Yes, I made a Spartan Percy story, I would have made one sooner, but when IDKHowToWritePlsHelp posted his there was a flood of them on this site and I didn't want to caught up in it, besides, mine is pretty unique compared to others. Yes, I did bring him in at Westover Hall, but I will change things up from there, he won't even be part of the quest. He has his own journey.

480 BC - Olympian Throne Room

"He's a Spartan, let him die with his brethren, it's an honorable death."

"He's the strongest demigod ever born, we can't just let him die! We may need him in the future."

"We are not gifting the boy immortality just because he is powerful." Zeus finally decided to butt in on the argument between Athena and Poseidon. With Poseidon arguing to let his son die an honorable death surrounded by his brothers-in-arms and Athena arguing to somehow keep him in case of a new powerful threat.

This fight had been going on ever since the small Greek force had arrived to the narrow pass at Thermopylae, and it was slowly going against Poseidon. Normally someone would be glad to know they were going to be saved from death, but he was a Spartan, whose fatal flaw is loyalty, abandoning his people would not sit well with him.

It was growing more and more heated the closer they were getting to the boy's death, at the moment Poseidon and Athena were both holding their weapons, but so far neither had summoned their armor. At that point things would probably get bloody.

"You really think Zeus would allow the POWERFUL boy to be IMMORTAL so he can maybe one day save us?" Poseidon exaggerated the words powerful and immortal to get through to him, hoping his paranoid nature could work with him for once.

"Yes, I'm not-" Zeus started to speak, but Athena cut him off.

"I'm not saying we give him immortality." Instead of getting mad at the interruption Zeus gave her a strange look, along with everyone else in the throne room.

"What do you suggest, there is no other way to ensure he survives until we would need him. Not even partial immortality can ensure that he doesn't die." Zeus seemed to be interested in his daughter's plan, and Poseidon did not like it, if Athena got Zeus on her side... He did not like where this was going.

"I say that we gift him partial immortality, then we put him to sleep, to awake him when the need arises. Then we don't have a powerful immortal running around until we need him." Athena explained her plan, and Zeus nodded along with it. A smile appeared on her face knowing she as well as won the argument.

"No!" Poseidon and Ares both yelled at the same time, Ares had been silently supporting Poseidon until this point, but he would not let this happen to one of his people. This would be a fate worse than death, being asleep for possibly millennia, unable to see his people in Elysium. He would not let this go through.

"All for Athena's plan?" Zeus started a vote while holding up his own, Athena smirked at Poseidon and Ares simultaneously raising her own hand.

Nine hands went up. "All against the plan proposed by Athena?" It was simply a formality, Athena's plan had already passed.

That didn't matter to the three hands that went up, Ares, Poseidon, and Apollo all voted against the Spartan's unplanned sleep. "It is decided then, Athena will initiate her plan as soon as the Spartan 'falls' in battle."

1941 - Olympian Throne Room

"We didn't wake him for the war against the giants, why would we wake him now!" A small amount of spittle came flying from the mouth of the god of the skies.

"Because Zeus we had Heracles and many other strong demigods then, these new demigods don't compare to back then. Besides this is a WORLD war, not some war against giants!" Poseidon might as well as growled Zeus' name. Even though the incident was thousands of years ago, he still grew angry whenever the topic came up.

"Besides, we only have three sons of Poseidon in this war, two of which are trying to dodge the draft, the other isn't aware of his heritage." Ares helped Poseidon out with his argument. The last of Ares' blessed people alive was still stuck in his forced hibernation, over two thousand years later. At this point it seemed they would never wake him up from his endless slumber.

Zeus thought on this, obviously in deep thought. Ares, hoping to convince him, started to speak, "I can teach him how to fight in this new age. He will be powerful enough to hopefully end this war a lot sooner."

The words 'and reduce casualties' were unspoken, but that didn't matter, Zeus wouldn't have paid them any attention anyways.

"Alright, but it must be sent back into his slumber when this silly little war is over, I won't have our greatest weapon used during this instead of when we really need it."

In the corner of the room a small girl tending to a fire frowned at her brother's use of it when speaking of the demigod, but she didn't comment. Instead choosing to stay silent during the meeting, not wanting to start anything that could divide her family even more.

She hoped her nephew wasn't to distraught and lonely, but she knew it was inevitable. He would be destroyed by the survivors guilt, and would probably find it hard to connect to people, he was out of his time.

It wasn't all bad though, she also knew of a girl who was going to be in need of company and friends in the future, maybe she could arrange a run in between the two? It could help.

There was just one small hurdle in the way, the girl had extreme trust issues when it came to men, which was not helped at all by her niece, but when she had met her nephew the first time she had noticed how kind and compassionate he was. So that probably wouldn't be a problem for very long.

2007 - Westover Hall

Percy was still in his grey trench coat with his M1 Garand slung over his shoulder. He had long since ditched the big green helmet he had been wearing, but he couldn't and wouldn't get rid of his trench coat, it was far to cold outside.

Although the trench coat wasn't very warm, it was better than nothing in this cold and snowy area.

He looked at the medals on the coat, each one well polished and shining from the lights on the large stone building he was next to.

He didn't feel any different, but he didn't feel any different last time he woke up either. He started searching through his pockets trying to find the one personal item he kept on him: Ammunition? No that obviously wasn't it. A Twinkie? Not it either. His pocket watch? Also not it, it did mean a lot to him though. After digging around his many pockets some more he finally found it, a photograph.

On the photograph were ten people, six men, four women, all of them holding drinks, celebrating. In the background was the war-torn French city of Paris. He smiled and felt a tear roll down his cheek, in the photo it showed him dancing with a woman, it might have been in black in white, but he remember her onyx-brown eyes and black hair.

The rest of the people in the picture were also his friends, the men fellow marines, and the women (Except of the one he was dancing with.) spies.

He felt a bit of righteous anger at this having been taken away from him, he didn't get a choice in the matter. The Olympians snatched him up, faking his death and now all of those people were probably dead or so old they couldn't remember anything, let alone him. He wasn't even given the chance to say goodbye before they faked his death and put him back to sleep.

He couldn't do much more than be angry at them, the Titan's were much worse than the gods and he wouldn't let humanity suffer just because he was upset about something that happened almost a century ago. (Not that it felt like a century for him.)

He carefully stored the photo back into the pocket on the inside of his coat and zipped it up, he would be very sad if he lost it.

He walked to the back exit of the building, footprints from his steel toed boots followed him. He felt uneasy out here really wanted to get back inside, but Olympus had him on an assignment, and he couldn't fail.

If he did fail the Titans would have two very powerful demigods to fight for them, that might tip the scales. Away from Olympus' favor.

Then he heard French cursing. Such awful words if he said it his mother would come back from the dead and beat him. It was the monster.

He pulled out his celestial bronze sword, Riptide, and hid against the wall ready to ambush the foul mouthed French. When they got closer he could hear the monster talking to a demigod he seemed to have captured that wasn't the DiAngelos he was told about.

In all fairness he wasn't told much, only a vague description of the DiAngelos and what type of monster it was. It was, and he quotes 'All he needed to know'.

Focusing back onto his makeshift ambush he crouched down, hoping to make himself less visible, he wanted to catch the monster by surprise, if he didn't it could get dangerous.

The Manticore smashed the door off its hinges with a bat of its paw and walked out, only to feel something pricking its throat. He looked down and saw a man wearing an old world war two trench coat with an old gun that also seemed to be from the same era slung over his shoulder. He had a bronze sword at his throat.

Percy took the opportunity to observe the Manticore, scorpion tail, lion body, head and torso of a man. He looked like a messed up centaur.

"So, I hear you have some demigods?" Percy asked in near perfect French, startling the Manticore even more. He learned it while fighting in the country.

He then switched to Greek, partially because he spoke it better and partially because the demigods could understand it. "I'd start talking about who you are kidnapping these demigods for before I remove your head from your body."

The Manticore put on a mask of courage. "Why you foolish little demigod, I work for the General himself. Now release me before my reinforcements arrive and I may grant you a swift death. Nothing can stop the great stirring!"

Percy just raised an eyebrow at the monster, "You just gave away all the information I needed, you're obviously not very bright are you?"

The Manticore growled at him and tried to stab him with his scorpion tail. Only to find it on the ground, amputated from his body before it could make contact. Then he didn't feel anything anymore as his the sword sliced through his neck.

Percy looked at the three demigods he had rescued, two boys and a girl. "So, how you-"

"Stop right there!" He was interrupted as a black haired girl ran up to him with a spear and shield in her hand. He also noticed some snow being disturbed behind him but didn't see anyone, maybe they were invisible? Whoever they were, they obviously didn't make the connection between the monster dust slowly flying away from him. Even though the demigods beside him were in no state to fight.

"Oh h-" He was interrupted again, but this time by a hunting horn. He didn't understand why he wasn't allowed to finish a sentence, it was bothersome.

A large pack of silver wolves encircled them after the horn, probably there to make sure no one tried to escape, moments after they were surrounded a bunch of girls dressed in silver carrying bows and knives stepped out from where the wolves came from. All the bows were aimed at them.

He really wished he could go back to sleep.

Realizing surrendering was his only option he threw down his sword and dropped his old gun he forgot he was carrying. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the spiky black haired girl scowl as she saw the silver girls, but she kept her weapons on her. He also saw a blonde girl take off a hat from her head, how she was invisible he wasn't sure, maybe an enchantment?

That didn't matter to him though, he got down to his knees and put his hands behind his head. He was surrendering, but hopefully this was who he thought it was. If so there was a very slim chance he would live.

After some time one of the silver girls spoke, she was different than the others, a much stronger aura of power surrounded her, she also had silver eyes, so it wasn't to hard to figure out who she was.

He brought one knee up so that he was kneeling before her, the action caused a lot of buzz from the hunters who aimed their bows at him. "Lady Artemis."

Not for the first time he wished to go back to sleep.

He didn't notice the young woman with a tiara sitting on her head staring at him with shock, how was he still alive?

Yes the person he was dancing with in the photo was Zoe (I can't put the accent on the 'e', sorry). Don't worry more backstory will come soon, yes Percy fought on multiple fronts in the war, he can move extremely fast in water, so why wouldn't he be able to go between the Pacific Theater and European Theater. He also was woken up before Pearl Harbor (If just barely), the attack on Pearl Harbor happened in 1941.

Stay Safe