"Nee Hikki, do you think I would look cute in this?"

She's being more aggressive. I know getting over him will not be an easy task that will take a day or two, but recently she is being more forefront with her actions. The subtle pat, the brush of her fingers here and there. I am too prideful to admit anything and whilst he is not completely dense he is not attuned to the actions of girls.

"Who cares. Its a bra. No one's gonna see you in this."

Maybe a bit denser than I thought. But she is my best friend and there's nothing foul with what she is doing. She is tiptoeing the line between socially acceptable and not. Any action I give would land an opposite reaction than I desire. After all, I've played enough scenarios in my head to make a feature-length movie but reality hardly ever aligns.

"Ah. Yui senpai you can photoshop the bra on yourself after taking a nude selfie."

"Eww No...That's too perverted Iroha chan"

Also, this brunette kohai whom he has a soft spot for isn't exactly helping.

"Yeah stop being a home-wrecker, homewrecker."

On the other hand a little sister that's actually on my side. Well, not exactly my side. Her allegiances align with her brother and what makes him happy. I make him happy. Thus shes an ally.

"Komachi don't be mean to Isshiki."

"In your face rice person."

"Isshiki don't be mean to my actual sister."


Whilst these meaningless conversation are the most common events to occur in this Komachi administration of the service club there are certain points which makes me feel uncomfortable. Isshiki san has no qualms of foul play as long it would bring the tide to her favor but she never stood a chance so it could be easily dismissed. Perhaps I doubt I can hardly call her flirting and cheekiness as evidence of actual affection. But her. Sometimes I feel like her words mean way deeper and more. But I think my affection is overthinking it and I am just jealous. After all, I can think of at least two things she stands superior to me. I sigh as I look at my chest.

"Yukino san say something. She's being all flirty with onii chan."

Was she though? Or are you just using me like a trump card? But it is not like I don't enjoy showing my kouhai her place in the hierarchy. I stopped looking and fake reading my book and looked up while keeping my head tilted slightly low, my hair still slightly drooped low covering my sides and glared directly at whatever wall was behind Isshiki san. I was going for a Sadako like glare and it seemed like looking at the object behind the person made for a more piercing stare. And it seemed to work fairly well so far.

"I wasn't Yukino senpai not this time! Rice person is lying!"

"Nee Yukinon. It's true. Don't get worked up so easily haha. It's just all a joke."

Was this genuine concern or is it an attempt to make me look bad or horrible in front of him.

"Calm down Yukinoshita."

He spoke with a slightly softened tone.

"I am calm. I thought playing the game would be fun. But you were fooled by my acting. Perhaps Isshiki san is just overly squeamish."

I am not that scary.

"I mean I've come to be on the facing end of that scary glare..."

He mumbled.

"Excuse me? I couldn't hear you. Perhaps whisper it directly into my ear." I moved myself and my chair closer to him and moved my head directly next to his face with my ear a mere inch from his lips.


He whispered. Satisfied with his answer I moved back to my prior sitting position albeit slightly closer to him than before. Which isn't a horrible thing. After all, since we aren't in the same class exposure to him and private moments are extremely limited. But the same boat applies to the other two as well. Thankfully I was able to persuade my father to not sell the apartment for nee-san to go abroad which allows for some actual privacy despite the insensitive teasing from nee-san afterward.

"You know I could have shouted and ruptured your eardrum and probably given you hearing loss. Then you couldn't annunciate the difference between liking something and the moon."

"If you did that I would throw you off this building. Then if you survive the fall I would throw you off the hospital too."

"My death for you to be in jail for the rest of your life? Worth it."

"My family is rich. And we have an army of lawyers. I won't be inside for long if at all."

"You two say such odd things. You two sound like brothers more than boyfriend-girlfriend." Yuigahama san chuckled followed by the other two. This made him red in embarrassment whilst I looked away slightly annoyed at the premature end to our banter. When we are alone in my apartment we can talk and make fun of each other all day and even touch without any disturbance. The weekend cannot come fast enough.

I reached to the table to take a sip of my cup of tea.

"Cold," I whispered silently as I placed my cup down. It was good tea too. Now it is ruined. Looking at the time it was almost the end of the designated club hours. However, part of me still wanted that void of privacy to be filled.

"Hikigaya kun, I need to go to the grocery store. Would you accompany me to do some menial labor? I will reward you after."

I chuckled slightly unsightly. After all, throwing a bone here or there won't hurt.

"Roger that."

"Hey let's all go together! Is everyone free too?"

"Uh, Yui san I think we should let onii chan and Yukino san have some privacy. She's probably lying about grocery shopping just to spend time with him."

"Yukinon doesn't lie though right?"

"I have student council to deal with anyways so none of this precludes to me!"

Sensing slight awkwardness in the air Isshiki san dash to the door quickly making a slight bow before opening the door and leaving without closing it. Her quick footsteps could be heard echoing back toward the room.

"Anyway. Yukinon doesn't lie yeah? If its just grocery shopping we all can help carry a bit right."

"I don't wanna go. So let's just leave them Yui san."

"Nee Hikki can we come too. We aren't in the same class we can barely hang out. Yukinon has you all weekends and holidays anyways."

"I mean outsourcing labor is the smart way."

"Onii chan. Baka." Komachi san pouted and looked away. Irritated at my defeat I resorted to a cheap trick. I looked into his eyes and slightly tugged on his shirt sleeve.

"What do you want?"

I pleaded. Yuigahama san slightly bit her lip and peeked away. Somewhat annoyed at my behavior.

"I mean I could use the workout. I gained a few pounds."

"I know. Here and here." I slid my hands and softly pinched his stomach then the back of his arm. Despite being unfair and probably overthinking things due to my jealous I was contempt with my victory.

As technically Komachi san was the club's president and we weren't official members it was up to her to return the key to the staff room. I thought about having the key duplicated for times when I could use the room for more private matters although now those plans are no longer possible due to her using it for basically everything down to a private PE changing room or so I am told.

I proceeded with Hikigaya kun and Yuigahama san to the locker areas to change to our outdoor shoes. I noticed he didn't seem to walk toward the bike stand first.

"Did you not ride your bike today?"

"No, after Komachi chan got admitted Hikki's dad paid for them to take a taxi together because he didn't want boys to flaunt over her."

"What are you, my assistant?"

"What! I was just answering the question baka Hikki!"

For him? How come I was not told of this? Sure it may not have been a topic that came up but still.

"I see. Anyways thank you for answering that Yuigahama san."

"No problem Yukinon!"

Yuigahama san cheerfully skipped forward before turning back for a slip second with a solemn defeated face. Hikigaya kun did not notice and I am sure she thinks I didn't see it too as it was a fraction of a second. But I did and it stabbed me like a hot knife into butter.



"What do you need me to help carry? We both live kinda far nowadays isn't it better for you to just call your driver."

"Is my partner not willing to assist me like he said he will for the rest of my life?"

I pouted after all it always works.

"It's about effectiveness and practicality there's also delivery if you aren't urgent with what you need."

"What if I stay the night in my old apartment tonight then is that more practical."

I dropped the two outdoor shoes from my locker and reaches down to remove my shoes. As I did I felt something securing me from falling and balancing me. His gripping my arm reassuringly as I removed my shoe one by one and put on the outdoors. I stand up and straighten myself and uniform. Then he let go.

"You didn't have to."

"I wanted to"

"I wasn't going to fall."

"I wasn't going to let you."

Warmed by his words, my lips moved without my control and a slight smile came rushing out. I bit my lips to hold it in and control myself from feeling too...In love or showing hints of extended affection. Instead, I softly punched him in the chest several times.

"I didn't say you could touch me without asking."

After all, the closest we've come to is holding hands and hugging. Not even kissing or beyond that was even considered. Although it hasn't kept me to subconsciously think about before I went to sleep which made me feel very irritated and hot.

"I didn't say you can hit me without consent either."

"You like it."

I protested as he rubbed his chest faking pain.

The travel out of school was uneventful. I had no target of what to buy so we simply chose the supermarket closest to my home. After all, if I buy one random thing I wouldn't have been technically lying. Outside of school, our defenses loosened significantly. We walked close to one another and our hands occasionally slide and bump by one another by I do wish he would hold it from his initiative or desire.

"So what do you needa buy from the market?"

For some reason, Yuigahama sans prior action flashed into my mind.

"Underwear... Bra."

I mumbled despite draining most confidence out of me.

"What? That's not what something you buy from the supermarket."

"Close enough..."

"Was Komachi right? If you just wanted for us to be together you could just say so you know."

"I didn't lie. I could buy something and have you carry it right now and it will still be technically the truth. But... I do..."

I hit him softly in the chest yet again in protest.

"You could just come to my house and spend the night if you want. Just share a room with Komachi."

Not realizing the implications of the words that shot out of his mouth his face grew pink and he looked away whilst I remained dumbfounded by his invitation.

"Is that something you would like?"

This is extremely embarrassing no matter what answer he would give. It makes it seem like I desire or welcome something lewd or intimate despite the early stages of our relationship.


His answer was shocking and I was mildly taken aback. It almost felt like a rejection from his end. To deny something that would eventually be an event to happen in our relationship if we were to progress and finally reach the apex of our bond. But he said no.

"Do I put you off that much?"

"No. It's not that. It's just that if we are in proximity like that I don't think I can control myself and I don't wanna hurt you or do something that you will come to regret."

"I see."

Why do I feel disappointed? Its a perfectly gentleman answer. But somehow I would have felt more ecstatic if he would say something lewd or out of touch.

"Hikigaya kun..." I clenched my hands and placed it toward my chest.

"Nothing you do would hurt me..." I gently moved closer and rested my forehead on his chest. Even that enabled me to feel his breathing and fast heartbeat. I am sure my actions will garner stares in this busy train station exist, especially at this hour but I don't care. I wanted to be irresponsible and reckless for once.

"I kinda want to kiss you." He said unexpectedly. I looked up in surprise and close my eyes in embarrassment and anticipation.

"Go ahead."

I keep my eyes closed and lips tight. My head was titled enough to make it comfortable for him to do it due to our height difference. My heart was beating so fast that I was sure if I was in hospital I would be instantly admitted. I waited for that feeling I desired to reach my lips. My face felt hot and I was extremely anxious and excited rolled into one. My first kiss. Sure it's not in the ideal location or situation and I am not confident of it was going to be good for either of us due to the lack of practice or skill and I didn't know if I was supposed to just let him if he decided to use his tongue or what I was supposed to do with mine if he did use it. Finally, the feeling of sweetness came. But the sensation that was so pleasant came nowhere close to my lips. It was on my forehead. I opened my eyes and peeked up as he moved back with his face away clearly embarrassed. But I was feeling all sorts of conflict I was happy yet disappointed but also a bit angry too mixed in. She kissed me like a brother or a father would in foreign films. I've even seen close friends do it to one another, the same or opposite sex.

"Uhm. Thank you."

Was the only response I managed.

"Was it bad."

If I was to say yes or how I felt I am sure he would commit suicide. At least that was how he looked like.

"No, it was nice. There was no saliva, it was clean-cut, the positioning was good. It was a very good kiss."

Listing out specifications was the only praise I could give. After all, if it was up to me to judge as a partner or girlfriend the kiss was literally in the wrong place.

"Any improvements for future reference?"

"Longevity...and geography."

My voice was weak and I felt myself tremble as a softly spoke the words. He looked in surprise then darted his eyes to a random direction to avoid my gaze.

"Roger that. Next time I will consider those."

" Thank you."

"So uh. Underwear right. Let's go."

I nodded my head and we silently walked toward the mall, but with one small change in our posture. Our arms were subconsciously hooked to one another and the distance between us became and remained zero. Maybe I am greedy or selfish but I wished that our relationship isn't progressing at a snail's pace. After all, I've been alone so long that I want to catch up with it all before I might be alone again. Even though it was an Adhoc half-lie we proceeded and entered the store. Hikigaya kun was flabbergasted and uncomfortable with the woman attire in every corner so he sat down in the store waiting area. I was disappointed that he was not going to give opinions or even walked with me. I proceeded on and saw the skimpy translucent bra that Yuigahama san previously showed him. Despite covering the middle area. Everything else is pretty much visible. But I wondered what would be his opinion of this. Taking time to conserve courage I took a deep breath and walked toward him.

"Hikigaya kun..."

I try to get his attention.

"How's this?"

I placed the bra in front of my chest trying to give him the best representation I can without putting it on. His reaction was a simple gasp of shock. Like his brain had just crashed.

"Isn't that too revealing for school?"

"Its not...for school. In fact its not something I would wear often at all if I bought it."

Was that a bit too obvious a statement that I am willing to wear something so perverse for him?

"So... How is it..."

I protest again.

"Uh...How should I put it? If you will excuse calling me a pervert. I know it's going to be good looking on you. But I don't think it fits you. You are too pure to be wearing something like that...I guess."


In what sense did he mean?

"Like I don't see an angel wearing something like that." He scratched his head.


"Physically of course. Personality-wise you are a pain in the ass demon." He quickly added to lower his embarrassment. I was not upset though. While I don't like a woman to be objectified being called an angel was extremely heartwarming. I started to feel warm all over, everywhere and I was sweating like I had the worst fever. My legs started to feel weak and I started to feel somewhat uncomfortable and unsatisfied for some reason. I sat down next to Hikigaya kun and leaned on to him resting my head on his shoulder.

"Maybe I am lying. I just to justify it in my head and by doing things but my actions were all otherwise. I do just want to be alone with you."

"I know and it's okay. Next time just say it as it is. Saves a train ticket and my sore legs."

"You're fit. If I am not tired there's no way you are. But I will try to...But it's hard. You have any idea how difficult it is to say those things."

"I do. I am not emotionless. There are things I want to do with you, only you. But I can't muster the words."

I let go of my grip and the bra slipped onto the chair beside me. I lift my hand and placed it up top his and began trialing circles atop the back of his palm.

"Hikigaya kun." I take a deep breath.


"Can we start holding hands? Not just when we are alone but whenever. Even in front of others."

"You are such a pain in the ass."

"I know. But don't say that next time."

He took the initiative and flipped his hand around, our fingers slipped into place and interlocked without issue. His hand was big and warm and it made me feel safe. In contrast to mine, it looked like he could crush it any time, and mine would shatter with ease.

"Let's go home."

I nodded without hesitation. For the rest of the journey, we stayed connected hand in hand. But it was as we got closer and closer I felt the impending dread. After all, this is my home and in my home laid two annoying items that I should be fearful of. As my house became in visual proximity I stopped my steps, making him follow suit.

"Thank you for walking me home Hikigaya kun. But this is far enough."

"I get it."

Our hands finally released one another but our fingers lingered as they departed. I could still feel his warmth and the brief numbness making me miss it already.

"I will try to move back to the old apartment more. During weekdays too. Once nee-san is gone abroad we will be free."

"I am counting down the days till shes gone. That dinner with your family was horrible."

I crossed my arms and frowned.

"That bad?"

"You were fine. Your mom is scary and she was judging me as if I was a stock worth investing. Your sister was.. well being your sister and your dad acted like I was a thief stealing way his family heirloom."

Father did act a bit odd. I will give him that.

"No positives?"

"The food was ok."

"That's it?"

"House was nice and comfy."

"Anything else?"

"You were there to make it all less crappy?"


Satisfied. I let out a small smile. And turned away. The sun was red and sky orange with hints of blue on the horizon. It was breezy and I noticed my cheeks and lips were dry and cold. I returned my gaze to Hikigaya kun. If he wasn't going to do it right. I will.

"Hey." I got his attention. I wrapped my arms around his neck like a snake and tiptoed. Closing my eyes and adjusting my face in the right position I gave him the best kiss that my ability allowed. I could tell it was bad because my nose crashed into his cheeks but it seemed like he didn't care. He placed his hands on my waist holding it in place keeping me balanced. I initially wanted to give me a peck but it ended up being one that lingered. One long enough that when we pulled apart my lips had become moist gain and I had to catch my breath.

"That's how I want it. Next time you take the initiative."

"Noted. I will try to top it next time."

"You can't. Whatever you give me I will give you back tenfold."

He blushed at the aspect of that and gave me a small smile. In these brief moments, he doesn't look so eye dead. Maybe today wasn't so bad after all. I gave him one more peck like I was addicted to the prospect of kissing already and he let me out of his grasp. I don't want to go home despite it being minutes away.

"Text me once you get home."

"Roger that."

"Don't fall asleep and miss dinner again and do your homework."

"What are you, my mom?"

"See you tomorrow Hikigaya kun."

"Don't you know what face-time is?"

"Okay." I quickly tiptoed and gave him another peck. Seriously. What is wrong with me. 3 times in the space of a minute is getting slightly obsessive borderline weird. But he didn't look like he hated it though.

"See you in a bit Yukinosh.."

"Yukino chan?!"

Without needing to turn my head I recognize that voice. I jinxed myself. It's going to be a bad day with sprinkles of occasional good. Dammit.

Dammit dammit dammit. Unable to protest nee-san pushed me and Hikigaya kun closer and closer. I am sure Hikigaya kun is physically stronger than nee-san but her skill of aikido and annoyance was enough to drag him toward my home. I hear that banter and argue but I was too worried about what's to come. My mother is surely home and if my father is there too it's going to twice the trouble. My head is going to explode.

Neesan opened the door.

"Mom I caught Yukino chan making out with Hikkgaya kun just outside!" She screamed at the top of her lungs making sure everyone in the house could hear it. Actually, I believe everyone in a 3-mile radius heard it. She screamed hard enough to cough. Temporarily incapacitating her. I looked at the door to signal him to run. But it was too late.

"Haruno. Don't come screaming as you enter the house. It's unsightly. Forgive her Hikigaya kun unlike Yukino, my elder is uhm quite unique."

"Uh, that's no issue. Haruno san has been...uh"

A major villain in our life.

"Involved? With our growth."

That is the most rubbish thing I have ever heard from you. And you have been saying a lot of toxic, useless, perverse, and irrelevant trash since the first day I met you. Where is that now!? Lie, bluff go make another prom or something. I darted a gaze toward him.

"Hikigaya kun should totally stay for dinner," Nee-san said in a slightly raspy voice which made mother give her an unsightly look.

"I shouldn't intrude... I have... Homework? And a test?"

"Oh, nonsense. It will merely be another set of utensils. Perhaps I wish to know you even better. Keep this a secret from my husband but I have grown very fond of you."


"I insist. You wouldn't say no to this frail old woman would you Hikigaya kun? Believe me, if you stay I will make sure to make it worth your while. This house many keys and treasures that will genuinely help you find your way to my daughter's heart."

Damn nee-san telling mother more about him. But it's not too bad to show him around. After all last time, he just stayed for dinner then left.

"Then sorry for the intrusion."

"Yay! Let me show you where Yukino chan used to go hide and cry as a kid!"

"You!" Before I can protest nee-san dragged Hikigaya kun away and up the stairs completely away from the visible physical and audio range.

"Did you manage to keep hold of his heart yet? It seems like Haruno has a better chance than you, let alone that peach girl."

"She has a name."

"Not relevant. You know if you lose him you are going to devolve back into your old state or worse."

"That's not going to happen."

"Well have you sealed the deal with him? The boys interesting, smart, manipulative, and cunning. Your father won't admit it but he knows. He is clouded by his fatherly instincts."

"Shouldn't you have maternal instincts too?"

"I do. And my instincts tell me that at least at this moment this boy will bring the best of you."

She placed her palm on my shoulder.

"You may not believe me but I love you. And I don't want to see you hurt or lose him because you weren't careful. I hear from Haruno that your friend isn't backing out. Perhaps it is better off for him to reject her. I could get him to do it. He would do anything for you."

Nee sans contacts from within the school. It must be Komachi and Isshiki san. One is under duress the other is willing to give out all information for free.

"He won't do everything for me..." I protest and removed my shoes and carefully placing them in the shoe cabinet.

"This boy is 17 when he strongarmed me, the entire parenteral committee, the school, the principle, the student council, and a whole another school to essentially create a fraud of an event just to have an excuse to be close to you. That is a level of strength that you only see in films." My mother chuckled. Covering her face with her fan. Although she did show minimal resistance in the meeting. I think if she desired to or used an ounce of effort. Hikigaya kun won't stand a chance. If anything her inaction alone was what let him win.

"He did all that just to be close to you. Imagine the lengths he'd go for his girlfriend or wife or children. I see untapped potential."

"That's just wrong and I never said I would marry him."

"Is that why the venue for the prom also doubles as a perfect place to have a wedding."

I blushed and glared.

"Mother! Please stop."

"Now go make him happy. Dinner is in 30 minutes. I will distract your father and sister long enough to give you some privacy.

"Fathers home already?" With me here he could be a valuable asset to hold down those two people.

"Yes. His meeting was canceled." I began the short tread up the stairs to my room.

"Yukino." She called out stopping me on my tracks.

"Next time if you want to display affection with him do avoid the middle of stations or outside our home. I have friends everywhere. It is precisely why you have a whole apartment for yourself to do those things in private."

I feel my face grow hot in embarrassment and shame and I quickly ran up to my room. Hikigaya kun was there and nee-san gone. He was sitting on the floor hitting his head onto the wall nonstop.

"You lose any more brain cells and you are going to be a vegetable." I gather his attention. I looked outside and the orange sky has turned into a dark navy with glimpses of stars starting to shine along with a beautiful Crescent moon. Which would be a romantic setting if it wasn't for this predicament.

"Can we break up? So I can go home. Id asks you for your life again tomorrow."

"What if she invites you again tomorrow then?"

"Kill me."

I closed the door and locked it. Whilst it may seem like I was trying to hide the fact I was doing something shady with him I just wanted some privacy. I removed my school ribbon on my uniform and the ones in my hair letting them free flow and I sat down beside him. The tiles were cold and it was freezing my bottom due to my school's skirt which didn't affect him. I grabbed his collar as I rose due forcing him to stand too.

"Sit there."

I point to my bed. I can see him visible swallow a breath of air I could tell exactly what he was thinking and given the positioning, I don't blame him. We sit and I leaned on him.

"This is all your fault."

"What the hell woman did I do?"

" Don't know but it's your fault."

"Woman." He clicked his tongue.

"Now how the hell am I gonna get home?" He looked at the time on his phone.

"We have plenty of guest rooms. Where did nee-san go?"

"To tell Komachi that I am not going home for dinner. I mean shes probably going to order food."

And presumably to scheme how to make fun and annoy us. It seems like that's the bond they share. Whilst I am glad that the two of them bond as it will be an enormous hurdle to cross if they didn't, it is annoying to have essential two spies with us at all times. Especially since he is extremely soft towards his sister and would tell her literally anything in detail if she asked hard enough or simple pouted. Basically, we have no real privacy.

"By the way. What do you guys eat on a normal day? I get why the meal we had last time was weird and fancy since it was pre-arranged. But what do people like you eat day today? I am curious now that I am forced to stay."

"We eat normal foods too. Just prepared by caretaker and maids. On their half or holidays, we would get catering on special occasion and delivery. And in some cases yes we cook too."

"Must be easy with a dishwasher." He smirked.

"Is that what you want for your birthday?"

"I have two at home."

"That's sexiest." I flick my finger gently at his nose.

The quickly passed by as we bantered and joked like the world only had the two of us. But we soon heard a knock on the door by one of the caretakers of our homes telling us dinner was ready. It was quite the normal Japanese home dinner tonight which was good as I would not be ridiculed later to be posh by Hikigaya kun afterward. A simple serving of fried rice, karage, tempura, and assorted vegetables and a salad for all of us. Although my father was having a beer instead of miso soup. Whilst everyone was quiet for the first few moments of dinner the silence was broken by the least expected person. My father.

"So Hikigaya kun. I hear that you are going to study in Tokyo for university. And that you are going to get a part-time job. How are you going to have time for my father."

"Father." I scolded in an attempt to stop this embarrassing spiral.

"Uh...in in school probably?" He answered sheepishly.

"Will you be living in dorms or private housing? Yukino is my princess I am not going to let her live in a dangerous part of town or have to work to help you pay for half the apartment."

"Actually sir. I have no intention of living with her. So that's not going to be an issue."

"What!?" Several people lashed out including me.

"I mean I don't know what the future brings or is. So why should I put that uncertainty on to her."

"Listen to me kid. You are a man and you need to be ready mentally for what is going to come. You can't simply not prep for things in the future just because the future isn't here yet."

"But isn't it better to have a contingency for things that's actually possible? Removing variables should make prep even easier."

Whilst this was a sound argument I disliked how he excused me as a variable just to make his life easier.

"Do you really have that little faith in Yukino?" Mother asked out of curiosity but I think she's trying to reach out for him to speak what he really thinks since he is clearly bad with his words.

"Actually its the opposite. I am confident that she won't need me. So it's okay for us to just meet up again once uncertainty is over."

"Awww Hikigaya kun but what if Yukino chan bails on you during the time your path doesn't converge. She's gonna be popular and attractive where ever she goes you know."

"I mean that's Yukinoshita's choice. Sure we made promises to one another. But the thing about being genuine is to tell the other that it's over and your status quo changes."

"Hikigaya kun. I don't think I'd ever..."

"But that's now. No one can foresee or have that much hindsight."

The way he spoke was nonchalant and cynical and I couldn't help but feel a little hurt. Father picked up on this rather fast.

"If you have no faith why you wasting the time of my precious daughter."

"I have faith. But I simply cannot say that I can guarantee everything at this moment. No one can be sure that they would love someone forever. Not even people by blood. I think I simply don't want to end up lying to her." Hikigaya kun argued back to my father. Whilst nee-san saw this as entertainment I could see mother analyze everything and somewhat seem more and more interested. But her interest was clearly more so sinister.

"Anata. I think we are speaking to his logical side and that he couldn't articulate the words. But if Yukino understands it. Then maybe she could enlighten us. And you should really lay off the beer. You are going to scare the boy away."

"So Yukino you are okay with this? With him?"

Hikigaya kun quickly turned his head away from seeing me and it didn't take me long to think of a reply. After all its all feelings that loaded into my brain.

"I don't think he lied when he said he would give me his life. But I am okay with the uncertainty. It just means we would have to work hard to not stray apart. And if we do then that's fate. But at least we will be satisfied in knowing that we were genuine to one another the whole time. Is that what you mean Hikigaya kun?"

"More or less." He meekly replied with a faint blush.

"Perhaps if I cant do the right things to keep us together and she finds someone better. That's on me too." He added.

"Same could be said on my part."

"Although I wonder will Yukino chan find someone new and hot first or will Hikigaya kun fall for someone else first. I mean he has so many cute options around. Ah, and Tokyo might even have more pretty girls to add in the competition."

"When are you going abroad? Can I buy you your ticket now?" Hikigaya kun retorted which displeased father.

"Nah you can't afford first class." Father this time gave a look of worry. After all, it was going to est in our savings enough since he's not selling the apartment for me and nee sans flamboyant lifestyle isn't going to help either. Nee san slapped Hikigaya kun playfully and mother gazed at nee-san. Making her quickly fix her posture and focus on her food.

"I never expected Hikigaya kun to be so popular with girls. I always see him with at least 3 around. How did Yukino win from such competition." Mother acted playfully. Probably in an attempt to stir up fathers' more aggressive side.

"Uh, just acquaintances and student council member."

"Really? I saw you being rather friendly with them. Especially that peach haired one. For a moment I thought you two were a couple. Until I saw it was you."

"You better not be playing around with my daughter kid."

"He's not!" I defended.

"Anata maybe it's just one-sided. And Hikigaya kun was simply on the receiving side to such affections although it is odd that shes Yukinos best friend. Am I wrong."

I gasped and couldn't speak. I wanted to lie but I will be easily picked apart by them. Especially since except father everyone knows the truth.

"Yukino your friend is hitting on your boyfriend. That is obscene. Did you talk to her about it? She knows right."

"Yes, dad Gahama chan knows but won't back down cuz she wasn't really rejected because she never confessed. Its a really weird situation."

"Stop." Hikigaya kun stared and nee-san whilst she gave him a bland empty look.

"Is that true? Honey, you need to deal with this. No one's a real friend if they keep hitting on your boyfriend."

And in one quick swoop mother got everyone exactly where she wanted. I have to now confront Yuigahama san because she told father everything in the sliest way possible. And Hikigaya kun was once again reminded of the situation we escaped. Not to mention giving me the crisis of thinking if my best friend is still my friend.

"I have it under control," I mumble softly.

"Hikigaya kun you should also be more of a man and be less daft. You have rejected this girl. Even if she didn't confess." Father spoke unexpectedly. Seemingly genuinely concerned.

"How would anyone even do that? She never said anything?"

"It's easy kid. Just walk up to her and say you will never feel anything for her and what she's doing is shameful. Easy."

"Sir. She's my friend."

"Well is your girlfriend's feelings more important or is this friend. If it takes u longer than a second. Rethink your relationship. If you want my blessing. At least do this. You are hurting that friend of yours by stringing her along intentionally or not."

Again. I couldn't say anything because part of me wants him to deal with it. So I would win. So we can be friends without having to worry that she is biding her time to strike.

"Maybe I can talk to her."

"Good. I know it must be tough Hikigaya kun. But in life, we have to do such things. It happens a lot in the workplace and business."

"It's kinda funny to see Hikigaya kun worry about hurting someone else's feelings. It's kinda cute I kinda want him for myself now. He used to say the cruelest things just to accomplish a goal you know."

"Haruno." Mother shut her down. In comparison to the last dinner. Last time could even be seen as pleasant. After dinner. Hikigaya kun understandably did not want to stay and immediately called and begged his father to drive him. It didn't take long since it was night. But his father soon arrived and father walked him out along with me. Upon reaching the car the two parents looked at each other and pointed at one another.

"Oh hey, it's you!"

"You?! The coffee guy."

We stand silent and bewildered.

"Hey, you live here?! Sweet."

"Yeah, I didn't expect you to have a son though you were so protective when you talked about him."

"No, I was talking about my daughter. Although I am surprised that the long-haired one is here."

"Hello. I am Yukinoshita Yukino. It's nice to meet you. Hikigaya kun has been taking good care of me. Thank you very much for your son's hospitality." I quickly bowed.

"What do you mean?" Father added.

"It's just that when my son asked me to drive him home from his girlfriend's place I expected it to be that pink-haired girl that's kinda dumb and hyper. I mean he always texts and does things with her like shopping and stuff."

"Really..." Hikigaya kun mumbled.

"Kid you really gotta sort it out." Father patted him softly in the shoulders and he nodded. Almost acting like a caring adult. Which is not what he has been for the last couple of hours he was here.

"Yo, we gotta hang out in the bar again. Now that it turns out we are entwined. Now I am embarrassed by all the weird stuff I said."

"Sure. Any day after 5."

"You go to a bar after work? Really father." I glared at my father. He looked worried for a moment that I will reveal it to mother. But I won't. Yet. This will be something I can use at the right time.

"You go to a bar before you go home. Mom's gonna love hearing about this." It seems like he has a similar idea. The two adults shared an awkward laugh and Hikigaya kun entered the car. Giving me a slight nod through the window.

"Good night. Hikigaya kun."

"Night Yukinoshita."

"Ah, Yukino san. If you like you can come to our place anytime its unfair for your family to serve dinner for the kid twice in a role."

"Thank you for the invitation." I take a small bow. Hikigaya kun's father quickly drove away and the car's taillights soon disappear into the traffic in the road.

"I gotta admit. Even though he's bad with girls and words. I kinda like him. I think only someone like that could make you happy Yukino."

"I believe so." Although not too sure financially in the future since he is kind of lazy.

"By the way. Did you really understand what his words meant or did you just make something up to get out of that?"

I pondered. I did get mildly irradiated and his words meant nothing to me but clues. Like a math problem or equation that is broken and missing a lot of its parts. But the answer. I just knew. I just understood what he failed to convey without thought or discovery or effort. I just did.

"No. His words were rude and uncultured. His vocabulary was limited and caused nothing but misunderstandings and possible dislike to the common eye. But I understood what he really meant."

"That's really good for you Yukino."

But my friend is the person I truly worry about the most.

As the weekend began I heard nothing since our departure from school. No calls, no texts. Whilst many female partners would start to jump to the conclusions that include cheating or falling out of love I believe I know better. I know that the moment he got home he probably dropped into bed in agony complaining and moaning about all the things that happened during that dinner. Probably looking pathetic and banging his head on the mattress under his sheets. Speaking on which. I don't think I have ever been inside his room or sat or laid on his bed... I wonder if its comfortable, ergonomic and...Why do I feel this strange hot feeling? Like I cannot breathe. I take a deep breath to calm myself. I know what he's doing and where he is. I should at least try and fix him. It's just a house. In hindsight, I should have thought this through before standing outside his door. Ringing the doorbell. I can hear someone yell "coming!" In an excited voice, followed by footsteps approaching steadily. The door swung open.

"Yukino san?"

"Good morning Komachi san. Sorry for the intrusion but I brought some breakfast." This isn't weird, right? Its 9 am. Looking at Komachi san...whilst her clothes are basic and messy it does seem that she has bathed and freshened up.

"Ah thank you. Please come in."

I walked in and she closed the door. Removing my shoes I followed her in and placed the box and my bag on the kitchen counter. If I was to talk about how I felt about the home. It would be that it looks like what a stereotype of a Japanese home would look like. One that you could use on Tv shows or movies and be confused with a set. It's just a home and I liked that.

"Yukino san did you have a date with onii chan?"

"No, but after that dinner with my family I know he's sulking."

"Yeah, aside from school I haven't seen him for the last 2 days. He didn't even go to the club."

"True. I guess I am here to fix him."

"He has been broken for so long though. Does he still have a warranty? Isn't it better to just get a new one? Like that Hayama guy that everyone talks about nonstop." I couldn't but help laugh as a that. Komachi san took one of the sandwiches I brought and quickly took a bite.

"No, he would probably be the worst kind of sibling you would want. Especially for someone older. He would probably make you the lowest priority because your relationship is by blood and couldn't be broken."

"Wow. By the way, this is really good Yukino san. And Yukino san. Sorry to pry but is he your ex."

The question gave me flashbacks to Isshiki sans question a few months back and I automatically applied the same irritation toward Komachi san. Which looked to the table and quietly ate her food.


"Haah... Yeah. I knew it...Ha Ha."

Was I too harsh with my look? Hikigaya kun is a siscon. Upsetting his sister is an unfavorable move because I think he might choose her over me every time. If we both were drowning it was not a measure of who he would rescue first but how long would it take for him to notice that I was dead after he rescued her and then took her out for snacks.

"So...Komachi san. How's your day?"

"Uh... Okay..."

That was not my best attempt at conversation. An awkward silence blew between us. I looked around admiring the house in an attempt to kill time. Whilst it was nothing special in terms of valuable possession it reeks of class. Bookshelves are full of literature of all types with evident wear and tear. It explains Hikigaya kuns vast knowledge on areas he enjoys. In fact, if its a subject matter he cares about or likes he is usually superior to everyone else. Including me and Hayama kun. Truth be told he probably never managed to get the top grade in modern Japanese was that it would seem like favoritism by sensei toward his colleagues.

"Do you want to read something Yukino san?"

"Oh, it's fine. I am just admiring. Has he read all of these?"

"More or less. Except for the math books."

That explains it.

"Uhm. Is he awake? Are your parents awake? Perhaps I should say hello or something."

"If you do they would hate you. Waking them up before 3 pm is a Cardinal sin in this household."

"Right..." Good to know. Next time avoid the doorbell and call or text instead.

"What about him."

"Sulking. Brooding. Should be up though wanna go disturb him?"

I take a moment of courage and take a deep breath.

"Komachi san. Do you find it difficult to be alone with me?"

Komachi san looks stunned and shook. Words escape her and her lips remained opened without any sound. I can tell she's thinking but doesn't know what the right thing is to say. I try to smile in an attempt to ease the awkward nature of my sudden out of bounds question.

"Truth be told. I am not smart like you or onii chan. I don't know how to talk with you when we are alone. I know you like cats and onii chan and that's about all I know about you. Without others around to lead. I don't know what to say."

"You are intelligent. Don't day that you aren't. Your emotional intelligence bests us both tenfold. And you are also the best wing woman any brother would ask for."

"Emotional intelligence is what you say to people without actual intelligence..."

"That's not true. You need it to survive in real life. Knowledge means nothing unless it's for that specific area for your work. But what you have is important for everything."

Sounding slightly aggressive there. Calm yourself Yukinoshita Yukino. Don't scare her away.

"Thanks but I know you are just trying to make me feel better."

"I don't lie."

"But you tell half-truths. Haruno san said so."

Dammit, nee-san. Why do you have to make every moment of my life difficult?

"Alright then. Let me put it this way then. If you ever become worried about a job or an income come to me. I will take care of you. And that I promise."

Komachi san laughs loudly with a bead of a tear in the edge of her eye.

"That doesn't make me feel less stupid though. It makes me feel worse. But thank you Yukino san. I hope it won't come to that."

Taken back I feel my cheeks brighten and heat up.

"I wouldn't mind it though. Having you around. Perhaps you got into Soubu. There's no way you are stupid."

"Yui senpai did."

Point taken. This is more difficult than I expected. Now I regret speaking so recklessly. I hope opened an emotional can of worms that I have no way of closing.

"Komachi san. You are in your first term in your first year. Let's have this talk again after your first tests and assignments. Try your best and then let's see how you feel. Maybe you would feel the complete opposite."

Komachi san pondered the nodded seriously and puffed her hands.

"Sure. Its a date Yukino san."

"Its date."

Crisis adverted temporarily. This gives me time to prepare for any situation. Perhaps I could tutor her hard and make sure she won't have to feel that way thus avoid any difficulties in our conversation. Sorry, Komachi san this may be selfish but for my sake, I won't let you do badly in the next 7 years. High school and university and maybe even masters because I have no idea how to handle the situation if you were to do badly and feel stupid. For my sake, your revision is going to be harsh.

"You come here for the first time and the worst thing you do is to make my sister cry. You got some nerve." A familiar yet irritating voice suddenly spoke. I smile and turn around.

"I come for the first time and you didn't even greet me at the door or bring me snacks. What a horrible host."

"I will be in my room." Komachi san made a quick escape.

"I didn't even invite you. Get out."

"Okay." I stand up to gather my things and walk toward the door. He quickly catches up.

"Seriously you are such a pain in the ass." He scuffed up his hair in annoyance.

"Oh, so you want me to stay then." I slip on my shoes and grab hold of the door handle.

"Yes, Yukinoshita san. Sorry for my inadequacy as host even though I didn't ask you to come here."

"I'm going home." I pull open the door and make my way onto the street and head toward the station. Whilst probably not worth it, in the long run, I still wanted to win this scenario that is befallen me. To be honest I wasn't even mildly upset. I would be though if he didn't catch up to me. I continue to slowly walk away and notice he didn't pursue it. Which is irritating. I guess he can worry about the Yuigahama san thing alone and sulk alone for all of eternity. We might as well go shopping. I slowly walked forward to the train station. Only to be greeted by another irritating.

"God, you are slow. Did you walk the wrong way."

Did I? How did he overtake me? Hmmm. He is sweaty. Must mean he ran.

"There is no wrong or right way as long as I make my destination."

"Come on don't be mad let's go home."

"No, you kicked me out." My poor choice of words garnered him looks and whispers by the station's crowd. From what I can hear its all in my favor. Satisfied in my victory at least by seeing him embarrassed. I crossed my arms and glared.

"You can play with my cat."


I turn around. He quickly catches up and walked slightly behind me. Like a stalker.

"What are you doing stalker kun."


"Walk beside me like a normal human being or else a misunderstood police might shoot you." He picks up his pace to match mine.

"This isn't America. And I am the right co..."

"That's incredibly racist." I cut him off.

"How did you know what I was going to say..."

"Unfortunately I do."

We walked in silence for a brief moment and I regret my attire. Should have worn less. It is quite hot. Really quite regretting my decision to walk out just to get an upper hand on a stupid banter.

"Why did you come to visit anyway. You could have called."

"I did."

He looks at his phone and noticed clicking on the button didn't result in any action.

"Huh. Sure I charged it."

"Did you look at it and break it?"

" Haha so funny. You are such a comedian Yukinoshita. Do you see how much I am laughing."

Annoyed I decided to bring despair in our casual conversation.

"So how are you going to deal with Yuigahama san as my family requested," I ask with a smirk. His outlook immediately changed into dread. Which made me feel a tiny bit sad.

"You know I have been thinking about it for the last two days.."

"Hence why I came today to see if you manage to think yourself into a coma."

"Yeah. The easiest way out of this is just for me to break up with you. Therefore they have no power on the matter."

"But that's not in the cards so plan B." I smack him gently on the arm.

"Right. So plan B is saying 'Haruno san said that I should say this to you.' blame the entire thing on your sister."

"Decent plan." I praise. Seemingly impressed by giving nee-san a taste of her own medicine for meddling.

"But what is Yuigahama san says no."

"Exactly what I am fretting about. Especially after Isshiki said all that operation home wrecker stuff by forcing me to take responsibility. I have been really careful. Komachi san Yuigahama didn't exactly say she was against it."

"By avoiding everyone... Including me. Huh."

"Did you even listen to what I said."

"Yes and I find it irritable that your grand plan so far was to run away."

"What you want me to do something to you so I have to take responsibility?"

I hug myself in protest.

"Don't you even dare. At least find a better way or place to ask it or safe day or at-least have protection with you."

Hikigaya kun seemingly shocked for a moment. Then his face grew crimson.

"You misunderstood. I didn't mean that seriously. I was really asking you a question!" He quickly corrected it. I blush in embarrassment as I said aloud that I was okay with the idea of sexual intimacy with the right requirements and I look away in shame. At this moment I would be okay to the alternative of killing myself just to forget the words I said.

"You promised me your life. That's the responsibility you already owe me." I mumbled.

"Ah. I see." He nods.

"I was not to blame for that misunderstanding. Your words sucked."

"Okay...but I won't forget them."

"You!" I hit in him the chest repeatedly and he squeaked multiple "ouches" just to entertain me. We were now back where we started. His door. He opens the door with his key and we remove our shoes this time instead we took the stairs and directly into his room. It was my first time inside. Whilst messy due to my impromptu arrival it was decent. No otaku culture was evident aside from literature and there aren't any obscene posters or magazines of woman in the first inspection. Although I will be taking a deep dive into finding out what type of obscene things he has hidden. Hopefully, I will have similar assets for future reassurance.

"Sorry for disturbing."

"You are forgiven."

I glare as his poke at my politeness. Making his point toward the bed. Which did make me feel slightly...weird? I placed my things by the end and carefully sit down. The mattress was softer than I expected to make it difficult to initially balance.

"You should get a new mattress, this thing is worn. Should not be good for your back."

"It's not like you are going to be sleeping on it."

I bite my lips from the prospect of his words.

"Excuse me for caring about your health."

He drags his work desks chair and sits down in front of me and sighed.

"There's no point replacing it since I am going to move out for university."

I guess that's a valid point. And even if he does commute for holidays he can go to and back from his new apartment. Perhaps I already have an idea where he's going to study.

"Well. Make sure to get a good one then. Before your back aches like an old man."

"I wanna be an old man. Having an excuse to do nothing every day is bliss."

"That's only of you worked hard when you are young to ensure that for hour retirement."

"Not if I marry rich."

His cheeky grin was irritating but If it did happen it would technically be true. But I know-how won't take advantage of me that way. He is too stubborn and impatient to be a slave in my family just for some money. I hope...

"Prenup. Thanks for reminding me."

"Who said anything about you."

"Then who." I challenge mildly intrigued.

"Dunno. Maybe I go to some high society event with you and locate a rich family with an only child that's dumb enough for me to control."

"That's horrible." Feeling slightly disgusted as his words I cross my arms and glare. Hoping it would be of some effect.

"So for the sake of others. Please don't make me go to those events with your family ever. Thanks"

I sigh and relax my posture, uncrossing my legs to relax.

"So that's what you mean huh. Don't worry you got the second daughter I rarely go to those events anyways."

"Thank god for that."

"You know I would go just to annoy you."

"How so?"

"You know. Formal events and revealing dresses go hand in hand. One slip up and maybe I would be someone else. Then what will you do? Will you coms to my rescue."

"Don't worry. They will be gone after a single conversation after knowing how much of a pain in the ass you are."

"What if I meet someone better than you. Would you be upset about that?"

His demeanor shifted and the joyous banter suddenly became serious to him. Whilst it was never my attention I was worried about what he would say.

"You know. Its gonna hurt but I am going to be okay with it."

"Hikigaya kun it's just a joke. You don't have to take it so seriously." I smile and reach his face with my fingers hoping to stop this. But he held my palm and placed it down. Holding it tenderly but not tight enough to suffocate it.

"I care enough about you to let you go if it makes you happy. But you will still own my life. Take that as you will."

"That's not healthy," I mumble. Touched by his words. I feel my eyes heavy. So touched by his words that if I was not careful I would burst into tears.

"So what?"

"And my father says you are bad with words."

I stand up and gently placed myself onto his lap. Leaning my head onto his shoulders and cuddling him close. I could feel his pulse and heart racing faster and I was mildly satisfied with my effects on his body. He gently wraps his arms around me like I am a massive koala bear and he sighs.

"You know you would be way more perfect if you are like this more."

"There's no way I am going to do this in front of people in school."

"You know maybe that's the problem." He sounded like he hit some strange epiphany.

"Maybe we don't need to say anything that could hurt her. Maybe all we need to do is show her this side. That she needs to move on."

"By showing physical affection? I am mildly confused."

"When we act as we do usually. Its just two people arguing and bantering. The relationship part is in the subconscious. But when we do stuff like this the relationship becomes the forefront. The thing that a person immediately registers and is conscious of because it makes them uncomfortable. So it will constantly remind her that if she was to do anything it would remind her that its shameless and be a deterrent."

"So guilt-tripping our friend to feel horrible and make people around us uncomfortable."

"If you put it that way..."

I poke his cheek in protest. But this wasn't a bad plan. Better than blaming it on a wildcard like nee-san.

"So...How physical should behave?" I ask. Hoping this would allow our relationship to go slightly faster than the current snail's pace.

"This is too much."

"Why..." I moan childishly.

"One, you are too heavy. Two, I can't read like this. Three, way too embarrassed to do it in front of them and people that ask for requests."

I can frown and complain all I like. But he was right.

"Then what?"

"I don't know. Ideas?"

"What about this?" I pull up close and kiss him soundly in the cheek. His cheek was bright and warm as I am sure so are mine.

"That's couple-ish."

"What about this?" I did the same thing but this time a peck on his lips.

"Bit too much in public but acceptable."

"Why am I having to be the one to initiate...its unfair Hikigaya kun."


This time it was him that went for me. But it lingered longer than the previous times and I could the wetness of our lips."

"You know we kind of skipped a few easy things."

"How so?"

I could feel his breath on my lips as we were now so close to one another that whispers would be audible enough to carry out our conversation.

"Holding hands and eating lunch together." He spoke as pulled me in tighter. Like he was about to lose control of himself and burst all his desire onto me. And I was struggling to not make any mistakes too.

"I guess we skipped a few." I chuckle and returned the favor by wrapping my arms against him tighter and noticing his stern and strong abdomen despite being a lazy nonathlete.

"Yukinoshita. I want to..."

I cut him off with a finger on his lips.

"You forgot one more thing we should do."

"That is?"

"Our names."

He paused for a minute and took a small breath.


"Hachi...man. Now for your request. Maybe not here with your family and sister around." I pull my lips forward. Hoping to satisfy him enough with a long kiss and it seemingly did its job enough.

Controlling myself is seeming harder by the moment.

Although we had our method set execution was difficult. Not being in the same class meant for the majority of the day we barely even got to interact. Lunch was the only time we got to start our experiment. I hooked on to his arm as much as I can but it was hard to walk around. Sitting closer and chatting in the clubroom didn't warrant any results neither did kissing since it was impossible to time the moment and the reason for the kiss to show our intimacy. In conclusion, our plans mostly failed and the meet up I wanted ended up being an excuse to be with my boyfriend for a day. I sigh. Surrendering to everything we do is a failure and rested my head onto the clubroom table. I would drink the tea but it would mean I have to get up and walk to make some. And I couldn't be bothered. Seems like some bad behavior and habit are being rubbed off onto me. Speaking of which where is he. No one can go to the bathroom for so long.

"You alright Yukinon."

"Fine." My voice muffled by the table.

"Yukino san you are behaving like onii chan these few weeks. What did he do to you."

Nothing that's the problem. We stagnated again.

"Nothing Komachi san. Absolutely nothing."

"So Yukino senpai is sad because senpai didn't make a move yet? Maybe others still got a chance."

"Isshiki san why are you here? Student council needs you do you not hear them crying out for you."

"Meh. I just stay here and take the credit as a real president. So what base are you on with senpai."

"Isshiki san please be quiet."

"I mean it's probably hard to get onto the second base when you don't have it right, Yuigahama senpai."

Annoyed I moved my stare to them. Them and their chest. Puffed up and ready to be shown off as a piece of art. Mine has the perfect shape. If anything mine was a gourmet meal whilst they are cheap all you can eat with no substance and just volume. Although If this analogy was heard by Hikigaya kun he would prefer the all you can eat.

"You know Yukino san has been coming to my house a lot and they lock the door right."

Yes, Komachi san. Defend me. Our relationship has been closer than ever now that I not only tutor her but also visit their home often. Although I rarely see their parents and most of the time we just eat out.

"Komachi chan. It's them. They probably sit in the room and just read silently." Yuigahama san laughs. Annoyingly what she is saying is true.

"Yukino san if you want senpai to do something to you why don't you just take your clothes off while he's outside the room? And then he would totally be surprised when he sees you and lose control and then you will home run."

"Iroha chan Yukinon isn't that type of girl. She's too shy unlike us haha."

"I'm willing to give it a try," I spoke up. Angry at the assumption that I am too frail. But not in his house with family around. What if I end up being loud?

"Ehh!" The girl voiced out in unison.

"Are you that pent up Yukino san? That dumb onii chan."

"But what if he's small? And it ends up not feeling like anything or what if it's too big and it ends up hurting." Isshiki san squirms excitedly as her face became bright red. Whilst we kissed and cuddled I have noticed his bulge. So the worry on my hand will be the latter not the former. I do not know if that's fortunately or not.

"I mean Yukinon you shouldn't force yourself on him just cause you to want to."

"Why not? Unlike you, I actually have the right to."

My quick words without thought silenced the room and I quickly recompense my stature and looked towards Yuigahama san. I felt incredibly guilty. Here we are trying to lessen the blow and my personality and lack of thought ruined everything in a nanosecond.

"I didn't mean it that way Yuigahama san. I am so sorry for my insensitive words. I was not thinking."

Yuigahama san forced a smile.

"No, I get it Yukinon haha. Go get him haha. But you know don't make any mistakes haha I don't want to be an auntie yet."

"I really didn't mean..."

"Let's change the topic okay. Hikki is going to be back soon."

"Yeah... Onii chan probably fell asleep on the toilet or is glued to his phone."

"Ah yeah. Yui senpai. The tarts you made were well last time. Maybe you are a late bloomer cook."

"No, I still made a ton of mistakes. I have long ways to go!"

"What are you going to make next?"

"Maybe something hot or cooked this time!?"

"Sure! I'll try to get mama to teach me some introduction stuff. We all can cook together!"

"Yeah. Then maybe rice chan wouldn't have to buy takeaway every day."

"Oi, I know how to cook. I just choose not to."

"Cus you're lazy?"

"Unlike you, I put my revision ahead!"

"I am student council president! Shows how much the school sees me as a valuable and good example."

"You're presidency is as rigged as real elections!"

"Rice chan don't you have a test to fail?"

"Mou stop arguing you two."

I couldn't manage to get back into the flow of things for the rest of the day. I closed my eyes in regret and remained silent hoping the theory of relativity would make time pass by fast as a savior of mine. Whilst speaking my mind is a character trait of mind I have been too straightforward when it comes to these people and this backfired in an immeasurable extent. By the time school ended it was clear that it was better to go keep up the facade for the moment and they left without me. Hikigaya kun standing in the front entrance waiting. Due to the unforeseen events that occurred I felt quite angry and wanted to take it out on him even though I know its wrong. But I have to try my best to not accidentally use him as a relief.

"Where did you go for so long. You aren't 80. Doesn't take you 40 minutes to go to the bathroom."

"Oh, you're here. I was. Then I got distracted and started playing around on my phone. And I wasn't going to go back to that club after what happened."

Komachi san sure is fast in delivering information.

"It slipped out. I didn't mean to."

"Compared to the trash I say, it's rather tame."

"That doesn't make me feel better!" I squeezed his cheeks together making it look a bit like pan san. To be honest. I kind of wanted to talk to mother and nee-san. Our relationship has been better lately and I think I can handle talking to them both with this serious concern. The trip back home was quite uneventful he said "bye" far from the gate to avoid being caught and quickly ran away like this area was haunted. I don't really blame him though. As I opened the door mother was there greeting me with a faint smile whilst nee-san was laughing at whatever was on the computer on her lap. I try to greet my nodding toward my mother but her faint smile quickly turned into a look of thought. She walks over slowly taking each step with time.

"Yukino. Is everything alright? You seem... Off?"

I sigh in tiresome intent. Dropping my shoulders and softly banging my head on the closest wall. Mother intrigued to make a small laugh that she quickly hid with her fan.

"Boy troubles? What did he do?"

"Nothing mother."

"So you did something shameful?"

"If you put it that way." Mother looked sternly. Her gaze turned icy and her posture straightens. She takes another step closer and placed her hand on my shoulder. Holding me in place.

"With him? Where? How. You will answer every query." I take a deep breath and found my mother's concern and misunderstanding quite amusing. I chuckle for a moment holding her in suspense.

"No. But I did something horrible. But seeing your reaction did make me feel better."

Mother released her grip and took repeated deep breaths as if she was releasing her chi in those Chinese kung fu movies. To be honest, her reaction is quite entertaining.

"Oh, whatever you did. I will now feel nothing. I was so worried you did something with him shameful. Give me a hug." Before my reply was given mother held me in a brief embrace like she was acting motherly for once. I could feel her heart was pounding as if she was sprinting and she held it all so well with her cold poker face.

"Can I talk to you about it after? Nee san too. But I kind of want her to be serious. I do need back up I suppose."

"I will make sure Haruno will be in the best behavior."

Releasing her embrace I did feel my mind slightly lighter and I quickly headed up the stairs to remove my uniform and get into my casual attire. I soon headed back down toward the living room mother and nee-san sitting side by side. It seems like she was going to physically put her in check too. I sit down on an empty sofa and tried to relax. Unfortunately, I cannot and I started sitting there awkwardly without a way of making an opening statement. Mother noticed my silent yet openly dropped jaw and smiled.

"You were going to tell us the shameful thing you did."

"Shameful!? Did Yukino chan and Hikigaya kun finally do it? How big was he and how was it! Did you let him shoot..."

Before nee-san could finish blasting out nonsense Mother glare stopped her instantly although by that time she already got her rubbish across.

"Continue." Mother speaks up.

"Well to paraphrase. I said that unlike her- Yuigahama san. I had the right to do those things with Hikigaya kun because I am the girlfriend and she isn't."

"Oof. Poor Gahama chan." Nee san shivers while mother kept an idle emotion.

"I honestly see no issue with what you said Yukino. If she was your friend she should not be trying to flirt with Hikigaya kun in the first place. Also, has she has never rejected any words the boy says wouldn't mean anything. But if you the girlfriend voices displeasure you cannot be blamed."

"That makes sense though Yukino chan. No need to feel guilty. She was there to try and snatch him away whenever she could. And she's cute and has a great body I honestly won't blame Hikigaya kun since..."

Nee san focused her gaze on my chest and smirked making me cover them in shame by crossing my arms.

"He's not shallow. Or else he would be all over you. Nee-san."

"You want me to actively try and get him? Are you sure about that Yukino chan? Don't go crying to dad once he's mine."


Silenced yet again.

"I voiced my opinion. But I cannot force you to simply not feel guilty. Maybe you could have chosen better words. But that is all."


"I mean you did what he struggled to do in one sweep. Not bad Yukino chan."

"I am more curious about how he saw it. Was he upset that you deleted an alternative route for him? But I doubt he will. If anything he would be glad that he didn't have to do anything."

It is uncanny how predictable he is to my mother.

"So how should I face her from now on?"

"I mean if she really is your friend she would back off from all the flirting and chest-puffing."

"That's what she does? How distasteful. Yukino you must make better friends."

But she is a good friend. She has always stood by me. It's just this one thing...

"Meh Gahama chan is no real threat. I can take her. But more importantly how far have you gone with Hikigaya kun? I mean I think I saw you two making out but you are probably doing it wrong. Wait do you still call him by his family name with honorifics?"

"Shut up. Of course, we have progressed to speak each other's first names and about the other thing its none of your business...just shut up."

Not all the time nor in my head but that's technically true. I do call him by name in person some of the time.

"I am not the one begging for advice here though Yukino chan."

"Enough Haruno. I know you are only passing university by the skin of your teeth. You have no right to comment on your sister. Your failure will be a permanent stain in our family."

Mother's words gave me a plan of attack. I could not help but smirk.

"Indeed. What if the media finds out about your academic failures once you are a part of the company or within the government? Then anyone can challenge your claim and authority and no one would believe a word that comes out of you. Not to mention what would the board of directors do? What if there is a coup or a buyout? The same would also happen in your inevitable divorce. Headlined Yukinoshita first heir divorces after husband finds out she failed college."

May have gone slightly dramatic and overboard. I blame Hikigaya kun. Mother fakes a few coughs and places her hand on her forehead like she is trying to ease a headache.

"You two. Please do grow up. But Yes. Again. Yukino has a point. But Haruno made some good points as well. Be open and honest about your feelings. It's too late if you lose him by being distant. But do keep physical attraction out of sight please."

Begrudgingly we nodded without complaints.

"Yukino, Haruno. I won't be here forever. You two need to stop going at each other's throats. What happens once both I and your father are gone. Accidents happen all the time. Haruno. I know you mean well deep inside. But your approach has always been sly, indirect, and downright manipulative. While Yukino needs to learn to be honest about her feelings toward him. You need to do the same for her. Understand."

"Yes, mom..."

Yes please do make her not do all these horrible things. With the talk ended I did draw a few conclusions. But my guilt has not been significantly reduced the justification of the act provided by mom's mother and sister. They don't seem to understand that she was a friend that I hold so dear that I was once willing to give up pursuing a romantic relationship with Hikigaya kun. But now that we are together. That was no longer possible for me to do. I miss him almost every moment. Thoughts of him pollute my mind constantly in the most inappropriate times. Frustrated and hopeless at my future outlook I pick myself up. Hoping to take a shower before dinner.

"Can I please be excused?"

"Yes, dear. See you at dinner."

Walking into my rooms I remove my clothes, folded them, and placed them down on the bed. Wrapping a towel around me I enter my room's bathroom. Facing the mirror. I look at myself and glare, then frowned, then looked aggravated. Trying many faces to see what I should use in different situations.

"Maybe letting my emotions will give me the best face for the situation," I mumble to myself. Dissatisfaction grew after I saw how bad my acting was.

"Maybe it is okay to be a bit meaner to defend my relationship. No, it is okay to defend my relationship." Somehow saying it to myself over and over reassured me. Each time I spoke and repeated the words the sense of guilt lessened. Brainwashing myself to justify my actions and to justify any future actions. It isn't wrong to defend this bond. If anything its wrong to destroy it or steal it. Right?

After my shower, I dropped into my bed like a dead whale. I didn't even bother with pajamas or underwear. My wet hair was soaked by the sheets and mattress and beads of water falling down from my skin to the surface where I lay. Leaving the lights off I reached for my phone. I noticed several messages from the usual suspect but one laid as a mild eyesore.

"Sorry, we acted like that. Didn't know what to do after what happened." From Yuigahama san. Several minutes ago. I tried to think of the idealist words. But I couldn't. I had to just be honest. Even if it's horrible.

"I am sorry for my harsh choice of words Yuigahama san."

"Nah its okay dw" she quickly replied with several emojis.

"But. I do somewhat mean it."

"Huh, Yukinon?"

"You are my best friend Yuigahama san."

"Yes, we are best friends."

"But. If you want it to stay that way you have to let go of Hikigaya kun."

She did not reply for several minutes but the ticks indicated she had read the message.

"I can't stand back and watch while you constantly try to pry him away. I cannot stand

It. I thought I could but I couldn't. So please for the sake of our friendship stop."

"Tomorrow morning meet me in the roof. Lets settled this once and for all."

After that. No more messages managed to get through.

Sleep eluded me as my brain played scenario after scenario. Good and bad ending, impossible endings, fantastical endings. Anything my brain could imagine but even as the light of the dawn made it to my eyes but I know in my heart that the true scenario will be nothing like what I would hope or imagine. Even though I had not slept I didn't feel particularly tired. An odd feeling came possession of me. One of excitement, relief, sadness all rolled into one odd cocktail that I know I had to drink. After doing all the typical morning procedures I made my way to school.

Upon reaching the roof the sun the sky was grey and the wind was slightly chilly even though it was summer and I was lucky to have my cardigan on. There a lone figure stood looking toward the city. It was odd to arrive after her. Anywhere. I walked toward and beside her. She stopped leaning on the railing and straightened up turning her face toward me.

"Kinda odd weather for a summers day huh Yukinon."

"Indeed. Quite unfitting. Luckily I had my cardigan."

"Lucky huh. Yukinon you were always so lucky."

"Am I. I actually think its the opposite."

"You are pretty, gorgeous even. Smart, born in an extremely wealthy family, popular multi-talented, and kind."

"Thank you?"

"Oh, the other hand. I am dumb, weak-minded, financially normal, and unskilled and selfish."

"You are not."

"So Yukinon. Can you please just pity me this one thing? Not to give him to me but let me try to fight for it?"


Yuigahama san bit her lip holding in all her strength and tears. She took a deep breath.

"You have everything. You took everything. Why can't you just give me this."

"I don't have anything but him."

She chuckles.

"Yukinon sometimes you are such an immature drama queen. Nothing?! Both your parents love you, you can buy anything you want even your own apartment. You have no worries academically. You are practically a Mary sue so how can you even say that with a straight face."

"It's true. I am blessed. But there are things I want which cannot be bought. My relationship with him is one. I also wish to have close friends like you do, be close to the family-like you are. Understand and see people as you can. Have the courage and strength that you have. If anything I want to be like you."

"Then why won't he choose me? I tried so hard. I learned how to cook, tried to be flirty. I am a step away from giving him everything if it means I can win."

"Yuigahama san."

"Whatever step you are with him I am willing to go one further. So why can't I win!" She stomps the floor like an angry child. I take a deep breath.

"You can't win because you were never in the competition. You stopped and did nothing for a whole year. Everything we had we built since the second year. You had a year's head start and did nothing. You also never confessed."

"And you did?"

"He did. Then I told him I loved him. What you are doing is simply wrong. It's not morally right."

"I don't care! It's not like you two are married and even if you are you can get a divorce."

"Are you listening to yourself?"

"I don't care...he didn't reject me. So I didn't lose yet. I still have a chance."

By then she had already broken down. Tears were streaming down her face and I looked at her sharply and stern. Despite my emotional state, somehow I was showing no emotion.

"That can be arranged. If it can help you let go."

"You are being so unfair. That's cheating."

"Even if you are the last woman on earth. I wouldn't date you."

A sudden third party intervened. We both looked at the source of the voice and it turned out to be him.

"Hikigaya kun. Why are you..."

"Not important."


"Yuigahama. The one that I love is Yukinoshita Yukino. Plane and simple. If we break up I will probably lose all faith in romance. You will always be a friend. But that is all. Sure you have attributes that are better and worse. But that doesn't matter. Because you aren't her."

"Even if I am the last girl on earth. That's harsh Hikki."

"I will never love a woman that has the moral capacity to try and steal someone away from another. Let alone their best friend. That is why I know."

"But that just shows how much I love you. I am willing to do something so shameful and horrible just for you. I am willing to be hated by everyone just for you!"

"I am not willing to be hated by her just for you." Those were the final words that struck. Sighing one last time and looking up in desperation and despair. Yuigahama dropped her eyes to the ground, not the concrete we were standing on but the land below. It was clear she was thinking about something stupid.

"If I killed myself then Yukinon wouldn't win either. After all, Hikki is a slave to responsibility."

"It would be a sigh of relief." These shocking words stunned Yuigahama to the core. In a normal conversation, she would know if he meant it or not. But right now emotion overwhelmed her. But I know. His words weren't true. Hitting what must feel like her lowest point Yuigahama san walked past us silently. Not evening a glance at us as she treads down the stars back inside the building. I angrily turned my gaze to Hikigaya kun.

"That was too harsh. You stabbed her in the heart."

"I needed too. I can't half-ass things with her anymore. I care too much about her."

"I had it covered."

"If it ended by your hand. You would lose your best friend. But this way you two will have a chance."

"What about you? What if she hates you."

Hikigaya kun walks forward slowly until my forehead collided with his chest. I feel his head drop and his chin resting on mine.

"As long as I have you. That's fine."

"What if I never forgive you."

"That's okay too. Because it was the right thing to do. I strung her along. Hurting her."

"I should have. Nee san and mother were right."

"Just because they are right doesn't mean you have to. You are too good a person to do something like this. It should be me."

"Says the angel that dressed up as a demon."

Despite finally clearing the board something unpredictable did occur. Miura san saw Yuigahama sans distraught and forced all the information out of her and spread it using her social prowess. Rocking the school's entire clique gossip. Twisting the story and making sure everyone knew the evil that we were. Us being silent didn't help us and everything for us reset back to zero. Although it meant we were now able to freely be with one another.

"This spot sure is nice," I said as I poured some miso soup from the container to its cap which doubles as a bowl.

"Yeah the breeze and everything great."

"Kinda dusty though."

"What do you expect. We can't exactly just go to the clubroom now Mrs most hated girl on campus."

"It was your choice to resign so Komachi san and Isshiki san wouldn't be collateral damage Mr most hated man on campus."

"Meh, maybe we could find an equipment cupboard or something."

"That's disgusting to eat in."

"Who said anything about eating?!"

"I won't hesitate to hit you."

"You sure you wanna be so mean to me? Once we go to university and our relationships reset I might become super popular with the girls."

"Same goes for me. And I have the looks to back up my claims."

"Nah no guy would want a pain in the ass like you. Perhaps you're used goods." I pinch him in the cheek and place my other palm on my stomach.

"And that's why you need to take responsibility for the rest of our lives."

It may just be the two of us again for now. But I am confident one day our friend will return. It may not be today, tomorrow, or even next year. But we are confident that the area beside me will one day be filled again by that familiar face. I am confident, I believe, one day.