
Rated M for Dark Fantasy Ultraviolence, Horror/Disturbing Themes, Coarse Language, Sexual/Ecchi Themes, Nudity and the Fact This Is Hexen Crossed Over With A Hentai.

1. to perform witchcraft, cast a spell/spells
2. to work miracles

Covered in blood that stained his dirty blonde hair and the rags he wore and which dripped from his teeth where he bit and tore the artery in the arm of one of the slavers, the young boy's hands were still bound in frost-covered stocks as he frantically ran as fast as his small legs could carry him through the woods. Panicked by the sounds of men cursing and hound dogs barking made, the boy felt tears sting his eyes when he knew that any moment now, he would be recaptured and back on his way toward the hell that was the Eostian flesh markets.

The boy suddenly tripped over a tree root and found himself rolling down a hill where he landed into some bushes. Groaning in pain he found he could move his hands; the stocks having come loose. Rubbing his aching wrists, he quickly looked around to see if there was something, he could get his hands on to use as a weapon. The only thing he had managed to find was a rock.

Seeing the torches of the slavers get closer and the barking of the hounds grow louder he gripped the rock and threw it as hard he could toward the trees, the sound loud enough to draw the humans' attention as he made another break for it.

"There he is!"

The boy felt a crossbow bolt skim past his left cheek, and he realized they trying to recapture him now; but rather they were hunting in.

He was running even harder, up until he felt one of hound's weigh on top of him as he was tackled out of the forest and onto a dirt road. Without thinking he grabbed the snapping dog by the neck and sank his teeth into its neck, it's panicked howling silenced as he tore a chunk out of his neck. He heard the twang of another bolt being loaded into a crossbow, and he gritted his teeth and held the thrashing dog long enough to use it as a meat shield that caught the bolt.

Horrific pain along his ribs followed as he next found himself in the air courtesy of one the slaver's and his heavy, steel boot.

"Heh...boy's got some fight in him after all."

He rolled over onto his other side back see three shabbily dressed and armored human staring over at him, their faces illuminated by the torches they carried, one of them holding back three other hounds with his free hand as they barked incessantly at the boy.

"Couldn't we just pawn him over to the fighting pits at Rad?" one of the slavers queried. "It'd be a shame to waste fifty gold coins?"

"I know," the lead slaver loaded another bolt. "But you heard Mandeville: If the merchandise shows one sign of defiance then it'd be too much trouble to housebreak them."

The boy's eyes widened and he felt tears in his eyes as the reality of his impending death sank, the one with the hounds leads about ready to release them and they would tear him to pieces. The dogs stopped barking, however, when they noticed a presence behind them. Sure enough, they heard an entire column of footsteps approach from behind. The slavers realized they had wandered onto the path of an entire army, and when they turned to face them, they immediately recognized the banners – a black dog and sword plastered on red.


The Black Dogs. The largest and most feared army of mercenaries in all of Western Serenus. And they recognized the human male leading them.

"Oh, fuck me."

Vult. A tall, well-built man with dark hair and scars on his face that wore dark clothes over his black armor, one of the plates of his left pauldron painted red to better show off the Black Dog's motif. His weapon of choice was a massive greatsword he had sheathed on his back – one that would require a man of immense strength to wield properly.

Vult smirked, "Sorry, we're we interrupting something?"

The lead slaver glared, "This ain't any of your business, mercenary."

"..." Vult wasn't smirking anymore. "Actually, I think I'll make it my business."

The slavers each felt a chill down each of their spines. Even the hounds whimpered and hid themselves behind their masters. The mercenary stepped forward slowly, though the lead slaver didn't appear the least bit intimidated. And with his and his fellow slavers backs turned to the boy, this left him open for the boy to shakenly raise his hands, and to Vult's surprise eldritch power formed in his palms that froze the rain before him, right before launching a spike of frozen ice that impaled the lead slaver through the chest, his blood spraying all over Vult. The leader slavery looked down at himself, eyes bulging in surprise.

"...he's...he's got...m-magic..." the slaver croaked before falling to his knees. He expired and toppled forward, his face inches from Vult's boot.

Just as the other slavers drew their blades Vult unsheathed his massive greatsword and with one swing sent three torsos flying, the boy suddenly found himself sailing through the air, right before the landing on the ground and narrowly missing getting crushed underneath their weight as they hit the ground. The hounds' barking was reduced to whimpers followed by silence

Soaking in slaver blood, the man – the Mercenary King himself – grinned as he stepped toward the boy over the bodies of the slavers he had just bifurcated. Wiping the red stuff from his face and nursing a bruised left shoulder the boy looked unexpectantly up at the intimidating looking human, nonplussed about the blood that was running down his face.

"..." the boy suddenly glared up at the mercenary.

Vult knelt so that they were almost at eye level, "What's your name?"

The boy's eyes widened. He looked at the ground, before he swallowed his fear and answered, "D-Daedelon."

Vult blinked. 'Daedelon?'

He smirked.

"Well, Daedelon. I must say you're a vicious little bastard ain't you? You'd conquer the pits of Rad in no time."

The blonde boy known as Daedelon blinked.

"But Rad's a long way away. And you look like you're far, far from home, little boy," Vult grinned. "What say you tag along with us for a while?"

Daedelon's eyes widened by the Mercenary King's invitation...


Black Dog Chronicles:


A Dark Heroic Fantasy

Western Serenus. A world of bloodshed, intrigue and uncontrolled desires. A place where monsters roam free, indulging in their unrestrained lust; where mercenaries could come to make their fortunes putting these beasts to the sword, and to slake their own twisted perversions.

Hundreds of years ago, these aberrations were attracted to the swirling miasma of dark eldritch power emanating from within the Northern Lands of Garan, these wretched beings made it their new home. Centuries past, and the northern land grew tainted by their demonic power – the rivers became toxic swamps, the vegetation died and wildlife mutated beyond recognition. In time, the demons found themselves subjected by the Dark Elves and enthralled to their mysterious Dark Queen, Ruler of Garan from her seat of power from within the Dark Fortress. These monsters combined with the vast Legion of the Dark Elves; the Dark Queen began a campaign of conquest against the southern lands of Eostia. For a century, her forces raping, pillaging and burning all in their path.

Many times, they were beaten back by the races forming the Holy Seven Shields Alliance, a coalition governed by three organizations: The Guard – the combined military strength of the Alliance. The Arcanum – the center of all magical studies who determine whomever should have access to its wealth of knowledge and magical artifacts. And lastly, the Church – the holy faith of the peoples of Eostia all united in of the worship the elvish High Goddess Larentia, reborn as Celestine Lucullus, the High Queen of Eostia. The the seven city-states – Ken, Geofu, Feoh, Ur, Thorn, Rad and Ansur. All guided by Celestine from her throne within the White Citadel of Ken and her Shield Princesses – each commanding the armies of the Alliance from each nation's Fortress-Capitals.

Both sides now find themselves at a stalemate, with the Alliance scrambling to gather forces and powerful magical artifacts for one final push into Garan they find themselves disregarding the will of the Church to hire mercenary armies – and the cruelest, most vagabond and expensive ones there are...


(Black Fortress)
(Garan, Western Serenus)

(The Dungeon)

(Fifteen-years later)

"Where did you find this...beast?"

The torch barely lit the cell before it, revealing its prisoner to be a human in red robes with a hood, leather boots, a small belt with a skull girdle and wearing a skull-shaped ring on both his pointer fingers. Tattoos of elvish origin were imprinted around his right wrist and appeared to go upward his arm past the sleeve. His green-colored jade eyes pierced through the darkness within his hood, his quiet gaze upon the dark elves gathered past the steel door leading into his cell.

Legion General Delva Calabrian's felt her eyes slowly adjust to the darkness of the Black Fortress dungeon, its newest occupant he sat in the shadows, quietly watching her and the two guards she conversed with. Tall and pointy-eared, the color in her shoulder-length hair was dark violet that became lighter toward the ends; and the impressive looking purple-colored gold-rimmed plate armor that she wore appropriate for her station had been modified extensively around the chest to accommodate her impressively large bust, a trait shared by nearly all Dark Elf womenfolk. The seriousness on her face and in her amber-colored eyes suggested she had nothing but disdain toward the human.

"He caught him trying to cross the border into Garan," one of the guards replied. "Just him. By himself."

"Of course, he did. Human mages always think they're hot shit," Delva's second-in-command Elda Ballad commented snidely. Unimpressed by her interrupting, Delva looked over at the bright blonde, lightly-armored elf who had her massive double-edged war axe slung over her shoulder, the pink highlights in her short hair looking like she had just dyed them recently, such was the playful nature of her second. She was dressed as skimpily as her superior, unlike the other Dark Elf guards decked out in their more practical-looking, purplish plate armor. "You got balls trying to cross the border in the middle of a war, human."


"You're a mage, right?" Delva turned back to the human, putting on a mask of authority. "You could have easily transported your way back across the border. Why did you give up so easily?" She narrowed her eyes, "Was it so we could bring you here?"

"..." the mage didn't answer.

"To venture north into Garan means death, even for mages. Why did you want to come here?" Delva frowned when the mage wasn't even acknowledging her now. "What is waiting for you here?"


Elda tapped her axe against the cell bars, "Hey, you're meant to answer that."

"General Calabrian?"

Delva glowered, not bothering to turn her head toward the Dark Queen's retainer Chloe. The young, blonde half-breed that Olga had pulled out of the gutter in one of the human capitals, dressed in uniform and a black cloak, an indication of her rank as the Dark Queen personal knight. "Yes?" Delva brought herself to answer her. She turned her to see that she wasn't alone: a squad of legionaries stood to attention behind her.

"Lady Olga wishes for the prisoner to be brought before her."

"... does she now?" Delva asked. Chloe nodded, her stoicism remaining steadfast. "Very well. Get up, prisoner."

(Throne Room)

With his hands bound forward with chains, flanked by a whole contingent of guards, the human mage was led through the hall toward the Dark Queen herself. The mage swallowed, remembering that he was about to be brought before elven royalty. The same Dark Queen that had instigated the century long war against the races of Eostia.

They soon stood before a large door leading into what he presumed was the throne room.

"Word of warning, human," Elda whispered into his ear. "Don't even think about keeping anything from Her Ladyship."

"I've got nothing to hide."

Elda smirked, "You better not."

The door opened and he was shoved forward past them and marched right through. Observing his surroundings, the mage noted that the aesthetics of the Dark Queen's throne room was a combination of stone and intricately cut marble; flaming torches on the pillars illuminating the royal purple.

"Kneel before the queen."

And there she was, sitting on the Throne of Garan. The human swallowed when he laid eyes upon the Dark Queen herself – Olga Discordia, a beautiful dark elf with long black hair, golden earrings pierced through her long ears and whose golden-colored eyes seemed to radiated with contempt for his presence before her. He averted his gaze as he felt his face heat up at the sight of her dressed in what could be called a shoulder-less, purple corset that barely managed to cover her large breasts with a black thong, complimented with purple leggings, armbands and a dark, embroidered cloak. The elvish races had always been liberal when it came to dress, and he would have appreciated the view were it not for the circumstances he found himself in.

She wore the crown of Garan upon her forehead and held her symbol of power – a black staff with a red jewel embedded within it. Turning his head slightly and daring to look, he recognized the magical rune just above Olga's navel. It was the kind that prevented a man's unwanted seed from tainting the womb, a safeguard for any lady elf that found herself within a violator's clutches.

Delva standing at the left side of the throne whilst Chloe at her right, his wand and sack containing all of his equipment in hand. The human grunted when he struck in the leg and made to kneel before the throne, eyes tracing the floor as he kept his head bowed for fear of drawing the Dark Queen's ire.

"Human," he heard the Dark Queen speak. "Raise your head."

Daedelon did so, his hood pulled back to reveal that the length of his blonde hair reached halfway down his neck. He saw Discordia standing up from her throne and stared down at him with absolute authority, enough to make him feel very small. The Dark Queen raised her eyebrows. Manically butchers a whole band of orcs, reduced to a virgin that sounds like he's never seen a woman before.

This didn't go unnoticed by many of the other dark elves present, each of them shooting one another their own bemused glances. Discordia reassumed her dignified posture and asked, "What is your name, human?"


Elda smacked him across the back of his head, "Daedelon...what?"

He gritted his teeth and repeated, "Just Daedelon."

Olga narrowed her eyes distastefully. Daedolon was a very old name. A very sorcerous name. The kind that meant ill-tidings.

"Very well, 'Just Daedolon'. Why have you journeyed north to Garan?"

Daedolon smiled, prompting Elda to take a step back away from him, "Your flunkies dragged me in here and tossed me before your throne, your Ladysh-GARGGGHHHH!"

He hadn't noticed the magical circular rune spinning around him on the ground that generated lightning that engulfed the mage, causing him to scream in agony as it coursed through his being. Five seconds of blinding pain later he slumped forward onto the ground a smoking, static-clinging heap. Two of the guards walked over and forced him back up onto his knees.

Olga frowned, unamused, "Don't be smart, human."

Daedolon coughed up blood and answered, "...women."

This piqued the Dark Queen's interest, "Women?"

The mage gritted his teeth in pain, his tone becoming venomously as he explained, "Me and some others...we went over an orc warband that had captured all the women of a village in Feoh county. After three days everyone had given. I hadn't."

The guards in the room gave one another uncomfortable looks.

"...shit..." Elda muttered.

"Did you catch up with them?" Olga asked.

"...I did."

"..." Olga paused. "They were dead when you found them?"

Daedolon glared at the Dark Queen, only to be struck across the head by one of the guards for his sign of disrespect. Olga waved her off.

"...fuck..." Daedelon felt his ears ring.

"And the orcs? What became of them."

Eyes closed, Daedelon bared his teeth as he grinned painfully, sitting back up, "Killed em'. Stabbed them. Froze them. Electrocuted them. Did really, really bad things to the chief leading them." He opened them up, the green in his eyes brightening considerably.

"And why you did continue to travel north instead of returning home to report your failure to save those women?"

Daedelon narrowed his eyes, "I'm here to-"

Before Olga could receive her answer all within the throne room heard the sounds of commotion from outside the doors, followed by the doors being flung open and the Dark Elf guard-maidens shoved aside by the five orcs marching in, each brandishing crude clubs. Their reddened eyes blazed with murder as they focused on the source of their hatred: The blonde human sorcerer that had slaughtered their kin.

Elda already had her great axe drawn, Delva reaching for the hilt of her saber as Chloe went for her exotic-looking daggers. The rest of the guards in the throne room pointed their spears at the monsters that dared drag themselves before their queen without an invitation, each of them looking enraged, and at the same time fearful their own virtues and maidenheads, scared the orcs could turn on them at any given moment.

Olga herself remained calm and impassive as she stood up from her thrones. "What is the meaning of this?" she asked.

"HIM!" the orc leading them pointed at still kneeling mage. "The human who butchered our comrades."

Daedelon glanced over at this shoulder, to see the orcs towering above him. And there he was, without his weapons and helpless.

"...shit," he muttered.

"You beasts interrupted his judgement at the throne of our queen!" Delva exclaimed.

"Why were we not invited?" the orc demanded. "Our kin's blood is on his hands. It cries for his death."

(Hours earlier...)

The blue sapphire at the end of Daedelon's wand brimmed with the elemental power of the water elements as the mage unleashed frost shards at the closest orc splitting it right open and spraying blood all over the human's red robes. One orc found itself grasping it's collapsed throat when the mage punched it square in the esophagus with a lightning-wreathed fist followed by him swinging his wand right into its crotch, one blast of eldritch power vertically separating it from his right leg. He then raised his wand, summoning a spinning magical glyph that blasted the Orcs to bloody chunks with summoned lightning, caking him in its blood and viscera.

The orc chieftain, the leader of the slaving warband that had just crossed back into Garan from the Kingdom of Feoh, coughed blood into its oversized palm as he tried to crawl away. He dared to pause to look over his shoulder when suddenly all became quiet. The red-robed mage stepped over to the cart that he had been transporting the spoils of their latest raid and tore of the covers, revealing the human women they had captured were all...dead.

The overpowering stench of orc musk proved too much for the young mage to handle. Gagging, he turned away and covered his mouth in a futile effort to stop himself from heaving, before retching and throwing up, collapsing down on one knee. His disgust gave way to anger when he saw the orc chieftain try to crawl away to safety. Gnashing his teeth, he reached for one of the orcs larger, heavier lances.

The orc chieftain cried out in pain when it felt the mage's foot slam down on his leg and he spun around to see the human staring down at him with blazing, tear-stricken green eyes. The formerly imposing orc's pupils diluting in horror when it noticed its own bloodied spear in his hand as the bloodthirsty mage advanced on him, prompting the orc to shriek in panic as he tried to drag itself to safety, the mage's foot still on his leg.

The old orc screamed as it plunged into a world of pain. And it would be hours later before it decided to let him die.




Elda was out laughing loud shamelessly after the orcs had finished recounting how those brutes were beaten down by one puny human, ending with their own chief getting impaled on his lance – ass first – and left to die.

"Yeah, you couldn't even handle one little mage," Elda belted out one last chuckle before calming down.

"Enough," Olga's declaration swiped the smile off Delva's face and she stood up straight. The Dark Queen turned to the orcs. "You have come for vengeance against this human, yes?"

"SPLIT EM' IN HALF!" one of the orcs bellowed.

Delva's face contorted in disgust as her imagination went to dark places, whilst Elda cringed and muttered, "...shit."

Olga glanced between the orcs and the bound and kneeling mage. All this time she was aware that he could free himself whenever he wanted. She stood up and pointed her staff at him, "He is there. Do with him how you wish."

"Lady Olga?" Chloe turned to her mistress questionably.

Delva looked outraged at what Olga had in mind, "M-my Ladyship!"

"Uh...I can't watch..." Elda turned away in disgust, covering her eyes.

The orcs chortled as they reached for Daedelon, unaware that he just frozen his bindings, which broke apart as he suddenly spun around and pressed his hands against the fat gut of the closest orc. The orc's eyes widened before he shrieked in agony as he felt the fluids with him chilled, followed by his body snap freezing in a heartbeat.

Followed by Daedelon putting his fist through the orc's neck and separating it from the neck, which shattered on the floor in a mix of frozen blood and brain. Stretching his hand toward the throne, Chloe yelped in fright as he summoned his sapphire wand to his hand out of sack she was holding and unleashed a blinding blue flash right in the orcs' faces. The orcs bellowed out loud and blindly staggered backward as far as they could, swinging their clubs impotently, one of them dripping over and falling on its ass.

Daedelon focused his mana into an electrical current between his palms and unleashed a lightning-based Arc of Death at the downed orc, the voltage carrying the convulsing, electrocuted orc all the way back to the entrance, reducing it to a smoking, charred mess.

Two more orcs felt their vision return, which immediately went red at the sight of mage. They mage a lunge for him, but Daedelon ducked out of their way and summoned two large ice shards that impaled them through their head and neck, splattering more blood all over the throne room floor. He turned to the last orc, the greenskin's eye bulging in fright as the mage approached him.

"G-GET BACK!" the orc grabbed his club and hurled it at Daedelon, the mage moving his head to the side to avoid it. "I SAID GET BA-URGHH!"

Daedelon kicked it right between the legs, causing its eyes to bulge out even more and elicit winces of agony from the dark elves in the room. Soon it was bellowing in agony from the combined pain of its crushed testicles and the mage's thumbs through its greasy eye-sockets.

The sight chilled Elda, "Oh, fuck!"

Daedelon couldn't keep the smile off his face when he suddenly circulated several hundred thousand voltage of lightning into the skull, the Orc's wailed as it convulsed on its knees as before its head exploded. This used the dark elves present to wince as blood and brain spilled all over the floor. All except for Olga, all this time having watched the slaughter with a detached, impassive look on her face.

The human grimaced as he wiped the blood off his face. He turned to face Olga, gesturing for his sack. Olga dimmed her eyes at him, in turn gestured for Chloe to toss his sack at his feet. Ignoring the spears that were pointed at him from the guards that slowly approached him, Daedolon reached into it and pulled out a small blue crystal vial. Popping the cork off he downed its contents, tossing the empty vial over his shoulder where it shattered on the steps before Olga.

"..." Olga sat back down on her throne and swung her leg right over the over. "You did not pursue those doomed maidens north out of sheer goodness. You came here for a reason, haven't you?"

Was he that easy to read?

"I came seeking an audience with the Dark Queen of Garan," Daedelon answered. "I was sent here by the Arch-Mage of the Arcanum, my master Menelkir."


"To deliver a message," Daedelon replied. He reached into his sack and produced a sealed scroll. "..."

Olga gestured for Chloe to take it, and with one blade drawn she approached the mage and snatched it out of his hand. Passing it to the Dark Elf Queen, she broke the seal and unraveled it.

Everyone noticed her raising an eyebrow before glancing at Daedelon, "Have you read this?"

"I have not," Daedelon replied. "That seal was made to be broken only by a powerful sorcerer-ARGHHH!"

He was caught in yet another magical summoning circle that Olga cast at him courtesy of her staff. He felt a magical rune consisting of elvish letters and sigils brand itself around his neck, leaving him to once again fall to the ground, both exhausted and in agony.

Gasping as he clawed at his neck, Daedelon choked out, "W-w...wha...what d-did you-?"

Olga erased the lettering on the scroll, summoning a quill that she willed to write her response upon. Rolling it back up she replaced the magical seal. Chloe took the scroll from midair and walked over to the stricken human mage. She paused when she recognized the rune seal around human mage's neck. Smirking, she put the scroll in his pack and stepped back.

"That is my response," Olga said. "Kindly deliver it to your master in Ken, human. I imagine at this time he would be in the presence of Celestine herself. Perhaps, she will be able to lift the curse I just inflicted upon you."

"C-curse?" Daedelon's eyes widened, alarmed.

"It's more like an incentive. The seal around your neck. In a matter of days, it will constrict your ability to breathe. Eventually, you will slowly, and painfully, choke to death." Olga smiled darkly, "If Celestine Lucullus is truly the Goddess Reborn, she can lift the curse easily enough." She turned to Elda. The Dark Elf general nodded and gestured for two of the guards to lift Daedelon up by his arms, "See to it he is safely delivered to the border. If he truly wishes to live, he will find his own way to Ken."

Delva crossed his arm across his chest and bowed her head, "Your Ladyship."

Elda pouted, "So I won't get to kill him after all? Aw..."

Daedelon found himself slowly lose conscious as he was dragged out of the throne room, followed by Delva and Elda, the latter carrying his wand and pack, and leaving Queen Olga alone with Chloe, the other guards and the corpses of the slain orcs as the doors behind them sealed.

"..." Olga appeared pensive. This human – Daedelon – to fell several orcs with only a measure was truly a powerful sorcerer, whose affinity was obviously water which him a Mage of the Sapphire School of the Arcanum. Many had looked down upon the Sapphire, as they saw no use for drawing chaos – the source of all magic – to oneself through the mana in the human body, talking control and using it to manipulate moisture for use in combat. Then again, those many probably never saw see any Sapphire mages summon icicles to rip their opponents to pieces or snap freeze them in the blink of an eye.

"Lady Olga?" Chloe noticed how quiet her liege had become.


"Was it wise to let the human deliver your message?" she inquired. "There are other, better ways to deliver a message to Celestine."

"There are plenty, I'm sure," Olga agreed.

"..." Chloe blinked. She was confused by Olga's uncharacteristic act of compassion toward an inferior human, but nonetheless, "I trust in your judgement, my lady."

The orc that had been electrocuted earlier and thought dead groaned in pain, drawing both master and retainer's attention. Olga scowled in distaste, raised her staff and summoned a bolt of lightning that obliterated the greenskin, reducing it to gibs that stained the floor and walls before the doors red.

"As you should, Chloe."

A/N: Yeah, this is happening. I'm crossing Raven Software's 1995 Dark Fantasy FPS with one of the most notorious hentai's of all time. I've read too many other Kuroinu fics – and I felt like writing my own. So what do you think?

I'm not able upload the next chapter of Remnant Inferis: DOOM before this month ends, so here's...something else in the meantime. :-) If this gets enough attention, I'll definitely continue work on this as a side project. Seeing as how there isn't a Heretic/Hexen category in Games, I had to put it in Doom when publishing it, seeing as how the game runs off the Doom engine. Though I'm sure no one will mind.

Honestly, I discovered Kuroinu by accident. I noticed lot of people who had my DOOM/RWBY fic in their Favorites also had a certain Bloodborne crossover fic in it as well. I read it, it was awesome, I found fanart of the characters on deviantART. And I was dumb enough to look into it to see what all the fuss was about.

And now I wish I hadn't. So many things unable to be unseen. Enough to piss me off and make everyone in this fic choke on Korax's rage.

This fic will only adapt the first Hexen game, and only the mage Daedelon will be the main character, though the weapons from the other two playable characters – the Fighter and the Cleric – will appear, especially the Quietus. I considered making Baratus the Fighter the main character, but since I'm already writing a story that has a buff, armored dude that punches things to death I just thought for once the protagonist of a Kuroinu fic should be squishy mage instead of a warrior or a knight and leave the hacking, slashing and bludgeoning for Chloe, Claudia, Alicia and Lulu.

I believe Kuroinu would have been better as the basis for an over-the-top independently-produced Dark Fantasy First Person Hack and Slash with heavy fanservice, harem romance and a rock heavy soundtrack by Andrew Hulshult, a real spiritual successor to Heretic/Hexen.

Well, there's always Hedon, an FPS running on the GZDoom engine featuring plenty of thicc orc bae. ;-)

Also, since I wanted to keep use of OCs to a minimum this fic also stars characters from a certain other ahem elf-based property you've probably already figured out by now, just to round out the cast of Dark Elves. And just so you know, I won't be adding any other characters from any other hentai.

Special thanks to the artwork of LionheartXIII for inspiration. This fic was also inspired by Heavy Metal magazine and the 1981 film adaptation, hand-drawn anime ultraviolence from the 80s and 90s and the heaviest rock music out there.