Hachiman didn't know what happened, one night he was sleeping comfortably in his bed, the next morning he's in his school, but something is quite wrong.

Some of the buildings were missing, like they didn't exist.

"Are you lost?" A voice pulls him out of his thoughts.

Quickly thinking of an excuse, he replied. "Yes, I'm new here."

"Strange, we normally don't get a transfer student in the middle of the year." The woman then extends her hand. "My name is Hiratsuka Shizuka, nice to meet you."

Hiding the surprise in his voice, Hachiman shook her hand. "Hikigaya Hachiman, I'm supposed to be in Class 2F."

"Oh, that's my class! Come, I'll take you there!"

All he could do was nod and follow the raven haired girl.

"There you are, I want you all to meet our transfer student, Hikigaya Hachiman." The silverette teacher introduced.

"I'm Hikigaya Hachiman, pleased to meet you all, you too... Kawasaki-Sensei." With this, he was suddenly asked the question how he knew her. "I happened to walk by the organizational chart on my way here, Sensei."

He can't tell her that he knew her name because he happened to see her portrait in the Kawasaki household.

"Good to know we have someone here who is reads the bulletin board, unlike some people I know." Some of his classmates look away in embarrassment. "Okay Hachiman, go sit on the vacant chair." The classes started after he sat down.

After a tiresome day of being introduced, and interacting with other students, Hikigaya Hachiman was tired. So tired that he wanted to go straight to bed and pass out.

"Hikigaya." The familiar voice called out.

"Hiratsuka-san, what's up?"

"Are you going home?"

"Yes I am." He said as he raised his backpack to wear it. "See you tomorrow." He was not even able to walk three steps before being interrupted.

"Would you like to join me and check some clubs?" She asked Hachiman.

"I'm sorry, but I'm really tired today. Maybe tomorrow?" He respectfully declined.


They went separate ways.

When he woke up, his sister is nudging him. Telling him he would be late for school.

"What a strange dream." He whispered to no one, still not believing what his dream was.

The next time he saw Hiratsuka was when she was dragged by their Sensei to her office, hearing something along the lines of "Let's do something about that outlook of yours."

Funny, he remembered Hiratsuka-sensei when he heard it.

He smiled to himself.

Hachiman didn't wake up. Instead, he was on a classroom with two other people.

"For the last time Kawasaki-Sensei, I don't want to do this!" The silverette rolled her eyes on the student.

"Yes you will do this. Consider it your punishment for passing me a horrible essay."

"What do you mean horrible? It was fine! You asked me what I think of youth and I answered!" The girl protested.

"That's why we're here. Because it's your punishment, you two actually." Their Sensei said before grabbing his collar. "Seriously? Youth is a lie? What did you eat for breakfast to write a horrendous essay like that?"

To this, Hachiman just shrugged. "That's my opinion, essays are not a piece of fact like news are right?" He said with smug laced in his voice.

"You're right. But as I am the Guidance Counselor, I punish you for that essay of yours." The two teens grumbled.

"I guess we don't have a choice do we?" He sighed. "Okay. I'll be a member of the Service-"

"Volunteers Club!" Kawasaki-Sensei corrected. "I'm looking forward to the days you help other students!" The two were left on their own devices.

"So... That happened." Hiratsuka started. "Honestly, why go through all things like this just to punish us? She could've just gave us detention."

This made Hachiman smile. He remembered when his Hiratsuka-sensei forced him to join the Service Club.

"Hey Hikigaya, give me your number." He heard her say.

"Here." He gave her his phone, then gave her his number.

"Do you know Kawasaki-Sensei's number?" Hachiman asked. Luckily, she knew and gave it to him.

"Ano..." A voice caught their attention. "Is this the Volunteers club?"

"Yes this is the Volunteers Club. I'm the club president, Hiratsuka Shizuka." The student sighed as she was correct with her assumption.

"I'm Inori Kurase, and I need help with something." The student named Inori said. "Can you please help me bake a cake?"

Hachiman laughed. What kind of tricks did the gods pull on him. He reminisced the first request Service Club had, someone wanted to bake cookies.

"All right, let's go to the kitchen lab." Hiratsuka said.

"This should be good enough." Inori-san said to us. "Thanks for your help!" Without much else to do, the trio went their separate ways, the two went back to their clubroom.

"You did great today Hikigaya, let's do more work tomorrow!" She said as they went separate ways.

When he woke up, faces of his Clubmates were looking at him with concern.

"Why are you staring at me Hikigaya-kun? Are you undressing me with that rotten eyes of yours?" As always, Yukinoshita has something to say to him.

"Mou Yukinon, Hikki's just probably tired! Let's cut him some slack today." And as usual, Yuigahama tried to make the two get along

The next time he saw Shizuka, they were walking on the street towards a newly opened cafe, he asked why she wanted him to call her by her given name.

"We've been friends for long now, I think it's time you call me that!" She answered, even though they just knew each other a month ago.

"Haruno, don't cross the street!" The two heard a worried voice. A little girl was running on the pedestrian lane, even though the sign clearly said not to walk yet.

"Oh no..." Hikigaya ran towards the girl. Then as he ran, a speeding vehicle approached the streets.

"Haruno, no!" The worried voice shouted again, not wanting to see her daughter die.

Doing what Hachiman does best, he dove in front of the car, saving the kid in the process.

'Yep, I think it's bruised.' Hachiman thought as he clutched his arm.

"Hachiman!" Shizuka worriedly said. "I know you saved a life, but next time, think about yours!" She shouted.

"I'm fine, I just bruised my arm." He replied.

"Next time, don't make me worry like that."

"I won't."

He learned that the kid he saved, was Yukinoshita Haruno, and her mother, was thankful to him so much that she wanted to give him a huge chunk of cash.

"I don't need that. Just make sure the kid lives her life to the fullest." He said as he walked away.

"What's your name?" The Yukinoshita matriarch asked.

"Hikigaya Hachiman."

""I'll remember you."" The mother and daughter both said.

His bruised arm was a pain in the backside, as Isshiki Iroha used him that day as a pack mule. After a grueling day of grunting and cursing under his breath, the Service Club then hung out on a cafe.

There, he met the Yukinoshita matriarch, for the second time. He wondered if the woman remembered who he was, or if his dreams were just a figment of his imagination.

"Young man, what's your name." She asked. When he said his name was Hikigaya Hachiman, the woman couldn't believe it.

"It's you..." She said with tears, but smiling. "Thank you for saving my daughters life that day."

"That day?" Others asked.

"I was just in the right place on the right time." He asked how she remembered.

She replied: "I can't tell you yet."

"But next time I'll do..." She then turned to walk away. "Just not right now."

"Hikki, how do you know Yukinon's mom?" Was his companion's question. He just said that he met her somewhere.

He found Kawasaki-Sensei's number by asking the daughter.

He said it was for a research.

The truth is he just wanted to know how she was doing. Hachiman texted.

'Can you tell me more about Shizuka's future prospects?'

'Patience, you'll know it soon enough.' The reply said.

'Until then, I won't talk about it.'

"Hello, this is the Volunteers Club, what can we help you with?" Another month, and it looked like Shizuka settled in nicely. She wanted to help people, even if she hated youth like him.

"Can we request assistance for the upcoming Cultural Festival we lack hands to make things work and Kawasaki-Sensei said you guys are great!" The Student Council President said.

"We can't... We currently have our hands full." Shizuka replied.

"We'll do it." Hachiman interjected. "Just tell us what to do." Satisfied, the Student Council President left.

"We're overflowing with requests! How will we help?" Shizuka asked.

"My Sensei said that we should always try to help, even if we are busy."

"Kawasaki-Sensei?" She asked.

"No, you don't know her... Yet."

"I can't wait to meet her, she sounds like an interesting fellow."

"Oh she is, she might smoke and watch shounen anime, but she is a good person." Hachiman replied.

The two planned how to help the student council.

Kawasaki-Sensei sent him a picture.

It was a picture of him and Shizuka helping the cultural festival committee.

He looked tired but happy, Shizuka looked annoyed.

He smiled as he remembered their conversation after this.

"So what now?" Shizuka asked, annoyed that they're not doing anything

"We wait." While waiting, the two talked about mundane things, like the latest shounen manga, their classroom performance, and the weather.

Sometime later, she got curious as Hachiman continued to mention his Sensei.

"Hey why do you mention your Sensei so much? Do you idolize her or something?" She asked.

"Yes I do, she's pretty cool. She might be brash, hot headed and a bit violent at times, but she's a cool teacher." He smiled.

With that, Shizuka somewhat became jealous. She vowed that she will be better than his Sensei.

"You know Shizuka didn't deserve what happened after that." Kawasaki-Sensei said as she slipped her tea.

He was invited by his Sensei to talk, seeing that he didn't have anything to do, he agreed.

"Color me surprised, when you walked into my door, behind Saki." She said, reminiscing the "first time" they met. Hachiman was invited by Keika and Saki, he agreed then he met their mother.

"Remember when I said your name on my first day of school? I saw your portrait in your house one time." He admitted, embarrassed that he might sound like a stalker. "But yes, Shizuka didn't deserve to be blamed for ruining the festival. Some thugs did it, she was the first person to be there."

"Quite unfortunate that she was there first right?" She asked him, sipping again on her cup.


Things happened.

The festival was almost a bust. The budget was stolen by some thugs who managed to break-in on the early morning.

Shizuka was the one who saw them.

The students thought she stole it. Resulting in her being ostracized by the student body.

Hachiman being Hachiman, helped the council to pull through. The festival almost went awry, Hikigaya managed to get some money.

When asked, Hachiman said that it was his personal savings.

The festival was the best ever. Everyone was happy.

Except Shizuka.

"Shizuka." Hachiman tried to talk to her.

"What!?" She said with irritation in her voice.

"You shouldn't blame yourself about what happened. It wasn't your fault, it's the stupid students jealous of what you've done that should be blamed. They should all go die and burn for their stupid thinking." The statement made her laugh.

"Don't shut yourself out, Kawasaki-Sensei and Class 2F is here for you." She stayed silent. "My Sensei said that sometimes, there are things that we have no control over. And that the best thing we can do about it is nothing."

"Your Sensei is wise." She comments. He smiles at this remark.

"Can you come by Café La'mour later? Yukinoshita-san wanted to talk to you again." Kawasaki-Sensei said.

It was funny to Hachiman, he was friends with his clubmate's mother. They meet almost weekly, talking about things from the past, mostly Hachiman visiting the Yukinoshita family to babysit the kids.

But they met yesterday, he thought. He felt bad about this meeting.

When they reached third year, Shizuka asked Hachiman about what he wanted for the future. Hachiman said he wants to be a teacher. She remembered the mysterious Sensei Hachiman has. This made her want to be one as well.

A year passed. It was their graduation. Shizuka didn't know but him being close to her made her fall in love for him. She realized it when they entered their third year.

She was scared to destroy the friendship they had.

So she waited until they graduated.

She dragged him on the rooftop of the new school building. She is going to confess.

"Hachiman." She softly said. "Thanks for being there for me." She stepped closer. "I wanted to say this for a long time. I realized this when entered our final year. But I didn't want to say this."

He kind of had an idea about what she's going to say, but he didn't do a thing.

"I love you, Hachiman." She kissed him. He kissed her back.

"You know I'm leaving right? I'm going overseas." Hachiman lied. Shizuka didn't know. She got angry. "I'm sorry Shizuka, but at least I knew your true feelings. I love you as well, but the timing couldn't have been better."

He hugged her as she bawled for almost an hour. When she calmed down, they bid farewell to each other.

"I promise I will never forget you, Hikigaya Hachiman!" She declared. "You're my one and only."

"I'll never forget you too Shizuka."

Shizuka was clumsy, bubbly, and generally a happy person, one who always loved to talk about the latest shounen manga. She's also shy, and cute when she gets flustered.

Hiratsuka-sensei is brash, yet caring, a bit violent, but she had best intentions on her mind. She also loved to talk about the latest shounen mangas and the classics.

They had their similarities, but they're more different that they could've been a different person.

Hachiman didn't consider Shizuka as his Sensei.

Hiratsuka Shizuka grew up. She pursued being a teacher, Hachiman's cool Sensei still on her mind.

She became a teacher, now teaching at Sobu High for quite some time now. Five years to be exact. It was ten years after she graduated, half of it was spent on the same school she studied. It was time to review the students she had for Class 2F.

Funny, she thought. She was also a student from 2F. Now, she's going to be their adviser.

While rummaging through the papers, something caught her eye. A picture of a boy with dead fish eyes.

'He looked like Hachiman.' She thought.

This made her curious.

She dialled Kawasaki-Sensei's number, wanting to ask about Hachiman.

She replied with: "He's doing great, I'll tell you when we're meeting."

That was a year ago. Her students at 2F were third years now.

'Is Hachiman dropping by soon' She asked.

'We'll meet tomorrow, do you want to see him?'

Sakaki was surprised. Her student texted her about Hachiman.

Or when Hachiman texted asking about Shizuka's future prospects.

It was strange, to think her desire to be like Hachiman's Sensei was to be like herself.

Sakaki wondered how long it would take for one of her favorite student to realize it.

So when she asked about him a year later, she knew it this time.

'Would you like to meet him tomorrow?'

Sakaki was there with Hachiman, talking about why he was called here. Sakaki said that Shizuka asked about him again.

The Yukinoshita matriarch was present because she knew him and her, he brought Shizuka sometimes to babysit here kids.

"Oh, speaking of the devil! Shizuka, over here!" She waved.

Shizuka slowly approached the table. 'Why is he in a uniform?' She thought.

"Kawasaki-Sensei, hello." She saw the Yukinoshita matriarch and gave her a greeting. "Good afternoon, Yukinoshita-san." The woman just smiled at her. When she looked at the person beside her Sensei, she was floored. "Y-you..."

"Yo, Hiratsuka-sensei!" He smiled at her.

Unable to hold back her tears she hugged him.

"You dummy, you've been here all this time!" She cried. He said sorry for not telling. After crying, she fixed herself up. "I didn't forget you, you know? You're still the man I love."

"I know, I love you too." He replied, love laced in his voice.

"To think you'll end up taking care of my daughters when they became highschool students, thanks for taking care of them, Hiratsuka-san." The teacher blushed at the compliment.

"Thank this idiot." She said while nuzzling deeper to his chest, hiding her blushing face.


A/N: Hello! This is Jasserru with a one-shot for you guys!

To those who are confused, here are the age of the characters when Hachiman met them:

Kawasaki Sakaki 25

Already has kids (Saki (7) and Taishi (4))

Hiratsuka Shizuka 17

Highschool Student

Hikigaya Hachiman 17

Highschool Student

Yukinoshita Yuko 27

Already has kids (Haruno 10, Yukino 7)

I got this idea when reading a Shokugeki no Soma Fanfiction with the same title as this one. Check it out! The author is: Obsidian Abyss!


-Jasserru out!