Harry Potter and the Mark of the Phoenix

A/N: This is my first fanfiction so please go easy on me. I will try to make sure my grammar and spelling is good, but as I am checking them myself there may be some errors. Because of this it may take some time for me to post. Feel free to review and give ideas, point out errors, and tell me what you think. I'll try to post once a week, but as I said, because of the quarantine and I have classes online, I may post later than normal. Our story starts at the end of the first chapter of the first book.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling does.

Chapter 1:

"Good luck, Harry," Dumbledore murmured. He turned on his heel and with a swish of his cloak, he was gone.

A breeze ruffled the neat hedges of Privet Drive, Which lay silent and tidy under the inky sky, the very last place you would expect astonishing things to happen. But tonight was a night for the extraordinary.

The stars seemed to shine even brighter for just a moment, when, suddenly, lightning struck the middle of the street. This was not just any lightning though, as not only was it completely silent, but where it had struck now stood a cloaked figure in a golden mask covering the bottom half of his face. The mask was like that of a skeleton and seemed to pulse with an inner light.

The figure walked up the driveway of number four, Privet Drive, and stopped at the front door. He knelt down and seemed to study the baby Harry for a few moments before nodding and standing. He then began casting a spell that had not been cast in over seven hundred years.

"Harry James Potter, purest of the pure," He began, "I have seen your soul and your future and have deemed you worthy to be marked. You have many hardships ahead of you, but I trust that you will always stand strong and true. Together with the one you are bound to, you will collect the debt of the one who knows not of love and compassion. This will be your first test to truly be considered Marked. I now grant you the greatest gift humans have been given."

As he said this he drew a symbol in the air. It was an image of a phoenix rising from the ashes fully grown. The symbol slowly shrunk and affixed itself upon Harry's left wrist, where it faded from view.

The figure began speaking again after the symbol had completely disappeared, "While you will not remember this for quite some time, I will make sure you remember and understand what this means before collecting my debt. Together with the one to whom you are bound you will defeat the greatest darkness of this time. With that I must leave, but always know that I will always watch over you and your beloved, and when the time comes you will truly understand death."

And with that the figure walked back down the driveway and disappeared in a flash of silent lightning.

Many miles away, in a tall and crooked house, the figure appeared in what appeared to be a nursery with a two month old infant.

He stood over the bed and began speaking in a much quieter voice, "Ginevra Molly Weasley, the one with a soul made of fire, I have seen your soul and your future and have deemed you worthy to be marked. You will grow up loved and cared for, and it will be your job to teach the one to whom you are bound his worth. I trust that you will nurture his kind soul and teach him what it means to love. Together with the one you are bound to, you will collect the debt of the one who knows not of love and compassion. This will be your first test to truly be considered Marked. I now grant you the greatest gift humans have been given."

As he said this he drew the same symbol as he had for Harry, and just like before the phoenix shrunk and disappeared on the baby's wrist.

After the mark faded the figure said the same goodbye as he had to Harry, and with a silent flash, Ginny Weasley was alone in the room sleeping soundly in her crib.

Unbeknownst to either child that at that very moment, people meeting in secret were holding up their glasses and saying in hushed voices: "To Harry Potter - The Boy Who Lived!"

End A/N: Just so everyone knows this will be a powerful Hinny fanfic (as in they will have powers that are not canon), but they will not officially get together for quite some time. Also disclaimer this may turn into quite a long story, as I love finding long fanfics to read (especially now that we're quarantined).