HAYLEY MARSHALL WAS MANY THINGS, BUT SHE WAS NOT AN IDIOT. If she found herself in an uneasy or uncomfortable situation, she always fought her way out, refusing to be backed into a corner.

This time however she was all the way down the rabbit hole, and there was only one exit. Her mess was beyond deep this time; after all, she was with child.

Hayley Marshall, the world-renowned (the supernatural world that is) werewolf who had opened her legs and gave it away to a man with too much power, a man who at this point in his life did not care for anyone other than himself and his family. She had slept with the infamous Klaus Mikaelson and was now pregnant with his child.

Yes, this was indeed a mighty uncomfortable situation, and the wolf had only one option for freedom, an abortion. The wolf had to end this while she still could, this deplorable town and its pesky little people were getting to be a bit too much for her.

So that's how she ended up here, at the local Voodoo Shop. She had to escape while she still could, and most importantly - before Klaus found out.

*earlier that evening*

They walked into a dusty, cobwebbed cellar room. Hayley eyes the coffins Klaus stores his daggered siblings in.

"You think Klaus killed him?",

she asks the blonde original.

"We can't be killed, silly girl. That doesn't stop Klaus from finding other ways to torture us. He has a set of mystical silver daggers. One in the heart sends us into a deep slumber. Klaus gets his jollies from keeping us in a box until he decides to pull the dagger out. That must be what he's done to Elijah." she replied

Rebekah looks around, staring at the various objects in the room, all of them seeming extremely familiar.

She spots a familiar coffin nearby, shudders run along her spine just from the very memories it held.

"This one's mine."

Her brunette counterpart turns to her in shock, stupefied by the very fact that Klaus would actually do something to his own sister.

"He keeps your coffins on standby?"

"He likes to be prepared for when his family members inevitably disappoint him. Elijah's isn't here - he must have stashed him elsewhere."

Hayley begins to feel nauseous, disgusted and horrified by Klaus' behaviour.

Seeing the young wolf's face as she discovered how cruel her child's father could be Rebekah left her with one more thought.

"Knowing Klaus, he's planning a box for you the second you give birth to whatever's cooking in your tum. I'm leaving as soon as I find Elijah. Being daggered in a box for decades sucks, trust me. You'd best find a way to break that hex and run."

She then goes off to continue her search, leaving Hayley there to consider all she had said.

The she-wolf took a deep breath to steady her nerves. It was now or never anyway because the shopkeeper appeared to be leaving.

"Hey! Hey!"

"We're closed, sorry."

Desperation fills her heart, the need to get the hell out of this spooky town overpowered any other feeling she felt at the moment. "I just need one teeny, tiny, little herb. Please?"

The woman hesitates and appraises her slowly. To her, Hayley couldn't have been older than twenty years old, and here the young girl stood, looking beyond frazzled, scared out of her mind. "Which herb?"

The wolf gets nervous. She tilts her head anxiously and replies with her eyes downcast. "Crushed aconite flower."

The shopkeeper stares at her in surprise, realizing what herb the young girl wanted.

"Wolfsbane? That's poison. You planning on killing a wolf?"

For a split second, Hayley looks to her stomach, guilt flooding her very core. She had no other choice, she refused to be stuck here with Klaus and his insane family. Rebekah's words rang out once again in her mind, thus cementing her decision even more; she couldn't do this to herself, she had to escape while she could.

"Just a little one", she weakly replies. As if that could justify the sin she was ready to commit.

The shopkeeper eyed her warily. "Give me a minute." She goes back into the shop and after a few seconds, she returns with a phial and gives it to Hayley. "Cut it with jimson weed. A few drops in some hot tea - that should do it."

Beyond grateful for the herb, Hayley quickly tries to pay her. However the woman refuses it, she looks down at her and feels a sense of pity fill her.

"It's an ugly town for wolves. You're doing the right thing."

Across the street, in the shadows, an old lady watched them and listened in on their conversation. After Hayley started to walk off the elderly woman followed after her. She saw the young girl sit on a bench and begin to mix the herb into a cup of tea.

"Come on Hayley, one upset stomach and all this stupid drama is ancient history."

The elderly woman still watching from across the street raises an eyebrow at the girl, shocked at how eager she was to kill her child. The miracle child.

The old woman shakes her head, annoyed by just how stupid this young woman was and watched as she slowly raised the cup to her mouth.

"Since you don't want to be burdened with the child, let's give it to someone who truly wants one then."

author's note!

lmao, I just barely tweaked this chapter because this is just basically an opener to what is supposed to happen during this book.

stay tuned lovelies!