The sun rises, people wake and the shops open. Children go to school and the older ones start their day of work. The light of the sun fills the small town and the fields around it.

Welcome to read my own story of the life in North Valley!

"Are the rooms cleaned?" The voice of the older woman fills the hall.

"Yes, Mrs. Carson."The girl with the broom answers.

"Very good. I'm opening in ten minutes."She turns around to walk away, but stops in the doorway."Oh and...I need to run down to the shop, so Wilma you take care of the hotel while I'll be away."

"I can go before I get our lunch from Beryl's."Florence volunteers.

"Would you? That is so kind of you."Elsie smiles.

"It's no trouble really once I'm going there anyways."She says.

"And I'll be helping with everything needed."Wilma adds.

"That's settled then. Thank you girls."The older woman walks out of the room.


She switches the "closed" sign to the "open" one on the door.

"Good morning, Mrs. Carson."Someone outside greets her.

"Mr. Molesley, Mrs. Molesley. Good morning to you too."Elsie nods politely.

"So you're opening again, after your visit to Yorkshire?"Phyllis asks.

"I am. There is no need to keep the hotel closed when I have the opportunity to run it."She says."Everything seems to be running smoothly at the school, Mr. Molesley. I heard Charlotte talking about the new students from the settler camp."

"Well most of them are very good at writing, but...There is some work to do with the others."Joseph sighs.

"I'm sure they'll learn soon enough."Elsie smiles as the couple slowly walk away.

The morning shifts slowly to day.

"Food is here!"Florence anounces.

"Good thing. I'm starving."The younger woman sits down at the table.

"I also got these for Elsie...I mean Mrs. Carson."She takes an package and some letters out of her hand bag."Where is she by the way?"

"Went to collect Charlotte and Elisabeth from school. They're having an art competition tomorrow and the children are very excited."Wilma smiles.

Florence places the food basket on the table.

"Should we wait for her?"She asks.

"No need. She can eat when she gets back."Wilma answers.

"Right."Florence nods.


"Did you enjoy your day?"Elsie takes hold of her daughter's hand as they leave the school building.

"Yes! We painted and Mr. Molesley taught us how to use charcoal pencils!"Charlotte beams to her mother."And Johny got an bike for his birthday."

"Well thats nice."She smiles."What would say about some lunch now, before you go to Mrs. Crawley?"

"Yes please!"Charlotte says.

"I'm starving."Elisabeth joins the conversation.

"Well why don't we hurry up then."Elsie offers.


"I love this soup."Elisabeth smiles."Well all of your foods are delicious, Beryl."

"I'm glad you like. I heard Elsie has opened the hotel again?"Beryl wonders.

"Yes, ma told me that there is no reason to keep it closed anymore. We are back from yorkshire and everything else runs smoothly in the town."She answers.

"Will your father be back before christmas?"The older woman cleans the dishes.

"They say he has to attend some "private busines" and it might take a looong time."Charlotte says.

"Well Charlotte we should get to Mrs. Crawley before she'll go out to look for us. Come on!"Elisabeth smiles and takes her sister's hand in her's."Bye Beryl!"

"Bye bye!"Charlotte waves goodbye to the woman standing next to them.

"See you girls."Beryl sees them disappear to the autumn air.