I was re-reading my Stars mangas today, and I thought, 'Just how did Haruka agree to going back to school, in the first place?' Then I thought, 'Wouldn't it be fun to find out?' So this is what I wrote, after coming home from working a 7 hour shift myself. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: Characters, not mine. Plot, mine. No suing, and no touching, respectively.

Back to School.....

Haruka threw her keys down onto the table in the only satisfying way possible for having just arrived home from working the long and annoying shift at the restaurant. With a clatter. Their seemingly endless supply of money had run out just after their encounter with Nepherenia, and it had become necessary for all three of them to find low key jobs somewhere. At least until one of them did something spectacular and fame money started rolling in. She had given up racing when they took Hotaru, and Michiru had stopped her music at the same time. One of these days, she thought absently.

For now though, she was tired, she was hungry, and she needed a stiff drink. The first two she could take care of. Unfortunately, since the care of young Hotaru had fallen to them, Michiru wouldn't allow any alcohol within a hundred feet of their house. The strongest thing you could find in their refrigerator was Root Beer. And apparently, someone had finished that off at some point during the day. She groaned, and pulled out what remained of the dinner the others had eaten about an hour earlier, grabbing the grape juice on her way. Then she sat down at the table to eat. That was when she noticed the papers.

"Haruka, darling? Is that you?" Michiru's voice called from on of the other rooms in their penthouse apartment. Haruka wrinkled an eyebrow. Michiru only ever called her darling when she wanted something.

"No, it's Pharoh 90. What are these papers here for?" She called back, reaching for them while chewing on a pizza slice.

"Oh, yes. I wanted to talk to you about those." She said, innocently. Haruka glanced at the top and nearly spit out her food.

"Juuban High School registration forms!!!!" She sputtered. "What the f--" Michiru made an appearance at last, rushing in and slapping her hand over Haruka's mouth.

"Don't you dare use any of those filthy words in here. Hotaru is still awake. What on earth possesses you to use them anyway? Vulgarity is not one of your normal habits."

"Why are there high school registration forms on our kitchen table?"

"Because I want to go back to school. And we never did finish high school, even when we were alive before."

"We never needed to. We went from training, to guarding in a year."

"That doesn't mean we can't go back again. I think it would be fun."

"Aren't you forgetting what happened the last time we went to school? The world nearly ended!"

"Well, we weren't there to learn before. We were there to seek out and destroy the enemy. I think it would be great to just go and have things taught to us. It would be such a good break from all that fighting. Besides, Hotaru is going to start school again. I enrolled her at Juuban Elementary today. She'll be starting in a day or two. She's so excited to be in class with Chibi-Usa."

"I won't do it. I had enough of the school setting when we got here."


"No. It'll be long days of sitting in front of boring teachers, and never getting a moments peace because of some stupid homework assignment. Not to mention all the teeny-bopper girls will flock around me, and every member of the male equivalent will flock around you. If you'll recall, the reason we bought this apartment way up here was so people like that would leave us alone. And, seeing as we'd have to be teenagers again, I'd have to give up the bike and the car. Not to mention the new helicopter. If people were to see me flying that, can you imagine the commotion? No, it's too much."

"But imagine how much fun it could be! We could see all the girls everyday, we could be normal girls for once. No enemies, no bickering over identities. We could do the stuff we like to do. You've got enough experience to head up the track team! I could join the art club. Ami and I could both swim together if we wanted to. We could be ourselves again. I want to be a teeny-bopper, Haruka! I want to be a girl again, not just a Sailor Senshi." She was looking at her with those pleading eyes of hers. Haruka could rarely say no to the pleading eyes. She could feel herself begin to cave. But she wouldn't give without a fight.

"What about money? If we go back to school, we have to give up out full time jobs. We still have bills to pay, you know. And with two more of us living here, it's that much more food we have to buy."

"I already thought about that. Setsuna's procured herself a job as nurse at the Elementary school, and, you remember all those festival people that were just dying to have us perform for them?" The taller girl frowned at the smaller one.

"Yeah. What about them?"

"I agreed. For a fee. You see, they wanted us so badly that they were going to pay us to play for them."

"You little devil."

"Will you do it?" Haruka glowered. Then sighed.

"Well, alright. But only if it's all you say it's going to be."

"Oh, it will, it will! Thank you Haruka! Oh, this is so exciting! Here, you have to sign this, and this...And we'll go for uniform fitting tomorrow...I can't wait!"

"Uniforms? They better not be the same colours as last time."

"Of course not, silly. They'll be blue. Just like Usagi-chan's skirts are. They were such pretty skirts." Haruka was not listening to her, as her eye had caught something on the pages she'd just signed.

"Michiru? You filled all mine out for girl's uniforms."

"Well, you are a girl. At least, the last time I checked, you were. You were definitely a girl when you posed for my nude study...."

"Of course I'm a girl. I just don't wear skirts." Michiru raised an eyebrow at her. "Except that one. And I only wear that because the Tuxedo outfit was stupid. And I really don't have a choice when I transform."

"Well, you don't have a choice now, either. You'll wear that skirt, and you'll like it."

"Why!!" Haruka whined.

"Because. I think you would look good in one of those skirts. And you have such lovely legs, it's a crime not to show them off." Michiru grinned. Haruka's mouth twitched.

"You like my legs?"

"Of course. I like all of you."

"Okay. I'll wear the skirts."

The End.