"Spector, wait!"

As the nun was recovering, she then walked to the direction Skadi was heading. Ch'en tried to grab her by the arm but Spector slapped her hand away. Despite her earlier loss of consciousness, the nun retained much of her strength, though her stamina was hampered from her rampage, moving at a slow pace. She too had made up her mind…

'Fools… I shall make them regret their folly… yes… they must pay dearly for their crimes… dearly…'

She was not yet done punishing the Reunion.


Specter slowly followed Skadi's trail, relying on the trail of unconscious bodies she left behind. There were few things she hated more than the crimes of the Reunion, but she also takes great pleasure smiting them in 'His name'. The Abyssal Nun has two halves of her: one of justice and one of sadism. While she leans more towards the former, it is unclear whether the latter is the result of her mental illness or her personality. Not even to Specter herself.

"…I must punish them. Yes… They should all be punished…!"

But she was on another mission. Since she got acquainted to the Abyssal Hunter, Skadi, they became close, which was rare for the both of them which Skadi's demeanor and Specter's condition. This is somewhat due to them being of similar backgrounds, but Specter was genuinely drawn to her over time, even though she was not entirely sure why. Generally, she has difficulties getting her own feelings straightened out, which is the result of her mental state.

Though she was confident Skadi could handle herself, Specter wanted to be sure.

"…Wait for me, my dear."

At some point, the trail became cold, and Specter was lost. She was walking at a slower pace than Skadi so she couldn't keep up, though her stamina did refresh from her recent rampage. It was only a matter of time until she encountered a surviving Reunion member. He aimed his crossbow and shot at Specter immediately. The arrow landed right on her shoulder.


She staggered backwards from the force, but despite the clear hit, she was still standing. She took off the arrow that landed on her shoulder, almost as if she was unfazed by it, and before he got a chance to reload and try again, Specter darted forward swung her buzzsaw polearm at the marksmen, killing him then and there. More blood got on her dress.

Despite her insanity, Specter managed to calm her for the moment as she made a silent prayer for her victim.

'…May you find redemption in the next life.'

As Specter ventured across the halls searching for Skadi, she encouraged two more Reunion soldiers heading to a door that leads to the indoor parking lot. Beyond that, she heard gun shots from the other side. It only took seconds before the soldiers spot her though as they toward their head. One was a heavy-set fighter in a thick bodysuit and an axe. The other was of average height with a baton.

"Tch… all this for a nun… What are you waiting for? Go get her!" urged the smaller solider.


The larger one remained still, his arms shaking as he watched Specter walking menacingly.

"You're bigger than her, dammit. Plus, you're more protected. Stop standing around and do something!"

"She's… not human."

Her eyes began to glow again in the dimly light hallway.

"If… If you value your lives, you'll repent for your sins... I… I can't hold back much longer…"

Just as Specter got within striking distance, the larger foe then dropped his weapon and suddenly got on his knees, with his palms together in a praying gesture, losing his will to fight.

Specter resisted the urge to strike him. Instead, she smiled upon him, albeit eerily. "There… confess and pray to the Lord for forgiveness. That is the first step to salvation."

"…What are you doing, you traitor?"

Suddenly, he was meant with a bullet in the head by his partner.

Specter snapped again as she witnessed it. She charged at the sole survivor, and then he became two.

More gun shots and an explosion can be heard on the other side. Specter also started to small smoke. "…Hm, could it be…?"

Just then, Specter suddenly had a migraine as well as a series of flashbacks, most of them involving her previous missions and the lives she had taking blinking one after another every split-second, followed by a fainting image of Skadi appearing weak and fatigued, reaching out to Specter... before being engulfed by flames. A vision perhaps?

Specter came to her relative senses. By then, her earlier arrow wound was already healing rapidly and the pain she felt was almost gone, as if it never happened. She then rushed into the parking lot.

"I'm coming, dear Skadi…"

As she ran through the rubble and burning vehicles from the fight, Specter walked around the corner to notice a battle mech along with Skadi's body on the ground. Upon the encounter, she had another migraine and a vision of the past of Skadi helping her up after another one of their mission, although it was very brief. "N-Ngh…"

'Specter, are you alright? Allow me to help you.'

Specter did not care about the machine's origins or why it attacked Skadi. To her, it was just another obsolete of her 'trial'. Something else to destroy and relieve her stress. It was met to be broken…

"You did this to Skadi… even if you beg for forgiveness, I will smite you."

The nun activated her buzzsaw and charged at the weapon, though it fired one more rocket at Specter before she could reach it. Although she tried to dodge, she was still caught in the explosion and was knocked to the side, though she was far enough to not cause a huge impact. Still, she got off weakly as she waved off the small fire on her dress. This fueled her madness even more. "Tenacious, aren't you? ~"

Specter tried again, managing to reach the undamaged leg and attempt to saw it off. When it tried to shoot her with its bullet, it was suddenly meant with gunshots in the head. It was Liskarm of Blacksteel, along with her comrades, Franka and Jessica. It then turned on the three of them, pointing its flamethrower at them to set ablaze, but Liskarm blocked it with her shield, protecting all three of them.

"Get behind me!"

This distracted the machine long enough to allow Specter to do as she pleased. Unfortunately, cutting the leg through its metal proved to be ineffective. Instead, she started hacking at it until it started to lose balance and stop attacking the Blacksteel soldiers. It was low enough to allow Specter to retrieve the sword that was stock on its head by Skadi. She then uses it to hack away at the machine like a madwoman, over and over and over again.

"Ehehehe… Aahaha!"


Specter ignored the call and continued to slam the machine with Skadi's sword, thinking that there was a pilot inside, but it was just an A.I. programmed robot. This does stop Specter from smashing it into pieces though, almost as if she took joy out of it. Liskarm stepped forward and spook a bit louder. "…Specter, you can stop now! It's destroyed."

Only then did the nun finally stopped. She turned around to notice her three companions. She didn't even realize they were there until that very moment.

"Hello, my sisters in arms… You've come to help me purity this place too, correct?" She firmed her most pleasant, sincere smile, placing her palms together and bowing.

Jessica nodded meekly at the nun. "Y-Yeah."

Franka seemed unfazed from Specter's rampage, but kept a reasonable distance from her. "All the hostages had been accounted for thanks to Ch'en and the Lungman Guard Department. We're just the clean-up crew if anything. Speaking of clean-up…"

"Now's not the time to let your guard down," Liskarm urged. "One of us should take Skadi to safety while the rest of us-…"

"There they are!"

A hostile voice was heard as even more Reunion forces showed up. Nine of them in total. Three of which had ranged weapons. They seem to have come from one of the other parking sessions. Jessica whined. "M-More of them?!"

Liskarm stepped in front of everyone with her shield up. "Relax. The Rhode Island and the Guard Department has taking care of most of them so this should be the last bunch… unless reinforces had arrive. Jessica, see if you can take out their ranged forces. Specter…"

"Sisters… let us pray…"

"I-I don't think we have time for…"

The Reunion leader drew his sword, pointing it at the group. "Attack!" His followers did not relent.

Jessica shrieked. "T-They're coming!"

Liskarm took to the front-line, her shield up firmly as she started shooting. "Don't let up. Stay together!"

Two of the ranged Reunion soldiers were already taking out by Jessica's shots as she stood in the back-line. Franka killed one solider and injured another with her rapier. Liskarm was more forced on protecting her allies as opposed to being on the offensive, though she injured one solider as well with her gun. Specter, meanwhile, just stood there, praying…

"O heavenly Father, please guide these troubled souls into eternal peace in the afterlife. Forgive our weakness and protect those we hold dear. Bless us with your shinning light in these troubled times. We thank you for your continued support as we offer our humble tribute in return…"

The girls were able to fend off the Reunion group well enough and distract them so they would disturb Specter, but their efforts were waning. One of them manage to grab Franka in a choke-hold.

"Damn… t-they don't let up, do they?" she complained.

Jessica started panicking. "F-Franka!"

The moment Specter opened her eyes, they began to shine eerily red again with her dark mist returning, which would now be referred to as her Calamity Form. She picked up her buzzsaw weapon and dismembered the nearest Reunion solider. She then sliced the one that was choking Franka, freeing here from his clutches.

"C-Crap," she said. "I think Specter's gone…"

Her rampage did not end there. She sawed another solider from behind as he was attacking Liskarm's shield. The last remaining ranger attempt to shoot at Specter, but she twirled around toward her like a ballerina, holding her polearm near the end as it fatally sliced the sniper as well. Only two were left.

"Dammit, she's just a nun!"

"Wait. Didn't she single-handedly take out our main group earlier…?"

The bloody nun faces the two survivors in frightening glee, clearly enjoying her slaughter. Several words were engrained in her mind, telling her what to do…

'Purge. Smite. Purity. Cleanse. Punish. Execute. Protect…'

Without hesitation, the nun rushed forward toward the closes target. He had a polearm of his own, though it was a normal lance. As Specter got close, he stabbed at her a few times with it when she was within range, though with the intention of keeping her away as opposed to killing her.

"S-Stay back!"

Specter had sustained some of the blows, though her durability was uncanny, almost inhuman. Jessica watched in terror from Specter's violate display. Franka was still recovering from her choke-hold. Liskarm on the other hand seemed indecisive on what to do.

"Specter, hold on a second…!" she pleaded.

But Specter ignored her. She laughed manically as she drew closer with murderous intent, yet she wore an oddly pleasant smile on her face for what she was doing. The other Reunion member stood there helplessly in fear of the display, not doing anything able the situation.

"Don't just stand there, help me!" he yelled.

Instead, he ran for his life as fast as he could, abandoning his comrade.


Specter finally thrust down her buzzsaw at her target, but he managed to block it with his polearm. The material was strong enough to prevent some resistance, but it would not last. Still, Specter laughed even harder at the buzzsaw was tearing through. He could see her crimson red eyes literally glowing eerily from her gaze as she laughed.


Just then, he was shot in the head from Liskarm's pistol, killing him instantly. An act of mercy, perhaps?

"J-Jeez, calm down, Specter…!"

"Liskarm, why… he was mine… MIIIINE!"

Just as gained some self-awareness before her sanity deteriorated farther, she started having another migraine while attempted to regain her composure. She heard a voice in her head that sounded more like a faint whisper to her.

'You failed. One got away,' it said. 'One was unpunished…'

She swung her buzzsaw wildly in the air, hoping that she could hit her lost target to no avail. Thankfully, Liskarm and the girls were at a safe distance. In fact, it almost appeared like she was dance. Skadi was also still resting on the ground, though still unconscious.

Specter stopped to notice Skadi on the ground again, remembering her purpose. "S-Skadi… I'm here…" Before she could get anywhere near her however, she blacked out herself…

"D-Did Specter forget to take her medication again…?"

"So that's what happened…"

Skadi payed attention to Specter's story. It was mostly accurate to what happened though Specter avoided being too graphic out of courtesy.

"And are you sure that's what happened? Relatively specking that is?" asked Skadi regarding Specter's memory loss.

"Hm… Certain specific details are a blur… but I was truthful to the best of my abilities."

"I understand. Are you well?"

Specter nodded, though she looked upset.

"What's wrong?"

"I… I may have acted inappropriately towards Liskarm… I must apologize to her later."

Skadi shook her head. "The day has been rough for the lot of us… and it's all my fault. Had I not underestimated the enemy… Why do you think I prefer to be alone?"

She then attempts to get up but felt the pain of her soreness returning. She thought she would have healed by then, but she misjudged her condition. Specter pulled her back down.

"Skadi, you must rest," she ordered. "Silence was right…"

"You… you're the one looking for me, weren't you?"


Specter forced Skadi down, her head resting on the nun's lap. With no option to protest Skadi lied there where she will remain for some time. Her eyes feeling heavy over time as her body slowly recovered. Specter caressed her head as she watched over her.

"…May you be blessed by the light of the Lord…"