So, I kinda got interested in the SCP universe. And I've been reading documents on SCPs from the innocent Safe-class like 999, to the threatening Keters like 682. And of course, I also learned about the famous scientists of the foundation like Doc Bright (seriously, when was that "one time" that chainsaw cannons actually was the answer?).

Anyways, the foundation inspired me enough to create this fanfic about what I think could be the origin of SCP-1471 AKA MalO ver1.0.0. Keep mind that this is my first SCP fic, so I apologize if it isn't that good. Also, fair warning, that there will be sensitive topics mentioned, such as depression and suicide. Anyways, I hope you all enjoy. And be sure to leave a review on what you thought. Now, on with the story!

Mallory "Mal" Oaks was, according to her family and friends, the most carefree girl anyone could meet. She would always wake up with a smile on her face, treating everyday like a perfect one. She had the perfect family, perfect friends, perfect boyfriend, and a perfect life. She was a straight A student that both her classmates and teachers loved. She then went on to graduate from her high school and went to college to hopefully get a career as a journalist.

In other words, you could say that she was the luckiest and most happiest girl in the world. So, you could understand how surprised both her family and friends were when they found out that she took her own life. The police were called in to investigate when her roommate, Katherine, found her dead on the floor with a bottle of pills in her hand. They then concluded that she died of drug overdose due to the consumption of pills that were supposedly in the bottle.

Her parents and siblings were devastated when they heard the news. And the only question that they asked was...why? Why did she do this? What could've happened to their beloved Mal that caused her to do this? The police then gave them a diary from Mal that was found in her backpack during the investigation.

The Oaks then decided that in order to learn the truth, they had to read it. So, they skimmed through the pages of the diary, starting with her first day at college, to see if they could find anything unusual. In the first few weeks, they found nothing, Mal appeared to be her normal, cheerful self. It was only when they found an entry that was written just about two weeks ago that they found something troubling.

The page was smeared with dried up tear drops that almost made the words unreadable. The only time Mal really ever cried was when she saw something sad happen on a movie, TV show, or even a play. Like the ending of Romeo and Juliet when they both killed themselves out of love. The entry the Oaks found then read:

Jake and I were watching a movie when he left his phone on the table while he went to the bathroom. And I guess curiosity got the better of me because I decided to pick it up and saw that he got a text from someone named, "Jessica". The text read: "Wanna meet up again?" And he replied, "Sure. Can't wait!" I didn't wanna jump to conclusions so I unlocked his phone and checked his previous texts with this girl. And, to my dismay, my suspicions were correct.

Jake had been seeing this girl behind my back, for months! He would keep texting her whenever I'm not around! Even on my birthday he would start chats with her! They would also decide to "meet up" like, every other week! And the worst part, she's not even in our grade! She's currently a high school junior while he's a college freshman!

After he got out of the bathroom, I put his phone down before he could notice anything. He continued watching the movie, but the whole time, I was looking over at Jake, not even recognizing him. My boyfriend, who I thought would be by my side until the end, has been lying to me and hanging out with a younger woman!

I wanted to confront him about it, but I just froze. Sat there not knowing what to do. Whenever he noticed something was off, he would ask what was wrong and I would just say that I was "okay", when really, I just felt betrayed! In the morning, I'm gonna talk to Kathrine about it, maybe she'll know what to do.

So now it started making sense. Mal was shocked when she found out that her thought-to-be loyal boyfriend ended up being a cheating lair, and it caused her to be depressed. But something still didn't add up. She had a lot of friends who were good to her and would've comforted her. And she also had school counselors to talk to about these problems, so why didn't she? The Oaks then decided to keep reading to see if they could find any more details.

I talked to Kathrine and my other friends/classmates about Jake. They were all pretty shocked that Jake would do such a thing, just like I was. They all agreed that Jake was a big jerk to cheat on someone like me and that they hope he falls down an endless hole. They then told me that I should confront him about it, so I did.

I told him that I knew about Jessica and that I would never forgive him. He tried telling me that Jessica never meant anything to him, but we both knew that wasn't true. I then told him that we were done and that I was never gonna see him again. And just like that, it was over.

It should've felt good to be done with Jake, but it didn't. For some reason, I felt like I could've done more than just break up with him, to do more than make him not see me again. Ending our relationship was enough right? No. No, it's not even close.

I have to make him pay. To make sure he regrets what he did. To make him think twice before doing it again. I have to get back at Jake! I have to get revenge!

My friends and I have come up with the perfect plan for revenge! One that'll definitely make him regret ever cheating on me! So, Tony and Abby will use their costume-designing skills to make me look a scary monster. Then, as a monster, I'll take pictures of myself at places that Jake usually hangs out at and text them to him. Then, while he's taking classes, I'll appear where he can see me, and when he starts freaking out, I'll disappear so that everyone in the class thinks he's crazy. Finally, when he's freaked out enough, I'll reveal myself and say something like, "That's what you get!"

It's honestly the best revenge plan anyone can come up with in my opinion! I can't wait until Tony and Abby finish the costume! This is going to be so good!

So, Tony and Abby started showing me sketches of their ideal monster. And I looked over them to pick out the perfect one. There was one sketch of what appeared to be a medieval plague doctor, which was good, but, not what I had in mind. There was also one with a frog-like woman creature. Again, good. But, nah! Finally, there was a sketch of a black-robed figure with pale white eyes, black hair, and a wolf skull for a head. It was perfect! me definitely something that would freak Jake out. So, this is the monster I'm gonna be dressed as.

The costume was finally done! I had my black robe, wolf skull mask, black wig with ears, and some contacts to make my eyes look all white. And so began the first phase of my plan. So, after school, I waited until Jake got finished playing basketball with his friends in the courtyard and went back to his room.

Afterwards, Katherine used my phone to take a picture of me in my costume while I stood out in the courtyard. Katherine then sent the pic to Jake and replied back with: "What the? Who is this?" My friends and I couldn't help but laugh at his response. He has no idea what's about to come.

Through the next few days, my friends and I have kept on sending "monster" pictures to Jake. And he kept on texting back, demanding to know who was sending him these pictures. Even though we didn't see his reaction, I can imagine he's just freaking out right now. I'm surprised he hasn't called the cops yet. Oh well, time to move on to phase two, real life sightings.

I honestly can't describe how perfect phase two has been. I would walk into Jake's classes without being spotted. And when Jake did spot me, his reaction was priceless! I've honestly never seen him that scared before. And the way the other people in class looked at him? They all think he's nuts! Even the professors think something's wrong with him!

I can't wait for this plan to be over!

We were gonna start phase three of the plan today, but something happened. Apparently Jake's roommate, Clark, found him dead in the bathroom. His head was inside the tub when it was filled with water. He drowned himself, and I think I know why.

He must of been so scared by our monster that he was convinced that it would come for him. So, he committed suicide before it could. This was never supposed to happen. He was just supposed to be scared! I didn't think he would go as far as to end his life!

Needless to say, everyone was devastated by Jake's suicide, especially me. I can't imagine what his family and friends are going through, now that Jake's gone, because of me. My friends keep telling me that it wasn't my fault, but I can't help but feel that it was! If I'd just left it off at our break up, none of this would've happened! But instead, I decided to come up with some grand scheme to get back at him!

What kind of sick person would use fear to make themselves feel good? What person would scare someone into killing themselves? What person would do such a thing? A terrible person.

I am a terrible person.

I can't take it anymore! How am I supposed to move on after doing such a terrible thing? I've tried to! But nothing helps. I'm so sorry Jake! You didn't deserve to die. Even after everything you did. But I do. I have some pills in my hand. A few of these should be enough. It'll be quick and painless.

I'm sorry everyone. Mom, Dad, Tom, Lucy, everyone. I'm sure you'll all miss me very I'll miss you. My only regret is that I didn't get to spend time with you in my final moments. Well, goodbye world. I'll move on to a better place.

Now the Oaks knew the truth. And to say they were shocked was an understatement. The fact that she caused her boyfriend to die and to have her kill herself, was one of the most heartbreaking things to ever hear about. The only thing on their minds now was what happened to the costume and her phone, neither of which were in her backpack.

They asked the police about it, but all they said was they were nowhere to be found. Perhaps Mal got rid of them? Or maybe someone took it before the police arrived. Either way, the mystery of Mal remains, to this day, unsolved.