Aria was so glad to be back in their dingy old home with her family. For day's all she wanted to do was snuggle with Sirius and her children. Not wanting any of them out of her sight for even a second. Sirius had to put his foot down when she tried to convince him to allow all the children to sleep in their bed with them. Today they were going to saint mungos to get a check up on her pregnancy.

"Are you ready love?" Sirius asked with a wink as his little wife sat on the floor of the library with the children.

"Is Remus here?" She asked. Remus was keeping the children for a few hours while they went.

"He's downstairs with teddy." He said with a wink to Darin as the boy stood and ran towards the door. "At least kiss your mother goodnight before you run off." Sirius laughed. Darin ran back over to his mother, giving her a kiss and running back out the door.

"Alright girls, let's head downstairs." Aria told them as Sirius came over and assisted her up off the floor. They walked down the stairs and greeted Remus and Teddy before Sirius excitedly pulled her towards the floo "I'll see you in 2 hours." He told Remus with a meaningful look.

The couple flooed over to the hospital and checked into the third floor. A tall man in a white robe came into the room.

"Mrs. Black I presume?" the healer asked.

"Yes, it's nice to meet you." Aria said sitting on the hospital bed. The healer came over to the table and waved his wand a few times, Aria's belly lightly up all different colors.

"So you are 6 weeks pregnant, congratulations." The healer smiled. "I'm going to do a spell next to show you the baby, would you two like to know the sex?" He asked. Aria smiled at Sirius who shook his head excitedly.

"We would love to." Aria said. Sirius grabbed Aria's hand and gave it a light squeeze. The healer waved his wand over Aria and an image appeared floating over her belly.

"Well look at that." The healer said. "You're having twins Mrs. Black!" Sirius's face lit up even more as Aria's paled in shock.

"Twin?" She asked faintly. Sirius kissed her soundly.

"Thank you so much baby." Sirius told her. The healer smiled at the couple before waving his wand once more.

"A boy and a girl. Congratulations once again." The healer told them. "Now I want you to take this tonic once a day, it's all the vitamins you will need to help these babies grow healthy and this potion will help with any morning sickness. If you need anything you may reach me by my floo, here is my card with my personal floo network, it will lead you directly to my office. I will see you again in 4 weeks Mrs. Black. Please make an appointment at the front desk on your way out." The healer said shaking hers and Sirius's hand and leaving the room.

"Twins." Aria said as if she just couldn't grasp it.

"Twins, baby a girl and a boy." Sirius said with a large smile. He barked out a laugh and lifted her into the air spinning her around. "Couple more and we can give the Weasleys a run for their money!"

"No, no more, after these two are born. I am done." She told him as he barked out another laugh at her expression.

"I'm kidding love." He told her with a kiss. "Now let's go I have a surprise." He told her grabbing her hand and pulling her out the door. After making her next appointment, he led her the apperation point and apperated them away.

"Where are we Sirius? Whose house is this?" Aria asked looking at the picture perfect home.

"Ours." Sirius told her pulling to the door.

"SURPRISE!" was yelled as Sirius opened the door. Aria's mouth open in shock. There in the large living room was the entire order. All those who risked their lives to save her.

"I don't know what to say." Aria said eyes filling with tears. "Thank you Sirius." She threw her arms around him kissing him soundly. "And Thank you all of you for everything you all did to bring me home."

Yes, thank all of you for helping me bring my wife home and for helping me with this surprise but it seems my darling wife wins as she had an even bigger surprise." He told them. "We are having twins!" Sirius yelled. Everyone whooped and cheered and congratulated the couple. "A boy and a girl!"

"I'm getting a baby brother!" Adeline yelled.

"And a sister." Annie chimed in. Sirius wrapped his arms around his wife's waist relishing in the feeling of being home with his new family. All was well.

This is the end of my story. I hope you all enjoyed it! Thank you to everyone who has sent me a review and told me what you think of it. I truly appreciate it!