A/N: Here's that steamy/smutty moment y'all have been waiting for! Rated for a reason, so don't say I didn't warn you.
If you wandered in here without knowing context, this is a special chapter of Making Waves. You don't have to know the whole story for that, but if it gets confusing in a couple spots go read Making Waves first.

"I mean, it's time. I don't want to wait anymore, Inuyasha. I want to be with you."

Inuyasha could safely say that had been the fastest he'd ever come back on shore, and that was counting the middle of the night when he left the palace.

They'd floated out a good distance from shore, and he'd told Kagome to hang onto him as he swam. She'd gripped his shoulders tightly, pressing herself against his back and trying not to laugh at how quickly he took off. Just as well, he was kicking up a good amount of water, splashing both of them. "Serves you right," he'd chuckled before spitting out a mouthful of water. "You don't tell a guy something like that when you're out in the middle of the water and expect him to take his time."

Kagome bit her lip, debating on if she was brazen enough to say what she was currently thinking. She'd already told him that she was ready to take the next step, so what harm would it do? "Maybe we won't have to go back to land next time?"

The noise he made had her concerned. "Woman you're trying to kill me."

"What's wrong? Are you not able to do that? Do you have something different when you're a merman?"

"I… fuck, it's… a little different," he said in a strangled voice. From her limited view of his face she could see his cheeks bright red. "Do you mean to tell me that… you mean you'd…"

They'd reached the wet sand and Kagome moved to straighten up as Inuyasha pulled himself into the dry sand. She turned to grab the towels as he began scooping handfuls across his tail. "Why not?" she asked, not knowing where this boldness came from all of a sudden. "You accept me as I am. How is this different?"

Inuyasha paused, turning to look at her in bewilderment. They hadn't even slept together yet and she was suggesting that they have sex in his current form? And she had the nerve to throw his words back at him, the cheeky woman. "It's different," he said, blushing more. "If you were to see it, you might not want to –"

"Then let me decide when the time comes," she cut him off. Kagome dropped the towels on the sand as she dropped to her knees next to him, scooping sand around his hips. "Anyway, when I was growing up I was taught to try anything new once to see if I liked it."

He made a choked sound. "You really are trying to kill me!"

"Okay well it was meant as a way to get me to eat vegetables I didn't like, but I don't see a difference –"

"Are you sure?" He asked, throwing sand by the handfuls over the fins of his tail. "We don't have to do anything, Kagome." Inuyasha really wished the transformation would hurry the hell up. If he weren't careful with his thoughts Kagome was going to found out just how different he was in mer form. He wasn't sure she was ready for that, even if it wasn't exactly different. Just the appearance alone might make her wary, but that was something to worry about another time.

"I'm positive."

"Good, cause you can stop now."

His chuckle brought Kagome out of her thoughts, and she blushed when she realized she had begun to bury him entirely in sand. Inuyasha had a nice pile built around his hips and halfway up his back when he grabbed her hand. 'Whoops, guess I got carried away.'

"How about my shorts, 'Gome?" It felt stupid to ask for his clothes, considering the whole reason that they were rushing, but this wasn't something he wanted to do anywhere but in a bed. The first time. After that he was game for just about anything, but he'd be damned if Kagome wasn't going to be comfortable. She deserved nothing but the best, and while he couldn't guarantee that he'd be any good, he was gonna try. Suddenly all those "tips" that he'd been given from Koga and Miroku upon his last visit to the palace didn't seem to be as inappropriate as he'd felt they were at the time. 'If I follow them and she hates it I'm kicking both their asses. I will drag them to shore by their tails and beat their asses from one end of the island to the other.'

Also there was a good amount of sand in his ass and the towels that had been tossed in the beach bag were no where big enough to lay on. Beach sex was out of the question without planning.

"Oh. Right-" Kagome tossed him the shorts and turned her back. "Wait, why am I turning around?" She had to laugh at the absurdity of the situation. She kept her back facing him, but she could hear him laugh as he dressed.

"Ruin the surprise?" he teased. Not that he could say that he was trying to hide himself. Even that first time she'd seen him tenting his boxers he hadn't made an attempt to conceal it. He hadn't wanted to. He'd wanted her to see the effect she had on him, and the pretty blush he could raise in her cheeks each time.

The previous morning had nearly done him in though. Each touch, each caress, each sigh she let out as he showered her with affection made him come close to ditching his boxers as he ground his hips into hers. It had been so good…but nothing compared to the vision Kagome had presented when she dove into the water topless.

As Inuyasha shook the sand out of his shirt and pulled it over his head, it struck him how easily she had taken off after him in the water with only a scrap of cloth around her bottom. This was not the same girl he had met on the boardwalk years ago, who was picked on for her looks. This was not the girl he had to talk into wearing the cute outfits she kept hidden in her closet. This was a woman who had become comfortable enough in her body to wear the cute clothes out on her own. To be happy with her appearance at long last. To bare herself to him, both figuratively and literally. Kagome trusted him on an unprecedented level, and she wanted to give herself to him completely.

He pulled his hair out of the shirt and grimaced at the sand that had stuck to the strands, watching her wring the water from her hair. She was back in the wet bathing suit top, which was a disappointment, but understandable. They still had to go through town to get back to her house, and that flimsy shirt she'd taken from his closet wasn't going to hide anything. Inuyasha collected her shorts and coverup, kneeling behind her and dropping them onto her head. "Your turn," he whispered, pecking her on the cheek.

"Really?" she said exasperatedly, pulling them off her head. "I'd just got the water out – and there's sand in my shorts!"

"So?" he laughed. "It's not like you aren't already covered in sand. We're gonna have to get clean before we get dirty, anyway."

Kagome wanted to be mad, but the sputtering blush killed that instantly. 'I guess that's what I get for being bold. He takes it a step further!' She had been the one to start this, so she couldn't be upset that he'd spoken about it so openly. She frowned when she realized that Inuyasha wasn't going to turn around. "You're gonna watch?"

"I like the view."

She mock scowled, but that grin made her stomach do a flip. Fine, if he wanted a view… Kagome faced him as she bent forward to step into the shorts, slowly pulling them up her legs as she straightened up. The bikini top barely kept her breasts leashed before it had gotten wet, so it was a gamble to see if she'd pop out when she bent over. And from the expression on Inuyasha's face, she knew he was thinking the same thing. That smirk had disappeared as his jaw fell slack, and it didn't take a genius to see where he was staring. Kagome couldn't help herself. As soon as the shorts were buttoned and zipped, she reached up to "adjust" the bottom strap of the bikini, making her breasts shift with each tug.

He made a noise.

"Still enjoying the view, Inuyasha?" she teased. The scowl she got in return as she shrugged on her cover up made her laugh.

"We need to go." He cleared his throat. "Now." He had made quick work of gathering their belongings, dropping the beach bag by his feet before turning around and crouching. "Come on," he said, "If I carry you it'll be faster."

Kagome hesitated only a second before shrugging and climbing onto his back. She tried not to shiver as his hands grasped her under her thighs, his thumbs caressing the soft skin. He wouldn't drop her; she had no doubts about that. Kagome stretched to grab the beach bag, looping her arm through it before wrapping her arms around his shoulders. "I still don't see how-"

The squeal that she let out as Inuyasha took off across the beach, over the boardwalk, and down the street should have been heard by people on the mainland. A few people turned their heads at the sound, but quickly paid the couple no mind as Inuyasha's laughter followed. It was just two young people in love and goofing around.

Inuyasha had run full tilt through town with Kagome on his back, and he couldn't stop grinning. The day had taken a turn he hadn't expected, but he certainly wasn't about to complain about that. She'd stopped squealing somewhere between the boardwalk and the small gas station on the corner, and from there she'd joined him in laughter. Things would become quiet, and then one of them would start to snicker and soon both were laughing again.

He was reluctant to set her down when his feet hit the steps of the porch. It had been nice, carrying her like that. Her thighs had held tight to his waist, and with how her arms wrapped around his shoulders it pressed her flush against his back. His thumbs caressed the backs of her thighs once more, and he grinned at the small sigh against the back of his neck.

"We need to shower first," Kagome mumbled, fishing for her keys in the beach bag and unlocking the door. "If you want you can go first, Inuyasha. I know I nearly buried you in the sand – what's that look for?" She frowned, not understanding why he was looking at her like she'd grown a second head.

"Think about what you just said, 'Gome."

"I said that we need to wash the sand off before we…oh." Well now she felt silly. Kagome let out an embarrassed laugh. "I guess there's really no point in taking turns in the shower, huh? Unless you don't want to of course –" She didn't want to be presumptuous and suggest sharing the shower if he wasn't up for that.

Inuyasha shut the door behind them, taking the beach bag and dropping it on the floor. "I would have to be out of my mind to not want to take a shower with you." He started guiding her up the stairs, trying not to look impatient. "In fact, unless one of us is in a hurry, I say we just shower together from now on. Make sure we hit all the hard to reach spots. Thoroughly. Repeatedly."

Kagome had no objections to that. She certainly enjoyed running her hands along the hard muscle of his chest and back, tracing each dip and following the lines. And from the sounds he made when she did it, he liked it just as much.

As they reached the top of the stairs, Inuyasha paused. Kagome turned to him. "What's wrong?"

"Door," was all he said before running back down the stairs, jumping off the last four as he disappeared from view. She'd heard the soft click of the lock being secured before she saw him rush back moments later sporting a wide grin. "No way are we getting interrupted again."

She shook her head as she reached for his hand. Kagome wasn't too keen on the idea of being interrupted either, and heaven help the person that was stupid enough to call. She'd already had to replace her phone once. If it broke again she wasn't going to deny how it happened or who was at fault for it breaking. She had made up her mind.

This was going to happen. She wasn't waiting any longer. Everything else would just have to wait or do without her and Inuyasha because this was their time.

He let her lead him down the hallway to the bathroom, but once they were inside, he kicked the door closed with his foot and tugged her to him. Inuyasha bent to kiss her deeply, showing her without words just what she meant to him. He could feel her hands fist against his shirt, the material sliding upwards. "Impatient, are we?" he grinned, leaning back and helping her remove it. She dropped it on the floor, more interested in tracing the curves in his muscles and watching them dance beneath her touch. As her fingers slid along his sides and down to his hips, Inuyasha groaned, reaching for her hands before they found the waistband of his shorts. "How's this fair?" he asked, letting go of one hand to reach for her cover up.

Kagome didn't protest him sliding the sheer fabric off her shoulders and to the floor. "You saw me earlier."

"Only a bit. You were moving like a shark."

"I was floating on my back in the sea. Topless. You still saw me, so don't pull that."

"What about if I pull this?" he asked, running his finger underneath the string of her bikini that stretched across her shoulder. "You see me without a shirt on all the time. Can I..?"

Kagome smiled sheepishly up at him. "Could you? I just… made the knot too tight and I can't get it undone." In her haste to get the top on she hadn't been careful with the ties. She'd found this out reaching back to try to loosen them when he went to lock the door. They were knotted up good.

Inuyasha laughed, grabbing her shoulders to turn her around and moved her hair over her shoulder. She was right, these were tight! If he hadn't seen the prices of women's swimwear he would have suggested getting a knife, but he also knew that Kagome had picked this bikini out for this occasion. The swimming at the beach, not this exactly, but this was a pleasant surprise. It took him a few tries between the tight handiwork and his fumbling hands, but the knot came loose.

As he turned her back around and peeled back the top, Kagome bit her lip on reflex. She'd bared all in front of him once – or nearly anyway – but he was right in front of her now. It was both exhilarating and nerve wracking as he looked at her. Now that they weren't in the sea, and the realization of what they'd be doing was kicking in, would he still think the same as before?

"You look beautiful," he told her earnestly, seeing the panic in her eyes that threatened to surface. Inuyasha meant every word, repeating it as he kissed the stray tears that had begun to roll down her cheeks. He knew she didn't mean to cry. She probably didn't realize she had been crying until then. Inuyasha pulled her against him, tucking her head under his chin as he gently rubbed her bare back. It was a struggle not to let out the groan when he felt her breasts press against his chest; she needed reassurance, not him poking her. At least if he did it this time he was human.

She mumbled another apology into his shoulder, feeling foolish. Kagome didn't know what had happened. She knew Inuyasha loved her. She knew that he thought she was beautiful – he certainly said so enough. And he had said it again as she stood there half-naked before him. It had to have been the final piece of the wall she had built up that he ripped down over the years, because now she really felt like she deserved his love. "I love you," she said, sighing against his shoulder. "Sorry again. I know you saw at the beach, but…I dunno. I guess it finally hit me."

"I love you too," he said, dropping a kiss on her temple. "You alright?"

She nodded, leaning back slightly to look up at him. "This is nice."

"Yeah, it is."

"Do you know what would be better?"

"Hm?" Inuyasha's eyes widened as he felt a small hand slide between their bodies and tentatively cup him through his swim shorts. When he looked down at Kagome, she was looking up at him shyly. Her fingers curled, tightening their hold and he tried to muffle the sound it brought out of him. He failed to contain the gasp as her palm began to rub him slowly.

"It'd be a lot better if you weren't wearing these shorts." She knew it was cruel to tease him like this, but she couldn't help it. The way he looked at her as she stood in front of him, she wanted to show him what that look did to her. It gave her the same confidence she had to join him in the water. He brought it out of her, and now he was going to see the extent.

Kagome bit down on her lip as she squeezed him lightly, trying not to laugh at the whimper that she drew out of him. His hold on her had slackened, and she took that as her cue to loosen the drawstring and dip her fingers under the waistband. Like he did with her, Kagome moved slowly as she pushed the shorts down his hips.

She'd seen naked men before – hell, they'd watched Game of Thrones together, so she'd certainly gotten an eyeful – but nothing compared to him. She tried not to blush, she really did, but Inuyasha even put the male model her high school art teacher had hired to shame. Between how muscular he was and his size, finally seeing him naked didn't do her dream versions of him justice either. When Kagome glanced back up, she noticed that Inuyasha was now the one looking unsure.

That wasn't right. She needed him to see that she was just as amazed by him.

"Back up," she said, reaching up to grab his hips, guiding him to lean against the cabinet. She jerked the shorts out of the way, tossing them across the room and settled on her knees on the bathmat. If she was any good at this, he'd want something to hold onto.

"Kagome?" Inuyasha didn't know what she was doing. After she'd pushed his ass into the edge of the bathroom sink, she'd taken a seat before him. Just…staring. She'd gotten him hard as hell, near throbbing with want, and she decides to observe him? It was a little unnerving, and his mind was trying to figure out what she was thinking. Did she not like it? Was she repulsed? Had she changed her mind –

She didn't respond, instead reaching up to wrap her fingers around the base of his length. He was thicker than he felt when she first grasped him through his shorts, but then she was more focused on his expression as she touched him. Inuyasha let out a choked gasp as she gently pumped him, experimenting with her grip and the speed of her strokes. His legs had started to shake when she reached up with her other hand and traced the bit of precum around his swollen head.

"K-Ka…ah!" He couldn't help the way his legs quivered when her fingertips brushed across the tip. It had been so light that the sensation tickled him. She could have literally tickled him there and it wouldn't have been as intense as what she unintentionally did. When she brought her fingers to her lips to taste him, he'd made a noise he should've been embarrassed about.

Kagome looked up at the sound, and she couldn't control the devious smile that crossed her face. She'd been curious about the taste, but now that she knew she could get that kind of reaction out of him, she wanted to see what other sounds he could make. Leaning forward, she kept her eyes on him as she continued to pump his shaft, dragging her tongue across the tip. The swear that filled the room was almost as good as the expression in his eyes as she slowed down her strokes to drop soft kisses along his length. Inuyasha looked down at her in disbelief, like he couldn't believe that she was willing to do this. His face was flushed, as though he were embarrassed about the sounds she was drawing out of him. That wasn't right – he shouldn't be able to do the things he did to make her scream his name without thinking that she wouldn't wish to do the same. There was one thing she was very curious about, and since she'd already found that she didn't mind the taste of him…

Inuyasha made a noise somewhere between a gasp and a yelp when he felt Kagome take his cock in her mouth and sucked. She went slowly at least, trying not to hurt herself by taking too much. He should've been horrified by the noises he made as she drug her tongue along the bottom of his shaft, but he wasn't. He couldn't be. The telltale signs of his impending release were more concerning. It hadn't been something to consider at first, but then again he hadn't realized how close to the edge he was until Kagome had sucked him that first time.

"Ah… 'Gome… wait –"

The second time she sucked him hard, she'd also hummed, and that had been it. There was no chance to stop her. Inuyasha could barely get out her name before his seed spilt into her mouth. She'd pulled back quickly, and he didn't blame her. Now she sat before him with his seed spilt across her chest as she tried to discreetly wipe her mouth. With a shaky hand, he located a washcloth and passed it to her. "I…I'm sorry Kagome. I –"

"Shouldn't I be the one to say that?" she said teasingly. "I mean I've left you hard as a rock more times than is fair –"

Inuyasha blushed. "Not every time," he mumbled. There had been that one time on the couch when she'd unintentionally made him cum in his pants. Then there was the morning after he crawled in her bed, but at least he'd had control over himself long enough to even the score. He let out a sigh as his legs all but buckled when he slid to sit on the floor. "I wasn't going to ask you to do anything you weren't ready to, 'Gome. Are you alright?" he asked, "I didn't hurt you, did I?"

Kagome shook her head, biting her lip. "Did you…like it? Was it good?" She didn't get much from it, but she did like hearing the sounds he made. It was different, but not unpleasant. The feel of him in her mouth, knowing that she could get that response from him was something she wouldn't mind doing again.

Inuyasha made another choked sound before dissolving into laughter. She really thought that he didn't enjoy that?! He couldn't stand up in that moment if the house were on fire. Pulling Kagome forward to sit between his legs he said, "The only thing I didn't enjoy was how long I lasted. But now…" His fingers dipped beneath the string ties of her bikini bottoms, and he grinned as she shivered under his touch. "I think we should even the score." As Inuyasha began to untie the bottoms, Kagome shifted around so it could be pulled off more easily. When the last scrap of fabric that kept his view from her was gone, he groaned.

As he'd suspected, there wasn't a blemish on her skin that he could see. The soft skin of her hips that he'd caressed was finally bare before him. She sat with her legs pressed together once more, but he could see a glimpse of the patch of dark curls that was hiding the final bit of her he'd yet to witness. "Fuck, you're beautiful."

"Okay now you're just saying that." She was beginning to think that this was his go-to response. She knew he meant it, but- Kagome let out a squeak as she felt his hands grip her hips and force her to stand. "Inuyasha what are you doing?"

"You see that mirror, 'Gome?" Inuyasha tilted his head back to look at her from his place on the floor. "I want you to look in that mirror. I want you to see what I see, and if you look away for a second I'll stop." He didn't know if this would even work, but it was worth a try. Koga specifically said that if he wanted to make her scream – not that he had any problems doing that as it was – then this was a surefire way to do it. He'd never mentioned doing it in front of a mirror; that was just a bonus so Kagome could watch herself. Inuyasha looked back down at her parted thighs and felt his brows crease as it occurred to him that maybe her earlier staring was because she was unsure herself. The one thing that Koga neglected to tell him was what exactly he was supposed to do. Maybe if he followed what Kagome did for him..?

"Stop? What are you –!" Kagome let out a gasp when she felt Inuyasha drag his tongue across her folds. If he hadn't been holding her hips with a firm grip she may have hit the floor. It was new. It was unexpected. And when he did it again she found herself begging him not to stop. Kagome looked down to see that Inuyasha was watching her, and true to his word, he stopped.

"Look at the mirror, Kagome," he told her firmly. She'd looked down at him, cheeks ablaze and startled, but she'd told him in no uncertain terms that she liked that. He'd scooted down so that he could taste her better and keep an eye on her, which was how he knew she looked away. All he had done was lick her, delighting that that one little action had made her folds wetter than before. That had been a good sign. Inuyasha wondered what else he could do to her with his mouth. The other morning he'd done a pretty good job of making her cry out just rocking his hips against hers, so surely there had to be a way that he could duplicate the sensation in this position.

Bracing her hands on the sides of the countertop, Kagome had to force herself to look back up. Inuyasha was still watching her, waiting for her to obey. How could she look in the mirror, when he was doing that to her? He was tasting her, and he wanted her to watch herself? Did he not see how strange that was? Moments later he resumed his task, and she let out a whimper as his tongue dipped within her folds. Her body shuddered when he did it again, and she could swear he was being as cautious as she had earlier. He'd stroke her folds with the tip of his tongue, pausing to gauge her reaction. If he liked her response he did it again, a little bolder. Each touch sent shockwaves of pleasure through her, but she knew now that he wouldn't hesitate to stop if she looked away from her reflection.

But why look in the mirror? To see what he saw? What did that mean? All she could see was her naked body, flushed and heavily aroused, while the back of his head moved as he pleasured her. Oh.


That's what he saw? Kagome tried to put herself in Inuyasha's place, to imagine what he might think when he looked at her like this. She got as far as thinking that she could see what he meant, but was too distracted by Inuyasha's ministrations. 'He just said I couldn't look away from the mirror. He never said where in the mirror I had to look.' Kagome used this to her advantage; as long as she kept her head up like she was looking at herself, she could sneakily watch Inuyasha instead.

She quickly discovered that each time his head stopped moving, he was about to do something else., and each time he'd pause to consider his next move. There were fewer and fewer pauses as he waited to hear her reaction, and subtly she tried to tell him what worked and what didn't. As it was, she was struggling to speak clearly, not used to these sensations. She'd taken care of herself a few times, but it was nothing like this. Once he had let go of her hip to stroke her folds with his fingers. She'd gasped, but then that was a feeling she was used to, and he'd gone still again. Kagome bit her lip. She wanted him to know that she liked it, and she did – a lot – but he wasn't quite where she needed him to be. She'd started to open her mouth to tell him, when she felt his fingers spread her lips apart with his free hand, and groaned loudly when his tongue laved at her opening. Oh, that had been good.

Inuyasha's reflection in the mirror showed that he was taking advantage of each and every good response she had given him. Kagome shuddered again, wishing she could form more than broken syllables to tell him – she gasped as she felt a digit slip inside her, slowly pumping her. That…that was good too, but… 'I…I need…oh god, how do I tell him to go up? I don't want to make him feel bad…' She really didn't, but there was one place he hadn't hit yet that she really, really wanted him to. Kagome glanced up at herself again, deciding to just go for it. Slowly, she reached down with her right hand and placed it on the back of his head, threading her fingers in his hair. With light tugs, she managed to convey that she wanted him to move forward with his attentions.

Inuyasha paused to readjust his position, glancing up to see that Kagome was still looking in the mirror, biting down on her lip. Was she embarrassed to say that she wanted him to do something else? He was thrilled that she was guiding him, in all honesty. Each time he paused to think he was afraid that she'd ask him why he was stopping, and his pride had already taken a hit by coming early so he really didn't want to explain that he was running on vague tips from a merman who had only ever gone down on mermaids. As he glanced back down at her, he tried to figure out what she was asking for. He removed the finger that had been slowly sliding in and out, dragging his tongue across it to catch her flavor. 'What does she want?' he wondered, reaching up with that hand to part her lips again. She was like a puzzle he wanted to solve, and he knew instinctively that there was something – wait. There was a swollen bit of flesh that he hadn't noticed earlier, how could he have missed that? Something in him told him to tread carefully as he leaned forward, licking the nub. He was not prepared for her reaction.

Her knees banged against the cabinet – that would likely leave bruises in the morning. The strangled noise she let out with that one lick gave him pause, and as Kagome tried to find her bearings, the glimpse she could see of Inuyasha in the reflection told her he'd figured it out. Like a lightbulb had gone off, he ventured to do it again, and she thanked the gods that he had a hold of her. With each touch against her clit she gasped. When she'd touched herself before, she could control the pressure, but Inuyasha didn't know that. He'd found another place that made her eyes roll back, and he was going to use it to his advantage.

There was another pause, and she felt the hand on her hip slid down and between her legs, stroking her spread lips while his tongue lazily dragged over her clit. Kagome was white knuckling the countertop edges now, trying to steady her breathing, but he wasn't giving her the chance. Each gasp she let out meant he licked a little harder, and adding the feeling of a finger dipping into her again only heightened the sensation. When he stopped again, Kagome's head dropped to her chest and she let out a sigh. 'Oh thank god. Maybe I can catch my breath –'

The chuckle should have been a clue. Kagome slowly raised her head, frowning at his reflection. She couldn't see his face, but she didn't like that sound. Not when he was between her legs.

The moment he drew the sensitive bud of flesh between his lips and sucked, she knew she was in trouble.

"Inu…" she whimpered, letting her knees brace against his shoulders. Her legs were like jelly and he wasn't stopping. His hands had gone back to her hips, and she knew he wouldn't let her fall. Between the way he sucked on her clit, and the flicks he'd give it with his tongue, she was trembling. 'I don't…think I can take this much more…Inuyasha…ah!'

He moaned against her, creating a vibration that made her shiver and rock against his face. She hadn't meant to, but it had felt so good that her hips jerked involuntarily. She wanted to look down, to make sure that he was okay, but a light pinch told her to keep watching the mirror. Kagome bit her lip hard when she saw his head still again, and his fingers were pumping inside her once more, this time two instead of the one. She let out another gasp as he increased the pace with his fingers. So close. She was so close. Her legs were shaking harder now even with his hold on her. She could feel her body tensing as she reached the edge, and all it took was one accidental stroke to push her over. Kagome cried out a mangled form of his name as she slumped against the counter. Inuyasha continued to hold her steady as she tried to catch her breath, and she could feel him still licking the wetness that had trickled down her thigh.

He held firm to her as he guided her to sit with him on the floor, pulling her against his chest. "I told you that you were fucking beautiful, and you didn't believe me." He grinned at her blush. "Did you enjoy it?"

Now she understood why he laughed when she asked him if it was okay. "Very much." Kagome said breathlessly as she brought him forward in a kiss. It was strange tasting herself on his lips, but she didn't really mind. When she pulled back, she laughed again as she took in the state of their bathroom. Clothes were scattered everywhere, a few containers on the counter had been knocked over, and they were a tangled mess of limbs sitting in the floor. "We really should shower," she said at last, hooking a finger in that beaded necklace she'd given him as a kid.

"True," he said, not bothering to get up. "Don't want to get sand in the bedsheets. What? What's that look for?"

"You can still...?"

Inuyasha grinned, wrapping his arms around her and bringing both of them to stand. "Just because I came once doesn't mean I'm out for the night. You know how long I've been waiting for this?" he teased. "You can't run me ragged that easy woman."

"I should hope not," she giggled as Inuyasha turned the water on and set the water temperature for their shower. She still felt shaky, but he'd held her hand to steady her. "Although I think that would be the one flaw you'd have-"

He didn't let her finish that sentence before he pulled her under the spray of the shower head. Inuyasha wasted no time in shampooing her hair. She'd started to protest, but he wouldn't let her turn around. "Let me," he urged. "I want to take care of you." That had been the plan anyway, but the sight of the lathered shampoo that dripped onto her shoulders, sliding down between the valley of her breasts proved to be distracting. So was the content little smile on her lips as she tilted her head back as his hands massaged the shampoo into her scalp.

It wasn't fair that she could look both sinful and innocent at the same time.

As soon as her hair was rinsed, she darted behind him with the shampoo bottle before he could stop her. Kagome proceeded to wash his hair, getting it lathered before he spun them around to let the water rinse it. Inuyasha was more interested in washing her, and he couldn't do that when her arms were reaching above him. With this he took his time, using her favorite body wash and slowly exploring each and every curve of her body. He pulled her back against his chest, wrapping his arms around her as he drug the lathered washcloth across her skin. Kagome would shiver each time he brushed against a pebbled nipple, and arch against him when he'd cup the slippery mounds. Her bottom brushing against him when he squeezed nearly made him drop the washcloth.

"F-fuck," he breathed against her ear. "You gotta quit that, 'Gome."

"Then finish so I can wash you," she replied. Kagome had felt the hardness when she rocked into him, and her patience was getting thin. She was enjoying the way he caressed her, but she was looking for more. She also didn't want either of them to break a hip in the shower because she didn't want to have to explain to the paramedics that they couldn't wait until they got to the bedroom. As soon as she felt Inuyasha set the cloth in her hand, she was turning in his arms, adding a little more body wash and working it into a lather. She moved slowly, mimicking his torturous method of washing her, despite his groans for her to hurry. "You got to feel me up," she chided, giving his hardening length a tug with the washcloth. "It's only fair."

Inuyasha's head fell back with another groan and Kagome grinned. If things like this were what they had to look forward to after this point, there really wasn't anything to be worried about anymore. She was amazed at how comfortable she had become in nothing but her bare skin, pressed against him. Why she expected things to change was beyond her. They still acted the same around each other, still teased each other, only now there were new ways to tease…

The water shutting off was the only indication that Kagome had before Inuyasha lifted her up in his arms and stepped out of the shower. She reached out and snatched a couple towels as he walked through the bathroom, leaving droplets of water behind in their wake to her bedroom. "We're getting the whole house wet," she stated, trying to unfold a towel and pat anything within reach dry.

Inuyasha didn't set her on her feet until he reached the foot of her bed. Kagome tossed the towel over his head, telling him to dry off. He decided not to comment and humored her instead. The bed was going to get wet anyway. When he tossed the towel to join hers, he saw that Kagome was now in bed, waiting for him. "Are you sure, 'Gome?" he asked. It wasn't like they had to go that far if she changed her mind. What they had done earlier would be more than enough for him. If he were honest he wanted more, but she'd sucked him off. If she wanted to wait, he wouldn't complain.

Kagome resisted the urge to sigh in irritation. She had said she was ready, and she meant it. "I'm sure, Inuyasha. Now will you come here? I think there was something we needed to finish…" She couldn't hide the smile as his expression darkened with desire when she curled her finger at him, coaxing him to join her on the bed. How could she know that she lay along the bed like she was presenting herself with that action? He took his time, climbing onto the bed and crawling over her as his damp hair fell around them, shielding their view of anything but each other. Inuyasha left space between them, and she couldn't have that. When she said that she wanted this, she meant all of him.

The leg that curled around his hip, pulling him down against her emphasized that. They both gasped as his cock brushed against her wet folds. Kagome rocked against him again, enjoying the feeling and the sight of his eyes rolling back as she coated him.

He groaned, nipping her neck. "Why did you do that?" he panted. "I wanted…"

"I think we've been waiting long enough," she breathed, rolling her hips again. It had the desired effect of making him rock against her, and her head pressed back into the pillows. "I need you, Inuyasha."

"Do you now?" he groaned, dropping a kiss to her jaw before meeting her lips. "And what if I want to go slow?" Each word was punctuated by a kiss, making her smile by the end. He managed to shake her leg from his hip so he could put a little space between them. She couldn't keep doing that. After the way she'd touched him in the shower, he was beginning to throb, and he wasn't sure he could go a third time tonight if he blew it too soon again.

"You couldn't last when I –"

"I will with practice!" Inuyasha tried to feign being offended, which wasn't too much of a stretch. His male pride had been dealt a blow, both figuratively and literally. Kagome's soft laughter made him grin. She'd only been teasing, and he knew it. They would have all the time to get better at this. He shuddered as he guided his length along her, coating him in her wetness. The little noises she let out as he did it said that she liked it too. A surge of pride swept over him again and suddenly his patience had flown out the window. "You know what fuck it," he grunted, "Kagome are you certain –"

"Inuyasha –" Her brows snapped down as her voice took on a warning tone. She did not want to go through this again.

"I ain't gonna be able to stop once I start –"

Kagome rolled her eyes upward. "For the last time," she said, reaching down and grasping his cock, "I want you." The choked sound he made nearly made her laugh as she all but led him where they both wanted him. When she felt the tip push forward, Kagome bit her lip. Oh it was gonna hurt, she knew that just looking at him. She just hoped that he fit. Already she could feel him begin to stretch her.

Inuyasha went slowly as he sunk into her heat. She was so wet and felt so much hotter wrapped around him that it was a struggle not to snap his hips forward in one thrust. "Try to relax," he whispered, kissing her cheek.

"I am relaxed." She said weakly.

"Trust me, you aren't," he chuckled faintly, dropping his forehead to rest on her shoulder. He could feel her walls clenching him as he tried to move forward. He knew she wasn't comfortable and wouldn't be the first time. He'd gleaned that much just from some of the things he'd overheard. There wasn't a lot he could do, but dammit he didn't want to hurt her. "We can stop –"

"Don't. You. Dare –" Kagome's attention shifted, and Inuyasha tried moving again. He got a little deeper before she gasped and tensed up again. If she didn't relax he was gonna come just trying to get seated in her, and his ego had been battered enough for one night. When she was distracted she was relaxed, so he had to keep her from thinking about the stretching.

There was an idea.

He raised his head up to watch her expression. "You remember that racing game we used to play at the arcade when we were kids? You remember that day you found out your place on the leaderboard had been knocked down to second?"

Kagome's brow furrowed, trying to understand why they were having this conversation. She had relaxed again, and he moved a miniscule amount when he shifted to balance himself. "What about it? And why of all times did you think to bring this up now?"

Inuyasha leaned down until their noses bumped, grinning. He had her completely distracted now. "I was the one who set the new high score."

Kagome sucked in a breath, ready to express her outrage, when he pushed forward. He let out a deep groan as he settled completely in her. She had let out a gasp as she felt him stretch her so suddenly. Inuyasha raised up on his elbows quickly, looking for any sign of pain.

"That…was a dirty trick." She had tried to relax, she really did. But she couldn't help that all of the recounted tales of first times flooded her thoughts. All of the girls talked about how much it hurt. How they didn't get anything from it. That they thought they were broken because they were unfulfilled. Well – if they had been told similar stories she could now see why it hurt! Being tense made it even more uncomfortable. Inuyasha had picked up on that. He'd gone slow, told her to relax, even going so far as to bring up an old memory to distract her so she wouldn't overthink what was happening.

"It worked, didn't it?" He continued to grin, reaching up to brush a stray hair from her face. "Are you okay? Can I do anything?" The gasp he'd heard wasn't one of pleasure. He'd heard her make a similar noise back when they were teenagers and he'd been at her house when she'd stepped on one of her brother's Lego sets barefoot. It'd scared him to think that he was the cause for her pain, and he was going to do everything he could to make it up to her.

"It's…different," she replied with a frown. It wasn't the way she wanted to describe her first time, but so far the other words she could think of weren't much better. Stretched. Kind of uncomfortable. Not unpleasant. Though she had to admit, it would have been a lot worse if he hadn't changed her focus. Much worse if he hadn't had any consideration for her comfort. She had a feeling that was part of the problem for all the women who shared their first-time experiences with her.

As if she couldn't possibly love him more.

Kagome wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. She wanted to show him how much she appreciated his concern, and words just weren't enough. "I don't deserve you," she whispered against his lips.

"Course you do. We fit together so well," he added, wiggling his eyebrows. Inuyasha grinned when she started to laugh. "That's better."

She hummed in agreement. "It actually is. I think…you can move now."

Inuyasha pulled back slightly, watching for any sign of discomfort. Kagome let out a low hiss as he slid out, which he took to mean she was still adjusting to his girth. When he began to push forward again, his resolve slipped for a second and he thrust harder into her more than he meant to. She wasn't clenching him, and the feeling of being inside her had been too good. He muttered an apology, feeling guilty that he was taking pleasure in something that she was still getting used to.

Kagome wasn't complaining. "Again," she breathed, "Just like that." It was still a strange feeling, but it was starting to feel good and she wanted more. She bit her lip and moaned when Inuyasha rolled his hips. Slowly, it was getting better for her, and she made sure to let him know that. The feeling of him moving inside her was good, but…it was also lacking something. Kagome couldn't find the right word to describe what she needed. It was almost like scratching a hard to reach itch. Inuyasha was hitting the spot, but it wasn't quite right.

He seemed to pick up that his thrusts were missing something. When they had been in the bathroom, Kagome hadn't been able to stay still. Or quiet for that matter. 'Wait a minute –' Inuyasha decided to try changing the angle of his thrusts, bringing both legs to wrap around his waist. He was able to garner a deep moan for his efforts, but it still wasn't right. He knew he had no experience in this department, but dammit he wanted to please Kagome! He wanted to get that back-arching scream that she deserved. She'd done it the other morning when they…then an idea had struck him.

With his weight balanced on one arm, he slowed his thrusts as he dipped his free hand between them. When he had tasted her in the bathroom, she had reacted really well to him touching that swollen nub of flesh, so maybe –

Inuyasha knew he did something right the moment his fingers circled her clit. Kagome's hips raised up and into him as he thrust down, and they both swore out loud.

"Like..?" he gasped.

"Uh-huh…" she whimpered.

Inuyasha repeated the motion, whimpering himself when she tensed around him. She was so hot, so wet, and each time she clenched him the sensations were more mind blowing. He knew he was an awkward mess, fumbling to figure out what worked and what didn't. Kagome didn't seem to mind since she was just as inexperienced. They'd figure it out together.

So far, he thought he was doing a pretty decent job.

Kagome arched her back and cried out when he lightly pinched her nub between his fingers. It hadn't hurt but she was reaching for his hand. "Can't – oh god – Inuyash-ah!"

"C-close?" He gasped. He hoped so because he was teetering on the edge. Getting off earlier had helped to a degree, but he was already back where he was, and he didn't want to go alone this time.

"V-ve-ah! Oh!" Kagome's head fell back into the pillows as his thrusts increased. She could hardly get his name out in one breath, much less anything else. She heard him call her name, but she couldn't catch what it was he said.

"Look at me, 'Gome," he repeated, reaching between them again. Inuyasha rubbed his fingers furiously against her clit, feeling his release approaching. Kagome gasped as she met his gaze, her body going taut as she went over the edge.

Inuyasha had never heard his name being screamed out loud sound so wonderful before that evening. She had pulled him down with her when she came, her walls tightening impossibly around him with that final thrust. He'd shouted out her name, broken as it was, before his body went slack.

He was able to catch himself before he collapsed on top of her, shifting to lay next to her on the bed. Inuyasha reached for Kagome's hand, twining their fingers together. She gave his hand a squeeze, looking over at him with a content smile. "Are you alright?" he asked, returning the gesture.

"A little sore, but yeah," she replied softly. Kagome turned to face him when his expression grew concerned and added, "It was expected, Inuyasha. You didn't do anything wrong."

"You're sure?"

"Mmhm. I know I don't have anything to compare it to, but I'd say you did really well," she grinned.

"Keh," he blushed, grinning as well. "There's always room for improvement."

"Oh really? And what could you improve on?" Kagome reached out, and he pulled her against his chest with his free arm. She dropped her chin on his chest, listening as his heartbeat settled into its normal rhythm.

"Lasting longer, for starters," Inuyasha snorted. "Making sure I'm making you feel good."

"You made me feel plenty good," she assured him. "We'll figure it out."

Inuyasha hummed, rubbing her back. It wasn't a perfect start, but it wasn't a bad start either. He glanced at the clock on the bedside table, realizing that they hadn't eaten dinner earlier, and turned back to ask Kagome what she'd like. The soft breaths that danced across his chest told him that she had already fallen asleep. Inuyasha smiled, lightly brushing the wild strands of hair out of her face and tightened his hold on her. As he pulled her hair back, the weight of what they'd done settled over him.

Kagome had given herself to him, put all of her trust in him. It was a strange feeling, to know now what he'd never considered that day he told off those bullies on the boardwalk. He'd never thought he'd make a friend so quickly, a girl at that. Never believed that that girl would become his best friend. Definitely didn't anticipate that he'd later fall hopelessly in love with her, or that she'd return his feelings. Now they were engaged, and she'd filled in that missing piece he never knew was there.

He smiled, laying his head back against the pillows. He'd let her sleep, and when she woke up, then they'd fix something to eat. Inuyasha closed his eyes as he listened to her soft breathing, feeling incredibly tired himself. A nap wasn't too bad an idea, actually.