Every one of power in Paris and Rome had been all abuzz about a grand ball that was to take place at the residents of the newest Count to move to the city of Rome. It's all anyone, even those who were not lucky to receive an invitation could talk about. The stories of the Count filled the streets of Rome, so even a common street beggar like myself heard about the Count. The advantage of this was that no one noticed me sneaking by and stealing things of value, they are too busy talking about the Fabulous Count.

The night of the party, the streets of Rome were empty. As I walk along the streets to my home, which is the attic of a house that is falling apart, but beggars cannot be choosers. As I settle in for the night, looking up at the sky, I see fireworks light up the sky. They are beautiful, in every color imaginable. I lay there watching the light from them until they stop, then head to bed.

The next morning I wake early, as I always do. When I get on the streets they are packed with people, going about their day. I hear a few people speaking of their night at the Count's party, but I've heard enough of the Count and try my best to tune them out. But, again, their stories allow me to sneak by and steal wallets and out of purses. After a few hours, I have about 20 euros, which is pretty good for a mornings work. Normally, I only get this much after a few days, since most of what I steal and find is change.

When I start to make my exit of the streets I spot a Spanish man on the edge of the crowd. As I pass him, he grabs my arm, taking a firm grip on it, speaking to me with a Spanish accent, "If you don't wish to be turned in as the thief you are, I suggest you keep quiet and come with me." The man walks me over to a rather nice carriage and opens the door, "Get it."

I shake my head, "Monsieur, I am not a…."

The man cuts me off, "I know you are not. That is not why you are being taken. Now, get it." The man's tone harshens and I follow his command.

As I glance up into the carriage, I see that there is a man in the carriage, from what I can see he is dressed very expensively. Once I am in the carriage the man closes the door and climbs onto the front and we begin to move.

After a few minutes, the man in the carriage breaks the silence, "What is your name, manquer?"

I glance over to the man, having been looking out the window of the carriage, "Clara Arielle."

The man nods, "Arielle, is that a middle name or a last name?"

"Middle, monsieur." I shift myself so that I am facing the man.

"How old are you, manquer?"

"Fifteen, Monsieur."

"Fifteen and on the streets of Paris alone. Where are your parents?" I don't answer the man but instead look down. I had lost my parents almost a year before. The man nods, "I am very sorry." the man clears his throat, "I have a proposal for you."

I look over to man a little confused and concerned, "Monsieur, I tried to tell your driver, but I am not for sale."

The man shakes his head, "everyone is for a price, manquer. You will learn that very soon. Lucky for you that is not what I am proposing. No, I wish for you to pose as my daughter. In return, you will be paid, given a place to stay, and given anything you could wish for."

I look over to the man, still confused, "Who are you, monsieur?"

The man leans forward and brings his face into the light. His face looks weathered as if he's seen a lifetime of horrors, but he himself doesn't look much older then 37. "I am the Count of Monte Cristo," he smirks behind a very neat Van Dyke beard.

"Why me? Why not one of the hundreds of orphans in Rome?"

"Because that leaves a paper trail. I need someone who can pose as my blood daughter. Someone who won't think twice about what needs to be done and since you have been living on the streets you know that all too well."

I take a deep breath and look out the window of the carriage again. "What would I have to do?"

"Be spoiled, be kind, be lovely, and be at my side, as any daughter would be."

I think for a moment before nodding, "Alright, I'll do it."

"Perfect, my young Clara." The Count leans forward and shouts out the window of the carriage, "Jacopo, to the estate!" The Count turns back to me, "You are in for a surprise, my dear."

When we arrive at the Count's estate, which is about fifteen minutes outside of Rome, I am awestruck by the beauty of it. The six large terraces leading up to the main house. The huge pond at the very front of the estate, surrounded by trees and brushes, with a fountain in the middle of it. As we walk up to the first terrace I look up at the two statues of horses on either side of the stairway.

I turn to the Count who is smiling, "What do you think of your new home, little one?"

I look back up the stairs, "It's beautiful."

"Yes, it is." The Count gestures over to Jacopo when I turn 'round again, "Why don't we get inside. You can clear up, changed, and then you can meet me on the patio. Yes?"

I nod, "Yes…" I look around once more, before turning back to the Count, "Father…"

The Count nods, "Very good."

Jacopo and I head inside, him showing me to my room and introducing me to my ladies maids, which I have to say I am not really comfortable having, but I suppose daughters of Counts have them. "This is Marie and Justine, they are here to help you with whatever I can not." As I nod, Jacopo turns to the women, "Start a bath for the young miss and then help her pick out some suitable clothes. She will be meeting her father on the North patio when she is ready."

The women nod and start to carry out the orders, as I look around the large room. The room is colored in ivories, whites, beiges, and tans. Which white lace curtains over the windows and door, that appears to lead to a balcony. The bed is large and looks as though it is as soft as clouds. The floors are cold and marble and the walls are a light tan, with a hint of gold in their color. There is a large dresser, along with a few mirrors, and a few heavily padded seats in the room, near a large closet door.

Marie, who has blonde hair and a light complexion. has gone to draw the bath and, Justine, who has black hair and a slightly darker complexion, had started looking through the large closer. It seems that the Count had been expecting to take on a young woman to act as his daughter.

It doesn't take long for Marie to come back, "Madame, your bath is ready." I turn to Marie and walk into the bathroom, "Will you need any help, my lady?"

I shake my head, "No, I don't imagine I will. Thank you."

Marie nods, "very well, just call when you are finished."

I head into the bathroom and it is another very large room, decorated in white, browns, and golds. The floor is a light wood, the walls are white, until halfway down, then become the same color of wood as the floor. The tube sits in the middle of the far wall, there is a fireplace in the room, across from the tube, as well mirror right beside the door. I walk over to the tube, stepping onto the rug in front of it, feeling the soft fabric between my toes. I reach down and feel the warm water, watching the steam dance off of the water, as I undress. I lay my clothes to the side, knowing it would be the last time I saw those dirty, tattered clothes.

As I wash, I watch my dirty, mud-covered body become clean. My hands and feet that had once been grey from the dried mud were now pink once again. When I am finished, washing my body and hair, I stand and exit the tube. Taking the robe on the back of one of the chairs, and putting it on. When I exit the bathroom and enter the bedroom again, Marie and Justine, had several lovely dresses hung on the back of the closet door and laying on the bed.

Justine turns to me first, "All done, madame?"

I nod, "yes."

Justine turns toward Marie, "Well, now we get to start on your nails and hair, madame."

Justine gestures toward the chair in front of one of the mirrors and I sit. Once I do the women get to work, cleaning my nails and doing my hair. Making sure they are clean and look well kept. Marie paints my nails a pale pink color, while Justine brushes through my hair and curls it, before pinning it high and then moving on to my makeup.

I look into the mirror at a face I do not recognize. The girl I once was was no more and the woman in front of me was fitting for a Count's Daughter. Once Justine and Marie are done with my hair, makeup, and nails, they turn me around and gesture over the many dresses they had picked for me. As I look over the dresses, I am drawn to a light pink, silk dress, with gold sleeves. Justine and Marie help me get dressed, once I have slipped on a pair of pale pink heels, Justine adds a pink bow to my hair.

As I look in the mirror, Marie heads out of the room and returns shortly with Jacopo. "My lady, you look lovely." I smile softly and turn to Jacopo, still in front of the mirror. "Your father will be very pleased. Come with me." Jacopo turns and exits the room and I follow. Jacopo leads me to the North patio, where the Count is waiting, reading a book. "Your grace, your daughter."

The Count lowers his book and turns to me, "Clara, you look lovely." The Count stands and walks over to me, taking my hand, "please." he gestures back to the table he was at. The two of us walk over to the table and I sit, as the Count pulls out the chair for me, before sitting himself. "I imagine you are hungry my dear." I simply nod, "Clara, there is no need to be quiet around me, you may speak freely. In fact, I encourage it."

I take a deep breath, "Yes, I am hungry, Monsieur."

"Father." the Count corrects as he gestures up with his hand. When he does, two men come out with plates of fruit, cheese, and bread, sitting them in front of us. "Please, eat." The Count gestures toward the plate in front of me, "But remember, you are above all a lady."