Welcome, chapter 12, released. The 4th challenge is starting. What will be the challenge? Will the ferrets lose again, or will be the foxes? And what is this challenge about? Well, find out next.

And as always, this is the part in which I ask you for your review and favorites. This is the only way I know you like the story so far. Now let me answer some of the past chapter reviews.

guest: Linds is a great gal, she had a big heart, maybe too big for her own good ;). Also the challenge was intended to be confusing to both you, dear readers, and the poor campers. But there is a hint on the title.

LovelyLuly: Only one error WOW. As always thanks for your help, I hope one day publish one chapter without errors :D.

Total Drama belongs to Fresh TV, its creators, and associates companies. I don't own anything from the properties used in this fic.

Usually almost the best is good enough Part 2

The third challenge is starting, and both teams entered the challenge room, a big facility built overnight. The campers were segregated by team and gender. Once inside, they found themselves in a bathroom with stools and various hand showers. They had to follow the instructions wrote on a note before starting the timed challenge.

And the ferrets' guys were all perplexed by those instructions

"Can you repeat what does the note say?" asked Jay narrowing his eyes at Topher.

"As part of the challenge, you have to enter the room barefooted, and with your feet washed. Anyone that doesn't wash their feet will be eliminated from the challenge. Read it yourself if you don't believe it," said the host wannabe, giving the piece of paper to the skater.

Shawn shrugged and sat on a stool. "Well, if it's only that, let's do it."

The 5 men sat down on the stools, Mike and Topher on one side, Shawn, Dramaman, and Jay in the other.

The conspiranoic took off his sneakers, under them, he was using thick grey socks, Jay looked at him with curiosity.

"Hey, dude, what the heck with your socks? I thought you were preparing against zombies, not against the winter," said Jay, smirking.

Shawn chuckled, "These are hiking socks made from Alpaca wool, they are extra thick. In case a creeping zombie tries to bite your ankle, you had a chance to escape unscathed. Remember that if their teeth wound your flesh, BAM! It's over. Next stop the graveyard or Zombieland."

Jay took off his sneakers and socks. "You're great, man. It's a relief to have someone like you in the team."

The wrestler took off his long boots. He was the one with the smallest feet among them, but probably the one that took the best care of them after Topher. He was quiet but watching Jay.

"Well, when the apocalypse comes, it's more important taking care of yourself than having someone in your team that knows how to take care of himself," said Shawn, as he started to wash his feet.

Jay made a mischievous smile "Do you think you can teach me? It would be awesome, dude."

"Of course," said Shawn. Then he blanched, as he looked at Jay. "What's wrong with your foot!? It is that a bite?" shouted the conspiranoic standing up and taking a defensive stance.

The skater looked at the sole of his foot. "This under my toes? It's a skater callus. I have them on both feet, but this is larger than the other. Wanna see?"

"Erhm, no, no problem," said Shawn raising an eyebrow and whispering to Dramaman, "this guy is weird." The wrestler just smiled under his mask.

On the other side of the room, Topher was also watching Jay, while talking to Mike.

"You know it is an honor to talk with a legend like you, Multiple Mike. You were so awesome in the All-star season finale," said Topher in an excited tone.

"Hehe, thanks. But right now, I am just Mike, the one and lonely Mike," replied Mike in a sad tone, while taking off his shoes.

"What? Do you miss Zoey already?" said Topher in a playful tone.

Mike sighed while showering his long feet absentmindedly. "*sigh* yes, I miss her."

"Sorry, man, but it's a great opportunity to show her how good you're," said Topher, his feet in perfect shape, even his toenails.

"How good I am?" asked Mike, raising an eyebrow.

Topher showed a beautiful smile and looked at Mike's eyes. "Yes, you are now the best Mike ever, but Zoey is so close to you that probably she never noticed it. Now it's your chance to show her."

"But that would mean to defeat her in the challenges," said Mike rubbing his arm.

"Nothing personal. It is just the game, and beating Zoey doesn't mean she will be eliminated, right?" said Topher putting his hand on Mike's shoulder, "and on a different note, I can also give you some beauty tips, your feet are awful."

"Do you think so?" said Mike moving his toes, his nails a little uneven. "I don't see them particular ugly."

"Ignorance is bliss. Look at all that dead skin, your nails are a disaster and your cuticles," Topher winced and shook his head. "Zoey should truly love you if she is still with you with those feet."

"Yes, she is wonderful," said Mike daydreaming, then added, "What is a cuticle?"

Topher frowned slightly and then chuckled. "My friend, there is so much to teach you and not enough time. So let's make a quick course. First, take this. It's a pumice stone."

Confessional: Mike

"That Topher seemed arrogant and self-centered, but he is a really nice guy, he listened to me and even show me how to take care of my feet, look." Mike raised his foot, and moved his toes. His foot looked fresh and smooth, his toenails now were short and even. "Never see them so clean, I am sure Zoey will love them."

On the girl's side, the atmosphere was heavier, Sky and Sammy were on one side while Amy and Lilly were in the other. Charlotte sat in the middle ground between them.

Sammy and Sky began to wash their feet, the gymnast smiling at her friend's feet.

"You have such wonderful feet. Compared to mine, I look like one of cinderella's evil step-sisters, with all these calluses," said Sky pouting.

Sammy rolled her eyes. "It's not really as if I wanted to take care of them. My evil real-sister was always nagging me about my personal hygiene."

"Really?" said Sky, not wanting to believe her friends' words.

"Yes, Samey, your feet stink, use deodorant powder. Samey, there is some spinach between your teeth, clean it is gross. Samey, your hair looks horrible, did you wash it with soap instead of shampoo?" said Sammy imitating her sister tone, sounding just like her.

Sky chuckled. "Ok, she really nagged a lot."

"Don't laugh, it really affected my self-esteem. In the end, I was extra careful so she could not say anything about my hygiene," said Sammy, who now was the one pouting.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to insult you," replied Sky, still smiling.

"Samey, don't forget that if you don't use soap, you are not washing, you are only getting soak," shouted Amy, in the same tone Sammy imitated.

Sky chuckled again, and Sammy rolled her eyes, "I know, thank you. Can you stop nagging me?"

"I was only trying to help, don't be so sensitive," shouted Amy, while Lilly was washing her feet, humming happily.

"That Samey, she talks so big, but when we were young, she was so sloppy. If I was not keeping an eye on her, she would skip washing her teeth, or she would go to school with mismatched socks," said Amy rolling her eyes.

Lilly looked at her, smiling but didn't say anything, only nodded.

Charlotte kept washing her feet. She knew that she needed allies, after all, even if she played with Max's plan as an upgrade, it would be game over if the team eliminated her. But who was the best choice in the select screen?

Choosing Sammy was choosing Sky and Shawn, with her would be 4 votes, with two against them (Amy and Lilly), and four neutral (Dramaman, Topher, Mike, and Jay) 3 vs. 2 vs. 4.

The problem was that the bastards behind Jasmine elimination were still there. It was obvious Lilly and Amy are two of the votes, but there should be at least three more. She could not risk to ally herself with such scum, so the best option was Sammy group. She should talk with them later.

Confessional: Charlotte

"Aside from the gamers, I wanted to test myself against someone strong, the best character in this game, and that was Jasmine. But those casuals eliminated her before I could beat her," said Charlotte clenching her fist. "So I will just have to discover who vote for her and eliminate them one by one. Lilly and Amy don't worry me. Amy will be gone soon, and Lilly is too coward to do anything."

On the foxes' guys bathroom, there was some commotion.

"Fuck, someone kill me, now," said Duncan covering his mouth.

Lightning pinched his nose, his eyes were teary. "It's worse than Lightning teams' locker room after a big game."

"Que peste! creo que voy a desmayarme[2]," said Alejandro, sitting on a stool, burying his face on his hands.

"Man, you should see a doctor about that feet odor," said Cody, covering his mouth with a handkerchief.

"Ok, I'm sorry. You don't need to exaggerate like that," replied Brick, that just took off his boots.

Confessional: Brick

"Ok, maybe my feet stink a little, but c'mon is not that bad," said Brick, sniffing his boot. Then squinting and putting his tongue out, "Yuck! Ok, maybe I should be more careful with my feet hygiene."

After waiting a moment outside the bathroom, the four men entered and began to wash their feet, Lightning with Alejandro on one side, Duncan, Cody, and Brick in the other.

"This is so silly, why do we need to do this?" said Duncan, his toenails were messier than the rest, except maybe Brick.

"Duncan, what happened on your feet, did you trim your toenails with your teeth?" said Cody chuckling.

Duncan smirked. "You shouldn't mock a guy wearing a spiked collar and mohawk, they said is bad for your health."

Cody shook his head, "It was just a joke, man, do you always have to be like that?"

"Yes, it is not good for the morale of the team to threaten them with the use of violence," said Brick, looking worried at Duncan. The soldier had his feet immersed in water.

"I was also joking," said Duncan, still smirking, "You don't believe I would really hurt you, do you?"

"Of course not, you are such a prankster," said Cody, with a forced smile.

"Sorry, I thought you were serious," said Brick rubbing his neck, "But I am a Jokster myself, did you hear this one. You know why I use a tank top? To defend the right to bare arms." Brick smiled, expecting a reaction from them. Cody shook his head ashamed, and Duncan rolled his eyes.

"Did you get it, bare, bear. Well, I really don't defend the right to bear arms but-"

Cody interrupted him, putting a hand on his shoulder, "Please, continue with the military career."

Meanwhile, Alejandro was talking with Lightning but keeping an ear to the others' conversation.

"What with those feet, Al? They are like sha-girl's feet," said the athlete after spraying hot water on his feet, looking at Alejandro's perfect pedicure.

The Spaniard rolled his eyes, "I just take care of them, you are an athlete, you should also take care of your body."

"I take care, just look at this sha-arms," said Lightning, flexing, "but feet are not feet if they don't have these shabangs," the athlete added, showing his soles, that were full of calluses.

Alejandro made an effort, a GREAT effort to not show his disgust at Lightning's feet, "Well, it's clear we have different priorities when talking about taking care of our bodies.

"Yes, and also mean that you are doing it in the sha-wrong way," said Lightning, nodding.

Alejandro sighed, it would be better to change the subject, "and how are things going with Lindsay?"

"With the sexy girl?" said Lighting shocked, dropping the hand shower and soaking Alejandro and him, "things are great, she is sha-crazy for the Lightning."

"Well, ok," said Alejandro, trying to dry his shirt, scowling, "there is something I want to tell you because you are my amigo. It's something about Lindsay, that may change how you see her forever."

Lightning jaw dropped, "Wait, you don't mean?"

Alejandro showed a sad smile and nodded silently, maybe Lightning was not as stupid as he though.

"She is a guy?" said Lightning with wide eyes and raised eyebrows.

Alejandro realized his error, he's was really as stupid as he thought, "Que? Of course not, what the hell are you saying, man?"

"Oh, what a relief man. You sha-scared me for a moment," said Lightning, not explaining nor answering Alejandro's question.

"Anyway, what I wanted to tell you is that maybe there is some kind of misunderstanding between you," said the Spaniard, carefully removing the dead skin from his ankles.

"C'mon man, all you do is talking, and you don't say anything. So stop babbling and tell Lightning what's the problem," said Lightning tired of Alejandro roundabouts.

The Spaniard sighed. "Ok, I think you should know she has a boyfriend."

Suddenly Alejandro was lifted from the stool by his shirt's collar and smashed against the wall.

"You are lying," said Lightning, his eyes bulging, "you are saying that sha-bullshit so you can have a chance with Lindsay."

Alejandro took a deep breath. "I am not lying. Also, I'm not saying she is leading you, maybe she just forgot to tell you."

Lightning released the Spaniard that fell to the ground, the rest of the male foxes looking at them, "If you are lying to the Lightning, he will strike you down."

Nothing more was said about the subject. Alejandro was lying on the floor, with a small smile in his face despite Lightning's assault.

Confessional: Lightning

"Lindsay or Al is making a fool of the Lightning, and NO ONE makes a fool of THE LIGHTNING," said the athlete, punching a hole in the wooden wall.

On the girls' bathroom, the atmosphere was also heavy. Dawn was in a side of the place, and Zoey, on the other. Heather decided to sit beside Zoey, so Beth and Lindsay also seated with them while Courtney went to Dawn's side.

"Well, why the long face, you should be happy they are letting us take care of our feet at least once during the show," said Heather, washing her perfect pedicure carefully.

Zoey looked sadly at her feet, washing them with her wedges still on them. "I'm fine, don't worry."

"That's not the way to wash your wedges," said Lindsay, shaking her head, "You should mix water and detergent and rub them with a cloth. Washing them with a shower will damage your shoes."

"Sorry, I was distracted," said Zoey blushing, and taking her wedges off quickly.

"So you will tell us what's worrying you?" asked Heather, soaping her feet while talking.

Beth glared at the Asian girl. "Leave her alone, Heather. It's ok if she doesn't want to talk about it. Especially with you," the farmer girl was washing her small feet with lots of soap.

"Oh, I forgot that you and bigfoot were the anti-Heather brigade. When will you grow up and understand it was only a game? And a game we played 3 years ago," said Heather glaring at Beth and Lindsay.

"Did you form an Anti-Heather club with a bigfoot, and you didn't invite me?" Asked Lindsay in a shocked tone, "can I still join?"

"I think she is calling you bigfoot," whispered Beth to her best friend.

"Well, maaay be my feet are a little large, but they are not so big. My sister Paula is like half-number bigger than me," said Lindsay, shrugging.

"Well, if you don't want to help Zoey then go away. There is plenty of bathroom for all of us," said Heather, gesturing to shoo them away.

"And let you poison her mind? Sorry but no," said Beth, her feet full of calluses scars.

Heather stood up. "C'mon, she is not a kid. And you are only a pathetic and resentful girl who cannot let go of an old vendetta."

"I'm not resentful, but I will not believe you changed until you prove it. And right now, you seem like the old despicable Heather," said Beth, also standing up.

Zoey chuckled, she was grateful to the girls for worrying about her, but she didn't know where to start. She missed Mike and also wanted to apologize to Dawn after shouting her yesterday, but she was scared because Dawn could see what she is hiding in her heart, and Zoey didn't want to show that to anyone.

On the other side, there was no conversation at all. Dawn was washing her small feet with a sad expression, and Courtney was sitting next to her, taking off the dead skin with a pumice stone.

"Is everything ok? You don't seem like your usual self," said Courtney, washing carefully between her toes.

Dawn looked at her with moisty eyes, "Am I weird?"

"We are all weird. If not, we would not be in this show," answered Courtney shrugging.

Dawn shook her head, "I mean, if you think that my gift of reading auras make me weird?"

Courtney sighed, "Honestly, I don't believe in aura reading, But after seeing alien artifacts on area 51, volcanic eruptions caused by pineapples and critters mutated by toxic waste, I can put it on my 'maybe' list. And answering your question, I have seen weirder things."

Dawn turned off the shower, "I always thought that my gift to read auras, even if it scared some people, would help everyone to reach happiness. That when those who fear me discovered my gift is to help them, they will change their mind and become my friends again. That being alone was only temporary. But maybe it is for my gift that I am all alone," said Dawn, looking sad at the floor.

"That's not true, you have Zoey, for example," said Courtney, that was still washing her toes.

Dawn shook her head, shaking and about to cry, "we are not friends anymore. I read her aura, and she got mad at me. She said that that's the reason I don't have any friends."

"That kind-hearted Zoey say that? Maybe she didn't mean it," said Courtney, surprised by Dawn's story.

"It was my fault. Maybe Zoey is right, and my gift is why I don't have any friends," said Dawn, staring sadly into space.

Courtney raised her head and looked at her raising an eyebrow. "That just self-pity, you should accept yourself as you are. Absurd unscientific powers included. Now let me prove you are wrong. Hit me with your best shot."

"I am not sure I am following you," said Dawn, tilting her head.

"Tell me what you see in my aura, I will show you that despite anything you could say we will still be friends," said Courtney folding her arms.

"Are we friends?" asked Dawn, this was developing too quickly for her.

"We are, even with you asking me that kind of question," said Courtney shaking her head. "So c'mon, that we are on a timed challenge."

Dawn took a deep breath, she was still scared after what happened yesterday, but Courtney was right, this is who she is.

"I see you are struggling with yourself. You are full of resentment and loathe, especially toward yourself and your family. You want to change but are afraid that it is impossible to change yourself," said Dawn blanching at the dark aura of her friend.

The Latin girl hugged Dawn tenderly. "See, we are still friends. Now let's go, we got a challenge to win today," added Courtney while walking to the door.

Dawn nodded, reading Courtney's aura took a weight off the moonchild soul. She followed Courtney to the next room, where they will start the challenge.

Confessional: Courtney

"For the record, I don't believe in aura readings and all that supernatural powers. I only did it to indulge Dawn and cheer her up," Courtney hugged herself and closed her eyes with a solemn expression, "even if she coincidentally was right about some of the things she said."

The doors of the 4 bathrooms opened. Inside the building was a huge white room, almost as big as a football field. The room had two platforms in the middle, each one separated by a few meters.

The white tiles on the ground shined with an intense light that made painful to see at the floor. On a giant screen at the bottom of the room, appeared the face of Chris Mclean, smiling.

Cody looked around without entering the room. "What is this place, some kind of laboratory?"

"Yes, stop wasting Lightning time and-" but as Lightning went into the room, he felt to the ground screaming.

"Aghhh! My foot, it pierced my foot," shouted Lightning with pained expression holding his right foot.

"What happened? Is something on the floor?" said Sammy in a scared tone.

Amy pushed her sister out of the way. "Stop crying, Samey, and move on." The older twin walked barefooted over the shiny tiles until it happened again. Amy fell to the ground, wincing in pain.

"Ouch! Something stabbed my foot, damn Chris," said Amy, her face red in pain, while she lay on the ground.

Chris laughed on the screen. "Well, it seems like you are starting to understand today's challenge."

"Are you ok, Lightning?" shouted Lindsay, trying to go to the door of the foxes' boys.

"No Lindsay, stop! You will get hurt. Wait until Chris explains the rules," said Beth, holding her friend before she could go into the room.

Chris clicked his tongue in disappointment. "Beth, you should just let her go to her friend's side, That way, it would be more fun."

Alejandro kneeled to see Lightning foot, but he decided to not do it after remembering the athlete calluses. Cody then kneeled next to Alejandro and took a look at Lightning sole.

"You are ok, it seems that whatever you step on didn't pierce your skin," said Cody, sighing relieved.

"Amy is also alright, but she had a red spot on her sole," said Lilly with a smile on her face.

Shawn crouched, examining the tile with his eyes closed, and find a small object on it, he grabbed it and examined it.

"It seems like a small plastic piece," said Shawn looking at the transparent plastic brick.

Jay raised an eyebrow looking at the piece, "it's a LE-"

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" shouted Chris, "We are negotiating with certain Danish toy company for the rights to use their mark on the show, so to avoid legal problems, you will call them EGO or EGO pieces. Any mention to the L-word, and you are eliminated from the show."

A smirk appeared on Heather's face.

"And don't think of using this rule to try to eliminate other campers. If you make someone said the L-word, both campers will be eliminated," said Chris frowning at them from the screen.

Heather tossed her braid, "I hate when they read my mind."

Chris ignored her and continued the explanation. "As you can see, on the sides of the room are some containers with EGO pieces, brushes, and paint's cans. You have to use the pieces and create a giant-sized EGO sculpture of your team's symbol in the platform at the center."

"The biggest statue will be the winner?" asked Charlotte, folding her arms.

"Not exactly. We will evaluate the size, of course, but also the shape and the color of the statue. The bigger and better-looking one will be the winner," said Chris, as the campers were whispering.

"And of course, you have until 18:00 to end the challenge, right now it's 7:47, so you have over 10 hours to finish," Chris shook his head, "if only you had hurried, you could have even an extra hour. What a shame."

Courtney crouched, closing her eyes, and picked a piece."Can we use the bricks on the floor?"

"Good question, you may not have noticed it because of the blinding light on the ground, but all the floor is covered in small EGO blocks. I recommend you not step on them, it's VERY painful, entertaining, but painful, especially barefooted," Chris chuckled. "Of course you can crawl in the ground and take the pieces, if you can find them with the tiles dazzling your eyes. It is more efficient to run to the containers and take bricks to the platform in the center, but do what you like, is a race against time after all."

"You are a monster," said Beth glaring at the screen,

"Please don't be so negative, you have 10 hours and 9 minutes, so good luck," said Chris, his face fading out of the screen, that now showed a count down at 10:08:55.

The ferrets gathered in the corner of the room after making sure there were no EGO pieces on the floor. They needed to start planning.

"Well, this will be hard. We need to work as a team, or we will be on the campfire again tonight," said Sky, hitting her palm with her fist.

Amy raised her face and glared at her sister. "Say it to Samey, she is the one always throwing a tantrum when she had to work with me."

Sammy frowned at her sister, but before she could say anything, someone else spoke.

"C'mon Amy dude, we need team spirit. Let's focus on solutions, not scapegoats," said Jay, defending the younger twin.

Amy rolled her eyes, but keep quiet.

"First of all, anyone had experience building with EGO bricks? I only play with some as a kid," said Topher looking at his teammates.

Dramaman raised a hand and was the only one.

Topher narrowed his eyes, looking at the team with disbelief. "C'mon, really, Only the wrestler?"

"I was more of playing outside with my bike and the monkey bars," said Sky with a sheepishly smile.

"Me too," said Shawn surprised, making a fist bump to the Cree girl.

Jay scratched his piercing. "I am in the same boat, but using a skateboard instead of a bike."

"In my house, our parents bought Mega Bl-" said Sammy, but she didn't end the sentence. "Will we be eliminated for mentioning other brands or only EGO?"

"Better stay silent like that," said Topher, nodding.

"PC master race, why should someone play with analogic toys?" said Charlotte, smirking.

"I have an old rag doll called Lucy. My parents also bought me other dolls, but Lucy was, and it will be forever my favorite," said Lilly in a low but excited voice.

"Ok, Mike, how about you?" asked Topher looking at the newest member of the team.

Mike smiled, showing the gap in his teeth. "I played with some. But I am not an expert."

"Well then, Dramaman, Mike, Lily, Amy, and I will take care of building the sculpture while the rest take the pieces to the platform," said the host wannabe, but before they could discuss his idea, they were interrupted.

From the ceiling began to fall small transparent EGO bricks all over the place.

"Are you kidding me, right?" said Shawn opening a hand and catching a piece, "do we have to walk over these plastic bricks?"

Sammy's face beamed. She had a great idea. "We can designate some teammates to keep the aisle clear. So the ones carrying the pieces can run faster to the platform without stepping on the bricks."

"That is a great idea, Sammy," said Topher, enthusiastically.

"Yes, Samey, good idea. You are in clean duty," said Amy, smirking, "You were always good at cleaning."

Sammy only nodded. She was about to say that Amy was great at making messes that she had to clean, but she remembered that they need team spirit, so she remained silent.

"I will help her!" said Jay, waving his hand.

Sky frowned. She didn't want to leave Sammy alone with Jay. "I also want to be on clean duty."

"Sorry Sky, but you are in better form than Jay and Sammy. It would be easier for you to run from the side of the room to the center[3], carrying the pieces," said Topher, Sky nodded with a resigned expression.

"Well ferrets, let's win this one," said Topher, the ferrets all cheering together.

Confessional: Jay

"Lucky! I am in a cleaning duty with Sammy. Since the woods, I have tried to talk with her alone, but Sky and the masked guy keep interrupting us. But this time, it seems like my big chance," said Jay smiling and rubbing his hands.

On the foxes' side, the team was also trying to organize themselves.

"Well, did someone played with EGOS as a child?" asked Heather, looking at her teammates.

"Hey Linds, Lightning need to talk with you," said Lightning in a loud tone.

Heather glared at the jock. "Lightning, wait until later. We have a challenge to win."

"This is more important than any puny sha-challenge," said Lightning, pointing menacingly at the Queen Bee.

"Are you crazy? Stop interrupting so we can get started. Then you can talk all you want with Linsiot," said Heather, walking in front of Lightning.

"Don't dare to insult Lindsay, Heather," shouted Beth, walking toward the Queen Bee.

"Ugly girl is sha-right, apologize to sha-Lindsay," said Lightning, poking Heather in the forehead.

Beth glared at he athlete. "Hey, I'm on your side."

"Don't touch me, you brute," said Heather, kicking Lightning on the shin.

Lightning winced from the pain, and looked at the Asian girl with bulging eyes, "Ouch! How dare YOU to kick the Lightning. You are playing with electricity, mean girl."

Duncan, Brick, and Alejandro jumped to restrain Lightning, while Courtney held Heather.

"Ok, ok. Lightning will not sha-strike her down. Even if she deserves it," said Lightning, raising his hands.

Heather pointed at him, still held by Courtney. "And you don't dare to touch me again."

"Can you calm down? He only poked you in the forehead. Stop the tantrum and let's focus on the challenge," said Courtney struggling to keep Heather down. She had been training, thought the L.I.T.

Heather took a deep breath and stop struggling. Just then, small EGO bricks began to rain all over the room.

"Well, we should like get started, the other team already began to work," said Lindsay stepping forward. "Did someone had experience playing with this," said Lindsay showing a transparent 2x2 brick[4].

"I build some sets, but I am not an EGO enthusiastic," said Cody raising a hand.

Alejandro also raised a hand. "I used to play with some tente[5]. It counts?"

"Hey, can't Chris eliminate you for mentioning that brand?" said Cody raising an eyebrow.

"I hope not, he said specifically EGO, we can watch the recording," said Alejandro, shrugging.

"I only played with cars and dolls," said Brick, the rest of his teammates, looking at him with a confused expression, he then added "I mean, action figures, not dolls, action figures," he blushed a lot after saying that.

"I used to play with dolls, real dolls, not the ones that Brick used to play, " said Zoey smiling sheepishly.

Lindsay looked at Beth and Dawn, "You two? Did you used to play with this?"

"It's my first time looking at this EGO," said Beth shaking her head.

"Me too," said Dawn, taking the piece from Lindsay's hands and looking at it carefully, "it seems like it has some holes in the bottom."

"What? C'mon girls, my parents never bought me an EGO either, but at least you should know what they are," said Courtney, getting nervous at the clear disadvantage they had in the challenge.

"At least not my friends on the town," said Beth chuckling.

"On my house, we played with dolls, spinning tops and marbles," said Dawn, enumerating her toys with her fingers.

"Spinning tops? How old are you? 40?" said Duncan teasing the Moonchild that glared at him.

"Well, Duncan, leave Dawn alone and tell us that you used to play with EGOs," said Courtney frowning at the delinquent.

"Sorry, but I was a park boy. I didn't have the patience to play with building blocks or puzzles," said Duncan, putting his tongue out and showing his piercing.

"Well, it seems like Cody and Alejandro are the only ones with some experience. So they, Dawn, and I will be building the sculpture," said Courtney rubbing her temple.

"Why you?" said Beth folding her arms.

Courtney rolled her eyes, they didn't have time for this. "I am totally optional. Cody and Alejandro had some experience, and Dawn is more useful assembling pieces than carrying them."

"I think Beth is worst carrying pieces than you Court. You should swap with her," said Lindsay looking at the people they had.

"Ok, let's swap, someone else?" said Courtney, watching at the rest of her teammates.

Lindsay raised her arm enthusiastically. "Nope, let's get to work."

The foxes cheered, but they had to hurry. The time was running out, and the ferrets had already started.

The screen showed the clock at 09:38:55. On the ferrets' platform, Topher, Amy, Lilly, Mike, and Dramaman, were starting to do the planning for their sculpture.

"We should make a laying ferret, so we can make and horizontal base, and we don't need to spend much time on the legs," said Dramaman in his deep and hoarse voice. "Then we will build the small version of the body of the ferret. Once finished, we will be working on making it bigger.

The wrestler took a moment to look at his teammates and then continued. "When we have 4 hours left, we will stop building the body and will start making the head, tail, and legs, and shaping the borders to look smoother. Then we will paint it once it is built."

"So we just need to put pieces on the floor, and that's it?" asked Amy, already tired of the explanation.

The wrestler shook his head, "At first, I need that you separate the pieces and organize them by brick type, at least the more commons types. All of you, please organize the pieces they bring us, while I start the foundation of the sculpture. Then you will start to help me when we have enough pieces, and the foundation is large enough."

"Wow, Dramaman, you are smarter than I thought, great job, man," said Mike smiling at the wrestler.

There was a small silence in the group, you could feel the frown on the wrestler's face under his mask.

Mike's eyes went wide as soon as he realized his error, "Oh, no, I don't really … what I mean was-"

"C'mon, what he tries to say is that with that mask, we supposed you are some kind of idiot, ok? But you are not. And that was a surprise," explained Amy, rolling her eyes.

"I don't think you are helping too much, Amy," said Topher shaking his head.

"I think his mask is cool, he seems like a power ranger," said Lilly in a low and enthusiastic tone.

Now the 5 keep silent again, but instead of Mike, they were looking at the treehugger.

"Lilly, I have so much to teach you about fashion and about what is cool," said Amy in a condescending tone.

Dramaman rubbed his head and started to work in the sculpture, while the other separated the pieces in groups sorted by type of brick. Luckily all pieces were of the same transparent color, thought the wrestler.

Confessional: Dramaman

"I am no expert, but I have experience building sets. And it is the first time I can really help the team. So we will win this challenge," said Dramaman in his normal voice, hitting his palm with his fist. "And also, I know the mask is ugly, but is not so bad, is it?" added the wrestler in a more worried tone.

On the platform of the foxes, Cody, Alejandro, Dawn, and Beth were trying to organize how they will begin the sculpture.

"As we are four, we can make each one a leg and then join the 4 in the fox body," said Beth smiling enthusiastically.

"But I don't have any idea of how to work with these bricks," said Dawn, still examining one of the pieces that fall from the ceiling.

Alejandro made a sparkling smile at the Moonchild. "Don't worry señorita, let me help you."

"No Al, is better that I help her, as I am the more experienced. You and Beth do your best, and I will also help you if you have problems," said Cody, frowning at the Spaniard.

Confessional: Cody

"I don't trust Alejandro, so I will not let him use his Latin charm in any of the ladies on the team. I will be watching over him like a falcon," said Cody pointing at his eyes and then at the screen.

"I don't like it, they are already starting, and they have 5 people building," said Beth looking at the other team.

Alejandro glared at the other team, his stare cold as ice. "It's true. Do you think there would be some rule against destroying the other team sculpture?"

"Alejandro, I can't believe you are thinking something like that, that is the kind of trick that the brother you hate would do," said Dawn, alarmed by Alejandro's statement.

Alejandro cringed at Dawn's comment but recovered quickly. "Oh please, don't misunderstand me. I was thinking about protecting our sculpture, not destroying theirs. After all, they could try to do something like that."

Confessional: Alejandro

"I studied all the competitors of the past seasons, but that Dawn, I don't know if she is a bruja or it was sheer luck. But if it's the real deal, it could be useful," said Alejandro rubbing his chin.

"Anyway, stop looking at them, our plan is to bring as many pieces as we can quickly and then start building. When we have enough pieces, other guys will stay here and help to build the statue, so don't worry," said Cody trying to calm Beth.

Alejandro looked at the clock, they have 09:15:10 on the clock. Both teams were starting their sculptures, and anything could happen, he wished to have some confidence in his team, but right now, either team could win.

Author Notes:

[1] Shoe sizes are a nightmare for any writer with readers from multiple countries, the average size of Canadian man shoes is over 26cm/10.3in man and 25cm/9.9in woman, so I went only to describe small foot and large foot.

[2] translations

Que peste! Creo que voy a desmayarme = this is tricky to translate, 'That stinks! I think I'll pass out' Its probably the best translation.

Bruja = literally witch, but can also refer to a woman with magical powers.

[3] as part of the challenge, they have to carry the pieces from one side of the room to the platforms at the center, which is 60 yards afar, or 55 meters.

[4] with lego brick, you call them by the number of studs on its top, the square with 4studs is the 2x2( :: ), and the box is the 2x3( ::: )

[5] Tente was a brand of toys like LEGO, discontinued in 2008.

And the challenge has started. Which sculpture will be better? Will someone else step on a EGO piece? Will the Danish company give their permission to use their trademark on the show?

With this challenge, I tried something different, it's an intelligence and skill challenge more than physical, with some silly jokes and the scene of the bathroom for some character development. I hope you like it.

Immunity idols left: 3

D.A.M. Eliminations left: 6

Favorite Foxes: Alejandro, Beth, Cody, Courtney, Dawn, Duncan, Heather, Lightning, Lindsay, Mike, Zoey.

Fan Ferrets: Amy, Brick, Charlotte, Dramaman, Jay, Lilly, Sammy, Shawn, Sky, Topher

Eliminated: Cameron, Jasmine, Max.

As always, thanks for reading and I hope you like it.