One-shot, but if anyone wants the story to carry on... Just say so and it might happen :)Just a small some thing I thought of.Have funDDRL x

Hiccup stood on the edge of the upsatirs od his hut. He was trying not to move, not to make any noise because Astrid woild come in and tell him to go to bed.

She was waiting outside, probably with her axe. It was almost as if she could read his mind. Like she knew he was planning on escaping.

Standing so close to the edge was not a good idea... But he had heard her approach his hut, and she could hear very well. Any sudden moves and he would be in bed for the next fifty years of his life.

He knew his prosthetic would make too much noise to go anywhere. He had inteded to oil it... It wad beginning to get stiff, but it wasn't that high on his list. Now it was.

Suddenly, another wave of dizziness over took him, and he tried to fight it by closing his eyes. But he was unbalanced enough already, and he fell.

He was falling off the edge, falling and falling. That was the last thing he remebered before he blacked out.

Astrid heard a loud crash and she burst into Hiccup's hut. Her eyes were filled with anger, when she thought her boyfriend was going directly against her orders, but then her blood ran cold, when she saw what had made the crash.

Hiccup had landed on a the hard wooden floor, on top of one of his inventions thst had been discared for it wasn't working. There were shards of Death Song Amber in one of his arms, and he had sustained multiple other injuries.

Astrid eyes were steaming up. She never cried, but seeing the one she loves like this was horrible. She swept his hair out of eyes and tried to stop the bleeding from his head.

How was she supposed to get help?

Then Toothless nudged her. Of course!

"Toothless, I need you to go and get Fish-"before she had finished her sentance the black dragon was off.

Five minutes later, Fishlegs opened the door to Hiccup's hut, with Meatlug following tiredly behind.

"Astrid! What happend?" The blonde viking asked, his eyes wide and scared.

"I don't know, I heard a crash and came in. He was like this." Astrid was just as scared as Fishlegs.

"Someone needs to go to Berk, and get Gothi and Stoick or Gobber. Get Snotlout to do it, Hookfang is the fastest after Toothless and Stormfly, and I'm not leaving Hiccup," Fishlegs nodded, and got up, "I'd say wake the twins as well, they will be able to help,"

She was assesing Hiccup for any other injuries, when she notjced blood seeping out of his left trouser leg, specificly where his prosthetic was attached, just below his knee.

The shieldmaiden gasped. Whatever had happend must have been bad, it had made Hiccup's prosthetic dig into his leg. More specificly, his amputaion site. Astrid knew that this was going to be very painful, but he was unconsious at the moment, so hopefully he wasn't in to much pain.

Astrid pulled at the rope and took off the leg. No-one except Gothi amd Stoick had seen Hiccup's scars, and she was trying to stop the bleeding without roling up his trouser leg. She was not going to expose something so private, that she had not seen it. It was Hiccup's decision, when it came to it.

When Astrid relized that there was nothing more for her to do, she flung her arms around Hiccup's waist, and sobbed into his chest.

She listened to the steady but shallow breathing of her boyfriend, and tried to push the negative thoughts to the back of her mind. Help would be there soon.

Ok, this is now at least a two-shot because I cant be bothered to write any more at the moment.

If more of the Story is wanted, it will be recovery, and reveling secrets ect.But I hope this story is ok at the moment.DDRL x