You know, the one thing that I have noticed from personal experience in regards to dealing with reincarnation? No one ever mentions the absolute migraine you are left with as your tiny brain works to process and store all the old information from your life previous. Of course, there is the more concerning waking in a body a twentieth the size of the one your used to; All your motor functions basically being null and void, but no one wants to read about a twenty four year old man as pissed off and crying baby cause this is the lemon life had given me.

No, no. You all want to know about the story of Seiji Akagi. The Deaths Keeper. Hero turned traitor of the Hidden Mist during the Third War. And, of course, my subsequent meddling in overall cannon since then. I mean hell, I ended up marrying P-… erm, that is probably to much of a spoiler this soon. How about we start at the beginning of my rise into a feared name across the elemental nations.

Seiji Akagi – Age 3.

I love the rain. It has been one of the few constants of my new world since my 'rebirth' that has managed to keep me sane. I mean, imagine my surprise when my I finally lose the killer headache and regain some semblance of control over my pudge little body when I see bright haired people jumping and running on water and actual fish people with gills meandering about. If it had not been for my emotional constitution, I probably would have been clinically insane.

Of course, being born in the Bloody Mist might just do it to me anyway. Even worse, I have been born during the second war. Where in the war, I don't know? No one talks about it, but I can only assume it is the beginning, meaning somewhere from fourteen to fifteen years before cannon. Thank god Kiri isn't heavily involved in this one.

Luckily, my knowledge of future events and general ninja stuff should help me advance quickly, hopefully enough that I don't have to murder a bunch of small children. Of course, I'm not as so bold to try using my chakra without supervision. I am not sure how much weight various fan fictions have in the idea that using your chakra too early is harmful, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

So, I have been focusing on things that would help. Mastering the written and spoken language. Fuinjutsu is an overlooked and underused skill in general but the endless applications are something I can't pass on. Also worked on my physical abilities to best of my abilities. Push-ups, sit ups and running. My mother is a retired shinobi; retiring to raise me and has been more than helpful in giving me pointers.

My father is basically a suicide fighter, being in the lower caste, so he can't really help nor do I really have any memories of him. I know what he looks like; dull grey hair and bright green eyes with a build that could rival your local emo kid down at the mall, but no real memories as he is always here today gone tomorrow with the influx of missions coming our way since there are three villages locked in a death match.

But that is where I am at. Though I do plan on asking mother to help me with my chakra soon. Academy starts at age six in the Mist, but the sooner I can move through school for a second time, the sooner I can start working on leaving this death trap.

"Seiji-kun!" My mother hollered from the front door, bringing me from my musings, "Get ready, it's time to go to Jisan's!" I quickly shut my calligraphy book and put my things away, throwing on a simple black shirt, taking a quick glance at my self in the mirror on the way.

I had sandy blonde hair that I kept shorter on the sides and longer on top, slicked over to the right but it still spiked up no matter how much or how little product I used. I had steel grey pupil-less eyes. My skin was a olive tan color. I of course wore a black shirt that came down over the generic issue shinobi sweats as I call them. I also wore the standard shinobi sandals as they were cheap and in stock.

I met my mother, a curvaceous woman whom I get my hair and eye color from, dressed in a dark blue kimono that made her pale skin even paler. A pointed but loving look directed my way as she tapped her foot in impatience at the entryway. I quickly scurried to her side as she closed the door behind us on the way out with a grace that I could only hope to have one day.

Guiding me by the hand, we made our way through the slums of Kiri, avoiding the diseased and dying that littered the dirty cobblestone streets. Thankfully, it had just rained so the smell of decay had been mitigated a bit, but the undertone of poverty was there in the air.

Eventually we reached a multilayer stone building, one of the biggest in this level, and entered through the front steel gate. Mother knocked on the large red wooden door, a cool wind blowing in from the east. Every fiber of my body tingled, indicating to me the rain that plagued the area this morning wasn't quite finished.

"It's going to rain again Ka-san." I stated blankly.

My mother gave me a soft smile and ruffled my hair a bit with her free hand. She was about ask me a question, probably along the lines of why I thought that when the first droplets of rain started to fall. To say she had a look of shock would be an understatement, but she quickly scolded herself and warmly gazed at my smug expression. "If I wasn't your mother Zu-kun, I'd think you were born in Ame with how well you know the rain."

I gave her my brightest smile and starred straight a head at the door waiting for grandpa. I had always been in tune with the weather, namely the rain. I suspect that once I unlock my chakra that I have a stronger affinity for water than what is normal for one of Kiri born.

'Maybe I can become a second Tobirama?'

The large red door opened, and large old man dressed in forest green robes using a cane to support himself peered through from entrance. His stern gaze made even more impressive by his balding head and his one working eye focused between me and my mother. Of course, this was all a ruse because in only a few moments his glare turned in to a toothless grin that made my chest warm. "Aki-Chan. Seiji-Kun. Come to visit this old man on such a beautiful day. Come, come before the weather becomes something terrible like sunny and hot."

I let go of my mother's hand and gave him the biggest hug I could muster and rushed to his back yard. I heard them fondly talk about me as I closed the sliding door to back. Grandpa's backyard was my favorite place that I have been in all of Kiri. He had a large floating deck with a slanted tin roof that overlooked a beautiful large koi pond and a few small trees adjourned on either side of it. A sleek oak fence encompassed the rest of the property, with a gate that opened to a dirt trail that lead to the small stream that ran behind his home.

Overall, a very serene scene to sit a get lost in. Eventually, grandpa had joined me outside, taking a seat next to me. His presence adding to the calming nature of the rain. I felt him take a deep breath as he turned and looked my way. "Your Ka-san tells me you've been studying hard, Seiji-kun."

I hummed in acknowledgement and nodded my head, not sure where this conversation was going because, as in my last life, I wasn't much of a talker. Not an introvert mind you, just not a big talker. "Seiji-Kun."

At the mention of my name again, I looked up at the man, his gaze serious and meaningful. "Do you wish to be a shinobi?"

My eyes widen in shock. I wasn't expecting to be asked this so soon, even in a place known as bloody. "Hai Jisan, I wish to be strongest shinobi to ever come from Kiri." I carefully placed my words and watched as his glare hardened and he nodded.

"Come, sit in front of me Seiji and close your eyes."

I did as he asked, noting the lack of 'kun' at the ending, meaning whatever he was doing was serious. He placed a hand on my head and felt nothing for a few seconds before and cold shiver ran from his hand though my head to my gut. I felt it swirl around before a similar sensation stirred in my gut, pushing the cold out of my body and warming me slightly before the sensation spread throughout my body like rapids through a canyon.

"Impressive," the old man's gruff voice barely registered in my mind as I focused on the sensation. "Your chakra is as wild as the rivers that flow after the rain. Seiji-Kun, I have no doubt the future of the mist rest on your shoulders."

I nodded my head in bewilderment at him, the rush of power nearly intoxicating. I was experiencing so much in such a short period of time. The chakra rushing through my veins told me many things, first of which is that I am a sensor. Every drop of rain, the fish swimming in the pond and everything and everyone within a short distance of this home I could feel. If my brain didn't have the practice from integrating all my previous life memories off rip, the sensory overload might have honestly been too much.

The second thing my chakra told me is that I am a water type. The rain falling from the sky, the koi pond, the river and hell even the streams of water dripping of roof are calling to me, urging me to command them all most. I hesitantly stuck little hand out palm first, letting a few drops pool in my palm.

I watched in childlike wonder as I brought my hand back to my body as I made the little palm puddle swirl and dance with my chakra. I turned back with a thousand watt smile firmly plastered on my face toward grandpa to show him, only to find him stiff in shock, eyes fixated the water dancing at my mere whim.

I was going to ask him what was wrong when suddenly my I became very, very lightheaded. "Oh boy..." I managed to squeak out before the last thing I saw was the hardwood floor coming to meet my face.

1 week Later

Turns out that I don't have large reserves and chakra exhaustion is a bitch. The next day my whole body felt like I was dehydrated and was back in high school doing summer football workouts. I was also to be bed ridden for at least another week. Not that it mattered, it gave me more time to practice and become familiar with my slowly returning chakra reserves. Unfortunately, I didn't have any leaves to start practicing control with, so I was stuck sticking napkins on my face like a prepubescent teenager shaving for the first time. It only took three days to figure out the right control to get it to stick, the past four being spent learning to get it to stick longer than ten seconds.

I was working on sticking the napkin to my head for the umpteenth time that day when my mother, heavy bags under her eyes and her skin looking closer to fresh snow. 'I guess I really worried her.'

She sat down on the bed next to me, hand placed comfortingly on my small calf. "Seiji-kun," she spoke with a softness in her voice. "You are going to go live with Jisan from now on." She must have noticed the look of confusion on my face as she explained further, her voice almost shaking. "Your Oto-san didn't make it from his last mission. I am going to have be a shinobi again."

I felt bad. Mostly from the guilt of not having any real sadness at the news of my father's death. I could see it was weighing heavy on her though. I gave the woman the biggest hug I could muster in my tired state, one which she returned. I could feel her holding back the emotions, causing some in me that I didn't know I had developed.

"Ka-san." I whispered. "I will be become the strongest shinobi ever, so don't cry no more tears. You'll be able to retire into a nice home where I can take care of you… this I promise." I felt her shoulders relax at my quiet declaration.

"I look forward to it, Seiji-Kun."

One Year later

Apparently, we are towards the end of the second war now. Most people talk about the conflict ending in another year or two, most of the larger battles believed to be over. My knowledge of the second war is extremely limited, but I hope that they are correct, I kind of miss Ka-san. Only time will tell.


On a brighter note, my ninja training is going swimmingly. I've mastered the leaf exercise. Only took six months but mastered it none the less. I tried tree walking but my reserves, although grown by leaps and bounds, still aren't large enough to hold it for long periods of time. Grandpa say it will come in time, but I think I am destined to be more of a taijutsu and kenjutsu type of fighter, using ninjutsu to supplement my abilities and keep my enemy off guard rather than spamming ultimate's every third breath. Grandpa has also been drilling taijutsu into me every other day, calling in favors from his old students to help train me, past martial arts experience in my last life helping take to this new style like fish to water.


The biggest shock that has come from this past year was the knowledge the grandpa was a Jonin. Apparently, it was a field promotion during the first war. He claims he was never worthy of the title. He claims he was never worthy of the position, but he has trained many students to that level and that was something that he was proud of.


One of which was Kondo Oji-san, as he wished to be called. Currently, the shorter blue haired man was helping me practice throwing ninja weapons in one of the training grounds located in the middle-class district. I not sure if I just have a knack for it or if he is a hell of a teacher, but it has been the easiest thing to improve on.


And I jinx it. "So close Akachan," I turned to the deeper voice of the Kondo. The fat middle age man dressed in the standard uniform. "You'll eventually get it Seiji, but until you do you, I guess you are still Akachan." Kondo finished with a hardy laugh.

Akachan, or baby. Fucking hated that nick name, but I recognize it was his was of motivating me. Didn't want to be called a baby, get better. It may or may not be working but I'll never let him know that.

I bowed respectfully to the man, his red eyes still holding amusement at me. "When I get it Kondo Oji-san, I expect to be called Seiji-dono." I said, shooting off like a rocket towards the target to collect my kunai."

"It'll be a cold day in hell Akachan!" I heard him yell from behind, my hand coming up to suppress a snicker.

As I started to collect my kunai, I felt a new chakra signature and my grandpa enter the clearing next to Kondo Ojisan. Grabbing the last one, I turned to find the two men and an Anbu ninja having a serious conversation under harsh whispers.

I slowly walked back to towards the men, deliberately taking my time as to give them privacy. As I neared, the Anbu nodded at Kondo and Grandpa before disappearing in a body flicker just on the outside of my range and then ghosting entirely. I noticed the stern look on Kondo and the withered look on Grandpa as they turned towards me as I finally reached within arms distance.

"Seiji," Grandpa started, his voice hoarse. "It appears Lord Third has heard of you and your abilities."

I raised a question eyebrow at the two men as Kondo finished for him. "Akachan, it appears that you are to enter a personal training program and become a personal guard of the soon to be born Lord Fourth in the near future." The only thing I could think of before slowly nodding my head and throwing kunai downwind again was one thing.

'Well shit.'