A/N: hey there! So I know this is a tad unexpected. This time you must blame Zukerburg for my procrastination. Because if he had developed facebook this prompt wouldn't have caught my eye and I would be writing this in addition to Unlocking Time. Don't worry, I am still writing that it's just a tad slow going, as is to be expected. Until then I am fulfilling my promise and posting this on the last day of the week. Welcome all who came from insta and I hope you enjoy it.

All those of you didn't, the link for the original prompt is below.

This is another humour fic, a genre for which I have very little experience but I hope it will fulfill all the necessary humourous criteria.

Well, without further ado:



prompt link: p/CAQjVFVFUDD/?igshid=10ded4zau2qp0

Prologue: Emotional Support

Platform 9 ¾ was as crowded as it had been all the previous years that it had deposited students, fresh from yet another year at Hogwarts. The sights usually made Harry a tad overwhelmed. But not this year. This year there was something far more intriguing to be seen. Harry blinked at the dog sitting in front of him. Then he looked down at the slightly slobbery letter. Hermione and Ron were also staring at the dog in a mixture of panic and confusion whilst their parents didn't seem to understand what all the fuss was about. Harry opened the letter.

Hiya Kiddo!

You're probably a bit confused.

First off, don't worry about me being seen. Dumbledore has someone in the Auror department on my case now, he's feeding a bunch of false information, including that my Animagus form is actually a black poodle. Not my idea but whatever.

Second of all, why am I here? Well, it doesn't take a genius to know you're not being treated right at home. You're way too skinny, awfully short, and really the flinching gave it away, something I didn't grow out of till I was about 17.

Anyway! I want to be there to protect you. If that means mauling a couple Muggles then I'm game. If it just means growling a bit that's okay too. And if you just need me to be there when things get bad, well then that is good too.

I even have a story! You've been almost killed twice, ostensibly had a lunatic trying to kill you all year, been kidnapped, attacked by Dementors, a basilisk, teachers who've had mental breakdowns. No one would blame a boy for having panic attacks. I know I did, and I only got the strap. So Dumbledore decided that you needed this wonderful muggle idea.

An emotional support service dog!

So here I am! My name is Snuffles! Only you're allowed to pet me cause I'm a service dog so I'm technically working. And this way we can be together every day. And don't worry, I took my flea medicine. Tasted ghastly as always but I'm finally not flea-bitten. Just a mutt!

Anyways, this letter is longer than I wanted it to be, and you're probably getting stares. Plus the Muggles are probably waiting.

So let's get to it!

As soon as Harry reached the end of the page. Snuffles barked and wagged his tail with a sloppy grin. Harry smiled slowly and patted the dog's head.

"You're bloody mad." He said. The dog tilted his head with the same grin as if to say 'you mean brilliantly mad'

"So what is this about Harry dear?" Molly asked in confusion.

"Dumbledore sent him," Harry said quietly. "He thinks I've had a very stressful few years, what with Voldemort," he ignored the flinch. "And the Dementors and Black. He sent Snuffles here as-" he theatrically lifted the paper and read the lines. " 'an emotional support service dog'. Apparently it's a new muggle idea"

"How fascinating!" Arthur said suddenly wide-eyed. "So this dog's job is to keep you emotionally healthy?"

"Yeah," Harry said as he gave the dog another pat.

"Well, we'd best be off dear. I'm sure your family has been waiting. Oh but first!" Molly said. She withdrew a piece of string from her pocket and transfigured it into a lead and collar. "Don't want you getting stopped by the Muggles do we?"

"Thanks," Harry said as he took it. With that Hermione and Ron, both waved goodbye with conspiratory grins. Harry turned to his godfather then looked at the collar and wince.

"Sorry Snuffles, but she's right. The bylaws would pitch a fit." Harry said. The dog shrugged, which Harry didn't know dogs could do and stuck out his neck. After Harry fastened the collar he grinned. "Come on then." He said as he led the way through the secret entrance back to muggle London, "Let's go give my aunt a heart attack."

A/N: Welp. That's the prologue. Chapter 1 should be up by next week, editing pending of course. Ironic that I started this project less than a week before my summer classes begin.

Ah well… I'm sure this quarantine will give me plenty of time to get everything done.

Be sure to please stay hydrated, stay safe, and stay home if you can.

And don't forget to keep on reading!