dischtill for a brief moment.

"…Oh, tak," The hacker glanced up at her and hopped on his legs a little. "…awkwardly in putting out there given time, I did not properly thank for helping to save me in, uhm… fire."


"…Ah… that is rightly… ah… flattering." Dischtill coughed, and Mal0 gave the Fallen a longing look before spinning around and trotting back to the other side of the roof.

The Fallen stared at her ass swaying for a bit before he turned back to Dischtill.

"I'll break down the 745's remains back home and see what I can glean out of it. There has to be something with the bio-luminance, I might be able to do something with my visor's filters."

"I am of most certain that finds will be fruit-giving."


"Fuck your English, you ugly, snob-made, stupid, kindest, most sincere-ness, best friend I have ever had in my entire life." Dischtill's jaw quivered, and he held out a hand. "I-I have not soap box to go further than so, dude. That is best y-you get."

"The best." The Fallen took it and shook, holding on for a moment and smiling. "It certainly was a ride, again, I know what you're thinking. And now I suppose it's back down to brass tacks and business. Should I say it was fun?"

"It would be single-minded statement." Dischtill laughed. "Maybe being for you, insane man."

"Right." The Portaljumper took a look around at the city below, and then gave Dischtill a little salute. "It's been a pleasure as always, sir."

Dischtill coughed and rubbed his arms together, stepping back, and concluding the interaction as followed. The Fallen could've sworn he saw a single tear roll down the hacker's cheek.

"You ready?" He asked.

Mal0 nodded, and clicked the center rune on the Portalbox in her paw.

There was a flash of light, a familiar crack of thunder, and the swirling, time-space tear of a vortex materialized at man-size, floating before them.

The Fallen slipped on his helmet with a hiss of connection ports, and adjusted his tophat. He reached out and took the cube from Mal0, affixing it to his hip.

"Alright, it's going to be fast, and you'll feel a little dizzy," He slipped an arm over her big, furry waist, making her croon in fascination as she stared at the portal. "-the first Portal-Jump is always the roughest. Hold onto me, and you'll be fine."

She leaned down and tapped her muzzle on the side of his helmet. He hummed and rubbed her hip.

Dischtill's shadowy form stood rigid in the glare of the portal. He raised his arm, in a silent wave with splayed fingers.

The Fallen tipped his hat, and for the last time, Dischtill saw his green visor, before it and by extension the man beneath it turned.

The Fallen stepped forwards, Mal0's tail going limp, her features softening for a look of awe impossibly through the visage of her skull. The two figures darkened as they passed through the loop.

Thunder cracked, and the air whipped.

Dischtill reiterated his gaze, now looking at the empty rooftop around him, with no company save his own.

Cairo buzzed minutely below and offered at least some degree of chatter to comment on the finality of his own witness. The hacker sighed and walked towards the stairwell door.

When he finally got back into his new studio, he shut and locked the sixteen bolts layering down the door, before pulling out the auditorium chair before his largest screen setup. He plugged the Toshiba in to the new tower, and cracked his knuckles before waiting for the screens to boot.

"Maybe now that it is of quiet and things, I can of be getting answers to crazy bastards…" He drabbled his fingers on the keyboard, tapping in a few commands before running them in a prompt. "…Let me be seeing what are you are onto, bro, come on…"

When the bar finished loading, the computer gave off a confirmatory ping, before the screen shifted, and he enlarged the soundwave window, upping the volume tick as he slipped a pair of headphones on plugged into the jack.

"-gent Maxsim of Blue Section, reporting. Security I.D. of 997.86. The passcode of the day, is Antelope."

"Confirmed 997, you can run the request now. Did it go well?"

"Better than I think even the upper tiers expected. We only lost one. If you want my professional breakdown of the events: I would say that we're on the right track. I need to speak with our contact again."

"Easy 997, first for the rest."

"Did I not recount everything of importance? Ah! Yes, the whistleblower. As per recommendation, Special Agent Wesley is no more, and the section's new Director Wesley owes a certain collection of people for that."

"Was the new 'Director' –informed of the Reeducation Schedule the others have planned for him?"

"Of course not. What he doesn't know won't hurt him. At least not for long."

"Indeed. And… the secondary target?"

"By all accounts, the wanted fugitive of Agent 24 of the Security Division has been terminated, after so long. The suits were greatly effective in that regard."

"This is the Dischtill fellow?"

"Was the Dischtill fellow, yes. Now, about my contact… Nobody must know."

"Yes, he does, however, there won't be a need to go through the third party again, 997. They went to the trouble to establish the link for you."

"I beg pardon?"

"I have the supplier on the line as we speak. Understand that the tether is fragile since we're still learning this new technology, but I assure you, they are no different there from here."

"…Well, if the Portaljumper is to be believed in existence, I should hardly think so. Put him through, I'd like to thank him personally for his partnership."

"Patching through now. Please wait. And... Ping."

"…Special Agent Maxim of the SCP Foundation, I bid you greetings. May I have your designated passcode and I.D.?"

"Is that necessary?"

"I'm afraid so, yes."

"…Special Division, General of the United States Military, I.D code 88."

"And your name?"

"Blonksy, Emil. So…. how'd the girls do in dealing with your 'Problem'? The fellow in the hood said it was a big one."


