This is going to be a series of drabbles/one-shots based on a Tumblr prompt list I've had saved on my phone for years. Each chapter will revolve around a different time Cora and/or Robert said "I love you." The prompt for this chapter is "With a hoarse voice, under the blankets."

Cora awoke from a fitful sleep, blinking in the early morning light. The ache in her lower back reminded her that she was not in her bed, or any bed for that matter. Rather, she was slouched in a hard hospital chair, grasping Robert's hand as he slept. Mary and Edith tried to persuade her to come back to Downton to get a few hours of sleep before he woke in the morning, but she had refused, opting to change her clothes and freshen up in the hospital bathroom. If she were to sleep at all it needed to be next to him, his soft snores a reminder that he was alive.

He wasn't snoring anymore, and Cora realized that was what had woken her. She heard the sheets rustle as he fidgeted, felt his fingers lightly squeeze her own.

"Cor? S'that you?" Robert was still groggy from the anesthesia, his speech slightly slurred.

She sat up immediately, ignoring the protest of her back. "Yes, it's me darling. I'm here."

"Good," he murmured, letting his eyes drift shut. Cora was sure he had fallen asleep until he spoke again. "I'm sorry for scaring you."

"You should be, Robert Crawley." Her words held no bite, her voice soft. She reached out her other hand, resting it against his cheek. "But there's need to worry about that now. I'm just glad you're going to be alright."

"I meant what I said, you know." His eyes were open now, although he was struggling to keep them that way.

She stroked his cheek as he leaned into her touch. "And what was that?"

"I have loved you very much." His voice was so hoarse she had to lean closer to hear him. "And I love you very much now."

Cora suddenly found herself unable to speak. A lump had formed in her throat, tears threatening to spill over. Robert seemed to understand. Of course, he did. He squeezed her hand again, running his thumb along her skin.

"Will you get in bed with me?" Robert asked after they had both been silent for a few minutes.

"I'm not sure I can," she smiled sadly. "I don't want to disturb your stitches."

"I want you near me," he pleaded. "I'll sleep better that way."

She ached to be near him too, to lay on his chest and feel the beating of his heart against her cheek. Yet she refused to do anything that would hurt him. There had to be another way. She leaned down slowly until her head and upper body were resting on the bed next to him. After a bit of shifting she found a position that did not strain her back too much, the top of her head pressed against his ribs with just enough pressure to remind him that she was there. "Is this alright, darling?"

Robert's hand found its way to her head, gently stroking her hair. "That's perfect," he whispered.

She craned her head so she could press a kiss to his side. "I love you too, Robert."

He did not respond and as his breath began to even out, she knew he was asleep. Cora let the steady movement of his chest soothe her. Her neck had begun to ache from the awkward angle and the twinge in her back had returned, but none of that mattered now. She had her husband and that was all the comfort she needed.