Ten years after Princess Twilight's encouragement to Luster Dawn about friendship, something quieted the Equestrian air. In the forbidden forest, there stood the statue of Terek, Cozy Glow, and... Crystallis? Crystallis' stone mark was broken. All that was scattered on the grass and weeds was her sheds of stone.

Two hole-filled hooves landed in front of the stone. An evil laugh filled the ears of Terek and Cozy Glow. Before them was Crystallis, the same as always. She smiled, "At last without you fools, I can finally win Equestria. And with my relationship to Sombra, my daughter will help me destroy Equestria! MmHAHAHAAA!"


Princess Twilight sat on her throne one morning, registering new students for her schools of Friendship and school of Magic. Spike, a full grown dragon of hers, came up, "Twilight!"

Twilight looked up. Her purple themed eyes glowed in the presence of her friend, "Spike. I am so glad to see you again. How was your trip to the Dragon lands?"

"Fine as usual. No dragon wanted to mess with me since I was your Guard."

Twilight smiled and looked upon her letters. Just, then, the door opened to Luster Dawn, her faithful student.

"Dawn, what brings you in today?"

Luster Dawn answered with some fear, "I have heard rumours, Princess. About the statue of the three villians."

Twilight jumped to all four hooves and said, "What? Is it all true?"

"I don't know."

"What did you hear?"

"That Queen Crystallis broke free of her prison. And with her powerful magic set Sombra free once again. It is also said she has a daughter with Sombra!"

Twilight raised her hoove in relaxed, "Okay. I will search this out. Spike."

Spike stood up, "Yes?"

"Gather as many guards as you may and search the statue of The Three Villians. If the record is true, search all of Equestria for Sombra, Crystallis, and her daughter."

Spike saluted, "I will."

Crystallis was standing in the throneroom the entire time. Her body as a bird didn't harm the PRincess' keeping. She smiled, "Time for training," and she flew off to the darkest parts of Equestria.

As she entered, she reformed to her usual self and called for the new army of changlings. Before them was her unusual daughter, Crystalsombra.

Crystalsombra was a pure white pony, nothing like her mother or father. Her mane was dark blue, the darkest blue as the night and light dottest white spots over the mane. The young pony was young and quick, but her magic was limited due to the changlings' betrayal.

Crystallis called out her daughter, "Crystalsombra, come out."

The young pony came out and stood before her mother, "Here am I, mother."

"Crystal, dear. It is time that you learn the value of villain magic."

"Can I learn the good magic, too, mother?"

"Silence! I told you good magic is as bad than any magic there is. Our magic is stronger and yet powerful. What is the main cause of learning my magic, Crystal?"

Crystalsombra answered, "To take over Equestria and to rule every pony therein."


"To stop Princess Twilight and her friends."

"Very well. Now the first thing you need to learn is transformation."

"But, ain't I already a pony?"

Crystallis frowned, "Enough of all that," Then, she enabled her daughter's magic and taught her the basic magic, "You need to learn this also. When I take over Equestria, I will teach you more powerful magic to get what you want."


In Ponyville, the Mane Five friends of Twilight were doing their natural duties. Pinkie took care of Cheesy Cake while Cheese Sandwich prepared a party for some pony.

Applejack met a pony named Milos and they got a filly named Valerine.

Rarity didn't get the colts that she so longed for. But she did find a nice colt named SnickerPants. She had a fine filly named Diamond.

Fluttershy happened to marry Discord and a filly herself. Her name was Fluttercord. Fluttercord was an unicorn with Discord's magic. She was a student of Twilight's School of Magic.

Rainbow Dash and Skyburt got married soon after Fluttercord was born. Rainbow in turn had twins, a girl and boy. Their names were Storm and Hurrica.

Starlight was still the principal of the School of Friendship. She helped the teachers get the lessons they needed to teach the new upcoming students. She married Starburst, who was a teacher of the School of magic.

So much has happened in ten years after The Last Problem... As well as Crystalsombra.

Crystallis walked out to Ponyville in a normal pony form. Crystalsombra was walking close beside her as any filly would do to her mother.

Rarity came out of her dress shop, "Oh, darling! What kind of dress is that?"

Crystallis smiled faintly, "It's an old dress."

"Why, I'll make you a new one... for free! Come on in, dearest," When she saw Crystalsombra, she asked, "And what is your name, dearest?"

Crystalsombra saw her mother glancing at her, so she answered, "Crystal Spike."

"Crystal Spike?! Ha! Spike reminds me about Princess Twilight's dragon."


"Oh, yes, indeed. Diamond, honey! Come down and see Mommy. Crystal Spike... Uh, can I call you Crystal?"

"Sure, everypony does!"

"Would you mind if you play with Diamond, my daughter? I'm sure you two will be friends!"

Diamond came up to Crystal and both of them looked alike. Only Diamond's mane was yellowish and Crystal's was darkest blue.

As Rarity prepared a dress, Crystallis came up to daughter while she counted to find Diamond, "Now don't forget to suck out their love. It's your dinner, honey."

"Okay, mother," Said the pony loudly. She ran after to find Diamond. The small filly was actually in her bedroom where Crystal found her. Crystal hopped on top of the pony and used her magic to suck the life from the filly.

"Hey, stop! Mommy! Mommy, save me!"

Crystal backed off... She didn't get anything from Diamond. Rarity came running upstairs, "What on earth is the matter, Diamond dear?!"

"Crystal was trying to suck my life out of me! Is she a changling?!"

Rarity gasped, "My golly!" With her magic, she flashed at the pony, but she didn't turn into a changling. Crystallis smiled, "Oh, how beautiful. I think her trait is better off."

Rarity turned, "Crystallis! I thought! I thought we stoned you forever!"

"But that magic is so weak compared to my magic."

"I'm getting Twilight after you!"

"Not if I got a head start."

Seconds later, Diamond and Rarity were gooed together with Crystallis' magic. She came up to her daughter and said, "Well done, my daughter. Now are you full?"

"I really didn't feel anything."

"What? But... that's impossible. You need more training. Come on, we got more ponies to suck love out of."

Rarity cried, "You're not getting away with this!"

"I already have, Rarity."

Everypony frecked out when they saw Crystallis walking down the pathway. Crystalsombra stood behind her mother, scared. Luster Dawn came up to Crystallis, "There she is!"

Spike and a troop of armies came up and began to charge at the pony. Crystallis only laughed and zapped the ponies into goo. Spike fought the magic with various shields. Without Crystallis knowing, Twilight dived in and got Crystallis under a magic shield so she couldn't use her magic against any pony.

Crystalsombra saw Princess Twilight landing gracefully on the earth. The pony came froward, speaking so upsetly, "I see you have escaped your prison, Crystallis."

Crystallis cried, "This isn't over, yet. I will rule Equestria!"

Crystalsombra stepped from her mother and felt arms grabbing her from behind, "Mother!"

Crystallis cried, "You leave my daughter alone!"

Discord held the pony up to his chest and said, "Crystallis, how on else did you have a foal so quickly after prison break?"

Crystallis said, "Leave her alone, you filthy monster!"

Fluttershy stood in front Discord and said angrily in her soft voice, "You have no right talking to my husband like that, Crystallis!"

"Oh, so the shy pony married the Prince of Chaos? So let me think, you're the princess?"

Discord answered, "First of all, Fluttershy isn't a princess. Secondly, I use my magic for good. And thirdly, you didn't answer my question about this filly!"

Crystallis answered, "There's no way I can tell you."

Princess Twilight sucked all the magic from the young filly. Crystalsombra felt powerless and very hungry. Crystallis cried, "Suck their magic, my daughter!"

Twilight placed a spell upon the pony, "She won't be able to use any magic or receive any magic due to your training. She will be in Discord's custody until we get answers from you. Who is she?"

"Her name is Princess Crystalsombra."

Twilight reacted, "Sombra?! King Sombra?!"

Crystallis smiled, "Bingo, Princess."

Twilight said, "Spike! Go to the crystal empire and warn King Shining Armour about Sombra's release. Tell Queen Cadance and Princess Flurry Heart to strengthen the power of the Crystal Heart."

"On it."

Crystallis only laughed, "You can't stop us. No matter what spell you put upon our daughter, Crystalsombra will rule Equestria and the Empire."

"She will not."

Crystallis used all her magic and broke Twilight's force field. In the distance, Twilight heard all the ponies gasp in shock. She said, "You can't take her from us, Crystallis!"

"Crystalsombra is my daughter!" With her magic, she caught the pony, but Discord's magic stopped it and he said, "Sorry, Crystallis, but Crystalsombra is in our custody."

Fluttershy said, "Twilight, we need to stop Crystallis and fast."

Crytallis said, "I will return."

Twilight flashed magic to stop the pony from running away. But each streak of magic, Crystallis dodged and left Ponyville.

Pinkie Pie said, "Tell me this is true, but isn't that Sombra's clouds?"

Rainbow Dash said, "He's... in Ponyville?!"

Twilight got afraid instantly when the sound of Sombra's mighty laugh was heard from the dark clouds.


Sombra appeared from the clouds and laughed, evilly. Twilight called her friends to her side and she activated the magic of friendship. But Sombra wouldn't give up too quickly. He flashed his dark crystals and separated the friends. Twilight's magic went out of control. Her magic backfired into Crystalsombra, who lay on the ground, still tired from the drained magic. Crystalsombra woke up immediately and stood up, shaking her head, "What... What happened?"

Luster Dawn came running and picked up the young filly and said, "Twilight, I'm taking her to the castle to the force field prison... Your magic backfired!" Twilight nod once and continued to fight Sombra.

Luster Dawn used her magic to disappear and instantly reappear at Twilight's castle. Crystalsombra was toss into the prison and the magical bars shielded her from the world. Luster Dawn said, "We'll deal with you later."

Crystalsombra wrapped her front hooves around the bars, wondering what had happened.

Rainbow Dash was trying her best to fight the clouds back. Skyburt was by her side. Storm and Hurrica were still learning to fly, but didn't go upwards. Instead, they ran over to Diamond, who was hiding in a box with Cheesy Cake, Valerine, and Fluttercord. They hid from sight as the power, but dangerous magic fails hit the ground.

Twilight only knew one magic that could drive Sombra away. It is backfired, it could hurt her and ruin Equestria. She lifted her long wings and flew upwards and tilted her wings backwards. With all her might, she started the strong magic and force field Sombra.

Sombra was hit badly and the magic drove him away again. Twilight found her accomplishment, and fell to the earth in pain. Luster Dawn gallopped up to her and called for her teacher. Twilight sat up, "I am just exhausted from fighting... I haven't done it for three hundred and sixty moons."

Applejack uncovered the children and went up to Twilight, "That's the problem. We haven't fought with any villains for so long, we get tired easily."

Rarity said, "Then, if that was possible, we could lose Equestria!"

Discord answered, "Not if we work together as friends. We can defeat Crystallis and Sombra."

Twilight looked to the Canterlot castle, "Not if Cozy Glow and Terek's stone breaks... We'll all lose Equestria."

Luster Dawn answered, "What about Crystallis' daughter? You know, Crystal-Sombra!"

Discord answered, "Yeah, what happened to her?"

Luster Dawn answered, "i locked her in the prison at Twilight's castle. Twilight's magic woke her up and energized her."

Discord said, "Strange. Though I held her, before Twilight drained the magic, she didn't drain anything from me. She's not a changling if she can't turn into one."

Rarity said, "Prehaps, Discord is right, Twilight. I tried to turn her into a changling, but she remained a pony... It's like... magic harms her."

Twilight stood up and said, "Magic harmed the filly? I didn't know that. Careless magic can harm, but magic that can reveal, save, and basically destroy an enemy? That kind of magic saves ponies, but harmed such a filly?"

Luster Dawn answered, "I don't know. But don't you think, Princess, that we should go to the Crystal Empire?"

Twilight answered, "We should... I'm going to raise Crystalsombra as my daughter and teach her the goods of magic."

Starlight cried, "Are you crazy?!"

"If we leave her in the prison, Crystallis will find a way to retrieve her daughter. We need to take part in raising Crystalsombra ourselves, whether we trust her or not."

Luster Dawn answered, "But Princess, that's out of this world. Crystalsombra is... a villain's daughter!"

Discord said, "Why can't we give her a chance? In her case, she's only a young filly. You all gave me many chances... and of course, I was in trouble..."

Starlight looked at Luster Dawn, "And everypony gave me a second chance, especially after I changed every cutiemark to an equal mark."

Twilight knelt down to her student and said, "Discord and Starlight are right. Crystalsombra is a filly. With my memory spell, I could wipe -"

"NO! If you change that villain's daughter, I promise you," Cried Luster Dawn, "That I will turn out just like Sunset Shimmer!"

Every pony gasped as Luster Dawn walked away. Twilight pulled her ears back in dismay. She said, "Discord..."

"Yes, Twilight?"

"Take up a letter..."

Discord gasped and zapped a letter and a pen, "I'm ready..."

"Dear Princesses Celestra and Luna, This is your faithful student and Princess, Twilight Sparkle. I have found out the stone had broken from which Crystallis had escaped. She had released Sombra and therefore, having relations, she has a daughter named Crystalsombra. The filly is only a young one, but not so much as powerful as her parents...

"My faithful student that I must have bragged about in the past months, is now envious of this filly. I have to raise the pony on my own and forget her memories of Crystallis and Sombra. Please, I really need your help...

"Your faithful student, Princess Twilight Sparkle."

Discord clapped his hands once and the letter disappeared. Princess Twilight stood waiting and seconds later a light glow appeared and she revealed it to a letter. She turned to her remaining friends and read the letter, "Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle, I have received your letter with great sorrow and discourage. The statue is only like the rock of that of Discord. It is only temporary, no matter how much magic we cast into it.

"Finding out Crystallis had a daughter, did surprise Luna and I. But your decision is needness to say, but it's not a good idea. The best is to ban the child..." Twilight's eyes filled with tears. She continued, "Just as I have done with Luna, so I leave this spell to you. Ban her to the moon, before she gets any worse, even at a young age. Your teacher, Princess Celestia."

Starlight said, "Banning her to the moon isn't just going to take her away. No spell from the Sisters ever lasted forever."

Twilight said, "If we ban her, the thing she will lack more is the love that she deserves. She needs no love from the ponies, she need loves given from the ponies. I'm keeping her instill in my heart. Who is with me?"

No pony raised their hoof. But Discord's paw was in the air. Princess Twilight said, "Discord, you and Fluttershy are my guardians. If she ever wanders out of the castle, I need you guys to watch her. You can live at my castle gardens, if you may."


That evening, Crystallis stood outside her hive, very angry of what Twilight had done to her daughter. She said, "If I ever win Equestria, Princess. I will slice your neck and give it to my daughter as a trophy. You had no right taking my daughter from my grasp. She is mine... Just mine!"

Sombra looked at his beloved and said, "They are weak from not fighting for many moon, my love. Certainity, your daughter can win over them."

"Listen you. You know what I do to my changlings. And what I do to them, I will do to her. I need her magic to get me Equestria. And when I win Equestria into my hooves, and when my laws are enforced, she is still my daughter, but she will be my servant, my slave... My magic tool."

Sombra realized his love was not only a villian, but also a weak mother. He gallopped towards the Crystal Empire, ready to attack his once lost dream.

The train stopped at the Crystal Empire. Princess Twilight had filly, Crystalsombra with her. She was alone, due to her friends not agreeing to follow a supposedly powerful pony.

Crystalsombra was very happy to see Princess Twilight and took a special liking to her. Throughout the train ride, she stared at the Princess, as if she was her mother. Once at the Crystal Empire, the filly was already ahead, but Twilight's magic had a special impact on her, that she won't leave her sights.

Queen Cadance and King Shining Armour were shing on their thrones with their pre-teen daughter, Princess Flurry Heart right under them on her own throne.

When Shining Armour saw Twilight, he smiled, "Twily!" Then, he walked down, more stern, "We got the news from Spike."

Twilight answered, "I know. I have come to see if Sombra had attacked."

Cadance answered, "He hadn't yet. We are on guard and our captain is training the guards."

Twilight said, "Well, that's swell. But here's Crystalsombra."

Shining Armour frowned, "Why are you keeping her?"

"I can't ban her to the moon as the Sisters bade. No spell of ours is that long lasting. Crystalsombra will be released and she will be worse than what she is now."

Flurry Heart took a special liking to Crystalsombra. Twilight got scared and was about ot use her magic, but she realized... She was losing faith in the child herself. She was having fun with Flurry Heart, no sign of possible danger of 'sucking out' love. Crystalsombra felt love from other pony and played greatly with her. Twilight took her magic back and said, "I can't believe I'm ruining Crystalsombra's own friendship making."

"Twilight," Said Cadance, "This is not possible. She is a villain as much as her parents are. Crystallis will catch her daughter in the meantime and will use her."

Twilight said, "But that means I have to find an eternal spell that won't break."

The husband and wife nodded their heads. Shining Armour added, "And you need to lock her with them."

Twilight forcefully used her magic to stop Crystalsombra's playful moment. The filly was quiet and was 'glued' to the Princess' leg. Twilight felt the same way and went out to the train station. Cadance said as her sister-in-law left the castle, "Don't get attached to her."

Twilight looked at her brother and his family. She shut the door after her in dismay. The train ride home to Canterlot, was quiet. Crystalsombra smiled, "Sunshine, sunshine; ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do a little shake!" Then, the laugh came out of her. It was so sweet and tender.

Twilight smiled and said, "I said that to my sister-in-law, Cadance," Then, she thought, and raised her hooves, "Wanna play?"

Crystalsombra smiled, "Yes! Yes, Princess!"

So Twilight and Crystalsombra said the chant together. Everypony stared at the Princess in shock but said nothing. Crystalsombra was getting love from Twilight, not forcing love out of her Princess. Crystalsombra finsihed the nineteenth chant with a hug on Twilight's hoof.

Twilight roamed the Castle to her throne. Crystalsombra came running, "Princess! Princess! Help!"

Twilight barriered the filly from the group of soldiers, "What are you doing?"

"Catching the filly to put her in prison."

"And what did she do?"

"She's the changling's daughter."

"Did I tell you to take the filly away?"

"No, Your Highness."

"Then, you don't lock her up. You do as I say, not what other ponies say."

The guards left the throneroom. Twilight got down on her belly and cuddled the filly. Twilight didn't realize that Crystalsombra had forgotten who her parents really were. She just thought the Princess was her mother.

A couple years later, Twilight enrolled Crystalsombra into her school of magic. Due to the fact that she was still afraid about her changling mother, she limited the magic given in her horn.

One evening, Crystalsombra came into the Princess' chamber, "Mother?"

Twilight noticed the filly, now full grown, was calling her 'mother', "Yes, Crystal."

"Every pony is making fun of me..."

"And why is that?"

"Well... They ignore me for some reason and some of them mock me because I have no cutie-mark."

Twilight knew the filly had a hard time doing a lot of good things. She hoped greatly it wasn't being a changling, "It's alright, Crystal. Not every pony gets a cutie mark as a filly or colt. Some get it as an adult."

Crystal sat on the Princess' bed and saw a photo album, "What is this?"

"All the photos of me and my friends."

"Why can't I see them?"

Twilight sighed, "Crystal... You're not my daughter."

"I'm adopted?!" Cried the filly.

"No, well, maybe. But your mother and father are villains of Equestria. Your mother was trying to raise you to suck love out of other ponies."

"You're talking about Crystallis, right?"


"And my father is who?"

"King Sombra."

Crystal was very upset, "Is that why no pony wants to be friends with me?"

"Well, prehaps. Your real name, which every pony knows, is Crystalsombra."


"Crystallis and Sombra."

Crystal said, "I rather go now..."

"I'm sorry, Crystal. I did my best to raise you properly. I went against all my friends' wishes to keep you."

Crystal looked at Twilight and went away to her own room. Twilight looked at the picture which happened to Flurry Heart as a baby. She sighed and started to cry, it's been too long since Crystallis and Sombra hadn't lain an attack? How would Crystal understand that she is a special pony, even to the Princess? Twilight knew she better think fast before the next attack.