Thanks for reading and reviewing everyone, I'm glad you guys are enjoying the story so far. Obviously, I do not own Naruto or KHR. Welcome to chapter three!

"Anko." The Hokage frowns at the purple haired woman. "I can't just give you a C-rank. Your team needs to do D-ranks first." For all that their C-ranks might end up misranked, Anko does not want to do D-ranks in the slightest.

Anko pouts. "But Hokage-Sama. Do we really? D-ranks are for building trust and teamwork. All my cute genin were friends at the academy and they work super well as a team!"

"VOI! I'm not friends with the Shitty-Prince."

"Ushishishi. What did you say, Peasant." Squalo ducks under the knives that Belphegor throws at him.

The Hokage deadpans. "Friends?"

"Hinata-chan. Sakura-chan. Don't kill your teammates in front of the Hokage." Anko hollars over her shoulder. Several shinobi sweatdrop at that comment. Does she mean they can try to kill each other as long as they are not in front of the Hokage?

"Ushishishi." Bel throws a knife at Anko who easily catches it. "The Prince doesn't want to, Peasant-Sensei. And we're not friends."

Anko smiles up at the Hokage. "They're definitely friends. They're just all Tsunderes." Anko grabs Xanxus in a hug.

"Trash." Xanxus scowls, twisting out of Anko's grasp and shooting a bullet at her.

She dodges the bullet. "See what I mean. Tsunderes, the whole lot of them."

"Of coure the genin would be as crazy as you." The Hokage mutters. "You still need D-ranks though."

Scowling, Anko snatches one of the D-ranks from the desk. "Fine. We'll do this one. Come along minions."

"VOI! We're not your minions."

"Yes. Yes. You're Naru-chan's minions, and as Naru-chan's jounin instructor, I am his Boss, making me your Boss' boss. Now come along minions."

All three genin begrudgingly accept her logic. "Fine" Squalo scowls. "Shitty-Sensei. What mission did you grab?"

Anko looks at the mission in hand before paling. "One we're definitely not qualified for."

"Trash. We're Quality. We're qualified."

"No. We're not." She shoves the D-rank paper into Xanxus' hands. "See!"

Xanxus scowls at the mission request. "Babysitting?"


"Belphegor! Don't laugh. You have to deal with the brats too!" Squalo shouts.

"Maybe I can find a new Fran."

"VOIII! Shitty Prince! I don't think throwing knives at the brats is how you properly babysit."

"What do you know about babysitting Shark-Peasant."

"Probably more than you! You have to water them like with plants. They also need food like applesauce or milk depending on how old they are. Then you need to make sure the brats don't accidently kill themselves. We can probably just intimidate the little shits into sitting quietly in a corner."

Xanxus stares at the baby. Why did it have to be an actual baby? Couldn't they have gotten older brats they could intimidate into behaving instead of a small chubby thing that cries, throws up, and shits in diapers? Xanxus shudders.

"Trash." He shoves the baby into Squalo's arms. "You take it."

"VOII! How do you feed babies?! I don't have boobs." Squalo shouts, awkwardly holding the baby.

"Trash. You're a girl now. You do have boobs." Xanxus states.

"Ushishishi. She really doesn't though. She's as flat as a board."

"I really don't care if I'm flat, Fake-Prince. Shitty-Sensei! Get out here. Stop pillaging the kitchen cupboards in search of dango. We need your boobs!"

"I'm sorry. What?" Anko pokes her head out from the kitchen staring at the three children in the living room.

"We need your boobs to feed the baby."

Anko scowls at them. "Only new moms can feed babies, and I'm definitely not one. You can probably find some milk in the fridge."

"TRASH." Xanxus shouts, throwing an alcohol bottle at Squalo who's holding a now wailing baby. "SHUT THAT THING UP!"

"VOI! BABY! STOP CRYING." The baby cries even louder at Squalo's shouts.

"The Prince can help." Bel takes out a knife.

"Bel you can't kill it! The Varia doesn't fail missions, and killing the baby would definitely be failing. VOI! Where did Sensei go? She should know what to do!"

"Ushishishi. The Prince thinks she ran away."

"VOI! Can't we just dump the brat on the neighbors and go train?"

"The Prince likes that idea."

Anko frowns at her team. "Where'd the baby go?"

"Trash. We gave it away to the neighbors."

"Go get it back! You can't just give it to the neighbors."


"The Prince doesn't think making a bottle involves setting milk on fire."

"The milk needs to be warmish I think. Lussuria always cooked; I don't cook. It's not my fault the milk is on fire." Squalo scowls, going through several hand signs before breathing out a water jutsu to extinguish the fire.

"Ushishishi. You also flooded the kitchen Shark-Peasant."

"Trash. Stop throwing knives at the baby. The Old Man will lecture us if it ends up dead."

Belphegor pouts. "I'm not even aiming at it. Just the area around it."

"VOI! Sensei! I may not know a lot about babies, but I'm pretty sure poisonous snake summons don't make for good playmates!"

"But snakes are cute. Don't kids like cute things?"

"Shitty-Boss! It's your turn to hold the baby." Squalo glares at Xanxus.

"Trash. I'm not holding the baby."

Sqaulo throws the baby at Xanxus who reluctantly catches it. He scowls at the baby. The baby pukes on him. Xanxus' scowl deepens and he takes out a gun.

"Don't shoot the baby!"

"I wasn't planning on it, Trash." Tossing the baby at a laughing Bel, who just barely manages to catch it, Xanxus aims his guns at Squalo. You better run Trash." Squalo runs.

Needless to say Team 4's first D-rank ends as an abysmal failure. The house looks like swiss cheese due to the sheer number of bullet holes, is partially on fire, and is flooded. The Baby is hungry and has a dirty diaper (everyone refused to change the poor kid.) It's a miracle the baby survived unscathed. The parents end up suing for damages. It comes as no surprise when Team 4 ends up blacklisted from all future babysitting missions.

It's definitely not a surprise when they're banned from D ranks in general. Trigger happy bloodthirsty assassins don't like doing chores; it doesn't help that Anko would rather reveal in the chaos than control her genin. After several failed D-ranks, explosions, hundreds of thousands in property damage, and a multitude of traumatized civilians, Team 4 is banned from D ranks. Good riddance.

Anko grins up at the Hokage. "Team Four reporting in for a C-rank mission!"

"Ah, Anko, are you sure your team is ready?" The Hokage asks, setting aside his paperwork as he turns to address the purple haired woman. "It hasn't been that long since graduation, and all three of them are still quite young."

Anko smirks. "You bet it. These cute little genin…"

All three of the genin in question glare at her. "VOI! Don't call us cute Shitty-Sensei! We're not cute."

"Quiet Brat. The adults are talking." Anko shushes the pinkette. "As I was saying Hokage-Sama, we're definitely ready for a C-rank. The brats are all pretty good at fighting, and we're all kind of bored since you banned us from D-ranks, granted those are boring so maybe that's a good thing." She shoots him a cheshire grin. "Anyway! I'm pretty certain you don't want to see the type of chaos that would happen as a result of boredom."

The Hokage pales slightly. He definitely doesn't want to see that sort of chaos. Also all three genin are fairly capable even though they're young. They're probably capable of doing a C-rank. "Fine. You'll deliver supplies to border outpost 9." He passes Anko a storage scroll filled with the supplies. "I'd give you an escort mission, but clients wouldn't exactly be comfortable with that since your genin are only six years old."

Anko grins. "Thanks Hokage-Sama! You won't regret it. Come on brats! Let's get going. To the gates!"

"Wait, Anko. You need to pack for the mission." The Hokage shouts as she jumps out the window.

"VOI!" Squalo smirks. "We packed before coming here."

"What she said Old Man." Xanxus grins. "We knew you'd give us a C-rank."

With that, all three genin vanish through the window. The Hokage sighs in exasperation. "Damn brats. The window is not a substitute for a door."

"Hey Hokage-Sama! Mission done. Supplies delivered to the outpost."

"Gak!" The Hokage jolts in surprise, quickly hiding his Icha Icha book as Anko as the rest of Team Four clambers in through the window. "You guys are already done? Really?" He asks incredulously. "That means your pace was a bit faster than the average chunin."

Anko grins. "Yep! My genin were darn fast when I first started teaching them, and with a little bit of weight training, the Forest of Death, and some senbon and kunai, they got even faster!"

The Hokage pales. "Anko, that's not how you teach genin. The Forest of Death is off limits to genin for a reason."

"Ushishishi. The Peasant doesn't understand." Bel smirks. "Sensei's teaching methods are decent compared to the academy."

"Agreed Old Man. The instructors at the Academy weren't quality. They coddled us." Xanxus grumbles.

"VOI! Since we completed the mission faster than anticipated can we have another one!" Squalo smirks. "Something actually quality this time? This one was boring. We just ran there and back. We didn't even get to fight anyone."

"Fine. I'll give you another C-rank tomorrow." He sighs in defeat as Anko and the rest of team four exits through the window again.

"Alright Team, listen up." Anko and the rest of Team Four are gathered in front of the gate. "I know our supply mission was boring, so I nabbed a bandit elimination C-rank from one of the desk Chunin who owed me a favor. The Hokage wants to baby you with easy C-ranks like delivery missions, but I know you guys will love this short of shit. Now, who wants to go kill some bandits!"

Belphegor chuckles gleefully in response, a wide smile stretched across his face. Xanxus and Squalo are both smiling as well, bloodthirsty grins that no one but Kiri-nin would consider a smile.

The two chunin guarding the gate shudder as Team Four passes by them and out the gate. "Those kids are seriously creepy."

"I know. I still can't believe they let the demon be a ninja."

"Eh. At least it might end up dead that way."

Anko watches proudly as her genin team slaughters bandit after bandit, smiling, laughing, and racing against each other to kill the most bandits.

Hinata lashes out, intermixing knife throwing with gentle fist taijutsu while Sakura twirls through the bandits, pink hair swirling around her as her silver blade easily cuts down each subsequent bandit. Naruto is at the center of the fray, guns blazing, and hitting kill shot after kill shot. It takes the trio less than a minute to down all the bandits, and at the end of it, they're all drenched in blood.

"None of you are going to break down crying, right? Is everyone morally okay with what they just did?" Anko questions.

"Ushishishi. The Prince had fun." Hinata grins.

Sakura wipes the blood off her sword. "Agreed, though they weren't even worthy canon fodder."

Naruto chuckles in amusement. "The Shark-Trash is correct. Trash." Naruto turns to address Anko. "All of us are fine."

Anko grins. "As expected. You're all adorable bloodthirsty little psychopaths." She giggles, easily dodging Hinata's knife, Naruto's gun blast, and Squlo's sword strike. "Like I said, adorable! I don't know what I'd do with normal genin. Probably accidentally kill them or traumatize them!"

"The Prince agrees."

"Aw, thank Hinata-chan." Anko ducks under another one of Hinata's knives. "Now gather around my cute genin. Anko-Sama is going to show you a cool new jutsu you can use to hide dead bodies." Anko cycles through several hand signs, revealing the clearing and burying the bodies beneath the dirt. She grins at them. "It's useful for any occasion, including accidental body acquisitions."

Sakura snorts. "Accidental my ass."

"Fine. Fine. It's useful when annoying people won't shut up. Just make sure they're people who won't be missed. Also make sure it can't be traced back to you. Make sure to remove your scent, any foot prints, and any blood at the crime sce…the place where the unfortunate accident took place. Got it?"

"VOI! Sensei, we're not stupid, we know how to hide dead bodies. Though the jutsu is helpful."

Anko grins. "I know, right."