16 years ago

Dear Mom and Dad,

I am sorry I can't do this anymore.

Take care of Rory please give her

a good life. I signed the papers giving

you all rights to her they are in Dad's study.

Rory is with the nanny. I do love her, and you guys I

Just am not meant to be a mom I'm sorry.



Emily looks over at Richard and then rereads the note thinking of two-year- old Rory upstairs with the nanny and goes well I guess we are raising her now. Richard sighs sadly and goes we will give this little girl the best life possible.

18 years later

Rory it's time to get up Emily says through the intercom. Rory sits up and gets out of the bed going to the shower to get ready for breakfast because she knows it is improper not to be dressed and ready for breakfast. She steps out lightly curling her hair and grabbing a Diana von Furstenberg Estrella Floral Short- Sleeve wrap Dress and a pair of plain white Manolo Blahnik heels and puts out her white Louis Vuitton purse because after breakfast her and her grandmother and getting their hair and nails done before a charity event that night. She looks at the desk with a picture of her and her grandparents at her graduation and smiles knowing they will be there no matter what.

Rory goes and walks down-stairs seeing her grandfather reading the paper she kisses his check and sits down. Emily walks in and goes there you are I was about to go upstairs and see what is taking you so long. Rory smiled and goes sorry got distracted thinking I can't believe after this summer I will finally be at Yale with the rest of my friends and well Logan thinking of her boyfriend of three years. Oh yes Logan Emily says smiling so happy that Rory is dating a Huntzburger. Richard looks up from his paper hearing Logan name and goes fine young boy, I am meeting him soon to play golf at the club before I go into the office for a bit. That's good Grandpa they finish their breakfast and Rory goes up to grab her purse believing it will be a good day but has no idea what today will bring. Rory also grabs the car keys to her Lexus and tells her grandmother she's driving so she can stop and get coffee. Rory goes into the car turns on the car and the mix tape Logan made her plays and her grandmother smiles. Rory gets her coffee and her grandmothers and then goes to the nail salon. Walking in and taking a seat she looks over and sees Logan mother Shira paying about to leave and she looks at her grandmother who is her best friend and whispers there is the witch. Hi darling Shira says walking up to Rory your getting your nails done to today didn't know you went here or we could have gone together Shira says politely lying through her teeth. Yes been going here for years my grandmother and I come biweekly surprised Logan didn't tell you he actually came with us a few times himself Rory says smiling showing that she won't let anything bother her I will see you later tonight then and does air kisses. She leaves and then her grandmother says now we can finally relax and have a good day.

Meanwhile at Richard's insurance office

Richard Gilmore office may I ask whose calling Marge asks. Yes, it's Lorelai Gilmore his daughter Marge. Oh yes, let me see if he's available Marge walks into his office and says your daughter is calling. You mean my granddaughter Marge Richard says laughing. No, your daughter Lorelai Marge says seriously. Oh yes well put her through. Hello Lorelai, Richard says frustrated to hear from her for the first time in 17 years since she left when Rory was one. Hi Dad, I know you don't want to hear from the colossal disappointment that I am but I am getting married and I thought you and mom had a right to know that Lorelai says once again only thinking of herself. Well good for you I will pass that along and well your daughter is amazing she graduated Valedictorian of her class, student body president, editor of her high school newspaper, an active member of the DAR and other important organizations she is going to Yale in the fall to study English and she has an amazing boyfriend of three years but they were best friends all of her life before that but I guess that doesn't matter to you I hope you and your husband to be are happy but for now I am very busy is there anything else you need Rich says angrily. No, I guess not bye Dad Lorelai says.

Later at the Gilmore's House

Emily, I need to see you in my study Richard says as he walks through the door. Ok Richard I am coming. Rory please go upstairs and begin getting ready I will be up in a minute to help you choose a dress Emily says. No actually better yet Rory come to you should hear this Richard says you're an adult you deserve to know what is going on. Ok Grandpa Rory says. Richard is everything ok Emily asks worriedly. No everything is not ok you will never guess who called me today Richard says getting madder. Who Emily says then adding Richard stay calm your heart. Lorelai called me to tell me she's getting married after 17 years she doesn't even ask about her daughter wanted to let us know she's getting married not even acknowledging Rory existence but I told her how amazing this girl is how accomplished she is then hung up on her. What now Emily says do we go meet her fiancé and pretend were a family or do we pretend this never happened it's up to you Rory whatever you want. Rory looks at her grandparents and says I don't know what is right. Take your time and think but for now we got to put that aside and get ready for tonight. Your right Grandma I think I'm going to go shower then will you help me get ready. Of course Rory we love you Emily says. I love you both Rory says. After she walks away Emily look at Richard and says we are not going to let Lorelai ruin Rory future. We won't but Rory has a right to get to know her mother he is 18 now so it's better to support her then let her go through this alone Richard says calming down for the sake of Rory.

In Rory's room

Rory dials the all too familiar number of her boyfriend who answers Hi Ace is everything ok you never call me during your getting ready time. My mother called my grandfather today Rory says crying and I don't know what to do, I mean I googled her in the past I know where she works at the Independence Inn I can show up there and meet her or what do I let this go and forget it ever happened. Logan sighs and goes Ace only you can make this decision but I am with you 100% we can forget about this party and drive to the Inn tonight if you want answers I will do whatever you want I love you, you know that I am in your corner always. I know Logan but what do I do Rory says crying. Well right now we get ready and we dazzle society as the best looking couple there and then tomorrow we will go away for the week just me you and somewhere warm how about Turks and Cacious I will convince Emily and Richard you will come back tan and with some clarity Logan says knowing she needs a distraction. Fine your right I will see you later I love you and navy blue suit with your white shirt and navy and silver stripped tie I am going to wear my Galvan London navy blue silk dress Rory says. Let me go get ready Rory says. I am calling Richard now and tomorrow it will be me you and paradise Logan tells her. Emily knocks on the door and see the beautiful dress Rory is putting on and smiles and says I have the perfect accessory for your dress these are the diamonds earrings that your grandfather gave to me on our first trip to Denmark he swears he bought them of the na'er do well brother of the king, who stole them from the Queen you ever heard of such a thing? Emily says sharing an important story with her granddaughter. No Rory says smiling grabbing her purse Logan just got here and limo will be arriving shortly they are going in together and I will have the maid pack a bag for your trip tomorrow with Logan. Thank you grandma Rory says smiling knowing Logan packed her real bag with the clothes she leaves at his apartment. They get into the limo and go to the event.

At the event

Rory and Logan talk to other rich people for some charity saving the whales feeding the children they all blend together after a while they form a sub party with friends and after go back to the Gilmore mansion where Emily says Richard and I are extremely tired so we will be heading to bed now so we wouldn't know if any late night visitors sneak into Rory room. Don't think we didn't assume your bags were already in the trunk just in case we let you spend the night Emily says winking. Thank you Emily and Richard goodnight Logan says. Rory smiles thank you grandma and grandpa.

In Rory room

Rory changes into her pajamas a pair of pink booty shorts and a black crop top climbs in bed next to Logan and kisses him laying her head on his chest and says to him whatever happens its me and you forever right? Always Ace there's no place I rather be is with you I love you and this trip is going to be perfect Logan says knowing he's going to propose to Rory there instead of waiting until September like he originally planned. Goodnight I love you so much Rory says and kisses him. I love you to Ace Logan says.

Authors note- I been writing this story for a few years I hope it's good and you enjoy. And got the story about Denmark from Season 5 episode 8 of Gilmore Girls.