The Author

***BTW, this is not a true event, it didn't actually happen but I've heard of other people struggling to keep up with demand, or running out of ideas or falling to the pressure. So I combined hardships into a false example, this is extremely exaggerated. Enjoy, Bug Out. :)***

"Uggggg," I sighed. I had no ideas left and people were demanding new stories. "Ideas, ideas," I muttered. New Email, the notification popped up. I quickly opened it.

There is a new comment on your story, check it out at the link below.


I clicked on the link excited to see what someone else thought of my story. I quickly clicked on the link and was sent to the webpage.

This story is horrible, you should just stop writing and save yourself the embarrassment - Anonamiss.

Tears slowly rolled down my cheeks, I wasn't just a writing computer but a person who had feelings, and I had worked hard to create that story only for someone to shame me on it. I glared at the computer and threw it to the floor and sobbed into my pillow, all I had wanted was to be appreciated.

"Ahh, a young girl who wants attention with her writing, I'll give her the power to make her writing powerful. No one will miss her fanfics now, whatever fanfics are, that is," Hawkmoth mumbled. "Fly my little akuma," he said, blackening the butterfly and sending it out of the lair's window.

The butterfly flew into my laptop and the butterfly mask appeared around my eyes.

"Hello Author, you want your writing to be heard, well I'll give you the power to make anything you write come true, and if anyone dares criticize your work they will feel your rage. All I need you to do is write me a story with two miraculouses," Hawkmoth offered.

"People going by an anonamiss names think they can say anything without consequences, I'll show them, and change reality as we know it; all my dreams will come true," I laughed, and the purple and black foaming goo covered my body. Hawkmoth laughed evilly and I pulled a pencil out of my hair and started writing.