He walked into the mask and costume shop. He is greeted by his friend, sister, and the shopkeeper Amikino Shinomi. "Hey Ami. Anything new?" He asked as he leaned a bit over the counter. "Actually, yes. That weird old man you go to once a week. He wants you to come over for some kind of task. He didn't tell me much. What was his name again? Hatadoshi? Hatatoshi?"

"His name is Hatayoshi, Ami."

"I have a mask you might like. I swear it fits your personality." Amikino gushes as she pulls out a mask that has a cap like back with droopy bunny ears. It has green highlights to match her customers hair and eyes. "The mask part is removable to reveal a cute bunny hat! I thought it would match you so well~" Some of the other Ghoul shoppers were looking over mannequins at the shopkeeper showing off the cute mask.. "Thanks Ami. I'll be sure to pop over sometime soon." He responded as he paid for the mask, placed it in his backpack and left to find the cafe.

You may be wondering, why does our little protagonist need a mask? Well, this is a world where humans and ghouls live on the same plane. Humans have evolved to have superhuman abilities, or a "quirk". Ghouls are humanoids that feed off of human flesh to live. To help them do this, they have an extra organ, named kaguane. Some ghouls have wings, some have tails, and some have a weapon attached to their bodies. Most people don't know what ghouls are and pass them off as normal people with quirks. Most kaguanes end up as vigilantes that kill high ranking villains. Not only does it benefit the heroes a bit, they have their source of food. Masks are used to be able to hide their faces from heroes and villains, but are also used to recognize each other's status, or rank. Each kaguane takes the form of an extra body part that is used for fighting, defense or maybe both. If a kaguane is active then deactivated in front of a person, they would assume it's an emitter type quirk. The shopkeeper, Amikino Shinomi is a Shuu Tsukiyama ghoul. A ghoul with a spiral drill on one of their hands when their kaguane is active.

He finally arrived at the Divine Spring Tearoom. It's been a week or so since he's been here and there's already been changes. The whole color scheme was replaced from blue to red. 'How did they even replace the stone circles on the walls?! Oh right, quirks.'

"Izuku Shinomi, my favorite customer! How nice of you to stop by today. It's been ages!" A man behind the counter waved at him with glee. "Hey Kasuno-sama, where is Mr. Hatayoshi? Izuku inquired of the man before him. Kasuno Had his kaguane active. It took the form of scythe like blades as wings attached to his back. A Kuzen kaguane. He wouldn't get in trouble for "using his quirk" because people would assume it's a mutation type. A mutation is a quirk or power that adds a physical attribute to the wielder. Like a tail, extra limbs, or just being a frog.

"Oh the old man? He's in the back like always. He never wants to come out and greet customers like I do. I still wonder..." Kasuno Responded to Izuku's question.

"Thanks Kasuno-sama."

The mission seemed simple. Assassinate Tatsuzaki Hirojiro and get away with it. Tatsuzaki is an Isasaki member that is causing too much attention from humans. If it is done properly he will be paid with 3,000¥ (About 55£ / 55$) If a witness is seen, or a human is killed, 1,000 will be taken from the total payment.

Easy right?

Author's note:

Hello, Hi, Greetings, Aloha, Ni how, and all of the other languages. I have a random story idea and decided to write it down. This story is not based off of the anime Tokyo Ghoul, but is instead based off of the roblox game Ro-Ghoul. The reasoning because i'm most familiar with the game, having played it for years. I think all Ghoul types are named after the person in the anime that has that specific ghoul type. I did not rename the ghouls from the game because it would be too much work to memorize all of the new ghoul types. I hope you like my idea. Please reveiw for suggestions or questions you have for this story.

The Author.