Chapter 1

A/N: Hey everyone, good to see y'all for another story. So rubeneliasrivera left an idea for me on Half-Breed, and I really liked it. So now, here we are, with an AU of Half-Breed I guess, where instead of Jurassic Park it's the MonsterVerse and Young Justice (neither of which I own).

Hope you enjoy and let me know what you think!

Vandal Savage stood looking out over the raging seas.

Pitiful. Centuries of human civilization, and this is what they had come to? A stagnant race no longer evolving, one that would be seen as nothing more than a speck in the large view of history. He remembered the days humans evolved. When those who gained power were viewed as high as the gods they worshiped. How could they not? The only way to gain power was by the blessing of one of the mighty gods, or by blood.

But then those gods disappeared, vanishing into the earth, leaving their worshippers helpless, weak. And with their disappearance, the agents of stagnation came. Those who were against the evolution of human society, an evolution he had helped fuel for countless years. These so-called heroes were keeping humanity from reaching its full potential, from stepping into the light where it belonged.

Instead they let the human race hide in the shadows. Preventing the proper course of evolution from taking hold, making humanity think they were perfect.

No, they were far from perfect. Humanity could be so much more. The ancient gods knew that, he still remembered standing under the massive shadow of one, watching in awe as it laid waste to the weak and allowing those made of something stronger to emerge. He watched the great beings wipe the continent of Atlantis off the face of the Earth, plunging it into the seas where a new, stronger race emerged.

The gods understood evolution.

"Savage, I see you are as eager as I am to meet our potential ally," Luthor greeted holding out a drink. "We're above the location, our inside man, has done his work so far."

Savage smiled, taking a sip from his glass, "Good. And the samples?"

"They've been obtained."


"So, what is it you wish to show us?" Ras inquired stepping into the room with their fellow Light Members behind him. "I take it's something useful to our cause, yes?"

"Yes, thousands of years ago, man was not the true ruler of our world. Our race was at the whims of the gods of evolution, the Titans," Savage started.

"The Titans?" Queen Bee spoke.

Savage nodded, pressing a button, he revealed the holograms of ancient carvings. "Not in the Greek Titans as you think. In fact, most have forgotten these creatures even exist. Except for a select few," glancing out the window he watched the water begin to surge, "behold."

They all turned, eyes widening as they saw three rows of spikes rising out of the sea. Even from the distance they were at, they could feel the waves rocking their ship as it passed, the spines almost reaching several stories in height.

"Meet one of the great Titans," Savage introduced watching the ancient beast breach again, its massive head almost appearing. A hauntingly beautiful call shook the ship as the beast's massive plates illuminated brilliant blue for a moment. It had been so long since he heard one of these creatures; centuries since he'd seen one. He had almost forgotten how magnificent they were. "Now, I believe I'll allow our inside man, an expert in Titans and who sees the error in the current ways of humanity, to explain further. May I introduce, Alan Jonah."

"Thank you," the man bowed. "I used to work for Monarch. An organization created during WWII to track and hunt monsters. I'm sure you all know of the nuclear tests being done in the Pacific Ocean by the Soviets and the Americans in the 1950s. Lies state this as a display of power for the Cold War; in reality, they awakened this Titan, Titanus Gojira. More commonly known as Godzilla. They were attempting to destroy him. Naturally, this failed."

"Amazing," Queen Bee smiled, "you're telling us this creature withstood nuclear blasts?"

"Yes," he confirmed. "Ever since then, the world has sought to keep these 'monsters' secret from the world. They have covered up numerous tragedies, such as the nuclear reactor explosion in Japan."

"Did this thing cause that?" Klarion grinned.

"No, Godzilla was no responsible, that was another Titan," Luthor corrected.

Jonah stated, "One called a MOTO. As of now Monarch is studying the creature as it gestates. From what the research of Monarch has gathered, these beasts feed on radiation."

"How many of zese Titans are zere?" the Brian inquired.

"Currently, we know of seventeen," he answered. "All but Gojira are dormant. These creatures are believed exist to keep balance to the natural order. Such as protect this world from the folly humanity creates. However, that is beside the point. I am currently working on an assignment that might be able to awaken the rest of these monsters. A device known as ORCA, is currently in the works. Replicates the frequencies that they use to communicate."

"An interesting proposal," Savage spoke. "But in order to further the necessary evolution of humanity, I had another plan. Did you bring them?"

A scowl crossed the man's face before he nodded, pulling out a briefcase and setting it on the tables, "The materials you ordered. Eleven Titan DNA samples, cryo-contained and kept in high radiation containers to preserve integrity. May I ask what are you going to use them for?"

"For something that will help bring Humanity to the Light," Savage smiled picking up the sample labeled Titanus Gojira. "So my friends? What do you think?"


Washington D.C, July 5, 01:12EST

"Geez, how did we not know about this place?" Flash said putting his hands on his hips as the looked over the floor they were currently exploring.

"Because they were using their own electrical grid," Robin answered showing his mentor the data he obtained.

Flash sighed, shaking his head, "Guardian, how long has this been going on?"

"I joined three years ago," Guardian answered. "I know they've been operating before that."

"What projects do they have going on?"

"I knew about the Genomorphs, Superboy, and Blockbuster if that's what you mean," he confessed. "But as for other projects, they have a lot."

"Any that are like what we just saw?" Wonder Woman asked.

The former-hero rubbed his head, things still felt cloudy from when the Gnomes were controlling him. "There is one other," Dubbilex spoke emerging from the shadows.

"I'm assuming that is Project Titanus?" Batman spoke up gaining their attention.

Dubbilex nodded, "Yes."

"Wait, Project Titanus?" Guardian spoke up. "I know my memories fuzzy, but I know I haven't heard of that one."

"I wouldn't have expected you to," Dubbilex said, "I wasn't even supposed to find out about it, I was informed by my brothers. 'It was ranked above top secret by the board,' as Desmond said. I do know it's on sublevel fifty-two."

"Anything else we should know about it?" Flash asked.

"Yes, if you're going to investigate, you'll need radiation gear."


In the end, they chose those who were the least likely to be affected by radiation to go inside. Superman huffed into his mask, following Captain Atom down the yellow-lit path. He didn't like this place, he didn't like anywhere that got funding from Lex Luthor. His enemy always had ulterior motives, and look now, he had a…a clone. Somehow, his arch nemesis got his DNA to make a replacement. One that would follow Luthor's will.

But, with Blockbuster squared away, it was either do this or deal with the clone. And he didn't want to do that.

Coming up to a door, he narrowed his eyes at the reinforced lead and the warning symbols on the doors. Whatever was in there, they really didn't want it getting out.

"How are we going to get in?" he turned to his comrade.

"Batman gave me the key," Captain replied holding up an ID card. Swiping it, they turned as two large doors closed behind them, the alarms blaring before the door in front of them opened. Walking into the dimly lit room, Clack's gaze immediately locked onto an all-too familiar shape. One that was just like the one in the room used to contain his clone.

"What the hell are locked in here?" Atom spoke crossing his arms.

It was then Superman noticed the second and third pods. He couldn't see in them, these pods were lead-lined. Switching to thermal, his eyes widened, in each pod, he could make out the figures of a teen. He couldn't tell their gender, mostly cause one looked like they had a tail and the other two…well they were just a blob with a head. Bringing his vision back to normal, he looked at the warning symbol on the wall, then at the readings on the monitors.

Clark would be the first person to admit he was no expert in radiation, but those levels would be more than lethal if exposed too long. "We need to break them open!" he exclaimed flying to the closest pod.

Slamming his fist on the metal, he formed a sizable dent, allowing him to grab the edge and rip the door off. Through the smoke, he could make out a smaller shadow falling out and he caught them. Pulling them away, he was surprised to find a young teen in his arms. It was a boy, a young one, probably just around Dick's age by the look of him. However, what really caught his attention were the scales. Black scales covered the unconscious boy's cheeks, a glowing blue line starting on each side before going down and disappearing under the white suit similar to what his clone had been wearing before appearing again on the long tail. Even there were streaks in his night-black hair that were glowing.

But he shouldn't be concerned about the boy's looks. That could come later. Right now he needed to make sure he was still alive. Closing his eyes, he listened, sighing in relief as he heard a strong heartbeat and steady breathing. By God, somehow, this kid was alive.

Another pod hissed open, and he narrowed his eyes, focusing through the haze as Captain Atom approached, another small figure in his arms, this one a girl. He set her down, careful not to injure her long, dark wings that were almost glowing at the bottom. Like the boy, she had scales coming up onto her cheeks, but unlike his they glowed like magma. Knowing the boy was fine, he checked on her, now not surprised to find her vitals steady.

"Got the last one," Atom spoke landing next to him.

Clark turned, eyes widening as he saw what looked to be a fairy in the hero's arms. She had black hair that faded to the same shade of blue that was on her glowing butterfly wings. Seriously, why were all these kids glowing?

Superman nearly slammed his head on the ground as he saw the yellow warning symbol again. Radiation, how long had they been exposed if they were glowing? Too long probably. "Atom, can you get this radiation out? We can't bring in medical."

Nodding, Atom's hands began glowing and he watched the radiation levels go down and as they did, the glowing stopped for all three. Good, they couldn't have these kids dying on them from over exposure. Someone had to be looking for them. "Batman, get down here. We found three more."


"So this is Project Titanus?" Flash asked looking around the room. "Am I the only one concerned on why there's warning for high radiation?"

"We already cleared it out, you'll be fine," Captain Atom said crossing his arms. "What I'm concerned about is them? Who knows how long they've been exposed."

"Almost a week," Batman said typing on the monitor.

"A week?! How the hell are they alive?!"

"Nothing that I can tell currently," Batman frowned. "The files they have are limited, stating they were transferred here for: programming."

"Programming? You mean brainwashing!" Superman spat. God, he really hated Luthor, he was now kidnapping, experimenting on, and brainwashing children! And here he thought Luthor couldn't sink any lower.


Watchtower, 3:23EST

"The boy is designated Subject A1: Titanus Gojira hybrid. The girl in the second pod is Subject A3: Titanus Mosura hybrid. And last girl is Subject B4: Titanus Rodan hybrid," Bruce stated.

"That's it? That's all you were able to get on them?" Clark asked crossing his arms.

"Cadmus must be keeping their data about these three on paper. They don't have anything else besides their vitals, designations, and radiation levels."

"Have you figured out why they needed to be exposed to such high levels of radiation?" Captain Atom questioned.

"Like you, they can absorb and gain power from radiation," Batman answered.

"Any clue on why they were all labeled Titanus?"

/Uh…guys/ Captain Marvel called.

"What is it Captain Marvel?" Batman asked.

The man chuckled nervously, biting his lip. /Well…you know how you told me to keep an eye on? Well, I went to get a quick snack and I came back and…they're gone…/

Everyone could almost feel the temperature drop, "They're what?"

/I left them alone for less than a minute, they were still out and now they're gone!/

"Everyone, spread out and find them!" Batman ordered.

A/N: hey everyone. I know this first chap's a little rough but, it was the best I could do right now after I rewrote this like…I dunno even how many times after I got this concept idea. I couldn't help but try to write it.

Now, as I'm sure you guessed, I'm using some of the same hyrbids because, well, they work and hey it's an AU of my AU. Yes, obviously there'll be some changes with them, but you'll just have to wait and see as to what. Just let me know what you think of this concept and if y'all want me to write more.