CHAPTER 25 – A Word From Dumbledore

I've re-uploaded this chapter just to mention that I do have a sequel in the works, however, I like to have some of it backlogged before I begin to post, so watch this space!

Thank you so much to everyone who has followed my story. It means a lot since I am brand new here.

"Professor Dumbledore, I don't know how to thank you for how much you have done for me," Geneva expressed. The two of them were sat in his magnificent office in front of a grand, lit fireplace, on high backed chairs. A soft smile creased his ancient features as he sat with his jewelled fingers interlinked and his feet crossed in his silver and lilac slippers.

"Geneva, what you did back there was noble, using your gift for the greater good."

"Well, Sever-I mean, Professor Snape had risked so much. It was instinct that drove me. I just…But you, you fought…" she paused for a second.

"Don't be afraid," he ushered her on.

"Voldemort," she spoke, lowly. "You fought him. If it hadn't of been for you… How did you do it?"

"Ah now you see I couldn't have done it without the help of Professor Snape. The horcrux you saw him hand to Voldemort had been placed under a most deceptive charm – essentially, it became a duplicate. To the eye and touch, Voldemort was fooled into believing it had been safely returned. The real horcrux I had kept in my possession since that unfortunate night it latched on to you." He looked down for a moment with a gentle shake of his head. "One only wishes Miss Lovegood could still be here as you are."

Geneva's eyes swept sadly from Dumbledore's sombre expression to the flickering fire as momentary silence fell between them.

"So…Professor Dumbledore, sir, what happened to the real horcrux if it's still with you?"

"Ah, but it is no longer with me, you see," he spoke, looking up. "The horcrux has now been destroyed."

"You destroyed the horcrux?"

"Indeed," he confirmed.

"And then what happened? What happened to…Voldemort?"

"He fled, weakened. In destroying a horcrux, a part of the soul disintegrates into the abyss."

"Is that why the death eaters suddenly disappeared?"

"Yes. He had summoned them."

Geneva took a while to digest this information.

"But this means he's still here, he's just…"

"Contained…regaining his strength," Dumbledore finished her train of thought. "For now."

His latter words caused a cloud to loom over her.

"He wants my gift to assist his pursue of Harry, doesn't he?"

"You are correct," he spoke matter of factly, but with reassuring determination in his blue eyes that looked over his spectacles. "But I believe in you just as I believe in Harry, Geneva. You possess a gift Voldemort does not. He may be able to read minds, he may be able to block his own, but he can not foretell the future. Your gift favours you tremendously."

"Harry and I…what if we put our heads together," Geneva advocated. "I mean, I could help him. Voldemort wanted to use my gift against Harry, but I could use it in his favour."

The words escaping came as a great surprise to her after all the fear and turmoil she'd endured, but it appeared that Dumbledore's presence and wise words had given her the strength and courage she needed to truly embrace her gift.

Dumbledore smiled warmly, causing his blue eyes narrowly glitter over his half moon spectacles before pushing them on his nose. He didn't need to say anything - his expression spoke volumes.

"Now…" he cleared his throat, sitting up a little. "Professor Snape…"

Geneva's eyes waved nervously, feeling a pull in her stomach, instantly closing her mind to the most private thoughts between her and the Hogwarts Potions Professor. She fumbled nervously with her fingers in her lap as he continued.

"Now, one would be a fool to ignore the severity of an unorthodox student and teacher relationship…"

Geneva stomach twisted. The way Dumbledore looked over his spectacles didn't help, and for a moment she thought he may have to expel her on principle. "However," he continued, pushing his spectacles back upon his crooked nose. "I have often thought that one must embrace the rare emotion of true happiness wherever they find it. There is no use in marking the place and coming back to it at a more convenient time, for the moment may pass and it may be lost," he took a pause. "One would also be a fool to underestimate what I saw unfold last night between you both."

Geneva, who was too nervous to contribute, and sat listening intently whilst Dumbledore aired his thoughts.

"It appears the two of you have bonded over something you subsequently share through the power of the mind. The mind is not meant to be read as a book, however, but it appears Severus has allowed you to go beyond his front cover and thumb through a page or two."

Geneva suddenly found herself welling up at Dumbledore's words as thoughts of Severus filled her heart. A nod was all she could manage.

"It hasn't been easy."

"Oh of course not," he said knowingly. "Love never is."

Geneva swallowed – her heart a flutter at the mention of the word. It was still sinking in that she had professed her feelings in such a way. It was something she had thought about before now, but was too afraid to mention, refraining as if she were waiting for something to happen, to confirm her feelings. What if it was the wrong time? What if it scared him? Made him back away?

"It is often said in our lasts moments we project upon others who we really are inside. You believed Severus was subjected to his last moments outside Malfoy Manor last night, and I believe he felt the same way."

Geneva wiped a falling tear from her pale skin at Dumbledore's words pulling at her heartstrings remembering the way Severus had looked at her as he lay on the ground as though she were the only person in the world.

"You have shared an intimacy that transcends many – the fuse of two minds, and once combined with care and affection it can be a recipe for love."

There was another pause, before Dumbledore leant forward in his chair as though he were about to reveal the world's biggest secret. Lowering his voice, his eyes began to dance over his golden spectacles.

"I have known Severus since he sat under the Sorting Hat, and what I witnessed between the two of you yesterday was something I dare say I never thought I'd see in him again. I do believe I saw a twinkle in those eyes."

Geneva choked a little through her tears.


"Did you not see it? Why I haven't seen him look that way since…"

"Lily…" Geneva spoke.

"Ah," Dumbledore simply said, and sat back a little.

"I heard Lucius mention her. Who is she, Professor?"

"Well, like you Severus has suffered. It is not my place to say much more. What matters is that in times of darkness, we stand together. Two candles shine brighter than one afterall, Miss Azur. When one burns out, the other must light the way, for that is love," he smiled. "Why I believe I even saw him smile…almost," he winked.

"To be honest, I'm still getting used to it Professor."

Dumbledore gave a hearty chuckle with his hand on his stomach, "Indeed. Indeed. Perhaps I should slip a sherbet lemon into his pumpkin juice this evening."

"You do that Professor," Geneva laughed.

Slowly, Dumbledore rose to his feet, shaking his head in amusement. Geneva followed and stood up beside him.

"Well, I do believe it's time for us to depart," he said, finally. "Oh, but before we do, here…I have a little something…"

Dumbledore dipped into his majestic lilac robes and pulled out a small glass vial. Inside it, was a golden, glimmering liquid. He handed it over and Geneva examined the contents, watching it swirl.

"For your father," he smiled, pressing a hand to her shoulder.

Dumbledore held out his arm, "Do hold on. Let's get you home."

And, smiling through her astounded teary eyes, Geneva took his arm, clutching the little golden bottle.

And poof, they were gone.