
Fubuki was reassured since the first meeting went smoothly. Due to the hefty profit Fubuki made off of Genos, she decided to order more Caped Baldy products with another company offering a two for one special on plastic bobbleheads. When they arrived they looked almost identical to the real Saitama if he wore a cap. To Fubuki's initial relief these hats were detachable. However if removed, there was a wide gaping hole at the top of the bald bobblehead. Infuriated she demanded a refund but the company had a no refund policy. However to compensate, they sent thirty complimentary 'CAP BALDY' halfheartedly attempted to place the 'ED' in marker but it was often too faded to notice. Why do I even bother...

Emboldened by Fubuki's bravery, Eyelashes volunteered to wear one of the club shirts for the next meeting. However that was not her biggest surprise as they were joined by two new members.

The random guy returned and brought another friend who shared the same level of enthusiasm. They both fell asleep almost simultaneously before the meeting started. Fubuki regretted informing him last week that refreshments would be served.

The other new arrival was a fisherman. After introducing himself, he explained that though he usually spends his weekends fishing he came this week to support Caped Baldy who saved him from a monster shark in City K. Fubuki noticed that Genos didn't interrogate the older man.

After the introductions, Genos still found time to blather on about Saitama but this time Fubuki had a plan. She directed Eyelashes or rather 'Tadao' to record Genos's dull and often repetitious speech. Later that day she suffered listening to Genos for a second time as she was focused on gathering leads from his ramblings.

As Genos droned on about Saitama's impressive fighting ability Fubuki started to lose hope. Around the fifth time Genos mentioned Saitama's teachings he then said Saitama was going to a special 'Thrifty Tuesday' midday sale at Fresh Enough Minimart. Five minutes later when he returned to the topic he mentioned that unfortunately he could not partake in this joyous occasion since he had to get an important firepower upgrade from Dr. Kuseno.

Wait…is that a clue? Saitama likes sales? It seems I'm getting information even without him physically there. The cyborg has his uses after all. A quick search allowed Fubuki to find out the location of the store in City B.

When Fubuki arrived at the supermarket it didn't take long to find that shiny bald head attached to a bland jumpsuit. She walked briskly towards him.

"Saitama! What are the chances you would also be here?"

"Why are you here?" he asked plainly. He frowned. "Are you following me?"

"No." she huffed. "The Blizzard Group is efficient in not only monster hunting but also spending. Are you also interested in sales?"

"I guess," he said slowly. He fidgeted slightly before turning. "I'm leaving now."

"Wait!" she blurted. "Allow me to join you. I'm also going this way." His slight nod reminded her of his bobblehead.

As Fubuki walked beside Saitama, she silently rehearsed her talking points. She hardly noticed when he darted ahead to grab an item.

"Here. You like wine right? This one is 20% off."

Fubuki groaned inwardly when she saw the label. Fubuki hated cheap items especially cheap wine but now was not the time to complain. She swallowed her pride and reluctantly accepted the bottle.

"Thanks!" she said cheerfully, struggling to maintain the plastic smile on her face.

"So were you looking for anything in particular?" she asked hoping to deflect him from giving anymore suggestions.

"Seaweed, I guess. Usually the price is high even in other grocery stores."

"Well, if you joined the Blizzard Group you could access a variety of discounts at select stores."

He groaned. "Don't you ever get tired?"

Fubuki ignored his complaining and attempted to remain optimistic. "You would be invaluable to the group if you joined. Other rewards could be added depending on the threat level of the monster defeated."

"I'm not joining your group for rewards or discounts," he interrupted. Fubuki noticed a slight strain in his voice.

"Fine." There was a heavy atmosphere after Saitama's outburst. "Another time then."

A brief silence was soon disturbed by the clanging of metallic feet. "Why are you here Blizzard of Hell?" Genos snarled.

"Ha, that's what I said. I thought you couldn't make it Genos," Saitama said indifferent to his dramatic entrance.

"I asked Dr. Kuseno to hurry so I could be here." He continued to glare at Fubuki.

"I was just leaving." Fubuki knew that with Demon Cyborg around, the conversation would become even more unbearable. Genos scowled at her retreating until she was out of sight.

"Did she annoy you Master Saitama?"

"Not really. She just doesn't seem like the type to be at these kinds of sales. I guess you never really know how people truly are."

Genos narrowed his eyes. "I regret not incinerating her the first time she harassed you."

He shrugged. "Let it go Genos. I still need to buy some seaweed."

Though the attempt at the supermarket failed miserably, Fubuki was not deterred by the next meeting. She convinced herself that eventually she would find another way to get Saitama in her group. The fact that she did not have to wear the Cap Baldy shirt this week also helped her to be in good spirits.

For Genos it seemed to be the opposite since he was grumpier than normal. When the meeting began, she tried to pay no attention to his crankiness. It was however becoming harder to ignore due to Genos's otherwise sudden and infuriating demands.

"I think the official Caped Baldy fan website should be created and run by me as I am the only one here who truly understands Sensei."

"I put forward the idea that all future meetings begin by the singing of the Caped Baldy Anthem. I have already provided music sheets and recordings so everyone can remain on key."

"There are not enough products with Saitama- Sensei's glorious face. I put forward the motion that we contact the snack companies producing "Pro Hero Chips" to insist they include him on the package. This should be done daily until they concede to our demands. They should comply now that there are more of us."

Fubuki was quickly losing her patience. This was about finding out Saitama's potential weaknesses not a free promotion campaign!

She took a deep breath then focused her attention on Genos. "Don't you think it would be more useful to attempt to start small? Especially since not too many people are fond of Caped Baldy." Genos gave a menacing scowl. "Besides us in this room of course," she hastily added.

"It does not matter what the public currently thinks of Sensei, President Kioka. Eventually they too will come to appreciate him. If you do not see this importance perhaps someone more sophisticated should lead this club," he retorted.

Fubuki's eyebrows twitched in anger. "Are you insinuating you can do a better job at being President?" she fumed.

"Without a doubt. I am not too sure the club under this leadership can adhere to Master Saitama's needs." He grimaced again before continuing. "If the President does not know how to spell Caped Baldy..." he pointed to the 'Cap Baldy' shirt he seemed too comfortable wearing "... or even know the colors of his costume, how could she effectively spread his greatness to an ignorant populace?"

If Fubuki was pretending to be calm before, that immediately went out the window and she secretly hoped Genos would soon follow it.

"It's called variety, Genos." She tapped her finger on the cap-wearing bobblehead placed by her desk. "Besides any additions to his costume are just accessories." Fubuki paused briefly before resuming.

"Anyway for better or worse I am the president. I made this club. Therefore I will try to ignore this misplaced hostility and continue the meeting."

Genos smiled smugly. "Not really."

"If you spent as much time researching the official club rules as you did for setting up this farce..." Fubuki's eyes became as wide as saucers " would know that the rules on the Hero Association website dictate that club presidents can be forcibly removed if over 60% of the members decide it."

"How dare you!" Eyelashes interrupted. "We would never replace Miss Blizzard… I mean Miss Kioka."

It was time for Fubuki to be condescending. "You don't have the numbers to replace me. The fan club is constantly growing. Who knows how many members there will be by next week?"

"You are not the only one with supporters Kioka," Genos emphasized. "The official Demon Cyborg fan club has hundreds of members falling over themselves to assist their beloved hero. You can't compete with your rag-tag heap of a group."

Fubuki grew silent. "This meeting is over," she grumbled. She gestured Lily to wake up the two sleeping guys in the back. "Everyone else please leave."

"No snacks?" The newer random guy probed, knowing what to say at the wrong time.

"Get out!" she yelled. "That includes you guys too," she said to the other Blizzard Group members. She frowned at Genos's ever-growing smile.

"Everyone else get out." She repeated.

The Blizzard Group left begrudgingly not wanting to disobey their leader.

It took a while for Fubuki to break the silence. "What game are you playing Genos?"

"I should be asking you that question."

"I just made a Caped Baldy club. I'm not doing anything wrong."

"Then why were you also at the Fresh Enough Minimart? Do not play dumb. I wrote down my discussion of Master Saitama being there last week."

He even records when he talks about Saitama to other people? What a weirdo. "So what if I was there. I like sales too."

"This is one of your schemes, I'm sure of it." He shook his head. "I've put up with your nonsense long enough. You could only be doing this for two of three reasons: you're a stalker, you're insane or you're trying to become Sensei's disciple."

Fubuki sighed in exacerbation. "Not everyone wants to be his disciple you know."

"So you admit to being an insane stalker?" he grinned.

"I admit to still wanting Saitama to join the Blizzard Group. However that doesn't detract from my understanding that Saitama deserves some recognition for what he does." Plus he'll look amazing in a suit.

"Do you really intend on bringing your screaming teenage fans here?" Fubuki probed.

"How would it be any different to what you're doing now?"

She racked her brain for reasons. "They would be only obsessed with you. We are actually finding Caped Baldy supporters like that guy from last week. Not to mention those two guys that showed up again."

"You cannot be including the snoring ones you threw out."

"Yes even them. They keep coming because they realize how exceptional he is."

She then pointed at Genos. "If you were President, your popularity would completely overshadow Saitama. You can't exactly hide it. Any possibility of Saitama getting real recognition in his own club would disappear." The softening look on his face proved that Fubuki's words were getting through to him.

"Even if what you say is true, I cannot trust you to do what is in Master Saitama's best interests."

"Then play a bigger part. Just because I created the club doesn't mean you can't help manage it."

From there began a long negotiation between Genos and Fubuki. Luckily for Fubuki and the Blizzard group, Genos relented on writing the daily letters to the snack companies since Caped Baldy being on the package would cause a drop in sales and therefore likely never happen.

Unfortunately for Fubuki, she had to make several concessions to Genos. The first one was to give him the official club title of Supreme Senior Overseer Vice President. This position would also allow Genos the privilege of a 35% discount on all future Caped Baldy purchases. I was robbing him blind anyway. A portion of the profits made from these purchases would be used to create and maintain the Caped Baldy website. This would of course be overseen by Genos.

Fubuki was able to negotiate the Caped Baldy anthem being done every two weeks if during the alternate weeks a particular section would be allotted where every club member would say what they liked best about Saitama.

"Do you want my soul too?" she quipped.

"I'm quite sure you have none Fubuki," Genos riposted. "I'm not finished either."

As a sign of good faith, Genos wanted Fubuki to help him distribute club posters in the local City Z Park.

"...while wearing the club shirt." He continued.

Fubuki pouted. "Absolutely not. That's just cruel."

Genos frowned. "You would be disguised in that silly wig anyway."

She shook her head furiously. "Nope."

He sighed. "Fine. You're still helping me though."

Later at Saitama's apartment…

"Sensei! I got a promotion." Swaying the she-devil was easier than expected.

"Again?! What number? Are you finally in the top ten?" Uh oh. I didn't expect that so quickly. What do I "teach" him now?

"Not that. I became the Supreme Senior Overseer Vice President of your fan club."

"Ok. Good for you I guess." That's still going on? I thought it was some kind of mistake or secretly made by Genos. Maybe I should visit sometime to find out.

Notes: Tadao- a loyal man (Eyelashes's alias)