Disclaimer: The Harry Potter series belongs to J.K. Rowling. The Elder Scrolls series belongs to Zenimax.

Ministerial Pocket Guide to Nu-Cyrod

by the Department of International Magical Cooperation and the Imperial Geographical Society


What follows is only a brief overview of the history of Nu-Cyrod, for those who lack a basic knowledge of the prehistory and history of the Hidden Province. Those who seek more detailed knowledge will be no doubt avail themselves of the many fine works of history in the libraries and bookshops of the Empire. It should be noted to the reader that the early history of Nu-Cyrod and that of the Aurbis (the universe from where the ancestors of the natives of the Empire hail from) can be considered fantastical, if not mythological, even to wizard standards. We do not require you to accept this as fact, but keep in mind that the inhabitants of the Empire do consider it as historical fact, and there is substantial evidence to support their claims.

That said, according to early records, the empire of Nu-Cyrod finds its origins when the god-emperor Reman Cyrodiil sought to expand his empire to both the stars and beyond. To achieve the latter, he secretly gathered a council of mages, scholars, and engineers to devise plans, strategies, and conceptual models for what would eventually become Nu-Cyrod. This group became the Mangengineers, and through highly complex magic they succeeded in opening a gateway between their universe and ours.

Emerging in the northern region of Britain, the mangeningeers of Reman began their work, first establishing the foundation for Nu-Cyrod in the middle of a forest, and expanding the territory of the province, while diminishing it at the same time. This early framework for the hidden province was highly unstable at first, and only stabilized after the Nu-Mantia Convention and the construction of the Nu-Mantia Tower, a tall structure which served as the focal point of all magic that supported the metaphysical structure of Nu-Cyrod. This area, which later became known as Landfall, served as the heartland of the hidden province, and it was around the Nu-Mantia Tower that the city of All-Marugh was built, created in emulation of the Imperial City in Cyrodiil, the heartland of Reman's vast empire. At Reman's orders, the Mangengineers began to populate a rudimentary Nu-Cyrod with citizens of the empire, and the framework for the creation of the Tempest Holds and the Once-East was established around this time as well.

Although Reman's heirs were not made aware of Nu-Cyrod, the mangengineers continued their work in the following generations. When Emperor Reman III and his heir Juilek were murdered, the young Prince Reman (son of Juilek) was quietly removed from his family estate in the western region of Cyrodiil and send to Nu-Cyrod alongside his mother and a group of Dragonguard still loyal to the bloodline. Once firmly settled in All-Marugh, the hidden province was declared independent from the Cyrodilic Empire, and the young Reman was proclaimed as the first Emperor of Nu-Cyrod. As all contact with the Aurbis was ceased, this event became known as the Sundering, and the newly formed Elder Council of Nu-Cyrod declared the First Era ended.

Chapter 5 – The Wood-Conversations and the Arrival at Hogwarts

Part 1 – On How a Wand Spoke to the Aleshut

When the day came that Reman received a letter from the outlander school of Hogwarts, as his father and other ancestors did, he was brought by the Sunna-Et to the outlander shops of diagonal tendency. And the two were obscured by a cloud of moths, so that no outlander harm could come to the emperor-ut-nucyrod.

And at the last shop, Reman came to buy a wand – which was a wooden staff of miniature power and size – and for this he spoke with the Ollivander, who brought many trying-wands for the emperor. The wands did cry out for Reman, as they all wanted to be chosen, but he wanted nothing with them.

But Reman heard Chim-el Adabal and it spoke in many divergent voices of parliament, all which he understood. Yet all were silenced when the El-Estia, who was true mother of Reman and held primacy within the god-stone of royalty, spoke to the wands saying:

"But this is Light-Made-Man, who is son of heaven and the imperial earth. Under your wood you have weak hearts, and thus have no place with the emperor."

In terrible shame, the wands threw themselves into the fire where they were reduced to ignominious ash, leaving but one who said to the Al-Esh:

"I am the sharpened-leaf wand of outlander promise, bound to the alchemist-scion by useless prophecy, and whose heart is that of a dying-returning flame."

At this, the priest-moth of the Light-Tattler-Cloud drank itself until it became a dust-seed that fertilized the speaking wood. And did Sharp-Leaf divorce itself from outlander prophecy and made itself spouse to the right-weapon of Reman.

Part 2 – On His Thoughts of the Hogwarts Founders

And Reman was brought to the station accompanied by a group of Dragonguard in great secrecy, and within the express he took a special compartment that was reserved for the Cyrodiils, and within he waited for the locomotive to begin its voyage to the highlands of Scotland, where the old school of Hogwarts was found.

What the wizards did not know, was that the school had been founded by four vassals of the Emperor Kastav, who had been the fifth in the august line of the Nu-Cyrodiils to use that name, and did so as means of shadow recruiting outlander mages with great potential, adding them to the ranks of the Dragonguard. Still the school served such purpose, albeit in greater secrecy for the meddling of the outlander wizards was undesirable for the All-Marugh.

And Reman knew of the four Hogwarts founders, who were named as such:

Of Salazar Slytherin, a Tsaesci from the bogdoms who had served the emperors as grandmaster of the Dragonguard.

Of Godric Gryffindor, who came from the northern Tempest Holds and was a wandering spell-sword of great vigour.

Of Rowena Ravenclaw, the loremaster of Manmer stock who came from the Once-East.

And of Helga Hufflepuff, who was of the Holds and knew mastery of the alchemical ways.

Part 3 – On His Arrival at Hogwarts

Night had already fallen when the express arrived at the small village of Hogsmeade, and all students left the train, splitting away in groups. Reman, who was anon Harry, came followed by three of the Dragonguard, who were selected to be his personal escort during the school year. Of course, the school would have a regiment of the Dragonguard there, but these three were to follow the emperor at all times.

Of course, the armoured minotaur that seemed to shadow Harry was perhaps the greatest source of intimidation in the trio. Something which Harry did not fail to notice, and led him to speak in amusement.

"Galrus, try not to scare them."

The man-bull snorted, yet spoke gently to the emperor, who was also his many-times great-uncle. "You ask for the impossible Al-Eshkynd."

"This one agrees with Galrus. It would be like taking Nabira away from Saturalia celebrations," spoke the Khajiit Nabira, whose many-shaped race was bound to the two memory-moons of Nu-Cyrod, and she was of the Alfiq, who were great spellcasters and could hide amongst the common cat.

Harry turned to Nabira. "How much did you drink last time anyway?"

"This one cannot remember. Too much brandy, Nabira would guess."

Arcturus Mervial, who was of the Knavian Once-East, glared at the Khajiit. "I remember someone blowing up the beverage tent."

Galrus huffed, and the two other Dragonguard glanced at their companion before wisely deciding to return to solemn silence. And the four came upon the boats of Hogwarts, and came to occupy two, with the boy-emperor taking one with his many-great-nephew, while Arcturus and Nabira took the second one.

Pocket Guide to the Empire:

Sharp-Leaf – a name attributed to the holly wood and phoenix feather wand of Harry Potter.

Kastav V Cyrodiil – born in 2E 477, or 945 AD in the Gregorian Calendar, he was the 24th emperor of Nu-Cyrod, succeeding his father Amiel VI and reigning from 2E 522 to his death in 2E 554. He was succeeded by Belharza IV, his son.

Al-Eshkynd – a title and name of reverence accorded to Reman VII Cyrodiil (Harry Potter) by the Minotaurs of Nu-Cyrod.