so I got inspired and typed this up over the weekend I hope y'all injoy

Connie was scared. When she first made friends with Amethyst she never thought her life would end up like this but she is in the middle of space going to the gem homeworld. Why were we going to the place that hates them? Because of a boy. The gems' leader Rose Quartz was pink diamond and had a son. That son was taken away by the diamonds once they figured it out. They wanted me to come because I am doing 'extremely well' in my sword fighting Pearls words not mine and they needed me because I'm immune to gem technology. It sounds like they're just using me but I know they really do care and the decision to bring me was not taken lightly.

Jasper ruffled the boy's hair. Most gems could not get away with that but Jasper was special. The boy who was quite small looked into the oranges gems eyes with his pink ones. Jasper was put to be Steven's primary caregiver when the homeworld first got Steven. Jasper was one of the highest gems in all of homeworld; the only people she couldn't boss around were the diamonds and Steven to a point. While she could order Steven to train or study, he could override certain commands and she wasn't allowed in front of other gems. "Jasper," the boy's voice shook her from her thoughts. "Is there anything else on my schedule today?" Jasper didn't hesitate with her answer "No,my diamond,"

They were closing in on the planet that was cracked in half. "Okay, so what's the plan?" Connie asked. Pearl went over to Connie to explain "Garnet will split into Ruby and Sapphire, Amethyst will shapeshift so she will be like the other Amethyst Guards, and I will shapeshift my clothes to look more like the Pearls here," Connie nodded "What about me?" Pearl looked away for a second. "Now Connie, you know we like you but the gems they think of organics as pets,"


"Yeah, but if all things work out we shouldn't have to do it for long, once we find him we are leaving,"

Steven was looking at the gems in his court. Although he had the smallest court he loved every gem in it. They all served him and he did his best to help the empire. Pink was his color. Pink just helped to calm him. It was his just like yellow had yellow, blue had blue, adn white had white. Everything was normal, until he saw an unfamiliar ship. "Jasper," the gem standing by the door came over "yes, my diamond," Steven pointed up to the ship. "Did we get new ships?" Jasper was looking at the ship "No, my diamond but some other gems will take care of it,"

"Okay," The orange gem went back to the door. Something bugged him about the ship though. "Jasper, open a diamond line to Blue," Jasper was a little upset at being treated like a pearl but she didn't dare go against him. Jasper started to call and the Blues pearl was on the other side. Steven walked over and Blues pearl told Blue "it's Steven," in her soft voice. Blue walked over and got on the call. "Hello,Steven what do you need?" she asked. "I was just wondering if you were doing anything," Blue gave a smile. "No, what were you thinking of doing?"

The gems landed their ship, Garnet split, and Amethyst and Pearl shapeshifted, They walked through homeworld slowly making their way to the pink area. People didn't look twice at them. Connie was just looking around at all the different gems going around but all the other gems looked at her like she was gum on the bottom of their shoes. She wanted to ask questions about all the other gems she saw but she couldn't because she had to play the perfect 'pet'. They were getting close until they heard a large chime. A ruby was running past when she saw them. She went to Ruby and they saluted each other then the other Ruby told Ruby something. So then Ruby turned and told Sapphire "Excuse me your Clarity, but Steven Diamond will be walking to Blues palace and this Ruby will be able to clear a path for us," The amount of respect in Ruby's voice shocked Connie a little bit. So the Ruby started to clear a path and they made their way to the front of the crowd. The carpet was purple that stretched from both sides of the palace. "Now, announcing, the graceful elegant Steven Diamond," somebody announced. The small boy came out of his palace he was wearing dark pink pants,pink gloves, his shirt was the diamond insignia except were the pink diamond would be was cut out to show his gem, a pink cape that looked like it was made out of diamonds,his eyes were pink, and he had dark curly hair. Slightly behind him was a large Jasper. They just walked to the Blue part of the palace and the crowd started to disappear.

Steven sometimes got tired of the grand show they made whenever he was out in public but he loved spending time with Blue. He made his way to her bath area where Blue was already waiting. All of Steven's clothes were light based so he never had to clean his clothes or change them if he wanted. He went into the bath and Jasper stood with the Pearls. "You look tired, have you been sleeping well?" Steven rolled his eyes "yeah, I was just training with Jasper earlier," They continued to talk about their days until Blue realized something "Steven have you eaten meal three?" Steven though a second. "No," he blushed a second. Blue gestured to him to get out and move to a different room. There was a table there and Blue shape shifted smaller so she could join the boy. A pearl came in with food and a drink. The food was tasteless made to give him the right amount of energy. The drinks always had strange flavours when he had a meal with Blue. She said they made him act funny and they always made him feel good, so he didn't complain. He quickly ate the tasteless substance and drank the drink. It tasted awful but he didn't dare say anything. Although he was close with Blue he was scared of her.

Her diamond was acting funny swaying from side to side mumbling. This only ever happened when her diamond was with Blue diamond but she didn't say anything. She led him through many halls till they made it back to the pink part of the palace. "Jasper,Jasper!" he grabbed at her face. "Jasper, you are big, l-like rreally ttall,"

"Yes my diamond it makes it better for me to-"

"Yeah,yeah I know,"

Connie and the gems snuck themselves into the pink palace and pearl helped them find his room. They walked in. "they will be gone awhile," Ruby and Sapphire refused and Amethyst and pearl stop shapeshifting. They all were tried. Connie was dying to ask some questions about the planet and gems in general but even she was even exhausted from the consent fear of getting caught. They stay there for hours until the door opens they all cram into a corner when a large figure walks in "just think aboout it gasper immm a diiamooond, annnd immm goona geet a ploonet," Connie wondered of the boy was drunk. They were all holding their breath. "Bed," said the large gem and a bed appeared. She laid him down on the bed more gentle than anyone thought she could. Then to their disappointment the gem went to wall and stood their.

The gems waited for a while and then tried to sneakily make their way to the boy. One step after another. Silently making their way across the room. When all of a sudden Garnet was stabbed by something yellow veins going through her till she poofed then the same thing happened to Amethyst and Pearl.Their gems clanked onto the ground. Connie was bracing herself but when the weapon touched her nothing happened just a weird feeling flowed through her.

Steven woke up. Something seemed off. "Jasper, what happened?" He asked. "Some rebel gems from the planet earth snuck in here last night, their trial is happening today, White will be there and she wants you to decide what will happen to them," Jasper told him. Steven got up, ate meal one and was thinking about what to wear. "Are we going to train today?"

"No, because the diamonds want you to focus more on managing now," she answered the follow up question she knew he was going to ask. He looked through his closet. On Earth they may consider his wardrobe pretty femaine but he liked it. He picked out a dress with a poofy skirt and a silk top with a diamond shape cut to show off his gem and a pair of dark pink heels. He tended to pick out more skirts and dresses when he didn't train because most days he had to and he didn't want the skirt to get in the way of that. He and Jasper made their way to the trial area. Japer waited with the pearls outside while Steven went in.

The four thrones were high above where the criminals would stand. He greeted Yellow, White, and Blue diamond. A Pearl gave him some folders for him to look over they all had information about the criminals

Gem type: Ruby

Rank: (5)

Crime: Rebling, entering a diamond room, cross gem fusion,and helping in attempting to fake a diamonds death(PD).

Extra notes: fused with the sapphire in the presents of Blue diamond.

Gem type: Amethyst

Rank: (5)

Crime:Rebling, entering a diamond room,and helping in attempting to fake a diamond death(PD).

Extra notes: overcooked (runt) may not have been alive when war happened

Gem type: Pearl

Rank: (6-1)

Crime: Rebling, entering a diamond room, and helping in attempting to fake a diamond death(PD).

Extra notes: used to be owned by (WD)(PD)

Gem type: Sapphire

Rank: (2)

Crime: Rebling, entering a diamond room,and helping in attempting to fake a diamond death(PD).

Extra notes: May have been brainwashed by Ruby that has been listed above. Was capture with a pet she calls Connie (human)

Interesting. They all are good gems except the Amethyst but maybe she is like me and needs to be taught. Oh, yes this shall be good.Whites word came back to me "Steven, there are worse things than being shattered remember that," I will have all of them serve me. The perfect punishment. Then the traders came into the room. They were all glaring at the diamonds. The two Zircons were also there; the green one was the defender and the blue one the prosecutor. Steven did not care for the green zircon, their personality annoyed him. The green one was nervous knowing she could do nothing after a diamond's personal guard caught them, the stars plaster on their clothes and the bubbles around their head to mute them didn't help. The Blue Zircon started "My shining Diamonds,These rebels have caused nothing but trouble. The Pearl could have warned us about pink diamonds rebellion.The Ruby has corrupted the Sapphires mind with their cross fusion and the amethyst should have been shattered on sight. You with all your mercy let them survive and they sneak onto homeworld and do who knows what with Steven Diamond." Everyone turned to the Green gem. "My shimmering, glowing Diamonds,These gems have had their minds poisoned by Pink Diamond-" before anything else could happen. The Zircon was poofed. "Well,I've heard enough," said Yellow. They looked to Steven. Steven let a toothy grin blind the rest of the diamonds. "Well,I have been thinking,these are good ara one gems, and I could always use more in my court," Blue and Yellows mouths opened wide but White seemed to smile more then usual. "Besides, there are worse things than dying."

They were waiting in the cell. "What's going to happen to me?" Connie asked. Pearl looked over "I'm sorry I don't know I couldn't hear anything in that bubble," Grime silence was covering them like a blanket. Till Jasper came in. The Jasper was not as big as the one that was with Steven earlier. The Jasper grabbed Pearl and Connie screamed and tried to get Pearl but all her struggles meant nothing. She was taken. Pearl was left in Steven's room. Steven was waiting for her. He looked at her and circled around her, then asked "So you knew my mom?" Pearl remembered her thousands of years and answer "yes, my diamond,"

"Well personally I don't like the way you look but we can change that, Jasper can you get someone to bring me a pet,"

"Connie,"Pearl stated. Steven's head whipped around, shock plastered on his face. "What?" Pearl feels more bold trying to protect the girl "Her name is Connie and she is not a pet," a slap. Pearl fell to the ground. "Listen I know everything of the war, I know you poofed her, I know you were a good little slave for all the thousands of years before then so do it again," he towered above her. Even though he was wearing a dress he was terrifying. A different Jasper threw Connie in the room. Steven's eyes went from dangerous to curious. He looked at what Connie was wearing Jeans, a T-shirt, tennis shoes, and a brown coat. "Why is the pet dressed like a pebble?'' The question was directed towards Pearl. "She chose it my diamond," he made a circle around her and she was smart enough to not say anything. "Well we are definitely gonna take a trip to the shell but I might have something for you,come with me pet, that will be all Pearl" he clapped twice and Pearl stood by the door with Jasper. Connie followed the boy into another room that was his closest. She couldn't stop the "wow," that came out of her mouth. He smirked at her. The closest was the opposite of what you thought a boys closet would be. It was mostly pink with splashes of blue,yellow, and white,and half of it was skirts and dress and the shoes lord the shoes. He had more than a shoe factory, Heels,Boots,Sandals. He also had a butload of acceseories but the shoes man.

Steven spent a few minutes picking out an outfit for connie. He picked a light pink top, dark pink pants, dark pink slippers, with a crystal hair tie. He gave it to her and he looked away for her to change. He then gestured for her to come back out to the main room. "Jasper, send the two guard you trust most to get the ruby and I want you to train the amethyst if anyone asks she amusing me, and the sapphire I want waiting in my room when I come back, That will be all" he clapped twice "Yes my diamond," was the reply.

Connie was looking around the shell with awe. While Steven was looking at the clothes. "Come here pet,"Connie flinched at her new title but she was too shocked to do anything but what she was told. "What do you think about this skirt?" He pointed to one that was long that would make it impossible to run or fight in. "It's fine," she mumbled. "What did you say?" he asked."It's fine," she said a little bit louder. "Maybe I'll get her a ribbon wand," he was talking to herself. He grabbed one of the long skirts and a long sleeve top. The sleeves were clear with glitter on them."Pearl," Pearl walked over and he dumped the clothes on her. "That's your new outfit and I don't like you hair at all, I want you wearing a bun on the back of your head and you are expected to take your full duties of a pearl tomorrow, that includes everything Jasper has been doing that a Pearls should do and taking care of my new pet,"

Soon after they got back from the shell Steven left with Sapphire.Pearl let out a sigh of relief. "He is who we are trying to save?" Connie asked. "Yes, well Rose never wanted him to grow up here, and the diamonds have probably molded him to what they think he should be,"

"Pearl, are you okay?" Pearl sighed before she answered. "Well not really but it could be worse, what about you?" Pearl asked Connie "I don't know, he scares me but what do you think will happen to the others?"

"At least one of you clods has a good fashion sense," The boy said while inspecting the small blue gem. Sapphire was silent. "You really are an amazing gem, the power to see the future is an amazing one," Sapphire wordlessly accepted the complement. "So what do you see in my future?" Sapphire tried to look in the future of the boy. "You are to unpredictable, there are to many pathways to look into,"

"Interesting," the diamond commented.

Ruby was put with a bunch of other Ruby's shortly after Sapphire was taken and Amethyst was left by herself. The cell was bare. There was nothing to do. It was like it for hours. Until the large Jasper that was by Steven came in and looked at her. She looks at her like she was a cockroach. She gestured for Amethyst to join her. The large gem leads the shorter one through a twist of hallways. Till they entered a room. The room was large and empty. The only thing that was different was the wall of weapons. Amethyst was scared though. The weapons, the empty room, and the large muscular gem looking at her. "What are you going to do it me? And where are the diamonds?"

"Jasper go start training the Amethyst while I meet with White, come on Pearl," Steven started to walk and Pearl and Connie started to walk with him. "What are you doing?" he asked. Connie looked confused but Pearl realized what she did wrong and fell back a step then she whispered to Connie "you have to stay here," then Steven started to walk again and Connie was left alone. Pearl followed the even footsteps of the boy she was following. "So Pearl tell me about my pet," Pearl didn't like that she had to play along but if Steven was like Pink he would show a very different face in front of people he didn't trust. "Her name is Connie and she is a human. She is very intelligent and is good in the art of sword fighting," Steven found that interesting. "Who taught her swords?"

"I did, my diamond," they continued to walk down the halls until they turned white. They came to a large white door. Pearl opened the door and saw something that scared her. The Pearl that seemed to be bleached white and the crack across what should have been her eye reminded Pearl to be careful. "Ah, starlight I'm so glad you could come," Steven gave a large smile.

incase y'all are wondering Blue is giving Steven alcohol but she doesn't really know what she is doing

thanks for reading

all mistakes are mine because I don't have a beta reader

please review