Hi everyone.

I can't express how happy I am for all the positive reviews.

I appreciate it, really.

Enough diabetes and on with the story.

Morning. Musutafu. Time? Too fucking early.

"Izuku turn off that demonic device!" half-screamed a rather groggy and annoyed Fuyumi

"Give me five more minutes of sleep! It's Sunday for All Might's erected bangs!" she continued

"C'mon Fuyumi it's good to wake up early. It's work out time!" giggled Izuku, way too hyper seen the hour

"It's 5AM, fucking 5AM, on Sunday morning, after a movie marathon. I got three hours of sleep. Consider yourself lucky I don't have my period or else you wouldn't be the one who takes a certain vibrating thing."

"I have to write this down, quite a colorful speech early in the morning isn't it? It means you're full of energy! Let's go work out! Your ante-sunrise bad mood will be blown away."

"Something, or rather someone else is going to be blown away if i don't get another ten hours of sleep!" she said, her annoyed voice disappearing into a yawn

"Then I guess these fluffy pancakes with double syrup will be eaten by me only."


"Ohoho...is what I am hearing what I think it is? May your stomach be rumbling perhaps?" said Izuku with a smug grin

"Fuck you, if only you didn't know how to cook so well…"

"I know you love me the way I am." he said, his shit eating grin was widening more and more

"Perhaps…" she said, walking towards the kitchen without sparing him a glance.

Izuku froze a moment, registering the information he just recieved.

"Perhaps? What do you mean by perhaps?"

"I mean exactly what I said." "Maybe not that bad of a morning" she thought, smirking.

"I see, acting smugly aren't we young woman? In that case today might be my cheat day and I might want to eat two portions of pancakes" he said, jokingly pouting

"Don't you dare…"

"I might actually dare, after all, if nobody loves me, I might have to alleviate the sourness with food."

"You...you...fine. You win." she sighed, lifting her arms in the air in a surrendering pose.

Izuku giggled, he always liked winning an argument, which was possible only when food was involved.

"What do you have to say then?"

Fuyumi lowered her head like a preschooler scolded by the teacher would


"I don't think I heard what you said…"

"I said I'm sorry! Are you happy now?"

"Maybe." he said, opening his arms, gesturing for her to go hug him.

Fuyumi had asked herself how a pornstar managed to feel like a kid with a teddy bear in these situations; there they were, hugging each other at five in the morning, grinning like idiots. What bothered Fuyumi the most was that the fluffy pancake, that little cloud, was getting colder and it was deflating at a worrying pace, she tried to reach it with her hand but Izuku smacked it away.

"You know, you are so hot with your hair messy like that in the morning. Not to mention the fact you are wearing just my shirt and your panties…" he said with a sweet seductive voice, Fuyumi was tempted….aaand

Smut ensue..d? Nope.


"C'mon, why would someone interrupt my morning cuddles. Morning cuddles, capish?" he said, looking quite annoyed


"Yes, yes, I'm coming." he scoffed as he reached for the phone

"Who is it that interrupts my morning cuddles?"

"Is that the way you greet your manager?"

"Yes, if he calls at five in the mornin…" CHOMP

"What?" was all Izuku could think and say, he turned towards Fuyumi and he saw her whistling, the face of fake innocence, she had her cheeks puffed like a hamster

"Please tell me you didn't eat your whole pancake in one bite."

"I dighdghn't?" she said, her words distorted by the pastry in her mouth; Izuku facepalmed as he returned to the call.

"So.. what do you have to tell me so urgently?"

"Well, you have an offer, that I'm not going to spoil as I want it to be a surprise, next thursday, you can accept it or you're fucked."

"What do you mean I'm fucked?"

"You would otherwise have a BDSM shoot that day, as a sub."

"AAAh that explains everything. I accept, I don't want to get covered in wax another time, my skin itched for a week after the last…"CHOMP

Izuku turned to Fuyumi, this time his pancake was gone too, he had whipped cream all over her mouth, he stared at her accusingly as she licked the sweet byproduct of milk off her lips, looking at him without an ounce of regret on her eyes.

"You know what? Fine, nobody wants me this morning, I'm going to see mom." he said, almost in tears, as he took the keys of his car and his private phone, he had one for work and one for family.

Izuku dialed his mother's number as he opened the door


"Yes Izuku? What do you need at 5AM?"

"Mom...make me katsudon please."

"For the love of god…" Inko was resigned to her fate "fine, it'll be ready in thirty minutes."

"Thank you mom, I love you." he said, sniffing like a crying child

"I love you too."

Izuku closed the door behind him, leaving Fuyumi a bit shocked.

She was brought back to reality by a certain person on the phone, Izuku hadn't ended the call.

"So, mind explaining to me how the hell does someone with a 7 inch penis act like a preschooler?"

"I am not his manager."

"You got a point."

Thursday came and Izuku was in front of his house, he was dressed elegantly as he didn't want to make a bad impression to whoever offered whatever to him.

Izuku had been waiting for ten minute when his phone rang, he saw his manager's name on it so he decided to respond


"Your ride will be there in the blink on eye. Ah, right, I didn't remember to tell you you will be blindfolded during the ride, I don't want you to guess where you are going."

"But you know I have a huge motion sickness…"


"Ok…" he said, moving his foot along the ground like a kid scolded by the mother.


Izuku towards the source of the sound and he saw Fuyumi in her car waving at him, that was going to be one hell of a ride.

Opposite to his expectations after only half an hour Fuyumi told him "We're here, I just need to park the car."

"No, no, no, please let me down, I don't want to vomit even my soul."

"Too late." she giggled as she pushed the accelerator with way too much force, causing the car to shoot backwards, then it stopped abruptly and it went forward, then backwards again.

At this point Izuku was starting to get dizzy so he pushed the button that opened the window, ready to vomit outside.

He sure did vomit after five minutes Fuyumi was going on and on, trying to park her car.

When he vomited Fuyumi decided she couldn't care less about occupying four parking lots as she pat his back while he was vomiting.

From a window in the building said parking lot was part of a man was watching th scene, he did contemplate helping the vomiting man but "They don't pay me enough for this." he thought.

Fuyumi led Izuku onto a path, he couldn't see but there were trees along the sides of said path, well, he couldn't see them but he could certainly feel them, especially with his nose and face, as he hit three of them in a row.

"Would you mind telling me to duck?"

"I am not the one who had a huge growth spurt at seventeen, it's your problem." she scoffed

"Pay attention to the…" Izuku ducked, lowering his head but…

STOMP, was the sound his whole body did when it impacted against a wall.

"You know what? just walk in front of me."

"Sure." said Fuyumi, internally laughing a real lot.

They walked for another thirty seconds without any problem "Stairs, follow me." said Fuyumi as she pulled the green haired man's arm after her, said man followed her and…

BAAANG, was the sound made by the contact between the handrail and what was, maybe not anymore, between his legs.

"You're...e..ndin..g my...care..er." he said, falling on the floor while trembling in pain.

After clearing the stairs, something harder to do than finishing Cat Mario, they reached a door on which Fuyumi knocked "Come in!" was shouted by a joyful voice, said voice, when Izuku got in the field of view of the speaker, said "Mind telling me why my future teacher is covered in branches and scratches, has a bloody nose, is holding his crotch in pain and has his clothes covered in vomit and half destroyed.

"That's a long story." said Fuyumi, deadpanning too.

Izuku lifted the blindfold covering his eyes with the last bit of strength he had in him, before blacking out he saw something similar to a rat, holding a cup of tea dressed smartly.

TUMPH was the sound Izuku's unconscious body did when hitting the floor.

That's all folks, for now.

Tried writing something like smut but manager-san interrupter...he is never going to get a name isn't he?

Hope you enjoyed.

See you next time.