A/N: Hello Helloo~ okay you must be thinking, Am I obsessed right now with Highschool dxd Fanfics? The answer is probably yes but the thing is I have a plan. I'm gonna publish first and than continue. There are ideas in my head that are waiting to be released.Anyways this is a naruto and highschool dxd crossover fanfic but this would be kind of a canon-divergence, I think (?) Idk yet but this will focus more on Naruto x Rias and maybe Akeno.I don't know, its just that Rias and Akeno are one of my top Waifus. Ufufujaaa let's start~~~I don't own Naruto and Highschool dxd if I did, boy would I do things.

Chapter 1: My Familiar Fox.

-In the Underworld, The Familiar Forest-From a distance you would believe that this was an ordinary forest, with ordinary trees and normal animals. If you were to step foot though on the forest you would notice that all the living organisms aren't what you'd call natural. Near the middle of a forest there is a beautiful lake surrounded by flowers and trees and if you would look closely, you would see the lake glowing green and it has a large cave at the side, If you stepped closer to it you would see two glowing crimson eyes glaring out at the lake.

" Hmm, How long has it been?" it thought "Soon I will meet a devil worthy to be my master and I their familiar, Dattebayo~"

As it thought that it let out a growl that could be heard through the entirety of the forest. Then closed it's eyes to wait, If you look closely you could see nine orange tails laying on the floor.

One Week Later later

"I just know I'm going to find it" shouted a crimson haired young girl that sat on the head of a red scaled reptile like creature.

"Calm yourself Rias, choosing your familiar is very important to becoming a high class devil. This might affect your status as a high class devil." said the crimson haired satan. This would be Sirzechs Lucifer, the current head of the devils and the king of the underworld. with him he has his younger sister Rias, his mother and father, Lady Venelana and Lord Zeoticus Gremory and his queen Grayfia Lucifuge, the silver haired queen of annihilation.

With them was also the familiar master, Zatuji, who carried with him a book of all the possible familiars.

"So Rias what were you thinking of your familiar being like?" asked her mother with a gentle smile on his face.

"I want one that's very powerful and that can scare that Riser-baka," It was common knowledge throughout the underworld of the young heiress' displeasure towards her future fiancé. "I also want it to be the same colour as my hair or at least it should look beautiful yet scary and cute hmmm maybe orange nu nu" she exclaimed whilst showing the others a lock of her crimson coloured hair and continued talking about what kind of familiar she wants, basically talking to herself as she rambled to the point, they didn't understand her.

"I am afraid there is nothing in this book that matches your requirements, my princess." said Zatuji.

The others looked pityingly towards the now pouting girl.

"But there is a creature that might fit your description, it is just a bit hard to to make this one your familiar."

"Why not?" she sulked now once again pouting.

The others were also very confused as Zatuji had been known to support anyone's decision on familiar.

"That's because it is the rarest Kitsune I have ever seen," he explained, "He arrived in the underworld 85 years ago and stayed at the Cave near the mermaid lake. Others have tried to make him their familiar but all were sent away by a large stream of Kitsune fire even Riser Phenex tried and failed so ended up with a fire eagle. Apparently, It just wants to live calmly and away from danger."

Hearing this made Rias more excited at the prospect of having something that Riser couldn't have. "I will get that Kitsune ! I am definitely going to get it so I can finally be rid of that baka," however whatever she was going to say was cut off as she was plucked off her standing position on the lizard and was carried off by a large Eagle, well it looked like an eagle.

"Rias-chan!" exclaimed the satan in panic, "We have to catch her!" he shouted to the others while spreading his wings.

"Yes Sirzechs-sama " came the instant reply of Grayfia as she too spread her wings and flew to help Rias, as well as Rias' Mother and Father.

With Rias

Rias kept screaming hoping that someone would come andsave her. As they got closer to the Mermaid Lake she noticed a cave and growling noises coming from within. Looking at the eagle like creature that has her captured, she realized she might get eaten alive with this sudden realisation. She started crying harder.

Suddenly there was a great blue fire that hit the eagle which caused the eagle to let go of Rias. Rias screamed out in shock scared for her life but to her relief, She did not. Instead she felt such a comfortable feeling, looking at where she landed, It was orange fur, as Sirzechs and others finally arrived, they were relieved that Rias was safe but what they saw was shocking. Standing before them was a Kitsune with Nine Tails and with crimson eyes that seem to look so clear and enchanting, it was of a size of a tiger.

The fox thought to itself " This little girl is of pure heart. She reminds me of someone. She might make a good master. "As it layed Rias on the ground Rias launched herself into her brother's arms, noticing the large gashes on her arms, Sirzechs cast a healing spell on his sister.

After Rias had calmed down he turned to the Kitsune who was lying down on the floor, just staring at them more specifically at Rias.

Sirzechs turned towards the Kitsune and said "Thank you for saving her."

The Kitsune just nodded its head in understanding.

"This is incredible for a Kitsune to show interest let alone kindness to a young devil, this has never been seen before," exclaimed Zatuji, hearing this Sirzechs turned to Rias.

"Quickly Rias" Sirzechs whispered in her ear "try and make him your familiar,"

"Hey, Kitsune-san would you like to be my familiar ? " she questioned. The Kitsune raised its head and looked to be in consideration before bending down and pointed his clawed pointer finger and middle finger at Rias's forehead


Knocking her onto her backside.

"Hey!" she whined "Do you want to be my familiar or not?"

The Kitsune grinned looking like a fox that he is then bowed its head to her as a sign of acceptance.

Rias giggled in glee.

"I, Rias Gremory here by claim and summon you to be my familiar to help me your master in what ever I may need." Then a giant crimson magic circle appeared underneath the Kitsune with it in the center.

"Grayfia, darling could you organise a party for when we get back please?" said Venelana

"Yes, of course"

"But why mother?" asked Rias

"Because my dear you have finally received a familar of your own, a rare Kitsune at that. We have to celebrate it, of course"

After turning back to the Kitsune, Rias exclaimed, "I'm going to call you Kurama, wait wait that doesn't sound right, Ah! Naruto"

The others sweat dropped at this as it was such a childish name for such a powerful Kitsune, but to a 10 year old Rias she didn't care as she had finally found her familiar, one that would soon protect her against anyone who would dare to hurt her. She yawned, tired.for the day 'Naruto' then bent down in a way that showed he wanted her to get on.

"Rias, Naruto wants you to ride him apparently, Seeing as you are tired, go on" Her mother said with gentle and worry setting in to her voice while pushing her daugher forward to Naruto. Rias replied by going to Naruto and climbed towards his back.

Rias then lied down with her frontal body at Naruto's back and stroked Naruto's comfortable orange fur as they went back to the Mansion and smiled. Unknown to everyoe else, Naruto as well was smiling.

At the Gremory mansion.

When everyone had arrived, Naruto sat himself down on the garden then he lowered himself to aow Rias to get off.

When everyone got ready to go, Naruto shrunk himself for him to come inside which made the rest shock not knowing he could do that.

Inside Sirzechs told Naruto " Seeing as you are Rias' Familiar, you can stay at her room and Rias, behave."

Rias turned towards Sirzechs and stuck her tongue out to her brother around and said to Naruto " Let's go Naruto."

Once they had arrived at Rias' Room, Naruto had sweatdropped at the amount of anime stuff in Rias' Room

" Is my master okay in the head?"

" Naruto, I'm gonna go sleep now, okay? goodnight " Hearing what his master said made him look at her. If Naruto was a boy, he would have blushed so hard as he saw his master going to sleep in her birthday suit, even though she was just a ten years old, there were already signs of her growing up to be a beauty.

Staring at his master for about 20 minutes could be a little weird but it made Naruto feel calm and warm inside. For some reason, this girl made him feel as if he needed to protect this girl with all his life, It did not help that she was a red head, he was a sucker for red heads. Closing his eyes and focusing on something, after 5 minutes, he opened them again and revealed that his crimson eyes was no longer crimson but now ocean blue and he was now human with Yellow Hair and Blue eyes and 3 whisker like birthmarks in each of his cheeks, he was wearing a Black and Red kimono with the red flames under and the whole kimono was black.

Going closer to his master, he pushed aside Rias' hair away from her forehead gently and pressed his lips gently on her forehead.

" Goodnight, Ojou-chan, May your dreams be sweet and gentle. " Naruto said as he changed back to his Kitsune form as the size of a cat and lowered himself down and pressed his head to his paws, he shut his eyes and went to sleep.

_A/N: UFUUYYYY I DONT KNOW WHAT I AM DOING???? AM I DOING OKAY? WAS IT OKAY? PLEASE LEAVE SOME REVIEWS DOWN FOR MEEEEI have lots of plans but i dont know if its good.I live for writing.i love y'alls~~jaaa bye byee~~@Leah Rain