Disclaimer: First Chapter
Council Briefing Start!

The Secret Files of the Council of Five!

Uzumaki - A species of non-humans who have a vast immortality, who took human form after coming in contact with humans for the first time.
They hold great power, and each Uzumaki is born with 1 power unique to them, and several powers that all Uzumaki have.
The Uzumaki species survives not off food, but off the Affection and Love of other species.
Uzumaki blood contains their special ability, that can be bestowed when given in small amounts.
Uzumaki fuse themselves with other life forms to unleash the full power of their lineage, but to do so rapidly drains the life force of the person wielding the power. Causing death after only 5 minutes of use in humans.
Uzumaki can not be killed by starvation, poison, disease, or physical damage, an Uzumaki can only be killed after experiencing a broken heart. When an Uzumaki has a broken heart, their bodies are unable to accept Love and Affection and starve to death.
Uzumaki originally had no spoken or written language, and instead used nothing but their hearts to communicate, but after coming in contact with humans they learned language in order to communicate with other species.
With fierce tempers and wild mood swings, only those with special training or the Council of Five are allowed direct contact with the Uzumaki, and angering an Uzumaki warrants a death sentence if the Uzumaki wishes it.
Uzumaki are immortal, and unable to breed with other Uzumaki, so when an Uzumaki wishes to breed it is very important to select them a partner that meets their desires, but be very careful to chose only a partner that the Uzumaki has a low chance of falling in love with.
The youngest Uzumaki is currently Naruto Uzumaki, who is 15 years old.

The Uzumaki have many mysteries, such as how they came to be, and any other secrets they refuse to share with us.
Must keep researching.

Lab Rats - Humans who were bred, or volunteered, to be tested and experimented on in the service of the Council of Five and the Uzumaki.
Since the Uzumaki require a constant source of love and affection, the Lab Rats are trained and taught to love the Uzumaki and praise them from a young age. The average Life Span of a Lab Rat spans between 15 and 45 years, with a Lab Rat rarely ever living to 50 years old.
Originally, Lab Rats were given Uzumaki blood in it's un-modified state, but they would only live for 3 years after gaining an Uzumaki ability, but after much genetic manipulation, selective breeding, and using Nano-machines infused with Uzumaki blood instead of pure blood, their life spans were increased by a large margin.
Each Lab Rat is given a human name and an animal mask after being given their Uzumaki ability to use, and having their Limiters installed in their bodies.
When a Lab Rat dies, the Nano-machines and Limiters in their bodies are extracted and placed into the next Host.

The Council of Five - Humans favored by the Uzumaki, who are allowed to walk on the Uzumaki's territory and visit their hidden lands in person. Members of the Council of Five have each gotten the Uzumaki Blessing, and are given the title of an Element and a Shadow, depending on which of the Five Blessings they have received.
The Council of Five directs the Lab Rats and Lovers, and uses their influence to hide all traces of the Supernatural world from the Uzumaki. Since the beginning of Humans first meeting with the Uzumaki, the original Council of Five believed it would be best if the Uzumaki were never made aware of a species who lived longer than humans, and could handle their power better.
It is the Council of Five who send out Lab Rats to destroy all evidence around the world of the existence of the Supernatural, and have them erase the data from the world's governments in order to protect the human race from the chance that the Uzumaki may fall in love with a species other than humans.
It is unknown what will happen to the human race if the Uzumaki changes the target of their affection.
Only the youngest living Uzumaki is able to bestow the Uzumaki Blessing.

Uzumaki Blessing - The strange ability an Uzumaki has to allow another species to have near-total control over any given element that the Uzumaki wants them to have. It is unknown why the Uzumaki grant this ability, when they themselves never seem to use the ability themselves.
The ability to grant an Uzumaki Blessing is only possible by the youngest Uzumaki.

Lovers - Those who are selected to sleep with an Uzumaki.
Humans who are modified to be able to have sex with an Uzumaki, and satisfy them. Any human who has sex with an Uzumaki has always been put into a coma, and eventually died. Lovers were created in order to allow an Uzumaki to enjoy sex with humans, who are not designed to handle sex with an Uzumaki. As of right now, each Uzumaki is monitored and questioned about their preferences, and several Lovers are designed and created in order to best fulfill the needs of the Uzumaki they were made for.
Lovers have no combat ability, the only exception is Minato Namikaze, who was giving the Uzumaki Blessing by Kushina Uzumaki when the previous Hokage died.
Lovers are trained to have sex with Uzumaki without allowing the Uzumaki to fall in love with them, when an Uzumaki falls in love with a Lover, it is vital that the Lover and Uzumaki are carefully separated from each other in order to prevent the Uzumaki one day experiencing heart break.

Uzumaki Curse - Forcefully taking an Uzumaki's blood without their consent activates a special condition in an Uzumaki's body.
This condition caused an Uzumaki to go into an uncontrollable blood rage, where they destroy everything and anything they lay eyes on, activating their more dangerous and hateful hidden abilities.
The Uzumaki will continue to rampage forever until the one who stole their blood is dead, and will destroy everything in their way until the subject of the hate is destroyed. It is unknown if there is any way to calm down an Uzumaki from this state, and only two recorded situations of this Curse have ever been seen.
The city of Atlantis, destroyed by Ashina Uzumaki.
The Mayans, destroyed by Kushina Uzumaki.
Both times their blood was stolen, and both times they were unable to control themselves until they destroyed the entire civilizations and all those involved in the theft of their blood.
The child born from an Uzumaki who has entered this rage will always be born with Whisker Marks.

-The Mission of the Council of Five-
Protect the Uzumaki
Love the Uzumaki
Serve the Uzumai
Protect Humanity from the Uzumaki
Prevent the Uzumaki from Learning of the Supernatural Species

Straight from the Records of the Council of Five

Chapter End!
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