Summary: Like a ghost, she hovered in the corner of his eye. If he looked for too long, he'd start to think she was really there again. Her eyes, that dazzling blue, brought back so many memories. Her voice, a haunting echo of past days, burns. Cloud couldn't tell if it was a blessing or a curse anymore.

Pairing: Sephiroth x Kagome. [+lots of pining/one-sided love for Kagome from other characters.]

Disclaimer: I do not own either series. Each belongs to their rightful owners.

Non-canon, and slight AU.
Kagome's already dead. Sorta, but not really.
Kagome's also Aerith's older sister.
Flashbacks are written in bulk Italics.


Blue eyes like the deep sea stared back at him. They were striking, nearly freezing him to his spot. Dark lashes lined the crystal pools, dusting gently over porcelain cheeks. A set of hands holding onto the back and sides of a blue dress stole his attention for the first time with him realizing. Green eyes peered out from behind the older girl.

"Go away!" Aerith yelled out from behind her sister. Her hands tightened, holding tighter to her dress as if her grip was doing anything to keep the older girl still.

With a sigh, he closed his eyes and invited himself more into the quaint home. The older woman there looked from him to the two girls as he lowered himself before the one shielding her sister. He balanced himself with a hand on his knee, the other held out to the blue-eyed girl in a gentle fashion.

As if burned, she stepped back, pushing Aerith with her. "Don't come any closer, Tseng."

He felt the frown as it appeared on his face. "I'm not here to hurt you, Kagome."

Her eyes narrowed at that statement. "Why should I believe you?"

"It won't work if you don't come of your own free will. I have no interest in forcing you to do anything."

Her glare hardened for a moment before it slipped from her face. She turned a small bit in order to look at Aerith. Wide green eyes were staring up at her, her hands still clinging tightly to her dress. Kagome sighed and crossed her arms over her chest as she eyed Tseng again.

"Then let's make a deal," Kagome said something, finally, and his eyes returned to her face.

"I'm listening," he said, urging her to continue.

"If… If I agree to go, I want you to leave Aerith out of it from here on out. Let her live here with Elmyra." She glanced at her feet when she heard Aerith's choked cry as she pressed her face into her back, fingers digging deeper into the fabric of her dress and holding on tighter to it.


"If you have me, then there is no reason to keep going after Aerith, right?"

Kagome looked up and let her eyes meet Tseng's. His expression was thoughtful for a second before he nodded, seeming to take the deal without trying to negotiate it any.

"Very well," he said as he stood back up. As soon as he did, Kagome turned and pulled Aerith into a tight hug, feeling her squeezing her back with every ounce of strength she had. Kagome pressed a kiss to the top of her head, fingers gently pulling through her brown curls.

"It's okay," she murmured softly to the crown of her head. "You'll be okay here with Elmyra."

"I don't want you to go. I want to stay with you…" Aerith's voice was muffled by her dress, and it was a bit broken due to her crying. "Please don't leave me, Kagome!"

Kagome held her tighter. She didn't want to go, either, but if this was what it took for Aerith to be safe and to have a nice life, then so be it.

"I have to."

She felt another pair of arms surround her, and she didn't have to look to know who it was. Elmyra enveloped them both in a hug, and Kagome let herself rest against the woman who had taken them in as her own children.

Tseng was waiting at the door for her when she finally pulled herself away from the others. Aerith tried to grab her dress again but only touched air when Kagome stepped away from her. Elmyra pulled Aerith against her, and she clung to her as she cried again.

Kagome joined Tseng, and they left the house. Though she tried to ignore it, she could still hear the sound of Aerith crying as they left.

C.R: I haven't written much of anything for a while. Things have just been stressful lately, but I'm still here and still writing.

Anyway, as said, this is non-canon at best, and slightly AU.

Thank you for reading, and I hope I caught all the errors before posting. If not, apologies.

Please remember to Review&Favorite&Follow, thank you!

Bye for now!