Yo guys geo here with a sneak peek for chapter 3 of Odd obsession.

Rita poked her head into Lisa's room and saw her daughter looking into a Microscope.

"Lisa can you do something for Mommy?' she asked with a smile as Lisa turned around. 'Let guess does it involve lincoln?'

"Yep i need your help to make something for him" she spoke as Lisa raised an eyebrow when she saw her mother pull out a Hentai Manga.

"Depends on what that is Mother" she said as Rita turned to the page and showed her what she was talking about.

"Oh that? I can do that easily" she said as Rita smiled and kissed her forehead. 'Thanks honey your curfew is extended by three hours so you can do whatever you want after eight'oclock" Rita said happily as she left her child to complete her task all while Lisa cracked her knuckles.

"Time to get to work"


Our poor protagonist was dripping wet as he walked down the road and headed home.

'First I Get Haiku pregnant than I almost get Raped by Horny Milfs thanks a lot Luan! And Then I Almost drown in a Pool all because of Lori and her stupid need to one-up people! CAN THIS DAY GET ANY WEIRDER!?' He thought annoyed as he walked inside his home and was greeted by his mother.

"Welcome home sweet...OH MY GOD LINCOLN WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!?" She exclaimed as Lincoln rolled his eyes. "Lori, Leni, Beatrix and the Public pool lets just say I wish we got kicked out of this one!" he said as Rita frowned. "Well i be having a talk with those two later but right now i have a surprise for you"

'No offense Mom but i'm not in the mood" he said as she gently pushed him towards the stairs. "Go to our room for the surprise, it might make you feel better,'' she sang with a smile as lincoln sighed and did as he was told.

*Lincoln and Rita's room*

"Ok let's see what she was talking about" he muttered as he opened the door and saw a huge box in the middle of the floor raising an eyebrow lincoln went over and opened it and jumped back when two large figures rolled out one had completely Sky blue skin with large pink lips as Lincoln noticed that whatever it was it didn't have a face all it had was a mouth large blue G cup Boobs an Ass that put Rita to shame and a swishing tail the second figure looked similar to the first one except this one had completely cotton candy pink skin large puffy sky blue lips and large H cup boobs.

"AHHHHH! WHAT THE HELL ARE THESE THINGS!?" Lincoln exclaimed as they began to crawl towards him as they opened their mouth revealing long Green tongues that reached the floor hearing the commotion Lisa opened the door.

"Oh greetings only male sibling i see you found Mother's surprise" she spoke petting on of the creatures on the head making it purr softly.

'Lisa...what….what the hell are these things? WHAT DID YOU DO!?" he yelled in a panic as Lisa rolled her eyes. "Relax Lincoln the Leeches are harmless"

"I DON'T CARE IF…...wait Leeches?"

'Yes Lincoln these are Leeches they are called (Insert name here) and (Insert name here) and Mother asked me to make them for you"

Now comes the fun part submit names for the Leeches and i'll choose the best ones