A year after the cullen's left Bella decided it was time to stop hurting her friends and Charlie. So she decides to go to New York where her Dad,Steve Rogers, is and start over. What happens when she gets there and meets the god of mischief himself, Loki?

Chapter 1: Steve arrives at Bella's house

Bella's POV:

It's been about a year since the Cullen's left… since he left me in the forest. I hadn't been the same since that day, i was depressed,closed off, and i didn't really talk much anymore. I knew I was hurting Charlie and I knew my friends were hurt that I pushed them away. All I ever did was go to work and then come home, I didn't even visit Jake anymore hardly and when I did we mostly just rode our bikes. I sighed as I shook my head, I couldn't keep hurting everyone. I needed to leave, to start over somewhere new. I walked inside the house and up to my room, I sat down on my bed and picked up my phone.

"Maybe it's time I give my dad a call, see if I can come up and stay with him for a while." I said to myself as I looked through my phone for his number. Once I found his number I hit the call button and hoped he wasn't too busy to answer. After a couple of rings he picked up.

"Hey Bells, what's going on? Is everything alright?" Steve asked, a little worried, which I understood since it had been a while since I last called him.

"I'm ok dad, but I can't stay in Forks anymore. Is there a way I can come up and stay with you for a while?" I asked a little nervous that he would say no.

"Of course you can Bells I'll see if Tony can send the jet so you can take your stuff with you and so you can get here without having to drive your truck." I smiled a little knowing he never approved of me driving that truck.

"Alright dad, um so it will take me some time to pack and get everything ready."

"That's fine, Tony will send it and Happy will come as well to help you get ready. I'll come too, we'll be able to get it done faster with all of us working together." I couldn't help but shake my head.

"Alright but are you sure that you aren't too busy protecting the world?" I asked afraid he was leaving when he should stay.

"The other Avengers can look out for the world while i'm gone besides i'd love to see Charlie again."

"Ok. do you happen to know when you guys will get here?"

"We'll be there by tonight so be sure to let Charlie know to expect us."

"I will, I promise and I will start putting boxes together and pack a couple of things."

"Alright Bells, we'll see you soon." with that we hung up and I set my phone on my desk and grabbed a few boxes and taped them together. I sighed as I started to pack up my books, I left a couple of books out not really sure if I really want to take them. I couldn't bring myself to even look at my copy of Romeo and Juliet. It was too painful and it reminded me too much of him. After I finished packing my books, I started on packing my clothes going through them as I went. I looked at the blue dress Alice had gotten me for prom and decided not to keep it wanting a fresh start. If anything I know aunt Natasha would be willing to take me shopping for a new dress if I ever needed one. Soon I heard Charlie pull up in the driveway and decided to take a break and go downstairs to wait for him to walk inside. I sat down on the couch and wondered how I was gonna tell him that I was leaving. I really hope he will understand and not be too upset with my choice.

"Hey kiddo, how was your day?" he asked as he walked into the house and hung up his gun belt and his jacket.

"My day was ok Charlie, h-how was yours?"

"It was slow today. I called Billy and he invited us over tomorrow for dinner." I looked down knowing it's best I don't go.

"Charlie? Can we talk for a second? There's something I need to tell you." I said and looked up at him.

"Sure kiddo, what's up?" he walked over and sat down next to me.

"W-well I know you have noticed that I haven't been myself since the Cullen's left and I've been thinking that it's time for me to have a fresh start somewhere else. I called my dad and asked if I could stay with him for a while until I figure out where I want to go and he said I could." I said hoping he wouldn't be upset.

"That's a good idea Bells, I think a fresh start will be good for you. I'm going to miss you but I know this is what you need. Is Steve coming down to get you?"

"Yes, Tony is letting him take the jet and he and Happy will be here by tonight to help me pack and get everything set up." I answered and he nodded.

"Alright, how about I order us some pizza for dinner. I'll even order extra so they have something to eat when they get here." he then got up and went to order the pizza while I went back upstairs to continue packing.

Steve's POV: (a few hours later)

Happy and I had just landed in Seattle and got a car to drive to Forks, all the way there all I could think about was what could have caused Bella so much pain that she would want to leave. As we got closer to Charlie's house, I sighed and glanced at Happy for a split second.

"So Happy there's something you should be aware of."

"What is it Cap?"

"Bella is my daughter, I haven't exactly told the team just yet. It's not a secret, I just don't tell many people I have a daughter for her protection. Bella's in pain, something happened a year ago. She hasn't said anything about it but I know that's why she's coming to live with me." I said as I pulled up to Charlie's house.

"Alright, i'll do my best not to upset her more." I nodded as I turned off the car and got out, walking up to the door. I knocked and Charlie opened the door.

"Hey Steve, I want to thank you for letting her stay with you. I'd rather she be with you and the Avengers than on her own." he said as I walked inside.

"I do too, this way we can make sure she's ok and everything." I walked upstairs to Bella's room and smiled a little as I saw her going through things as she packed.

"Hey Bells" I said and she turned to look at me and I saw that there were tears in her eyes. I walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. She wrapped her arms around me and broke down crying. It was painful for me to see her like this, that i couldn't do anything to protect her from this heartbreak.

"It's gonna be alright Bells, I promise it'll be alright. I know it doesn't feel like it now but it will be." I said as I rubbed soothing circles on her back trying to get her calmed down enough for her to talk or at least so she could take some deep breaths.

"I-i know it will be ok i-its just that I'm not sure what I want to do anymore, I was so sure he was my future a-and now I don't know what's next." I sat down on her bed and pulled her next to me and held her.

"I know what that's like, you remember you know my history Bells. Peggy was the woman I loved and then I was frozen in ice for sixty-six years and Peggy then died a few years after I was awake. I still feel unsure of what's next but the lost feeling has gotten better." I felt her move her head and looked down to see her looking up at me.

"Y-you're right dad." she took a deep breath and stood up.

"Let's get packing, the sooner it's done the sooner we can leave." I shook my head knowing she got her resolve from me. I stood and then helped her pack some more of her stuff. After a few minutes Happy came up and Bella looked up at him.

"So you must be Happy. It's nice to meet you." Bella said with a polite smile.

"And you must be Bella Rogers. Cap talks about you a lot,although he just told me you are his daughter."

"Well he wants me to be safe so he doesn't mention I'm his daughter much."

"She's right, it's why the team knows about my daughter but not who she is. The only two that know are Bucky and Natasha." I said as I continued to pack.

"And now me as well. Don't worry I won't say anything." Happy said as he started to help.

"Thank you Happy, but the team will know when we get back anyway and that's ok I think it's time they know and it might help keep her safe."

"Dad, you know I can take care of myself to a point right?" Bella said looking at me and I smiled.

"Yes I know but you are still my little girl." she blushed and went back to packing her clothes.

Bella's POV: (a few hours later)

We had finally got everything packed and loaded up in the car and dad drove it to the jet as Happy and Charlie talked in the living room. I walked back to my room to check to make sure that I didn't forget anything. I walked into my room and noticed the floor board that came up while dad was picking up a box, I was just going to ignore it until I noticed a box underneath it. I curiously moved the floor board and picked up the box, I then opened it and immediately dropped it when I saw what was inside.