It was truly ironic that DEVTECH, one of the first sponsors to support legalizing Supers, had one of its co-workers indicted as a supervillain. Differences between the tech-savvy Evelyn and the bubbly pro-superhero entrepreneur Winston were obvious, but no one suspected their opinions on supers to be polar opposites. Whatever the case, the Incredibles were glad to be back here after so many years, it was a positive environment compared to fighting super-criminals such as the Underminer.

"You think Devtech's going to last much longer without Evelyn?" Violet asked. "I mean, from what I've heard, her designs gave them their products." Helen- or Elastagirl, as she was known as professionally- answered this. "Just because one genius inventor goes to jail doesn't mean they can't be replaced. There's plenty of talented techies out there to take up the mantle."

Bob chuckled. "There are plenty of supervillains I've fought who didn't need powers to be a challenge. All they needed were crafty gadgets and tricks to be as dangerous as they were. And those were only the inventors who chose to be criminals. Companies like DEVTECH recruit all the ones who don't go bad. So you can bet Winston can support us for a long time."

That sounded reassuring to Violet, but when they awaited a meeting with Winston to discuss methods of tracking The Underminer, the wait was eerily long. So long, in fact, that Bob handed Dash some money for dinner. About a minute later, Dash was back with a couple pizzas. The trip normally would have taken at least 25 minutes. Dash was a high schooler by now, and Violet was in college, meaning the only real dependant left was Jack-Jack, and his diverse powers made even him all the more able.

The lobby was empty when Winston finally called them in. "Hello, Incredibles. How's everything?" He asked. "Things have been good for us, but we can't help but feel concerned. You've been extra busy since… since the incident on the Everjust." Winston sighed. "That's the real issue these days. The board of directors doesn't condone what Evelyn did, but they have doubts that she can be replaced. A lot of the hot-shot inventors are joining a new firm called Buy N Large."

"Buy N Large?" Helen asked. "I thought they sold consumer products. What do they need inventors for?" Winston stared out the office window. "Buy N Large has replaced its CEO with a new one, known as Sheri Forthrite. She's an ambitious woman, and has the reputation of a corporate raider- constantly expanding her business through merger and acquisition."

"What and what?" Jack-Jack inquired. "Basically she buys companies and then has them work for the bigger company." Winston explained. Jack-Jack nodded. "So that being said," Winston continued, "She's probably hiring them in an effort to get into the tech industry." Bob sighed. "To think people would enforce competition laws these days. The last thing we need are monopolies. But I digress. The Underminer's a more immediate concern right now. We need a way to track him."

"His radios are fairly primitive, if I can have the technical team develop a transmitter that can tune into his signals, we could have an insight to his plans." Winston said. "But keep in mind, that'll be expensive without Evelyn, and the board mentioned that our sales slumped a tad in response to the Screenslaver's actions."

"We'll be sure to let people know that your tech helped us catch him then. I'm sure that'll boost your sales one way or another." Violet suggested. Winston smirked. "After you finish college, I might just hire you as a sales consultant."

"So you'll do it?" Bob asked. "Of course. It's least I can do." Winston replied. "You won't regret this, Winston. We'll make sure of it." Bob said. And just like that, the meeting was over.

As the Incredibles left Devtech, the conversation on the way home was mostly about Sheri and Buy N Large. "I've seen greed turn people into villains before, I really hope Sheri thinks twice before that." Bob said. "I'm sure she will, Bob. She's rich, but not powerful enough to threaten anyone yet. Buy N Large was barely founded ten years ago in a merger." Helen said. "Yeah… you're right." Bob said, giving Helen a relieved look.

"WATCH THE ROAD!" She suddenly shouted, and sure enough, Bob stepped right on the brakes. There was a tripedal robotic device in the middle of the road. It had glowing yellow eyes on a black screen, three legs, and two arms. The design was so advanced that it reminded Bob of the Omnidroids that Syndrome made him fight. But this one was even more advanced from the look of it- and came seemingly out of nowhere.

"Where on Earth did that come from?" Helen asked, stepping out of the car. "Hey, you're in the middle of the road!"

To her surprise, the robot responded. "Apologies. I had no assurance of where I'd end up." The robot paused, then shockingly said, "According to my records, you match The Incredibles- a family of superheroes who work as a team. I am TRAV-LR, and I have use for you."

"Why? What seems to be the problem?" Dash asked, long out of the car by now. The robot paused once again, as if considering options, then replied.

"Because I am from the future, here to warn you." And just then, Violet noticed a red and white logo on the robot. It was unmistakable. This robot was a product of a futuristic Buy N Large.