The amazement on Alan's face was a physical thing. First, he stared at John, but then he spun and targeted Scott with his eyes. In the dark it was hard to see the expression on the Commander's face, but she did see the single nod.


Scott's voice was deep with authority. "If you focus on your studies and learn what is needed."

"Dad's ship."

There was silence for a moment and Anna's heart broke right there and then. But it was Virgil, a quiet voice from the dark, who answered. "It was always your ship, Alan."

"I don't see why Alan can do it, but the rest of us can't. My dad says rich people keep everything for themselves and don't share with us nobodies."

"Rory!" Anna's voice cut across the room.

Thunderbird Five disappeared and the room fell dark. Soft words broke the sudden silence. "I'm finished, Ms Kent. You can turn the lights back on." In the darkness there was a muffled sound and the clatter of chair legs against a desk.

When she brought the lights back up and unshaded the windows, she found out why. Alan was in Scott's arms hugging as if his life depended on it. For a split second she thought it might be with happiness, but a sudden sob and the heart-breaking expression that flickered across the eldest Tracy's face revealed the truth of the matter.

Aw, hell.

John Tracy grabbed his tablet and helmet and made his way to the back of the class.

Time for her to take back control. The lunch bell was about to toll anyway. "Okay, everyone. Please thank our parents...and relatives for coming in today. I expect you all to put some thought into your own career goals, because tomorrow we are starting a project on exactly that." The bell rang and the room erupted. "Tidy up and I'll see you after lunch."

As the class dispersed, multiple eyes raked over the huddle of Tracys at the back of the room. Rory grabbed his cohorts and made loud comments about the 'rich' and 'cry-babies' as they walked out. The irony was that Rory's parents weren't poor. He came from a long line of privileged people.

Anna sighed.

And eyed Gordon, caught between a hero and a crying brother. She watched as he darted over to Ms Sampson and spoke quickly to her. She smiled down at him and nodded. Gordon grinned a second before hurrying back to his brother, butting in between Virgil and Scott and grabbing the youngest Tracy. "C'mon, Allie, let's blow this joint."

"Gordon-" Scott was frowning, but Virgil reached out and touched his arm. Something passed between them and Scott relented.

Anna realised that she was now alone in the classroom with five Tracy brothers.

Gordon dragged Alan to one side, poking and prodding his little brother enough to force distraction and finally a reluctant smile from the eleven-year-old. The eldest Tracy made his way between the desks directly for Anna.

"I had intended on speaking to you before this, but we had a callout this morning." That much was obvious. Was that a leaf in his hair? It was only a little one, but yeah, definitely a leaf. "We will be taking Alan with us this afternoon. It is his grandmother's birthday tomorrow and we are hoping to do something special for her. She would love it if Alan could attend."

Gordon was ruffling Alan's hair. The swimmer's grin was almost splitting his face in two. Alan was growling at him.

Anna blinked. "Certainly. Just fill out the usual absentee form. Was it only the day?"

Scott nodded. "Just a bit of a long weekend. Does he have anything due?"

"We were going to discuss magnesium this afternoon in Science. Its use in sparklers and fireworks. Do you know the theory?"

Scott snorted. "Hey, Virgil, Alan needs to learn about magnesium and fireworks. Feel like playing tonight?"

The crazy haired man turned in their direction. "Sure."

Gordon turned around. "Did you say fireworks? Virg, you gonna do a display? Can we have a Tracy fizzler? Please, I missed the last one. It's Grandma's birthday." He continued to plead at his brother, hounding the man without giving him a chance to answer.

Anna just stared as Scott rolled his eyes. "Now I've done it."

"You make fireworks?"

Scott smirked. "Virgil's an explosives expert with an artistic streak. He knows what he is doing." Anna didn't miss the fond glance in his brother's direction. Virgil was now fending off both Alan and Gordon while John stood back and shared a smirk very similar to Scott's. "Trust me, he'll get a good education. Virgil's extremely safety conscious and will use both theory and practical to get his point across."

"Well, I have to say that Alan is very lucky to have such a knowledgeable family around him."

The smirk faded a little. "Yeah, he is." A pause. "Thank you, Ms Kent for having us. Apologies for the class disruptions."

"No, no, thank you, Mr Tracy." She spread her arms out. "And you, John, for your wonderful presentation. That was amazing."

The man blushed. "You're welcome."


"Alan, did you want to grab your things?"

Her student stopped hounding his dark-haired brother and turned back to look at her. "Oh, yes. Thank you, Ms Kent."

"I hope your Grandmother has a happy birthday."

"Oh, she will. Virgil's gonna make a Tracy fizzler!" He grabbed his tablet from his desk. He hesitated a moment before hurrying over to her and giving her a quick hug. "Thank you, Ms Kent, for allowing me to bring my brothers."

Anna smiled. "No, Alan, thank you. You have an amazing family."

He grinned up at her. "See you next week." With that he grabbed Gordon, told his brothers to hurry up and dashed out of the room.

The three elder Tracy brothers followed at a much more sedate pace, Scott ribbing Virgil about his shirt and hair. The shirt was hastily rebuttoned and his face was scrubbed by a sleeve.

The room was very empty when they left.

If she stared out the window as Thunderbird One lifted off the ground, she wasn't afraid to admit it. If her jaw dropped five minutes later as another rocket tore over the school, a green streak gaining height in the distance, the only proof, so be it.

After all, she'd met the men behind the machines, and they were far more amazing than any rocket could possibly ever be.
