Blake Nicole McGeoger - Flynn grunted in frustration as she missed the landing on one of her latest skateboarding tricks she was trying to land. Blake had spent most of her life by or in water so surfing came before walking. In the fall & winter though the girl traded in her surfboard for a skateboard and stuck to the streets much to the relief of her parents. Commander Kate McGregor and Commander Mike Flynn were apart of the Australian Royal Navy for all of Blake's life, and they lived in Cairns, Australia right on the water. Well they lived together as a family until her mother got the opportunity to be the commander of a "big boat" again so she took the chance. She moved to Melbourne when Blake was six and hadn't really looked back. Sure the family vacationed together and her mom called her at least four times a week but the love between her parents distanced. Soon, angry phone fights and emails were sent back and forth commulating in divorce and custody papers, and that was when Blake was eight. It's been three years and the girl spends most of the time with her father, seeing her mother twice a year over school holiday and three times a month they Skype. But with Blake she was struggling on the inside not really having much of a female presence in her life besides her Aunt Nikki, Aunt Sally, and Jess, who was the closest thing she had to an older sister. Blake needed her mum, and she needed her dad, and there was no way of stopping her.

"Blakers, come on now kiddo." Blake turned to see her father dressed in Navy Camo smiling as he watched his only daughter skateboard. Sure, the father was afraid she'd break her arm, leg or bust up her head but that's why she had a helmet and her Uncle Chris in her life. Blake rolls her eyes at the horrific nickname from her father before following him out of the skate bowl and to the car park. In the distance the HMAS Hammersley stood, the young girls home away from home. "What's with the rush, Dad. Let me guess you've been crash sailed." The older father nods his head running a hand through his hair, wishing he had his cap on. "Yes, I've been crash sailed, and it's too dangerous of a mission for you to come aboard so you will be crashing at Uncle Chris's house." Blake stopped in her tracks, sure she loved her Uncle Chris and Aunt Sally but the former coxswain turned naval pediatrician was pretty overprotective of his goddaughter especially since his own daughter Chloƫ, now 15 is off at boarding school. Chloƫ was Blake's only cousin and the girls are extremely close for being 4 years apart, and Blake just turned eleven last week. Chris Blake had made the decision to go to medical school after the horrific bomb blast that rendered him to now walking with a cane. It kept him in Cairns, close to family, and close to Hammersley for whenever they asked him for his help, which was quite often, even if the mission didn't require him. He was still in the Navy, and his coxswain skills never went away. "Why, can't I come." The father daughter team was now in her father's truck headed to Hammersley, for Blake to get her to go bag. "This mission involves a lot of dangerous people on our ship, once we arrest them. No place for a young girl." It was decided and approved at the highest level, when her mum moved away that Blake would accompany her father aboard the Hammersley. She had her own bunk room there, making it her home away from home. During the school year she was homeschooled abroad, and lived with her Hammersley family whenever the mission was deemed too dangerous. This was one of those moments. The truck rumbles to a stop and the girl hops out "I'm keeping the engine running and don't think your Uncle Dylan and Uncle Andy won't be watching." Blake gulped and ran up the gang plank to the ship, intimidated by the two men even though they would never hurt Blake.

"Blake Nicole McGeoger - Flynn time is of the essence young lady" Blake smirks turning around to the sound of her Uncle Dylan leanings against the wall just outside the cabin. "Really Dutchy isn't there something better to do than to gripe at me." The Buffer shook his head "Swaino is waiting in his truck, we have to sail now." On the outside Blake cast a small smile, but on the inside the eleven year old was shaking with fear. If something was so bad that NAVCOM didn't want her going it was bad. The girl had a great relationship with her dad and didn't want anything to happen to him, or her sudo family. Blake swings her bag on her shoulder before looking at Dutchy. "Dutch, look after my dad, he acts tough but it gets to him." The buffer kneels down the girl he's known since birth wrapping her in a hug "You can count on it Blakers." Blake hugs him before heading out the door heading onto the bridge. Her father, charge and nav are all on the bridge, smiling as they see Blake. She walks over to her father whose sitting down and carefully climbs into his lap give him a big hug. Mike is slightly taken aback but carefully repositions his daughter to make her more comfortable, and he could hear faint crying sounds as Blake cried into his chest. "Blakers, its all gonna be okay. It's a week trip and than I'll be back, your staying at your Uncle Chris's like normal. Everything is okay." Blake continued to cry, but eventually after some back rubbing and soft whispers by her dad she was able to fully calm down. Everyone on the bridge was able to relax now knowing her dad had calmed her down, because if Blake can't calm down she'll get so worked up she'll die.

Blake Nicole McGerogor - Flynn was born three months prematurely the day before her mum was do to go on desk duty. Kate was pushed into rigging equipment causing internal bleeding and save both their lives an emergency c section was necessary. Mike was in the hospital from getting injured a few weeks prior, and he was told via sat phone that his wife was bleeding internally and that surgery was needed to save her & their daughter. Coxswain Chris Blake performed the surgery and on May 17th Baby McGregor - Flynn was born weighing 3.1 pounds. With Kate unconscious, and Baby McGregor - Flynn in poor health, and Mike in the hospital the family was in it from the start. The tiny baby girl spent the 27 hours back to Cairns in Swainos, Charge, Dutchy's, or 2-Dads arms, she was wrapped in multiple blankets and had an oxygen tank supplying her oxygen. Each man vowed that day to protect that little girl no matter what the cost was. It took 4 months in the pediatric icu but eventually Blake Nicole McGregor - Flynn was brought home, and Kate & Mike were back on duty. The few months were hard, as Blake had to remain on oxygen at home until her first birthday. She didn't gain much weight and was very tired all the time, but her smile swooned all of her uncles, and her father, Blake truly was a miracle.

Blake POV

My cheeks flush red in embarrassment from crying on the bridge but my dad's comforting hold helped. I was still curled up in his lap,a perk of being how tiny I am. The crew of the Hammersley aren't surprised and they don't protest, they're my family. In fact I hear muted discussions about keeping me calm and if they need my Uncle Chris. For which I say, I'm calm now, and if anything I know my uncle is going to make sure I'm okay later cause this is getting texted in the chat as we speak. The horns of the ship come to life as it signals its 5 minutes before the ship leaves. My dad picks me, setting me on the ground before grabbing my hands. "Be good for Swaino Blakers, see you soon." It's a tradition that we never say how long the patrol is because it always has the chance of being extended. I start to walk away to the door before turning around "See you later, Commander." With that I walk out of the bridge and out to the gang plank, my navy bag slung over my shoulder. Leaning against a truck is my uncle Chris wearing shorts, a black wife beater tank top, thongs, and a green plaid over shirt with his Hammersley hat. "Where's your cane, you know your wife would kill you if you left that at home." "It's in the car Blakers, now are you going to gripe or give your godfather a hug." I giggle showcasing a small smile as I get closer to him "I saw you last weekend Swaino, but I'll give you a hug anyway." He laughs picking me up in a huge hug before putting me back on the ground. I hop in the truck as my uncle throws my bag in the bed, he slowly limps around and slides into the cab starting the engine. He slides on some sunnies before slowly driving away, leaving me left staring out at the now departing ship. I cross my fingers super tight, but not making it obvious to my godfather and silently wish to myself "Fair Winds and Following Seas, Dad." As we drove the 15 minutes off base to my uncle's house on the coast a part of me felt lost. The part of me that longed for my mom, that longed for her hugs, her humor and her never ending advice. How was I going to go through puberty without her ? In that car ride I realized two things : I couldn't grow up without my mom, and that the power was in my hands to make that happen.