"So he was using you the entire time?" Daisy asked in disbelief, eyes fired up with anger for her friend.

"Yup," Wendy sighed. The 'he' Daisy was referring to was a guy named Daniel Rocha. They met at one of the few football games her two best friends, Daisy and Rosalina, had managed to drag Wendy to, the team they were playing against being from Daniel's school.

Somehow the two had gotten to talking, finding out that they shared a mutual talent with computers and a passion for their secret hobby of hacking. Daniel had asked for her number and she had boldly decided to give it to him. For about a month, they spent every weekend together, hacking and coding until their fingers hurt up until she found out that his true motive for wanting to date her was to get her to do coding for him.

Daisy suddenly stood up from where she was sitting on her bed, "Alright, get up. We're going out."

"What? No," the blonde objected with a groan as her friend grabbed her hands, pulling her up to a sitting position.

"Yes! Daniel Rocha is not worthy of your wallowing. C'mon, get up, girly."

"Daisy, I really would rather just stay here and force you to watch Doctor Who with me."

Looking through her closet, Daisy peered back over her shoulder, "Okay, I've already told you that I don't understand that show. It's Friday night and you need some serious cheering up, so we're going to a party."

"A party? I hate parties."

"I don't care. We're going to dress you up, we're going to have a few drinks, and have a good time. You don't have a choice, I'll drag you by your ponytail if I have to."

"Fine," Wendy relented with a sigh, deciding that maybe her friend was right. Maybe she did need this.

"This is Waluigi Merlyn's house. We're at Waluigi Merlyn's party?" Wendy took in the large mansion as she stepped out of Daisy's Prius, dozens of other cars littering the driveway. People were scattered all over the lawn, talking, laughing, and drinking from the classic red solo cups. She followed Daisy up the pavement towards the open front door, tugging at the short hem of the peplum dress she had been forced to wear by her very determined friend.

A smirk tugged at the corners of Daisy's mouth as she glanced back at the nervous expression on the blonde's face, "Why yes, we are. Relax, Wendy. The whole point of this is to have fun and forget about Poopiel Smellcha."

"Poopiel Smellcha?" She chuckled. "Did you just come up with that?"

"Yup. Thank the witty reporter in me." Their combined laughter was drowned out as they got closer to the house, the thumping base of the music hitting them as soon as they stepped through the door. "I'm gonna go look for Rosalina and Mario, I told them to meet us here. Wanna go find the keg?" She asked, leaning in closer to Wendy's ear and raising her voice slightly to be heard over the music.

She nodded in agreement and they went their separate ways, Wendy in search of wherever the drinks were. She weaved through the crowd into the living room, eyes taking in the high ceilings and expensive decor. She passed by a few familiar faces before coming to the sad realization that she spent way too much time by herself. More than half of these people looked like strangers to her. She was brought back from her thoughts when she bumped against someone's shoulder, babbling an apology before the words died on her lips. Because standing just a few feet ahead of her, leaning up against a wall, was Daniel Rocha. Making out with a brunette.

Tears immediately sprang to her eyes, and Wendy cursed herself for the stupid reaction before turning around and practically running through the crowd. No. These people were not about to see her cry. Searching for somewhere to go, she spotted a staircase and made a beeline for it, weaving through the scattered couples sitting and talking on the stairs. When she reached the top landing, she turned right and found herself in a mostly deserted hallway. Heading straight to the first door she saw, she closed her eyes and silently prayed she didn't walk in on something she really didn't want to see.

Twisting the handle and opening the door, she was relieved to step into an empty bedroom and closed the door behind her, making sure to lock it. With a solid barrier separating her from the party, dulling the loud music coming from downstairs, she allowed the tears to trail down her cheeks. Why was she even crying? She should be used to rejection by now. This was so stupid. Settling on the edge of the neatly made bed, she wiped at her face with her palms.

She was so preoccupied with her self-pitying thoughts that she didn't even hear the door to the connected bathroom open or the soft footsteps until the unknown person spoke up.

"What are you doing in here?"

"Holy frack!" She jumped, her head swiveling around with wide eyes and a hand flying up to cover her wildly thumping heart. She exhaled a long breath, not fully realizing who was standing in front of her, "What are you, a ninja? Make some noise next time."

A small smile ticked up the corners of his mouth involuntarily at the babbling koopa, "This is Waluigi's room."

"Oh," her mouth opened to form a perfect circle as she took in her surroundings more carefully, noting the various picture frames of Waluigi with friends and family, along with other personal belongings. She faced forward again and rubbed at her cheeks roughly, "Sorry, I - I didn't realize…"

"Hey, are you okay?" He took a step closer with furrowed brows.

"Yeah, I'm," She huffed, shaking her head, "It's stupid."

He took a seat on the bed beside her and the proximity made her inhale sharply through her nose, his knee brushing against hers. "I'm Tan-"

"-ooki Mario. I know who you are," She finished for him, eyes wide in surprise that he was actually talking to her right now.

The corners of his mouth twitched again slightly, "Yeah. Your… Your name is Wendy, right?"

Her mouth fell open in a perfect 'O' shape. What? He knows my name? "Um, yeah. Wendy. How - how did you know that? I'm a junior and you're Tanooki Mario."

Now an actual laugh bubbled past his lips at her tone, lifting a hand to scratch lightly at the back of his neck before tilting his head to face her with his signature grin in place. "Well, we've gone to school together for several years and contrary to popular belief, I'm not that self-involved."

"I wasn't - I mean, I didn't mean to imply… Not - not that I would know, I don't really know you at all. I think this is the first time we've ever talked for more than five seconds. Or at all. Not that I think that you think you're better than me! I just - I -" she stammered.

"Wendy," He chuckled softly as she abruptly smacked her lips shut, her cheeks flushing in embarrassment.

She tried to ignore the way her stomach fluttered as her name rolled off his tongue. "Sorry."

His eyes narrowed slightly at the drying tear tracks on her face and his voice softened, repeating his earlier question, "Are you okay?"

She sighed, lifting a hand to tuck a fallen strand of blonde hair behind her ear, "It's okay, you don't… You don't want to hear about my problems."

"Try me."

She looked to him again in surprise at the genuine interest coloring his features. Why was he talking to her? He doesn't even know her. And even if he did, he's Tanooki fracking Mario. And she's… no one. "Okay. Um," she glanced down at her lap where her fingers fiddled with each other. She shrugged a shoulder weakly, "It's this guy. He broke up with me cause he was just using me the whole time and… I saw him here with someone else. Like I said, it's stupid."

Tanooki reached out a hand and placed it gently on the bare skin of her knee. It wasn't particularly high up on her thigh, so it should be completely innocent. But for some reason, it wasn't. The weight of his hand felt heavy and hot on her skin making her cheeks flush. His eyes traced the blush down her neck where it disappeared underneath the fabric of her dress. "It's not stupid. He's an idiot. Obviously, he doesn't know a good thing when it's right in front of him."

She choked out a laugh, sending him a hard side eye. "Yeah, okay. I should've known he was just using me for my talented fingers." Realizing what she just said, she whipped her head towards him with wide eyes. "I mean with typing! I'm - I'm good with computers. Not… Not anything else…" Wendy tilted her head to meet his eyes, unable to stop them from traveling over his face and to his mouth where a smile ghosted over his lips at her words. Apparently, she really was stupid because what she decided to do in that moment was probably the dumbest thing she had ever done.

Surging forward, she connected her lips with his for a few seconds before coming back to her senses and pulling away with wide eyes, completely mortified at what she'd done. "Oh my god. I am so sorry, I have no idea why I did that. God, could this night get any more embarrassing? I just assaulted Tanooki fracking Mario!" Hers eyes widened even more, if possible, "And, oh my god. You have a girlfriend!"

"Actually, Cat Peach and I broke up," he supplied quickly, and she let out a slight breath at the information but was still blushing in embarrassment.

Chuckling softly, he peeled her hands away from where she'd buried her face into them and lifted a finger under her chin. He tilted it up so he could meet her eyes, "Did you have anything to drink tonight?"

She gulped, noticing his crystal blue eyes have darkened within the last few seconds of their exchange. Not trusting her voice right now, she shook her head because no, she hadn't even gotten to what was supposed to be the fun part of tonight before seeing Daniel. She was pulled from those thoughts when Tanooki moved his hand to cradle her cheek and began to lean closer until their mouths met once more. Her eyes fluttered shut as she surrendered herself to the kiss after only a few seconds of hesitation, this kiss being unlike anything she'd ever felt before. True, she'd only ever kissed two boys in her life - three, now - but never like this. Especially not when his tongue licked along the seam of her lips, begging for entrance.

She allowed him to deepen the kiss and lifted a hand to the back of his neck, threading her fingers through the short strands of hair. He placed his own hand on her waist, tugging her closer until she was almost sitting on his lap. He used the hand still on her cheek to tilt her head back to deepen the kiss even more as he started to shift closer to the headboard and lay her down. Body underneath his, she adjusted her legs automatically so he could settle between them. His fingers traveled from her waist down to the bare skin of her creamy thighs and back up, only this time they brushed underneath the hem of her light blue dress.

Pulling her head back slightly, she fought to catch her breath as a hand flew down to grasp his wrist where it disappeared under the fabric of her dress, "Wait."

Furrowing his brows, Tanooki moved his hand a few inches away, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just… I'm not as… I mean, I've never… done anything… before," she stumbled, her voice quieting with each word and her eyes flitting to stare at his chin instead of into his distracting blue eyes.

"Oh," He breathed out, backing away slightly. "That's okay. I mean, we don't have to do anything you don't want to do or -"

"No!" She interrupted quickly, eyes widening at herself. In the following silence, she thought about what she could do right now. Option one: she could push him off her and go back to the party. Option two: she could continue to make out with him for a while and then go back to the party. Or option three: she could have sex with him, right here, right now. She could stop living her life on the outside and finally - finally - take a risk and do something that she wanted to do. She shifted underneath him and felt the impressive bulge in his jeans press against her leg. Yup. Option three it was, then. She inhaled deeply through her nose, shifting her eyes to connect with his, "I mean, I want to. I just… I don't want you to be disappointed." Like everyone else in my life, she finished silently.

A grin tugged at the corners of his mouth and he lowered himself back down until he was flush against her body. "Don't worry," He whispered and leaned in, lips barely brushing against hers, "I'll go slow."

Wendy paces back and forth in her bathroom, fingers playing with each other in front of her stomach and her bottom lip pulled between her teeth. How the hell did she get here? She prides herself on being smart - on being a genius, actually. Hell, she skipped eighth grade! So how in the hell had she ended up here, burning a hole in the floor of her bathroom, waiting for a flimsy plastic stick to tell her if her life is over?

Of course, she knows how she got here. One night. One night, she decided to be reckless and live a little, do something for herself. And now she is paying for it. It was just one night…

The timer on her phone going off, she rushes to the counter to turn it off with trembling fingers before moving towards the sink and leaning over so she can read the results. When the two pink lines come into view, her heart plummets into her stomach.

She's pregnant.