"Ugh," Kyo groaned grabbing his side. "I'm starving." They had been circling the place for about three or four hours now, just to come to the conclusion they had all already figured out a long time ago.... Yup, this was a deserted island.

"Well, Kyo-kun," Kagura murmured leaning against him. "I can think of one tasty appetizer you can have for now."

"Really?" Kyo asked excitedly. "I'm dying. Give it to me."

Kagura grabbed his face and kissed him hard on the lips. Then she pulled away and grinned as she licked the edges of her mouth. "Mmm, tasty."

"Damn it Kagura," Kyo moaned. "I thought you really had food."

"Umm, I know what you mean," Tohru sighed. "I wish we had something to drink. I'm so thirsty."

"Don't worry," Yuki said, trying to sound confident. "I'm sure if we look long enough, we can find a spring."

"Will it be safe to drink though," Tohru asked furrowing her brows. "Since it is outside water and everything. Won't it have germs or something in it."

"Hmm, it should be pretty safe," Yuki shrugged. "Even if it isn't... we can try...erm, boiling it! That's its, we'll boil it to kill germs if there're any."

"Yeah and we'll do that with this pack of matches I just happen to conveniently have with me in my pocket," Kyo muttered sarcastically.

"Oh you have matches Kyo?" Tohru asked excitedly. "That's so wonderful."

"That was sarcasm," Kyo groaned. "I don't have anything, all right?" However, he couldn't help but smile a little to himself. It seemed as though Tohru was slowly starting to heal from the wounds he had inflicted on her. Even if she could never totally forgive him, as long as they could talk like this he would be happy.

Tohru placed a hand over her stomach, trying to ignore the knawing feeling of hunger in it as they walked. She looked up at the sky, her eyes watching the setting sun in wonder. So they had been here for an entire day already? How could that be?

"Look," Yuki said pointing ahead of them. The light sound a babbling stream echoed in the trees, rustling through the leaves quietly. Without a second thought, all four of them lunged for the water, cupping their hands in it and lapping it up greedily. Yuki turned to Tohru and smiled teasingly. "I thought you were afraid of germs."

"I was," Tohru nodded as she gulped down the cool liquid. "But that was before I became afraid that I would die from thirst."

"I second that," Kagura agreed, sitting up from the stream and wiping at her mouth with her sleeve. She turned to Kyo. "Oh Kyo-kun darling. You lived in the mountains for three months didn't you? Can't you find us food?"

"Well yeah," Kyo replied rubbing the back of his head. "But I had my master with me and he actually had a house and stuff there."

"Hmph, looks like you're not going to be any help," Kagura sighed.

"Let's just wait till day time before we do anything," Tohru suggested, looking around nervously. "Its getting so dark..."

Yuki placed an arm around her shoulders and closed his eyes. "You don't have to be afraid. I'll be here to protect you."

Watching them, Kagura could feel herself beginning to become jealous. Why wasn't Kyo all reassuring her and promising to take care of her like that? Turning to Kyo, she leaned to the side, resting her head on his shoulder. All right. Here it comes. Say you're going to protect me!

"Umm, are you okay?" Kyo asked looking down at her. "What the hell are you doing on my shoulder?"

"Forget it then!" Kagura shouted annoyed as she jumped to her feet. Agh, could this boy be any more clueless.

"Damn it, what the hell is your problem?" Kyo muttered.

Just as the moon was beginning to rise high into the night sky, it began to drizzle lightly and a cold wind began to blow. Frantically, the four ran into a cave for cover. As they crouched against the cool, stone walls inside the dark structure, the rain picked up and they could here it beating down hard outside.

"I'm cold," Tohru shivered, hugging her knees to her chest.

Yuki sighed as he glanced over at her, unable to distinguish much in the darkness except for the outline of her face. If I could just hold you, I could keep you warm. Instead, he removed his shirt and put it over her shoulders.

"Yuki-kun?" Tohru inquired in surprise as she tilted her head up towards him. "You don't have to... I don't want you to be cold too."

"I'm fine," he reassured, resting his back against the wall. Tohru nodded and leaned against his arm, leaving her head on his shoulder and he could feel her soft breathing as she fell asleep. Then he closed his eyes and fell asleep as well.

"Well what the hell do you think this is?"

"Its weird isn't it?"

"Too weird."

Tohru yawned and opened her eyes. Who was talking? Those voices... As her vision began to focus, she could make out Kyo and Kagura looking at the walls of the cave in wonder. "What are you guys looking at?" she asked struggling to her feet.

Turning to her in surprise, Kyo pointed to the wall. "Now the sun's up, we could see all the stuff written on these walls."

"What is it?" Tohru asked, squinting her eyes at the squiggly forms.

"What's it look like?" Kyo asked rolling his eyes.

Tohru gasped and took a step back. "Its the twelve zodiac animals!" she exclaimed. "Who could have drawn this here. This island is totally isolated."

"Beats me," Kyo shrugged. "But it looks really old so who knows."

Her eyes following the faded figures, Tohru could make out pictures of crudely drawn men, their figures warping into the shapes of the animals. "This can't be," she murmured. "Its about the curse. Whoever drew this knew about the curse."

"Its amazing, isn't it?" Kagura commented shaking her head. "I thought I was seeing things at first."

Suddenly Yuki came stumbling over in his half awake state and crashed into the wall they were looking at.

"Agh, Yuki-kun," Tohru squealed. "Are you all right?"

"Hah?" he mumbled, turning to look at her. "What happened? Where are we?"

"Don't you remember," Tohru asked, smiling a little to herself at Yuki's inability to wake up in the morning. "The ship... the storm... the island."

"Oh yeah," he murmured collapsing on the ground and falling back asleep.

"I'll never get why that guy can't seem to wake up," Kyo grumbled in annoyance.

After awhile, they finally managed to drag Yuki off the floor and to his feet. Then they went out in search of food. A small rabbit scurried by and Kyo had an idea. "Tohru, hug me."

"What the hell did you just say," Kagura shrieked. "How dare you cheat on me."

"What?!" Kyo retorted. "No, not like that. Just I can kill small animals easier if I'm a cat."

"Oh that's a good idea," Tohru agreed. Yuki narrowed his eyes as she went up to Kyo and wrapped her arms around him. Telling himself not to be jealous, he tried adverting his gaze to the floor.

With a small poof, Kyo was on the floor in cat form, ready for action. Darting into a bush, they all watched in fascination as the little rabbit went scurrying by again. This time, Kyo jumped out, lunging himself onto the small animal and killed it easily. "Not bad, eh?" he asked, a bit of pride in his voice.

"So now what?" Yuki asked bored, still feeling annoyed from having to see Tohru hug Kyo. "We can't eat it raw. We'll get sick and die."

"Guess we'll have to make a fire."

"With that pack of matches you so conveniently have with you at the moment," Yuki shot, rolling his eyes.

"No," Kyo retorted, just as he changed back into a guy. Tohru covered her eyes, her face flushing while Kagura pretended to close her eyes. "We do what Master taught me when I was training with him." After Kyo had pulled his clothes back on, he located a thick branch and held it over a dead log. Digging a small hole into the log, he sprinkled some dried and crumpled up leaves into the hole and placed the end of the branch against it. Then he spun it quickly in circles, rubbing it back and forth in his palms until smoke began to rise from the log. Moving quicker, he blew gently on it till a small flame started, engulfing the log in flame.

"That's amazing Kyo-kun," Tohru said in awe.

"Yeah, well," Kyo said blushing. "It was no big deal." Standing up and brushing himself off, he turned to everyone. "But it'll be easier if we just keep this one lit without having to make a new one too often so we have to keep getting wood for this to keep it from dying."

Tohru and Kagura staying behind to cook the rabbit, Yuki and Kyo went off to find more wood to pile onto the fire.

A/N Please forgive me for the late update everyone. I've been really busy and had a bit of writer's block lately. I'll try and see this fic through to the end though.