
I do not own Senran Kagura. They are owned by their respective owners MarvelousAQL and I'm in no way own the franchise like any other authors in this website. Any ownership claim of a copyrighted material like Senran Kagura may result in arrest, sue and imprisonment. This fanfic serves to be an entertainment only and there are no profit made.

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Full info:

Title: "Is it Tough to Find that Something?"

Alternate Title: "Senran Kagura: The Hero"

FanFiction of: Senran Kagura


"The world has never been as simple as only having two sides of it because there is always be the third. Being a Hero isn't so simple either, most define it as something that of the stereotypical but to give up something major and personal to preserve something is the real definition. Things will always be fabricated, no matter what. So in the midst of a blighted reality, a world filled with lies and contradictions, a place of pain and suffer, I, Karasawa, am looking for that genuine something..."

Characters: Karasawa (OC), Yumi, Asuka

Rated: (T) Teens and Above

The previous title for this fanfic is "But I'm a Mob!" and it is remade to fit my preference ;)

Warning, perhaps contains very cynical and dark storytelling with a cynical OC. Whether it is harem or not, that's for my mind to decide.



"Reincarnation of a Hero"

"Why the hell do I have to do all this crap?" I sighed, sorting out my assignments and projects on the coffee table. "Right, to ensure my fucking future. Why aren't there better way? Because that's life, Karasawa. Life have to be hard or it won't be fun. Who cares about fun? I just want to be happy and this ain't making me happy, damn it!"

Talking to myself, debating with myself, berating myself...that's Kazakiri Karasawa's way of reliving stress; venting it on himself. College is a royal pain in the ass and I have no friends to talk it with because I'm a loner. I don't want to bother my family, they have enough problems as is and I don't like being a burden. A grown man is a grown man, they have grown pair of balls to be independent and not whine about every single thing. But let me tell you something, college isn't just "every single thing". It's a big thing and the chapter of youth here is fucking horrible it makes me vomit blood. Fake people here and there, insulting someone behind their backs...it's just the same as it was in high school.

I have to accept cancer on a daily basis.

Not forgot to mention, all these damn assignments and projects that literally has no meaning in college other than just the "to do" list. I mean, I guess it does help but it isn't really helping me with my stress. One of these days, I'm going to resort to either alcohol or cigarette to lessen the stress.

That aside, I've finished all it and all that's left was sorting it out. Once I was finished, I get a four days off from college. Here's one of the only good things in college: you get to choose when you'll study in a class. So I choose all morning classes, afternoon classes and night classes in straight two days so I won't have to bother myself going to classes in the next four days. Which means? I got the rest of the days to myself doing anything I want to!

Hehe boi!

Ain't that the best thing ever?

I can use all of those time to binge watch any animes that I've missed and keep up to date for the good and new ones. I have a lot of animes to watch and not forgot to mention, there are still mangas, light novels and games I have to keep up with. Well, this is going to be...chaotically fun.

So, Senran Kagura have a new season...neat right?

But do you know what's ruining it?

That's right, get triggered folks.

I'm talking about the excessive and distracting fanservice. Like, goddamn! Can't you tone down it to nonexistent? Jesus, man. I don't need some panty shot or breasts being used in a game of rock-paper-scissors. Whatever the case, I think that's a problem I have with the anime industry. I need to see an anime that doesn't have a fanservice in them but are there even any? Even shounen animes like One Piece and Boku no Hero Academia had them.


Well, whatever then.

Anyway, what really attracts me to play the games and watch the animes is without a doubt the characters. To me, the fanservice kinda ruins it all and disrespects the characters as if they're nothing more than eye candy. I mean, I got over the fanservice thing since the game but the second season of the anime pushes it too far. Why do they have to show their breasts too, damn.

So, speaking of the characters, Asuka is different in this season due to certain reasons involving her friends in Hanzo, shit goes down fast and it ended without me noticing–showing how much I enjoyed it. So now the anime had finished watching along with some of the others...I'm going to take a break.

I'm hungry and I'm in the mood for some good burgers, three in fact. Yeah, I'm a junkie for junk food. Got a problem with that?

Currently, I'm walking on the pavements of the sidewalk wearing my usual attire on my way to McDonalds. I could go for other fast food restaurant but honestly, I'm in for chicken and lamb burgers. Don't wanna hams though 'cause I don't like them.

While walking though, I came across an alleyway which, out of nowhere, echoed screams of a girl. I'll be the first one to tell you this–I'll be very honest, I'm no Hero. I'm a certified self-serving asshole who couldn't care less about anyone else so when I heard that, I ignored it. Yep, I ignored it like the asshole I am...until the girl made this statement.

"P-Please stop! I'm a virgin but I don't want to lose my virginity like this!"

I'll be honest again, I'm a virgin. A proud one in fact as virginity, to me, is a sign that I haven't found someone I wanted to spend my whole life with. I never once thought sex as something to only enjoy because I thought of it as bearing an incredibly large responsibility. That and showing love for that special someone.

So when the girl says that, what choice do I really have? My weakness are people who're actually sincere and not the fakers that I see nowadays.

I went to the alleyway, carefully trying to pick something to use and being carefully discreet about it. Soon, I found a brick lying and the process of the girl fighting the rapist off is still in progress so I was relieved. I went in deeper and deeper until darkness consumes the alleyway. There, I find a guy in a hoodie stranding on a girl who is helplessly fighting the guy off but to no avail. The girl notices me but still making an attempt to escape which is very clever on her part so the rapist won't be suspicious.

Seriously though, I know Japan has a problem with the declining birthrates but you don't need to rape someone.

I lifted the brick and hit it square on the rapist's head, knocking him over. "Agh!" He yelled out in pain and unfortunately still conscious, "You piece of shit! I was trying to have fun!"

"Hehe, sorry I'm an asshole." I commented, sweating profusely as I gripped the brick tightly.

"You're dead!" He took out a knife and my eyes widened.

Having to never actually fight someone before, I was late to react to his attack as he was successfully able to stab me square on my belly. However, in the moment of fight or flight response, an untapped power had awoken itself in me and I quickly hit the guy again on his head but this time, it was really hard the brick broke into two. He fell down below my feet, I would've celebrated or call the police or even help the girl up but the hot pain on my belly disables me from move.

"God...damn..." I fell down to my back, I was having a hard time breathing. "I-I only want some burgers...why does this happen?"

"Oh my god!" The girl ran after me, holding my wound to stop my bleeding. "T-T-The ambulance!" She took out her phone but I know I won't make it either way so I better say something that has been on my mind for a very long time.

Grabbing her arm, I smiled. "Do you know why...declining birthrate in Japan worsens?" I asked her, she gave me a confused look.

"W-What? Please, stay with me!" She pleaded but I just widen my smile.

"Because guys are scared of getting cucked by their sons when they bang their wives..." I laughed but came out blood instead, I was slowly losing my consciousness.

"Don't talk! You're going to make it worse!" Yeah, I know that.

"NTR sucks ass, 0/10. It's a really...fucked-up fetish. My goodness..." I can't breathe anymore and my belly feels really hot, "People...need new...smut..."

After that, I passed out...

Reincarnation, often referred to as souls of a living being moves onto a new life in a new physical form.

Synonymous to rebirth and transmigration.

This first was known through various religions before stories about them came into existence. How this young man with supposed bright future was killed without knowing the reason so the young man was reincarnated into a child as he investigate as to why he was killed. There are more stories that have this concept used as one of the plot points but in Japan, there is a particular genre that had blown out of proportions ever since SAO first came out.

The isekai genre or rather, a sub-genre.

It has become so well-known it has its own definition even in Wikipedia.

Now, when it comes to these kinds of things, I always reject the idea of isekai. Isekai, for me, is a story for losers who easily gave up on their lives. It usually features those who had given up on their lives, becoming a NEETs, shut-ins and the like so they made this another world a wonderful thing. Looks, glory, girls, adventures, powers and all of those good stuff a loser wanted was sprinkled over them like a sundae getting sprinkled over with cookies and creams just to make it even more delectable.

But the reality of a situation isn't so much like those wish-fulfillment barely self-insert animes, mangas, light novels and games because not everyone is blessed right off the bat. Some worked hard but ended up failing in the end, feeling worthless. Some stayed low as they preferred the preserving style of living. Others had the things they wanted but they can only choose one.

Reality is different, it has always been.

So when I was reincarnated into another world, I knew this life will going to be hellish and whaddya know?

It is.

It's fucked up in every directions, I'm not kidding. Why? Because I have great power.

Great power doesn't only comes with great responsibilities, it comes with greater prices, greater sacrifices and greater consequences. Heroism is mostly displayed as something life-risking, something admirable but the real definition isn't as valiant as one thought it would be. The throwing aside of things in order to preserve something, a criminal could be called a Hero because he stole money and killed people for his poor family. I'm a Hero because I risked myself to save a girl's virginity and life.

The next life I had was me becoming a Hero because of that.

But being a Hero isn't all rainbows and unicorns, it really isn't.

Just as hard work doesn't betray anyone, dreams does it to many.

However, along the lines of this Hero work, along the lines of responsibilities, in this second life of mine and this world, I'm searching for something. Something that normal people don't understand because they're so used to tell lies to both themselves and everyone. Having both these eyes of mine blighted by the wretched reality I really hate and yet stayed in. I'm looking for...




I'm searching for something genuine...

A person sat on top of a mountain of bodies, bodies of monsters and horrors. The rain fell from the skies, giving the scene a dreary and grey feeling to it. The skies were painted in dark gray resulted from the clouds as they blocked most of the sun's light. The mouth of the person was open a bit as his lifeless eyes oversees the countless bodies that littered over the battlefield, the rain washed away the blood but there were still red stains left. The bodies that filled the battlefield died in various manners; decapitated, heads crushed, arms and legs torn, holes on their abdomen, faces caved in, and much more. There were even corpses brutalized to the point of being mushes of flesh and bones.

However, what sat above all of these creatures whom harbored horrible deaths were a mere child, a child of age eight barely at the age to even attend school. His arms were on his knees, supporting his body while he watches the bodies without feeling for any sympathy for them or even any emotions. He just...stared blankly at them while his mind went to his motivations and ideals as well as reasons for having this particular job done. He had done this for just a few months and yet, many monsters had fallen onto the young child's hands.

There were even Youmas, monsters resided in the Blood Sector (Red Zone) whom fed on Human fleshes and are eternal enemies to both Zenin (Good Shinobis) and Akunin (Evil Shinobis). Yet, these were nothing compare to the more catastrophic horrors that hid in the shadows, the various kinds this young child had slaughtered countlessly and triumph over.

However, the reasons for this action was not purely good.

An old man with a traditional Japanese umbrella on top looks at the child from below the mountain of corpses, "Are you the one that had slain these creatures?" The old man asks, the child with his narrowed and lifeless eyes just stare the old man, the void orbs of eyes were looking so grim and empty even the old man flinched a bit under his unsettling gaze. "You're treading on a thin thread, child. You remind me of myself during my younger years but you're very much younger..."

Silence was the only exchange the boy gave with the sound of rain in the background, serenading any means of awkward silence. The boy kept staring at the old man, he doesn't seem to care for the old man nor does he acknowledge the old man's presence. However, that was only what the outer appearance tells as the old man knew what the boy was doing isn't something one would expect him to be–no. He couldn't read him at all, what he is thinking is unpredictable.

After nearly a minute of silent, the boy finally opens his mouth. "Don't compare me to yourself, old geezer." The boy replied rudely, "Unlike you, I don't simplify the world as good and evil, light and dark or white and black. I never once thought a world of only good can exist, because that is merely an ideal replica–a false belief and if there's anything I despise in this world, then it's something not real." The old man's eyes widen, "I believe in a much more realistic ideal and I stay true to them till the day I die. Your ideal never does stand tall, does it?"

The boy's intelligence as well as matured mind astonished the old man. Despite being much, much, much younger than the old man, this boy had already known much of the reality as if he was exposed to them for a very long time. However, a child of his age shouldn't be able to comprehend such things as they have an immature mind procession so the old man was confused. Something about this child was unnatural and...otherworldly. Like he was not of this world...

"What's your name, child?" The old man asks.

The child just stares again with his lifeless husks of eyes, "Karasawa."

"Karasawa, is it? Well, my name is Kurokage. Why do you say? Would you like to live with me?" The old man, Kurokage suggests.

"Why?" The child known as Karasawa asks.

"It seems like what you're doing is for a family." Kurokage stated, Karasawa raises his eyebrows. "Why don't you stay away from doing this for a while and spend a little time resting?"

Once again, the child was silent but it was very brief as he lets out a sigh. "Yes...I-" He stopped as if something was holding him back before he continued, "I...would very much like that."

Kurokage smiled, "There you go." He gave the boy a soft look, "From this point on, we're your family."

Prelude End:

"Reincarnation of a Hero"

Hey, hey, hey!

New world, new adventure, exciting!

So you've read it...thanks a lot. If you like it, leave a review. A follow and a fav are also encouraged to those who liked this and I very much appreciate it.

That's all, see ya guys in the next chapter.